MSAL include MSGraph - objective-c

The sample library: ms-identity-macOS-swift-objc
appears to make use of MSGraph without 'importing' an headers from MSGraph. The only import is 'MSAL'... I don't understand this. Does MSAL provide access to MSGraph with no further action. I need to read Mailbox settings and create new Contacts. Do I need to import MSGraph? Is there relevant documentation I should read?
Thanks for any thoughts here!

Here is what you are searching for - Microsoft Graph SDK for ObjC:
Each network call to Microsoft Graph needs to be authenticated. For that purpose, creation of an instance of MSHTTPClient takes an MSAuthenticationProvider protocol's instance as parameter.
You can create the MSAuthenticationProvider instance via two ways:
Using MSGraphMSALAuthProvider
This repo handles the authentication scenarios via MSAL -
By writing your own implmentation of MSAuthenticationProvider


Genexus test REST API

I am brand new to Genexus and I come over some basic tasks. Now I try to access and test external API-s. I have import API-s over Import OpenAPI process which build API folder and Model folder. I want to test simpe API-s ( list Merchants ) but I cant find the right way to do it. Can somebody help me with that?
After importing YAML a folder named API is created containing procedures (Genexus objects) that call each service imported.
So, you need to call the procedure that in turn calls the REST service.
Something like:
Check this document for further information:,OpenAPI%20import%20tool#Sample+consumer+code

TODOIST API: How to get list of users to assign a specific user to task?

It seems that API allows to assign users to a task (called an Item in the API) using the body field responsible_uid at the add an item endpoint. However I cannot find a way to list user uids or any other way to get user details anywhere in API documentation.
Official python library todoist-python doesn't provide any way to do this either. So for now it seems I can only create tasks without assigning them to anybody, which is a bummer.
Any advise grately appreciated!
Todoist Sync API
You should first share a project and then you can get all collaborators in the Sync request.

Is there a (documented) way to get attributes from the data point library via API?

In cumulocity cockpit you can specify data point attributes like a display name, unit, value range etc in a so called "data point library". I wonder how I can use these attributes when developing custom dashboard widgets.
I figured out that there is a fragmentType c8y_Kpi for API requests and a class called c8yKpi in the JS client lib which provides all necessary functions. It works fine in my custom widets, but the API/JS class are not documented.
Is there any (official, documented, supported) way to request attributes from the "data point library" via API or JS client library?
These kind of "internal" structures are not documented officially but like you already did you can of course use them in your code.
The risk coming with using undocumented structures are that they might change and then you would need to adapt your code.
Like you already found out yourself the way to get them on API is to call inventory with fragmentType=c8y_Kpi
No: currently there is no official, documented and support API for accessing the data point library.

OAuth2 w/ Google Client API 1.8.1

I have been using the Google Client API in a .NET web application - but need to update to the latest version (both to use the most recent code but also to lose the need for the DotNetOpenAuth.dll.) The latest version (1.8.1) has a totally redesigned OAuth interface (using google.apis.auth) and I can't seem to even get started w/ it.
Previously I had written code that handled generating an AuthorizationURL (as needed) and creating IAuthenticator and IAuthorizationState objects - storing the refresh token in a sql database as needed. I was also about to retrieve "UserInfo" about the user as needed (once authenticated.)
Now - I'm unclear on how to handle the generation of the AuthURL (do I have to do it 100% manually?) and how/what I need to pass to the BaseClientService.Initializer when working w/ client API (such as Google Drive.)
Also - previously I wrote methods to "store" and "retrieve" credentials from the database - now it seems I would need to write a class based on IDataStore? But I'm not sure if this is even correct (let alone find a decent sample/doc anywhere.)
Finally - it doesn't seem like google.apis.auth handles anything w/ regards to UserInfo - I have to grab google.apis.oauth2 - but that .dll has even LESS documentation/sample code out there.
Any advice on where to start? The google.apis sample code seems decent for performing basic api tasks but all the Oauth2 information is very basic, uses file data storage and seems glossed over.
First of all, take a look at All the documentation that you might need is there, and if something is missing let us know!
You are right, you already have an implementation of FileDataStore, and we are planning to create EFDataStore as well for the next release.

How to get the built in news.reads action to publish to Facebook?

Per the documentation located here:
I should be able to post a news.reads?article action by posting the following:[article url]
To test this, I use the Graph API Explorer, found at:
When I attempt this with my app selected, and me/news.reads?article=, it tells me "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: news.reads".
When I try this with the default Graph API Explorer, it tells me "(#200) Requires extended permission: publish_actions." I think this latter one is likely that it won't grant me the extended permissions for the Graph API Explorer.
Is it possible for me to publish actions with news.reads?article at this point? If so, what am I doing wrong?
While the programme is in Beta, its not currently possible to publish news.reads actions.
In the meantime, create your own read action and post to that instead: