How to get both sensor timestamp and mobile timestamp in order to synchronise two Movesense sensors in Xcode? - gyroscope

We are working on developing our own iOS app connecting with two Movesense sensors and fetching the acc, gyro and mag data. The app is going to be used for measurement of 8 hours, with 52 Hz. We'd like to collect both sensor time stamps and the phone time stamps, in order to make an accurate synchronisation of these two sensors. The default DFU settings seem to only give us sensor time stamps, which looks like this (example of only gyroscope data by Movesense Showcase app):
Should I modify the DFU, or is it possible to just state it in Xcode when getting the data package? I have tried to go through the available DFU packages and the .apk files as listed on the Movesense website. I am personally not familiar with the DFU programming, therefore we'd like to use one existing DFU package from Movesense, which is hopefully stable for the connection and data sampling.

You do not need to create your own firmware (DFU) for that. All the API's are available from the mobile phone, so just follow up the instructions given in this question & answer:
Android app dev: Finding the best way to synchronize the timestamps of two sensors
When recording using our Movesense Showcase app the situation is different since that app does not do multi sensor clock synchronisation. When recording with plain iOS Showcase app I would do "hit sensors together in the beginning and end of the recording" to synchronise the sensor data streams using the peak in acceleration. Then remember to treat the data streams as having different sample rates and base your analysis on the timestamps instead.


Rtklib: use rtklib in an android which supports raw measurements to get accurate positions

I am working on a project where I obtain raw gps measurements in a supported Android phone and use rtklib's Android port that is rtk-gps to correct this data with correction from a dgps base station.
So my question is - is this achievable using rtklib? Also I see that rtklib gui expect rinex format so do I need to convert the raw data i get from mobile to rinex format and feed to rtklib library?
Should be possible with Android 10 or later where GNSS duty cycle can be disabled -

Tizen wearable sensor API stops giving data after sometime

I am trying to make a tizen gear application in which I record accelerometer and gyroscope data of user activity for about an hour and give analytics based on this raw sensor data saved in a csv file.
I have a tizen wearable hybrid application. I am using native service application to retrieve sensor data, and further sending it to web application for writing into csv file.
Upon testing, I have observed that after few minutes of starting the data recording (after about 3-8 minutes) the sensor data is no longer received (seen from the logs in sensor_callback() function). Moreover, during the test scenarios, I have observed that SHealth application opens up and starts recording the dynamic workout activity of the user. Is it possible that SHealth application might be hindering my application from receiving sensor data? If yes, how could one possibly resolve this?
Thanks in advance.
Actually nothing can be say without seeing any code.
SHealth can be an issue but it is just a guess as you have not provided any logs that can show SHealth is an issue.
I will suggest you to follow the sensor app workflow properly from the below guide. The guides also provided sample app.
Accessing Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) Sensor data for Native applications
How to use Light Sensor in Tizen

Estimote Beacons: Set up broadcasting interval

is ist possible to increase the broadcasting interval of an estimote beacon?
I use CoreLocation to connect the beacons to my app.
But now i want to put the rssi values of the several beacon in a kalman filter. But in the current state i get one value in a second.
Thanks in advance.
Core Location itself does not support connectivity, because it treats beacons (or, more precisely, iBeacon) as broadcasting only. However, specific vendors can expose access to settings through their own apps and SDKs. We do that at Estimote: you can download the app from iTunes ( or Google Play (, or check the SDK ( to access beacon's settings, advertising interval among them.
Estimote Beacons broadcast at 950 ms interval by default, and you can adjust it to anywhere between 100 and 2000 ms. Keep in mind though, that responsiveness also depends on the receiver's probing frequency. iOS devices do that, on average, once a second. However, that's just a general consensus: Apple does not publish details about this, nor do they expose access to settings of Bluetooth scanning.
On Android, on the other hand, you can set the scanning interval yourself. Check the BeaconService class in Estimote SDK:

How to pass data to another app constantly in iOS?

I just want to know that is it possible to communicate two different apps in different device. Like I have a sample app in device A App name A and in another device B i have a app B I want to share some things between them. I came across to GameKit framework in iOS but I made a app when it is installed in both device they communicate succesfully but what if apps are different and what is the size limit of the data to send it over bluetooth in iOS.
Any idea how to implement this feature?
Two different apps can communicate via Bluetooth using GameKit as long as they both agree on the protocol (i.e. if you wrote both apps, or you know what protocol the other app is using).
There's no limit to the amount of data they can exchange, although there is obviously an upper limit on bandwidth (bytes per second).
Does that help?

GPS modem that can send data to our server

We are planning for vehicle tracking system. We would like to relay on GPS Tracking System and view position report via Google Maps.
For hardware requirement we are thinking of GPS modem that can transmit data to our system.
Which GPD Modem is suitable for my project?
Use a smartphone. Haha.
On a more serious note, since it's for vehicular application only, there are a lot of companies that manufacture GPS modules (u-blox is one of them). Just google and you'll find thousands of companies manufacturing them. But before you choose a GPS module, make sure you check the regulations of your target country. If the module works on the Iridium satellite network, countries like India & China won't allow it as Iridium frequency is close to their military frequencies. In Europe you'll be better off with the Inmarsat network. So, do your homework & you should be good.
Also, if you're developing your own map interface, you might wanna ask the manufacturer if they have any existing mapping interface you can hook into or disable. You mag be charged for either.
All the best!
Are mobile networks (like GSM/GPRS/UMTS) available where you are?
if so check-out the tracking products from this site or this site (Google keywords: GPS GPRS)
If not, you should consider a custom solution, maybe someone like this company can help...
I have worked on a project that involved sending data over GSM/CDMA network. It used a simple GSM/CDMA modem connected to an embedded linux device and was a stationary piece of hardware. Attach a GPS device and it may very well be a tracking system. The problem is when the network drops or the device moves out of the network coverage area. I am not sure if there any GSM/CDMA modem available with GPS added to them as we didn't have this facility in our hardware and it was very much desirable. We needed to use a separate GPS device, mostly iPhone, separately to determine the lat long of our device.
You can use any GSM/GPRS modem equipped with GPS device. The modem will forward the GPS data to your central server through GPRS and at the server side you just need to process rcvd data and display it on google maps.