JSFiddle not working in all browsers and all fiddles - jsfiddle

I am trying to open jsfiddle to see demos for some questions on StackOverflow or any other place, but when I open it and it opens normally, but the place where it has to run says this message:
fiddle.jshell.net’s server IP address could not be found.
Screen Shot
I tried to create my own fiddle and trying in different browsers(I use chrome), but the same problem happened. This is really annoying since jsFiddle is everywhere. Thanks for help.

This maybe late but, earlier I had the same problem.
But, I hope that this will help future visitor.
I fixed it just by :
Checking my Proxy
Using VPN

if you tried other ways but not working try these:
-Clearing browser cache.
-Using VPN ( browsec extension is the best).
-reinstalling the browser.


QueryBook: How to start a new environment?

I've just made QueryBook, the Pinterest Query IDE. I've played around with the demo environment and now I want to see if I can connect up one of our own environments to play with purpose. I can't for the life of me figure out how to create a new environment. Any ideas? "/" defaults back to the demo environment and any other address (it's running on localhost) 404s.
I've clicked on everything that looks clickable. I don't have enough StackOverflow rep to create the tag "querybook" for this question and it also looks like the screenshot below is having issues. It's obviously a Monday kind of Wednesday.
Okay, found it. Go to Settings -> Admin Tools

MediaWiki: Getting "readapidenied" error instead of login token

That's a quite puzzling problem. I've multiple MediaWiki installations. In this specific case: Version 1.34.
Now I can login to all of these MediaWikis. Everything works fine.
Now I can access all of these MediaWikis via API --- EXCEPT ONE. The strange thing is: All of them are configured almost identical. I even copied the configuration from one wiki where everything was working to the second wiki.
To be more precise. If I send ...
... I get a very reasonable answer, e.g.:
If I send ...
... I get the following answer, e.g.:
{"error":{"code":"readapidenied","info":"You need read permission to use this module.","*":"See http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/wikiB/api.php for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api-announce> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."}}
This can be reproduced using any web browser.
Q: What could be the reason that on this wikiB I even can't access the normal login module? It can't be the configuration. It's almost completely identical. It can't be the source code. I ran a diff on the PHP files and found no significant differences. What could be wrong here? It seems it must be something with the database. But how do I approach this? Does anyone have an idea? I would appreciate it very much if you could help!
I analyzed the data base: No difference. I did more research using google: And found a bug report.
It's a bug in MediaWiki. They provided an official software release with THAT kind of bug.
It turnes out there is a 1.34.0 version and a 1.34.1 version. My WikiA has 1.34.1 while WikiB had 1.34.0. After copying this one single file includes/api/ApiQuery.php from WikiA to WikiB and everything worked fine.

LinkedIn button XMLHttpRequest cannot load

I am using the LinkedIn developer button on a live server. I'm getting the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I understand generally what that problem is. But I wouldn't expect there to be an issue when using something as popular and as big as linkedIn. Am I doing something wrong here or should everyone who uses the linked developer buttons be receiving the same error?
I've tried just the basic apply button default code on one of my pages and it works fine. I get no errors. But there is another page I have and it brings up this error. I'm not sure why, surely it either works for my site on a whole or it doesn't?
I have solved this issue. Hopefully my naivety will save others time. I had an inline javascript statement that referenced 'token'. Something the linkedIn script also used.

asp.net 4.0 - routing root pages and validator controls issue

I am simplifying my question:
When I route all my .aspx pages on my web app root the following way in global.asax:
routes.MapPageRoute("RootPages", "{file}", "~/{file}.aspx");
it all works fine as far as the routing goes, but none of my requiredfieldvalidators are firing anymore, it just does a full postback without validating my fields. When I remove the above code from the validators work again.
Can someone please verify if they are getting the same problem, or am I doing something wrong?
*When you test this please make sure you do a hard refresh (CTRL-F5) on your browser screen after you add or remove the code. BTW I have tested this on IE, FireFox and Chrome, they all behave the same way.
Thank you,
The answer it in this piece of code that needs to be added to the global.aspx:
please refer to this article for more details:
I hope this may help someone, I'd spent over too days scratching my head over this.

Session_Start running for specific page, creating new sessionid

We have one page that is causing the Session_start to run and I cannot figure out why. Anytime home.aspx is called, Session_start in global.asax is called and a new sessionid is created.
The sessionid looks to be created right when session_start is called. I think that is normal. I just don't know why it is called all from this page.
Home.aspx uses a different master page than the others. I have not found anything in it that is causing this. I checked the Response.Redirect calls, because others have indicated that could be the issue. I found none being called.
Using firebug, I found this:
Server Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Location /ent4_sql/(S(unfzfplfp5ltgxcrtpt2bk3f))/Home.aspx?_TSM_HiddenField_=ctl00_ctl04_HiddenField&_TSM_CombinedScripts_=%3b%3bAjaxControlToolkit%2c+Version%3d4.1.40412.0%2c+Culture%3dneutral%2c+PublicKeyToken%3d28f01b0e84b6d53e%3aen-US%3aacfc7575-cdee-46af-964f-5d85d9cdcf92%3ade1feab2%3af9cec9bc%3aa67c2700%3af2c8e708%3a8613aea7%3a3202a5a2%3aab09e3fe%3a87104b7c%3abe6fb298
The session in the url is different than the one that is displayed in the browser address bar. The browser seems to always keep the original.
From searching the web, this issue seems to be one that doesn't really have a direct answers. I am just out of things to look for. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Using fiddler, I found that the system is actually going to ent4_sql/Home.aspx?.....
Notice the session is not in the URL
That displays a page
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to here.</h2>
and seems to redirect whatever is calling that to a url with session. I am trying to find more information on if others have seen the AjaxControlToolkit doing this.
The problem had to do with the Ajax Control Toolkit and cookieless sessions, as expected. Here is an issue reported in 2009 dealing with the same problem. Fix is now included on the issue