What is difference between tf.keras.models.sequential vs tf.keras.sequential? - tensorflow

What is difference between tf.keras.models.Sequential() vs tf.keras.Sequential()? I don't understand differences between them quite well. Can somebody explain it to me? I am new to TensorFlow but have some basic understanding on machine learning.

>>> tf.keras.models.Sequential==tf.keras.Sequential
Both are same as of TFv2. You could use the later.
Added in this commit.

Do the same thing but they are from different versions of tensorflow. By the documentation (TensorFlow 2.0), tf.keras.Sequential is the most recent way of called this function.

Keras (keras.io) is a library which is available on its own. It specifies the high-level api.
tf.keras (https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras) implements the Keras API specification within TensorFlow.
If you intend to stick to the Tensorflow implementation I would stick to tf.keras. Otherwise you have the advantage to be backend agnostic.
update for updated question.
The renaming of the package for tf.keras.models.Sequential to tf.keras.Sequential must have happened from 1.15 to 2.x you can either downgrade your tensor flow version or update the code. I'd go for the latter


Tensorflow port model from 1.x to 2.x

this is a basic question.
Currently I am using one available 1.x model for object detection.
For this I am re-training this model with my own data and can detect the objects I want.
I would like to port all my logic to 2.x version in order to use the new released tools for converting models to TFLite.
Do I need to retrain the weights of the reference model (coco for example) once I modify the code to 2.0 ?
Or only retrain my customized data ?
if yes, is there any recommendation to do this without much effort ?
Thanks for the advice
Luckily for all users, tensorflow has a lot of documentation and the developers of tensorflow thought you would ask this question and therefore have answered it already for you. This post should help you perfectly migrating your model from 1.x to 2.x.
To sum it up quickly, if you are using high level APIs like keras it is basically no work at all. If you want to make use of of the performance improvements made in tensorflow 2 or if you are not using said high level APIs it might be a bit more work.
Weights of your network should generally not have to be retrained, except if you want to change your model obviously. If you want to just use the same model but then in tensorflow 2, the link above should help you transfer your code to tensorflow 2 and you should not have to retrain the weights of your model.

Redundancies in tf.keras.backend and tensorflow libraries

I have been working in TensorFlow for about a year now, and I am transitioning from TF 1.x to TF 2.0, and I am looking for some guidance on how to use the tf.keras.backend library in TF 2.0. I understand that the transition to TF 2.0 is supposed to remove a lot of redundancies in modeling and building graphs, since there were many ways to create equivalent layers in earlier TensorFlow versions (and I'm insanely grateful for that change!), but I'm getting stuck on understanding when to use tf.keras.backend, because the operations appear redundant with other TensorFlow libraries.
I see that some of the functions in tf.keras.backend are redundant with other TensorFlow libraries. For instance, tf.keras.backend.abs and tf.math.abs are not aliases (or at least, they're not listed as aliases in the documentation), but both take the absolute value of a tensor. After examining the source code, it looks like tf.keras.backend.abs calls the tf.math.abs function, and so I really do not understand why they are not aliases. Other tf.keras.backend operations don't appear to be duplicated in TensorFlow libraries, but it looks like there are TensorFlow functions that can do equivalent things. For instance, tf.keras.backend.cast_to_floatx can be substituted with tf.dtypes.cast as long as you explicitly specify the dtype. I am wondering two things:
when is it best to use the tf.keras.backend library instead of the equivalent TensorFlow functions?
is there a difference in these functions (and other equivalent tf.keras.backend functions) that I am missing?
Short answer: Prefer tensorflow's native API such as tf.math.* to thetf.keras.backend.* API wherever possible.
Longer answer:
The tf.keras.backend.* API can be mostly viewed as a remnant of the keras.backend.* API. The latter is a design that serves the "exchangeable backend" design of the original (non-TF-specific) keras. This relates to the historical aspect of keras, which supports multiple backend libraries, among which tensorflow used to be just one of them. Back in 2015 and 2016, other backends, such as Theano and MXNet were quite popular too. But going into 2017 and 2018, tensorflow became the dominant backend of keras users. Eventually keras became a part of the tensorflow API (in 2.x and later minor versions of 1.x). In the old multi-backend world, the backend.* API provides a backend-independent abstraction over the myriad of supported backend. But in the tf.keras world, the value of the backend API is much more limited.
The various functions in tf.keras.backend.* can be divided into a few categories:
Thin wrappers around the equivalent or mostly-equivalent tensorflow native API. Examples: tf.keras.backend.less, tf.keras.backend.sin
Slightly thicker wrappers around tensorflow native APIs, with more features included. Examples: tf.keras.backend.batch_normalization, tf.keras.backend.conv2d(https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/keras/backend.py#L4869). They often perform proprocessing and implement other logics, which make your life easier than using native tensorflow API.
Unique functions that don't have equivalent in the native tensorflow API. Examples: tf.keras.backend.rnn, tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase
For category 1, use native tensorflow APIs. For categories 2 and 3, you may want to use the tf.keras.backend.* API, as long as you can find it in the documentation page: https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/, because the documented ones have backward compatibility guarantees, so that you don't need to worry about a future version of tensorflow removing it or changing its behavior.

