Okhttp3 block program - kotlin

I'm working on a library that is a file which get some high order functions
My file is like:
import okhttp3.*
private val client by lazy { OkHttpClient() }
fun fn() {
do stuff ...
When I call some fn(), it continues running on background blocking the program to exit, even there is no more instructions to execute. I suspect it happens because of .enqueue(callback) which is asynchronous.

If you upgrade to the latest OkHttp 4.7.2, then it won't block your program as the threads are now daemon threads.
Clean shutdown is documented in the API docs for OkHttpClient.


Parallel Flux blocking call

My application set up is mentioned as part of issue# Correct way of using spring webclient in spring amqp
where I am trying to use Spring webclient to make API calls in Spring AMQP rabbit MQ consumer threads.
Issue seems to be that parallel flux blocking call just stalls or takes a very long time after first few requests are fired.
To simulate this, I did below minimalistic set up -
Dependencies used
Spring boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
reactor-netty 0.9.14.RELEASE
As mentioned in the other linked issue, below is configuration for webclient -
public WebClient webClient() {
ConnectionProvider connectionProvider = ConnectionProvider
HttpClient client = HttpClient.create(connectionProvider);
client.tcpConfiguration(<<connection timeout, read timeout, write timeout is set here....>>);
Webclient.Builder builder =
Webclient.builder().baseUrl(<<base URL>>).clientConnector(new ReactorClientHttpConnector(client));
return builder.build();
Below is #Service class with parallel flux webclient calls -
public class FluxtestService {
public Flux<Response> getFlux(List<Request> reqList) {
return Flux
.flatMap(s -> {
return webClient
.uri(<<downstream url>>)
.flatMap(response -> {
return Mono.just(new Response());
return response.bodyToMono(Response.class);
To simulate Spring AMQP rabbit mq consumer/listener, I created below #RestController -
public class FluxTestController
private FluxtestService service;
public List<Response> getFlux (List<Request> reqlist) {
return service.getFlux(reqlist).collectList().block();
I tried firing requests from jmeter with around 15 threads. First few set of requests are processed very quickly. While requests are being served, I can see below set of logs in log file -
Channel cleaned, now 32 active connections and 68 inactive connections
Once I submit more set of requests, the active connections keeps increasing till it reaches max configured 100. I don't see it decreasing at all. Till this point, response time is ok.
But any subsequent requests start taking very long time. Also I don't see the active connections reducing much at all even though there are no requests being fired.
Also after some time, I see below exceptions -
reactor.netty.internal.shaded.reactor.pool.PoolAcquireTimeoutException: Pool#acquire(Duration) has been pending for more than the configured timeout of 200000 ms
This probably shows that the downstream connection is not being released. Please help advise on this issue and possible fixes.
Seems issue was because the underlying connection was not being properly released in case webclient downstream call responded with error status. While using "exchange" with "webclient", it seems we need to ensure that the response is properly released; else it can lead to connections leak. Below are the changes that seemed to fix this issue -
.flatMap(response -> {
if(response.statusCode().isError()) {
return Mono.just(new Response());
return response.bodyToMono(Response.class);
.flatMap(response -> {
if(response.statusCode().isError()) {
response.releaseBody().thenReturn(Mono.just(new Response()));
return response.bodyToMono(Response.class);

How is blocking in a suspend function different than calling an async function?

I am using OkHttp to make a synchronous http request. To avoid blocking the main thread, I wrapped the blocking network call in a suspend function and withContext(Dispatchers.IO)
suspend fun run(): String {
val client = OkHttpClient()
val request = Request.Builder()
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val response = client.newCall(request).execute()
return#withContext "Request completed successfully"
Android Studio gives me a warning that execute() is an "Inappropriate blocking method call". My understanding is that execute() will block during the http request taking up a thread in Dispatchers.IO for the duration of the request, which is not ideal. To avoid this issue, I can use the asynchronous version of the request wrapped in suspendCoroutine
suspend fun runAsync(): String = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
val client = OkHttpClient()
val request = Request.Builder()
client.newCall(request).enqueue(object : Callback {
override fun onFailure(call: Call, e: IOException) {
override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {
response.use {
if (!response.isSuccessful) throw IOException("Unexpected code $response")
continuation.resume("Request completed successfully")
This avoids the warning, but I do not understand how it is functionally different than the synchronous version above. I am assuming that the async version of the http call uses a thread to wait on the request. Is this assumption correct? If not, how does the async function wait for the callback to return?
I do not understand how it is functionally different than the synchronous version above. I am assuming that the async version of the http call uses a thread to wait on the request. Is this assumption correct? If not, how does the async function wait for the callback to return?
It's not correct, the point of the async approach is that there are no threads being blocked while the call takes place. Your second approach achieves just that -- when the coroutine suspends, it doesn't live on any thread at all. Depending on the implementation details of OkHttp, it may or may not be the case that some internal thread is blocked because it relies on blocking IO. Ideally it should be implemented in terms of Java NIO (more typically, through the Netty library) and rely on the low-level non-blocking primitive called the Selector.
The correct approach is the way you did it with implementing suspension, and kotlin-coroutines-okhttp already provides exactly that implementation in its Call.await() function.

