the project must provide a value for configuration Error when install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation in Core3.1 -

When I install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RuntimeCompilation in a Web project and in Startup add :
,the project does not run and the error is:
the project must provide a value for configuration
my .NET-Core version is 3.1
How can this be fixed?

There are some GitHub issues with this problem and some solutions that have worked for people. That said I would check to see that all NuGet packages are on versions supported by .NET Core 3.1. At this particular moment that means not too new so as to only work with .NET 5 and not too old so as to only work with Core 2.2.
Otherwise, someone suggested restarting VS.
You may also try deleting Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Design from the CsProj file per this duplicate question


Where are the nuget authentication packages for aspnet core 3?

I have a custom authentication component that is working with net core 2.2. I've started migrating the project to net core 3, but it seems like MS hasn't updated the authentication Nuget packages.
Until now, I was referencing the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication package. The package still exists, but hasn't been updated to net core 3.0 (it's still on the 2.2 version).
I can't keep using it because net core 3.0 has moved the RequestPathBaseCookieBuilder type to a different namespace (so, at runtime, I'll get a tyoe loading exception). A quick search shows that only the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OpenIdConnect has been updated to net core 3.0 (and if I add it to my project, then my component to work without any issues).
Anyone knows why MS hasn't still updated the other security nuget packages to version 3? Is there anyway to solve this without using the openidconnect nuget package (I'm only using it because it was the first that was updated and it will bring the correct Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication assembly that I need for my project)?
Looks like I was 10 minutes too late, but you posted the answer as a comment, rather than an answer, and I like questions having answers so I stop opening them when browsing the question search results.
Anyway, as you discovered, .NET Core 3.0 no longer uses packages for base class libraries (BCLs). Instead, they're just part of the SDK, so by targeting netcoreapp3.0 or netstandard2.1, all BCLs are just available. This should eliminate a lot of problems that earlier .NET Core projects had, particularly when referencing .NET Standard 1.x assemblies from netcoreapp2.x tfms. Although the largest benefit will be when all referenced packages target netstandard2.1 or netcoreapp3.0 or above.
Ok, so finally got it. The solution is to use the FrameworkReference element with the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App meta package.

Kestrel fail: Can not load Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

I had a very simple Kestrel / ASP.NET Core project successfully deployed to my Windows 2008 R2 server.. (started with an empty Web project + IdentityServer4 nuget I was following this Getting Started page)
So, I could initially retrieve the 'discovery' JSON document.
Then, (per this guide) I added a couple of NuGet packages to it, some views/CSS, etc...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc -Version 1.1.0
Microsoft.ApsNetCore.StaticFiles -Version 1.1.0
The upgraded solution runs fine on my Win7 dev box, but, after redeploying.. Now I get the dreaded 502.5 error page. If I go into the server and try to "jump start" the executable via command line.. I can see this error:
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) at Ross.Web.Applications.Identity.Program.Main(String[] args)
Where did I go wrong?
I can see the aforemetioned DLL, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, published to the server's file system. I'm guessing I need to do a binding redirect or something, but, I'm too new to core to know how.
After upgrading my NuGet packages to the latest.. the error is similar, but now it can't find: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions, Version=
People that have multiple projects in solution, pay attention:
This is mainly because there are multiple projects in your solution, and the mentioned package is installed in both of them but with different versions.
Suppose that the exception is like the following:
Simply stop debugging and go to the Manage NuGet Packages for Solution and search for that package in the installed tab:
As you can see, I have that package in two projects with different versions, and that's the point! Simply update the lower version equal to the higher version and you're all set.
Ok, I had to clear out my server's directory.. and do a fresh redeploy.
I had seen other answers about deleteing the 'bin' but was confused, since core web deployments don't feature an actual /bin directory.
Now, I take that to mean, "Clear out the binaries.. wherever they may be"
This is a common issue when mixing 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 core dependencies.
The simplest solution is to update all dependencies to 1.1.1. If this isn't possible, then you will need to add a binding redirect to redirect the 1.1.1 dependencies to target 1.1.0 assemblies.
After you change these dependencies or add the binding redirects, clear out you /bin folder locally, and turn clean on your next build.

How to add a compatible xunit Project to an core solution?