Will my tf.keras based code work transparently with Tensorflow 2.0?

I have lots of code and models developed in Keras, where "keras" is actually tf.keras from Tensorflow 1.12. I wonder if I install Tensorflow 2.0, will my code just work as is without changes?
Yes, your code should work without any change.
Just remember that tf.keras is a specific implementation of the Keras API specification, but the high-level API is always the same.
There could be some differences between tf.keras and keras, but obly some extra method added to the base API, no removal or breaking changes.
Hence, if your code uses only the high-level API of Keras, without any extra-operation from the backend, then you can be sure that replacing keras with tf.keras won't break anything.

how to serve pytorch or sklearn models using tensorflow serving

I have found tutorials and posts which only says to serve tensorflow models using tensor serving.
In model.conf file, there is a parameter model_platform in which tensorflow or any other platform can be mentioned. But how, do we export other platform models in tensorflow way so that it can be loaded by tensorflow serving.
I'm not sure if you can. The tensorflow platform is designed to be flexible, but if you really want to use it, you'd probably need to implement a C++ library to load your saved model (in protobuf) and give a serveable to tensorflow serving platform. Here's a similar question.
I haven't seen such an implementation, and the efforts I've seen usually go towards two other directions:
Pure python code serving a model over HTTP or GRPC for instance. Such as what's being developed in Pipeline.AI
Dump the model in PMML format, and serve it with a java code.
Not answering the question, but since no better answers exist yet: As an addition to the alternative directions by adrin, these might be helpful:
Clipper (Apache License 2.0) is able to serve PyTorch and scikit-learn models, among others
Further reading:
Now you can serve your scikit-learn model with Tensorflow Extended (TFX):

TFLearn, tf.contrib.learn or tf.estimator?

I've been tooling around with Tensorflow and TFLearn for a few months. I've made some progress. However, I was expecting to be able to construct a functioning scikit-learn type Estimator as a TFLearn.DNN. I can fit, and I can predict, but I can't do cross-validation because evaluate is failing for me. TensorFlow is throwing:
ValueError: Cannot use the given session to evaluate tensor: the tensor's graph is different from the session's graph.
when I call evaluate. I thought the whole point of the TFLearn API was to abstract things like session management away from my code.
I have asked questions about problems I've had with TFLearn in several forums, including on the project's GitHub page. Unfortunately, I'm not getting any answers.
A few days ago, suddenly I encountered the tf.contrib.learn namespace. I'm seeing a lot of overlap between those classes and TFLearn. Then, I also found the tf.estimator class.
Finally, I just figured out that tensorflow.contrib sub-packages are third-party contributions. This leads me to wonder whether the original TFLearn is simply being absorbed into the larger TensorFlow package. Which direction is the code flowing?
I don't care what I use, as long as I get all the functionality of a scikit-learn estimator object.
I think it's best to use the official sub-modules of TensorFlow like tf.data and tf.estimator. They should be well maintained and features are added quickly.
For instance, #mrry seems in charge of tf.data and the module is very clean, easy to use and compatible with tf.estimator.
The module tf.estimator is a bit less clear, and comes from tf.contrib.learn. Don't take my word for it but I think tf.estimator will slowly replace tf.contrib.learn and it should be the official high-level API for TensorFlow (along with tf.keras).
You can find more information in the official blog post, where they explain the relationship between all modules.