How can I make a ktor netty server use a CachedThreadPool to process requests?

Using ktor (1.4, can upgrade if needed) for a server side application, vanilla initialization:
fun main(args: Array<String>): Unit = io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain.main(args)
fun Application.module() {
... stuff
I would like the underlying Netty engine to use a CachedThreadPool to process requests. Quite a few of my requests take substantial time to process (e.g. running long queries against a database), which I assume will block the thread processing the request and potentially make the server unresponsive.
How do I do that? Any other options? Do I need to make other changes (e.g. to the coroutine dispatchers) to make sure this has the desired effect?
I think it should be something like this
val env: ApplicationEngineEnvironment = ....
val server = embeddedServer(Netty, env) {
configureBootstrap = {
group(NioEventLoopGroup(..., CachedThreadPool(..)))
server.start(wait = true)

Retrofit & okhttp won't work after I turn on internet on phone

Open app without internet, the app will try to do a request, and will fail
Turn on internet connection, and press retry button to trigger internet request
Retrofit & okhttp will always give me HTTP FAILED: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: timeout
Restarting the app with internet enabled from start will make everything work, unless I close it again, and fail a request, from that point on it will give me the same error.
I never had this issue on Java, just on Kotlin.
private val interceptor: Interceptor =
object : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
var builder = chain.request().newBuilder()
Prefs.token?.let { token ->
builder = builder.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer $token")
return chain.proceed(builder.build())
private val httpLoggingInterceptor: HttpLoggingInterceptor by lazy {
val interceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
interceptor.level =
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY else HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.NONE
private val httpClient: OkHttpClient by lazy {
val retrofit: Retrofit by lazy {
And the service classes look like this
fun something(): Call<SomeResponse>
I've tried playing around with timeout values, no matter the timeout time, I will get the same error.
Creating a new http client for every request will fix the issue, but I don't think is a good idea.
Your issue looks like OkHttp Bug. If you follow the link, you will find long discussion with many possible solutions.
Following solution works for my project:
Update OkHttp at lest up to 4.3.0.
Set ping interval, for example 1 second
okHttpClientBuilder.pingInterval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
How it works
The root of the issue is that Android OS doesn't provide any way to know that connection isn't active any more. So that for library connection looks like alive, but it's already dead. As a result we get timeout exception on every request. Once we set ping, OkHttp starts sending Ping frames, so that if server doesn't respond library knows that connection is already dead, and it's time to create a new one.
Not recommended solutions, but it should work
Turn-off connection pool
okHttpClientBuilder.connectionPool(new ConnectionPool(0, 1, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
Use Http 1.1
In both not recommended solutions you just stop reusing already opened connection that makes each request time little bit longer.

How to properly test web socket connection with KotlinJS

I'm unable to test my code that uses a native WebSocket. This is the body of the test function:
val webSocket = WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888")
assertEquals(WebSocket.OPEN, webSocket.readyState)
}, 1000)
I'm using Karma with Mocha test runner. The following code executes without any errors, but the setTimeout is actually ignored and never executed.
Mocha seems to support setTimeout-based tests with the --delay. However, when I use the flag with client: { mocha: { delay: true } } Karma configuration, the tests just freeze and fail, outputting the following cause message:
Disconnected, because no message in 60000 ms.
What is the correct way to execute tests with setTimeout? If this is tricky, is there any other way I can perform assertions on the WebSocket after it's fully connected? I don't use any Mocha-specific features yet, so I don't mind changing the framework.
Returning Promise from your #Test function should do the trick.
Something like:
#Test fun testWebSocket() = Promise<Unit> { resolve, reject ->
val webSocket = WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888")
assertEquals(WebSocket.OPEN, webSocket.readyState)
}, 1000)
If you want to test async code, you need to tell the test framework when the test is done.
See this answer.