How to make an IOptions section optional in .NET Core? -

Consider an example service that optionally supports LDAP authentication, otherwise, it does something like local Identity authentication. When LDAP is completely configured, appsettings.json might look like this...
"LdapOptions": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 389
With an options class.
public class LdapOptions
public string Host { get; set; }
public int Port { get; set; } = 389;
And Startup has the expected Configure call.
This work great when I have a complete valid "LdapOptions" section. But, it's not so great if I intentionally leave the section out of my appsettings.
An IOptions<TOptions> instance resolves even if I leave the section out of my appsettings entirely; it even resolves if I remove the Startup configure call entirely! I get an object that appears, based on property values, to be default(TOptions).
public AuthenticationService(IOptions<LdapOptions> ldapOptions)
this.ldapOptions = ldapOptions.Value; // never null, sometimes default(LdapOptions)!
I don't want to depend on checking properties if a section is intentionally left out. I can imagine scenarios where all of the properties in an object have explicit defaults and this wouldn't work. I'd like something like a Maybe<TOptions> with a HasValue property, but I'll take a null.
Is there any way to make an options section optional?
Update: Be aware that I also intend to validate data annotations...
So, what I really want is for optional options to be valid when the section is missing (conf.Exists() == false) and then normal validations to kick in when the section is partially or completely filled out.
I can't imagine any solution working with data annotation validations that depends on the behavior of creating a default instance (for example, there is no correct default for Host, so a default instance will always be invalid).

The whole idea of IOptions<T> is to have non-null default values, so that your settings file doesn't contain hundreds/thousands sections to configure the entire ASP pipeline
So, its not possible to make it optional in the sense that you will get null, but you can always defined some "magic" property to indicate whether this was configured or not:
public class LdapOptions
public bool IsEnabled { get; set; } = false;
public string Host { get; set; }
public int Port { get; set; } = 389;
and your app settings file:
"LdapOptions": {
"IsEnabled: true,
"Host": "",
"Port": 389
Now, if you keep 'IsEnabled' consistently 'true' in your settings, if IsEnabled is false, that means the section is missing.
An alternative solution is to use a different design approach, e.g. put the auth type in the settings file:
public class LdapOptions
public string AuthType { get; set; } = "Local";
public string Host { get; set; }
public int Port { get; set; } = 389;
And your app settings:
"LdapOptions": {
"AuthType : "LDAP",
"Host": "",
"Port": 389
This is IMO a cleaner & more consistent approach
If you must have a logic that is based on available/missing section, you can also configure it directly:
var section = conf.GetSection(nameof(LdapOptions));
var optionsBuilder = services.AddOptions<LdapOptions>();
if section.Value != null {
else {
optionsBuilder.Configure(options => {
// Set defaults here
options.Host = "Deafult Host";

I wanted to avoid lambdas in Startup that would need to be copy/pasted correctly for every "optional" section and I wanted to be very explicit about optionality (at the expense of some awkward naming).
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
The Optional type is pretty straightforward, but may need a better name (to avoid interfering with other implementations of the generic Option/Some/Maybe pattern). I thought about just using null, but that seemed contrary to Options insistence on returning something no matter what.
public class Optional<TOptions> where TOptions : class
public TOptions Value { get; set; }
public bool HasValue { get => !(Value is null); }
The configure extension method takes into account section existence.
public static class OptionalExtensions
public static OptionsBuilder<Optional<TOptions>> ConfigureOptional<TOptions>(this OptionsBuilder<Optional<TOptions>> optionsBuilder, IConfigurationSection config) where TOptions : class
return optionsBuilder.Configure(options =>
if (config.Exists())
options.Value = config.Get<TOptions>();
public static OptionsBuilder<Optional<TOptions>> ValidateOptionalDataAnnotations<TOptions>(this OptionsBuilder<Optional<TOptions>> optionsBuilder) where TOptions : class
optionsBuilder.Services.AddSingleton<IValidateOptions<Optional<TOptions>>>(new DataAnnotationValidateOptional<TOptions>(optionsBuilder.Name));
return optionsBuilder;
The validate extension method works with a custom options validator that also takes into account how missing sections work (like the comment says, "missing optional options are always valid").
public class DataAnnotationValidateOptional<TOptions> : IValidateOptions<Optional<TOptions>> where TOptions : class
private readonly DataAnnotationValidateOptions<TOptions> innerValidator;
public DataAnnotationValidateOptional(string name)
this.innerValidator = new DataAnnotationValidateOptions<TOptions>(name);
public ValidateOptionsResult Validate(string name, Optional<TOptions> options)
if (options.Value is null)
// Missing optional options are always valid.
return ValidateOptionsResult.Success;
return this.innerValidator.Validate(name, options.Value);
Now, anywhere you need to use an optional option, like, say, a login controller, you can take the following actions...
public class LdapLoginController : ControllerBase
private readonly Optional<LdapOptions> ldapOptions;
public LdapLoginController(IOptionsSnapshot<Optional<LdapOptions>> ldapOptions)
// data annotations should trigger here and possibly throw an OptionsValidationException
this.ldapOptions = ldapOptions.Value;
public void Post(...)
if (!ldapOptions.Value.HasValue)
// a missing section is valid, but indicates that this option was not configured; I figure that relates to a 501 Not Implemented
return StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);
// else we can proceed with valid options


Configure ForwardHeadersMiddleware from appsettings?

I'm trying to configure ASP.NET Core 5's ForwardedHeadersMiddleware from appsettings.config. I'm having trouble to set KnownProxies (IList<IPAddress> KnownProxies { get; }) and it keeps reverting back to the default value. I assume it has to do with the options machinery not knowing how to convert the string to an IPAddress, or KnownProxies only having a getter.
"ForwardedHeaders": {
"ForwardedHeaders": "All"
"KnownProxies": [""]
How can I achieve what I want, without doing the parsing manually?
Can I specify the mapping somewhere generic?
Why doesn't this throw an exception that some of my configuration could not be parsed / is invalid?
I may propose my recipe for this:
Define your own options class like the following:
public class ForwardedForKnownNetworks
public class Network
public string Prefix { get; set; }
public int PrefixLength { get; set; }
public List<Network> Networks { get; set; } = new List<Network>();
public List<string> Proxies { get; set; } = new List<string>();
To make your code shorter and more agile you may need kind of helper method to resolve hostnames and/or convert parse IP addressed strings:
public static class Extensions
public static IPAddress[] ResolveIP(this string? host)
return (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host))
? Dns.GetHostAddresses(host)
: new IPAddress[0];
When configuring your services, you can add something similar to the following:
var forwardedForKnownNetworks = builder.Configuration.GetSection(nameof(ForwardedForKnownNetworks)).Get<ForwardedForKnownNetworks>();
_ = builder.Services.Configure<ForwardedHeadersOptions>(options => {
options.ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto;
forwardedForKnownNetworks?.Networks?.ForEach((network) => options.KnownNetworks.Add(new IPNetwork(IPAddress.Parse(network.Prefix), network.PrefixLength)));
forwardedForKnownNetworks?.Proxies?.ForEach((proxy) => proxy.ResolveIP().ToList().ForEach((ip) => options.KnownProxies.Add(ip)));
And finally your appsettings.json may appear like the following:
"ForwardedForKnownNetworks": {
"Networks": [
"Prefix": "",
"PrefixLength": 12
"Prefix": "",
"PrefixLength": 16
"Prefix": "",
"PrefixLength": 8
"Proxies": ["", "my.proxy.local"] // Here you can mention IPs and/or hostnames as the ResolveIP() helper will take care of that and resolve any hostname to its IP(s)

