What exactly is Orchestrators in ML? - tensorflow

Actually, in ML pipeline components we are specifying inputs and outputs clearly .
For example in TFX statisticgen take input from examplegen and outputs some statistics.so input and output is clear which is same in all components .so why we need orchestrators .if anyone knows please help me?

In real-life projects, everything can be much more complicated:
the input data can be from the different sources: database, file system, third-party services. So we need to do classical ETL before we can start working with data.
you can use different technologies in the one pipeline. For instance, Spark as a preprocessing tool, after you can need to use an instance with GPU for the model training.
last, but not least - in production you need to care much more things. For instance data validation, model evaluation, etc. I wrote a separate article about how to organize this part using Apache Airflow.


Implement data generator in federated training

(I have posted the question on https://github.com/tensorflow/federated/issues/793 and maybe also here!)
I have customized my own data and model to federated interfaces and the training converged. But I am confused about an issue that in an images classification task, the whole dataset is extreme large and it can't be stored in a single federated_train_data nor be imported to memory for one time. So I need to load the dataset from the hard disk in batches to memory real-timely and use Keras model.fit_generator instead of model.fit during training, the approach people use to deal with large data.
I suppose in iterative_process shown in image classification tutorial, the model is fitted on a fixed set of data. Is there any way to adjust the code to let it fit to a data generator?I have looked into the source codes but still quite confused. Would be incredibly grateful for any hints.
Generally, TFF considers the feeding of data to be part of the "Python driver loop", which is a helpful distinction to make when writing TFF code.
In fact, when writing TFF, there are generally three levels at which one may be writing:
TensorFlow defining local processing (IE, processing that will happen on the clients, or on the server, or in the aggregators, or at any other placement one may want, but only a single placement.
Native TFF defining the way data is communicated across placements. For example, writing tff.federated_sum inside of a tff.federated_computation decorator; writing this line declares "this data is moved from clients to server, and aggregated via the sum operator".
Python "driving" the TFF loop, e.g. running a single round. It is the job of this final level to do what a "real" federated learning runtime would do; one example here would be selecting the clients for a given round.
If this breakdown is kept in mind, using a generator or some other lazy-evaluation-style construct to feed data in to a federated computation becomes relatively simple; it is just done at the Python level.
One way this could be done is via the create_tf_dataset_for_client method on the ClientData object; as you loop over rounds, your Python code can select from the list of client_ids, then you can instantiate a new list of tf.data.Datasetsand pass them in as your new set of client data. An example of this relatively simple usage would be here, and a more advanced usage (involving defining a custom client_datasets_fn which takes client_id as a parameter, and passing it to a separately-defined training loop would be here, in the code associated to this paper.
One final note: instantiating a tf.data.Dataset does not actually load the dataset into memory; the dataset is only loaded in when it is iterated over. One helpful tip I have received from the lead author of tf.data.Dataset is to think of tf.data.Dataset more as a "dataset recipe" than a literal instantiation of the dataset itself. It has been suggested that perhaps a better name would have been DataSource for this construct; hopefully that may help the mental model on what is actually happening. Similarly, using the tff.simulation.ClientData object generally shouldn't really load anything into memory until it is iterated over in training on the clients; this should make some nuances around managing dataset memory simpler.

C5.0 gives back only a single leaf

I'm doing a data analysis task in SPSS Modeler and I have finally arrived to the point of the stream where I'm trying to fit some models on the data.
However when I tried to run the mentioned c5.0 modeling node on my data, the node generated a modeling nugget containing only a single leaf, so there are no decision rules in the model. I partitioned the data before to train and test subsets (70-30). I did not use misclassification cost, used the properly predefined attribute roles. In the model's model page I checked the use partitioned data, build model for each split, Group symbolics, Use global pruning options in, I also tried to use expert mode, but it fails on simple mode too. I have tried to use different options but it gives the same output without a single split.
How can I make the model give back a more complex decision tree, I suppose that this is not the expected outcome.
Any suggestions are welcomed.
Please, check your distribution of the target variable and share it.
If the balances differs greatly from 50%-50%, you may need to balance your inputs first.
Missclassification cost is another technique to give you an output, but again it should be based on your empirical distributions.

