Is it possible to pause and resume Microsoft Cognitive SpeechRecognizer? - text-to-speech

I am using the JavaScript version of Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK from
I want to pause the recognizer so that it won't process the response from the TTS audio.
I can call stopContinuousRecognitionAsync() to stop it and then create a new instance again but it is slow to have the recognizer to be available again.
Is it possible to pause and resume Microsoft Cognitive SpeechRecognizer?
this.audioConfig = SpeechSDK.AudioConfig.fromDefaultMicrophoneInput();
this.recognizer = new SpeechSDK.SpeechRecognizer(this.speechConfig, this.audioConfig);
Any help is appreciated!


Microsoft Teams Desktop application Automation with Selenium

Was following the Article to automate MS Teams Desktop application. Able to start, perform actions on elements, but got to the point when new popup appears and it is a "webview". Would appreciate any advice to find a way to locate elements in the webview, is Selenium able to switch to it? Or some other tool to use for automation this type of applications?

Initialize UIautomation tree from an element whose ClassName is Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND. Accessability Insights

I need for get UIelements using "UIautomation" technology from another programms in windows OS.
Some programms has "chrome-like" browsers for content rendering.
The methods are get element (like c# AutomationElement.FromPoint / FindAll) return browser element with ClassName "Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND" and Name like a "Chrome Legacy Window". But i need the content elements in that browser.
I found out that, programm "Accessibility Insights" can do it!
Run application, "Microsoft Teams", for example
Run "Accessibility Insights"
Move mouse on "Microsoft Teams", we get "Chrome Legacy Window"
After any mouse click (left/right) on target programm ("Microsoft Teams") provoke rebuild UI tree
Then UIautomation technology can get all inner UI elements in browser.
"Accessibility Insights" source code is
I studied it very carefully, but not found code, that provide rebuilding (or, initializing?) inner UI elements.
Any one can help me?
What i should to do for win my task - get inner UI elements in chrome-like browsers at another programm on windows OS?
If you've read to the end, thank you
Accessibility Insights for Windows doesn't interact directly with the UI Automation system. It builds on Axe.Windows (Source code), which queries and exposes the UI Automation properties. In the case you're describing, Axe.Windows is walking the UI Automation tree in response to a UIA_AutomationFocusChangedEventId message from the UI Automation framework. That notification gets handled by the onFocusChangedEventForSelectingElement method of FocusTracker.cs. Hopefully that will be enough to get you started.
--Dave Tryon (Accessibility Insights team)

automating the tests where application running under citrix xenapp

I am hardly trying to automate some of the scripts for regression testing in the application, but the challenge am facing over here is, the application running under the Citrix XenApp so am not able to automate it in a usual way(Selenium & UFT) please anyone help me to find the way to automate the application under citrix :)
With Citrix, like any other image based screen, you can use :
Insigth Object to locate and interact with images on the screen
GetTextLocation method to locate text using OCR (optical character recognition)
Low level recording to click at some screen location, by coordinates
SendKeys function to input text on the screen

How to handle and event from pushing a physical button?

Hello I am creating an application on which I want to launch an event whenever someone rings the doorbell. Can someone show me where I need to start looking? I know I need a circuit, but it should be very simple since I only want to push a button.
An interesting hardware question. My solution here without additional hardware/circuit.
Install Microsoft Speech SDK.
Configure your MIC to listen to your doorbell.
In your code, on distinguishing the doorbell, invoke a button click in your screen. See below code to invoke a button:
'Imports System.Windows.Automation.Peers
'Imports System.Windows.Automation.Provider
If SpeechObject(DetectDoorBellRing) = True Then
Dim peer As New ButtonAutomationPeer(btnExecute)
Dim invokeProv As IInvokeProvider = TryCast(peer.GetPattern(PatternInterface.Invoke), IInvokeProvider)
End If
Arduino is a open-source hardware and supporting software project that you should be aware of. It's typically programmed in C or C++, but see "How to Communicate to the Arduino in Visual Basic .NET".
You might also pick up some good ideas from "How to Hack a Doorbell and Connect it to Twitter".
Finally, don't miss the Arduino StackExchange.

how to cancel incoming message sound on Symbian PyS60

I am writing a parental control app using PyS60 ( on Nokia E72)
The app is operated via sms's.
Every sms that operates the app is deleted when entering the inbox listener's callback, and by using a blank audio file, I manage to cancel the "new message" sound alert.
this only works when the focus in on Python Script Shell.
Meanning - when I switch to desktop, or any other app that is open, the new message alert sound is playing.
My guess is - I'm losing the race with the messaging module (or process race condition),
Does anyone know how to make this work while running in background?
Or even cancel the process that handles incoming sms's and deal with it myself?
Or lower the priority of the process ??
any other suggestions are also welcome..
thank in advance,