Autofac: ITenantIdentificationStrategy with RouteValues

I'm having issues making multitenancy work. I've tried to follow the sample here and can't see what my implementation is doing differently.
The tenants are identified by a routing parameter in the address field. This seems to work without issues (calling TryIdentifyTenant returns the correct one). I am using ASP.NET Core 3.1, together with Autofac.AspNetCore-Multitenant v3.0.1 and Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection v6.0.0.
I have made a simplification of the code (which is tested and still doesn't work). Two tenants are configured, "terminal1" and "terminal2". The output should differ depending on the tenant. However, it always returns the base implementation. In the example below, inputing "https://localhost/app/terminal1" returns "base : terminal1" and "https://localhost/app/terminal2" returns "base : terminal2". It should return "userhandler1 : terminal1" and "userhandler2 : terminal2".
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IUserHandler userHandler;
private readonly TerminalResolverStrategy terminalResolverStrategy;
public HomeController(IUserHandler userHandler, TerminalResolverStrategy terminalResolverStrategy)
this.userHandler = userHandler;
this.terminalResolverStrategy = terminalResolverStrategy;
public string Index()
terminalResolverStrategy.TryIdentifyTenant(out object tenant);
return userHandler.ControllingVncUser + " : " + (string)tenant;
public interface IUserHandler
public string ControllingVncUser { get; set; }
public class UserHandler : IUserHandler
public UserHandler()
ControllingVncUser = "base";
public string ControllingVncUser { get; set; }
public class UserHandler1 : IUserHandler
public UserHandler1()
ControllingVncUser = "userhandler1";
public string ControllingVncUser { get; set; }
public class UserHandler2 : IUserHandler
public UserHandler2()
ControllingVncUser = "userhandler2";
public string ControllingVncUser { get; set; }
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
public static MultitenantContainer ConfigureMultitenantContainer(IContainer container)
var strategy = new TerminalResolverStrategy(
var mtc = new MultitenantContainer(strategy, container);
mtc.ConfigureTenant("terminal1", b => b.RegisterType<UserHandler1>().As<IUserHandler>());
mtc.ConfigureTenant("terminal2", b => b.RegisterType<UserHandler2>().As<IUserHandler>());
return mtc;
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
name: "default",
pattern: "{terminal}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.UseServiceProviderFactory(new AutofacMultitenantServiceProviderFactory(Startup.ConfigureMultitenantContainer))
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
public class TerminalResolverStrategy : ITenantIdentificationStrategy
public IHttpContextAccessor Accessor { get; private set; }
private readonly TerminalAppSettings settings;
public TerminalResolverStrategy(
IOptions<TerminalAppSettings> options,
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor
Accessor = httpContextAccessor;
settings = options.Value;
public bool TryIdentifyTenant(out object terminal)
HttpContext httpCtx = Accessor.HttpContext;//
terminal = null;
if (httpCtx != null &&
httpCtx.Request != null &&
httpCtx.Request.RouteValues != null &&
string requestedTerminal = httpCtx.Request.RouteValues["terminal"].ToString();
bool terminalExists = settings.Terminals.ContainsKey(requestedTerminal);
if (terminalExists)
terminal = requestedTerminal;
catch (Exception) {}
return terminal != null;
What am i doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
"Multitenancy doesn't seem to work at all" is a somewhat ambiguous statement that's hard to address. Unfortunately, I don't personally have the time to download all of your example code and try to repro the whole thing and debug into it and see exactly what's wrong. Perhaps someone else does. However, I can offer some tips as to places I'd look and things I'd try to see what's up.
Tenant ID strategy set up twice. I see in Startup.ConfigureContainer that there's a builder.RegisterType<TerminalResolverStrategy>(); line - that's going to register your strategy type as instance-per-dependency, so every time it's needed it'll be resolved fresh. I also see in Startup.ConfigureMultitenantContainer that you're manually instantiating the strategy that gets used by the multitenant container. There's a non-zero possibility that something is getting messed up there. I would pick one way to get that done - either register the strategy or manually create it - and I'd make sure that thing is a stateless singleton. (It's not registered in the example.)
Route pattern possibly questionable. I see the route pattern you have registered looks like this: {terminal}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}. I also see your URLs look like this: https://localhost/app/terminal1 Have you stepped into your tenant ID strategy to make sure the route parsing mechanism works right? That is, app isn't being picked up as the terminal value? Route parsing/handling can be tricky.
Possibly bad settings. The tenant ID strategy only successfully identifies a tenant if there are options that specify that the specific terminal value exists. I don't see where any of those options are configured, which means in this repo there are no tenants defined. Your strategy won't identify anything without that.
If it was me, I'd probably start with a breakpoint in that tenant ID strategy and see what's getting resolved and what's not. It seems somewhat complex from an outside perspective and that's where I'd begin. If that is working, then I'd probably also look at cleaning up the registrations so the ID strategy isn't registered twice. Finally, I get the impression that this isn't all the code in the app; I'd probably look at making a super minimal reproduction that's about the size you actually have posted here. I'd then focus on making that minimal repro work; then once it works, I'd figure out what the difference is between the repro and my larger app.
Unfortunately, that's about all I can offer you. As I mentioned, with the current environment and my current workload, I won't be able to actually sit down and reproduce the whole thing with your code. I know the integration works because I have production apps using it; and there are a lot of tests (unit and integration) to validate it works; so the part that isn't working is likely in your code somewhere... and those are the places I'd start.
So after having identified the tenant identification as the problem, it seems like RouteValues isn't resolved with the HttpContext until later in the request chain. Thus, no tenant gets resolved. It seems to me like a bug in .NET Core. The problem got bypassed by using the request path instead:
public class TerminalResolverStrategy : ITenantIdentificationStrategy
private readonly TerminalAppSettings settings;
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor;
public TerminalResolverStrategy(
IOptions<TerminalAppSettings> options,
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor
this.httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
settings = options.Value;
public bool TryIdentifyTenant(out object terminal)
var httpCtx = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
terminal = null;
if (httpCtx != null)
string thisPath = httpCtx.Request.Path.Value;
var allTerminals = settings.Terminals.GetEnumerator();
while (allTerminals.MoveNext())
if (thisPath.Contains(allTerminals.Current.Key)) {
terminal = allTerminals.Current.Key;
return true;
catch (Exception) { }
return false;