I have a somewhat weird problem:
I have installed Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 RC on my system, as well as Asp.Net Core 1.0 and 1.1
I have build a new Solution, containing a new Core 1.1 Project - called Upload
Now I want to add an Xunit Test Project, which can be done either from the CLI or via menu, I tried both.
This project has the following dependencies:
But now the whole solution fails to compile, b/c Xunit seems to be netcore 1.0, whereas my project is 1.1?!?
How can I solve this? I am unsure if I have installed something wrong, or if there is another rational explanation.
After a lot of digging into GitHub issues and other SO posts I finally fixed the issue by following the direction of BalassaMartin here.
TL;DR: install the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk NuGet first.
My guess is that xunit.runners.visualstudio references a previous version of Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel that does not target .NET Core. Adding the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk
package solves the problem because it references the 15.0.0 version.
After doing this the xunit.runner.visualstudio package installed fine. However now I'm back to the classic problem of not being able to actually see my tests in the explorer because VS can't find them.
I'll update when solved if the visibility issue is relevant to OP
The reasons I still could not find tests was a dotnet core version mixup. Its likely to happen to a lot of people. See SO post for solution.

Check if package is compatible with .net core

I started programming with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core and after reading many Docs/Tutorials i still am not sure of how to realize if a Nuget-(Meta-)Package is comptabile/usable within my .NET-Core-App.
How to check if a NuGet-Package is compatible with .NET Core.
E.g. the often recited Newtonsoft JSON. Is it compatible/usable - and how to see this?
Is there a list of all the available .NET Core packages?
(Like here it lists a few
key NuGet packages for .NET Core
). But since they say those are "key" packages i would assume there are more. But which?
The best way to understand compatibility is table here
In this table you can check what API version support NuGet package. If it is standard 1.0+ - it works with .Net Core
For checking (supported API version) dependencies on your package, you can check page of package on or in your package manager
Here is an example for Rider
maybe that will be helpful - lots of popular packages
I also don't see mentioned anywhere so:
General rule of thumb for me is:
if package has a dependency on net standard or .net core, it will run with .net core(mind the versions also)
Go to site and search for package to find its compatibility
Well, in fact you don't have to worry, the NET core application will indicate you if the package is compatible or not when you will run a dotnet restore command in your project.
Let say that you have the famous CSVHelper package registered in your csproj file :
<PackageReference Include="CsvHelper" Version="0.12.0"/>
Then, when you'll run any dotnet command such as build or run, you'll have the following input in the console in case of, here, cross-compatibility:
YourProjet/aspnetapp.csproj : warning NU1701: Package 'CsvHelper 0.12.0' was restored using '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1, .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, .NETFramework,Version=v4.8' instead of the project target framework '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'. This package may not be fully compatible with your project.
Basically, it mean that NET Core application can use ASP.NET NuGet package, and so far, I've never cross on a non-compatible package. Even if version is incorrect, the build will get the most recent matching version of the NuGet package.
Hoped it answer your question.

ServiceStack Redis Client Expecting Older version of ServiceStack.Common

I just NuGetted ServiceStack.Redis 3.1.3 but as its dependencies it also gets ServiceStack.Common and ServiceStack.Text 3.1.6
Now when I build the application everything is OK.
But, when I run the application some of the Redis Client methods execute properly but some of them e.g. (RedisClient.GetAllKeys) gives throws the exception
Could not load file or assembly 'ServiceStack.Common, Version=1.0.4336.27526, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Then i removed all the dll's and nuget packgage config, and explicitly did a NuGet ServiceStack.Common -Version 3.1.3 and got it. But then when i tried to NuGet ServiceStack.Redis -Version 3.1.3 it automatically removed the 3.1.3 version of Common and downloaded the 3.1.6 version !!!
Arrrghhh, I hate over intelligent installers.
How do I fix this ?
Does the publisher of ServiceStack even know about this issue ??
Ok ! Found the Issue.
I was trying to use ServiceStack from a console application and it was configured to build in "ClientProfile" mode.
ServiceStack internally references System.Web which wasn't being accessible at runtime.
I switched the Application to Build using the full framework mode and everything works ok now.
Thanks anyways mythz !
Nope, ServiceStack was not aware of this issue. Though we'd like to know what's causing it.
I've tried a fresh install of ServiceStack.Redis and it works as expected.
To remove your dlls you need to go into NuGet package manager and finding the installed ServiceStack.Redis Package and clicking un-install. This should ensure the next install of the Project downloads it from the NuGet website and doesn't re-use your dirty dll cache.
Failing that ensure you have the latest version of NuGet and that your old NuGet caches are cleared. i.e. find and delete the NuGet /packages folder.