Can .tflite capture tf.hub.text_embedding_column() processes?

Just a general question here, no reproducible example but thought this might be the right place anyway since its very software specific.
I am building a model which I want to convert to .tflite. It relies on tf.hub.text_embedding_collumn() for feature generation. When I convert to .tflite will this be captured such that the resulting model will take raw text as input rather than a sparse vector representation?
Would be good to know just generally before I invest too much time in this approach. Thanks in advance!
Currently I don't imagine this would work, as we do not support enough string ops to implement that. One approach would be to do this handling through a custom op, but implementing this custom op would require domain knowledge and mitigate the ease-of-use advance of using tf hub in the first place.
There is some interest in defining a set of hub operators that are verified to work well with tflite, but this is not yet ready.

Is there a way to partition a tf.Dataset with TensorFlow’s Dataset API?

I checked the doc but I could not find a method for it. I want to de cross validation, so I kind of need it.
Note that I'm not asking how to split a tensor, as I know that TensorFlow provides an API for that an has been answered in another question. I'm asking on how to partition a tf.Dataset (which is an abstraction).
You could either:
1) Use the shard transformation partition the dataset into multiple "shards". Note that for best performance, sharding should be to data sources (e.g. filenames).
2) As of TensorFlow 1.12, you can also use the window transformation to build a dataset of datasets.
I am afraid you cannot. The dataset API is a way to efficiently stream inputs to your net at run time. It is not a set of tools to manipulate datasets as a whole -- in that regards it might be a bit of a misnomer.
Also, if you could, this would probably be a bad idea. You would rather have this train/test split done once and for all.
it let you review those sets offline
if the split is done each time you run an experiment there is a risk that samples start swapping sets if you are not extremely careful (e.g. when you add more data to your existing dataset)
See also a related question about how to split a set into training & testing in tensorflow.

What Tensorflow API to use for Seq2Seq

This year Google produced 5 different packages for seq2seq:
seq2seq (claimed to be general purpose but
nmt (active but supposed to be just
about NMT probably)
(clearly legacy)
(not complete probably)
tensor2tensor (similar purpose, also
active development)
Which package is actually worth to use for the implementation? It seems they are all different approaches but none of them stable enough.
I've had too a headache about some issue, which framework to choose? I want to implement OCR using Encoder-Decoder with attention. I've been trying to implement it using legacy_seq2seq (it was main library that time), but it was hard to understand all that process, for sure it should not be used any more.
https://github.com/google/seq2seq: for me it looks like trying to making a command line training script with not writing own code. If you want to learn Translation model, this should work but in other case it may not (like for my OCR), because there is not enough of documentation and too little number of users
https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor: this is very similar to above implementation but it is maintained and you can add more of own code for ex. reading own dataset. The basic usage is again Translation. But it also enable such task like Image Caption, which is nice. So if you want to try ready to use library and your problem is txt->txt or image->txt then you could try this. It should also work for OCR. I'm just not sure it there is enough documentation for each case (like using CNN at feature extractor)
https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tree/master/tensorflow/contrib/seq2seq: apart from above, this is just pure library, which can be useful when you want to create a seq2seq by yourself using TF. It have a function to add Attention, Sequence Loss etc. In my case I chose that option as then I have much more freedom of choosing the each step of framework. I can choose CNN architecture, RNN cell type, Bi or Uni RNN, type of decoder etc. But then you will need to spend some time to get familiar with all the idea behind it.
https://github.com/tensorflow/nmt : another translation framework, based on tf.contrib.seq2seq library
From my perspective you have two option:
If you want to check the idea very fast and be sure that you are using very efficient code, use tensor2tensor library. It should help you to get early results or even very good final model.
If you want to make a research, not being sure how exactly the pipeline should look like or want to learn about idea of seq2seq, use library from tf.contrib.seq2seq.