WEBAPI ActionContext Request.Properties.Add for store sensitive information

I would like to pass information from the action filter (database) to the Action function.
Is it secure to use ActionContext Request.Properties.Add to store the data?
is there any chance that the information will be seen by the WEBAPI client or its safe as it safe to store information in the Cache\Session?
Is it a better way to do it?
The client will not see request properties unless you explicitly serialize them. They completely remain on the server side.
To answer your followup question here are two other ways to do it. There is no "Best" way per se. It all depends on how far you want the information to flow, and how generic you want your filter to be. My personal preference is using the controller object, but again it is just a preference.
For the sample here is a simple values controller and a POCO class:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public string Foo { get; set; }
public User Get(User user)
if (Foo != null && user != null)
user.FamilyName = Foo;
return user;
public class User
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
The action filter below is naively implementing access to the controller object or the method parameters. Note that it's up to you to either apply the filter sparingly or do type checks/dictionary checks.
public class MyActionfilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
controller = actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller;
// Not safe unless applied only to controllers deriving
// from ValuesController
((ValuesController)controller).Foo = "From filter";
// Not safe unless you know the user is on the signature
// of the action method.
actionContext.ActionArguments["user"] = new User()
FirstName = "From filter"

Where to put the save/pre save methods in a domain object?

I want to enforce some rules every time a domain object is saved but i don't know the best way to achieve this. As, i see it, i have two options: add a save method to the domain object, or handle the rules before saving in the application layer. See code sample below:
using System;
namespace Test
public interface IEmployeeDAL
void Save(Employee employee);
Employee GetById(int id);
public class EmployeeDALStub : IEmployeeDAL
public void Save(Employee employee)
public Employee GetById(int id)
return new Employee();
public interface IPermissionChecker
bool IsAllowedToSave(string user);
public class PermissionCheckerStub : IPermissionChecker
public bool IsAllowedToSave(string user)
return false;
public class Employee
public virtual IEmployeeDAL EmployeeDAL { get; set; }
public virtual IPermissionChecker PermissionChecker { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public void Save()
if (PermissionChecker.IsAllowedToSave("the user")) // Should this be called within EmployeeDAL?
throw new Exception("User not permitted to save.");
public class ApplicationLayerOption1
public virtual IEmployeeDAL EmployeeDAL { get; set; }
public virtual IPermissionChecker PermissionChecker { get; set; }
public ApplicationLayerOption1()
//set dependencies
EmployeeDAL = new EmployeeDALStub();
PermissionChecker = new PermissionCheckerStub();
public void UnitOfWork()
Employee employee = EmployeeDAL.GetById(1);
//set employee dependencies (it doesn't seem correct to set these in the DAL);
employee.EmployeeDAL = EmployeeDAL;
employee.PermissionChecker = PermissionChecker;
//do something with the employee object
public class ApplicationLayerOption2
public virtual IEmployeeDAL EmployeeDAL { get; set; }
public virtual IPermissionChecker PermissionChecker { get; set; }
public ApplicationLayerOption2()
//set dependencies
EmployeeDAL = new EmployeeDALStub();
PermissionChecker = new PermissionCheckerStub();
public void UnitOfWork()
Employee employee = EmployeeDAL.GetById(1);
//do something with the employee object
public void SaveEmployee(Employee employee)
if (PermissionChecker.IsAllowedToSave("the user")) // Should this be called within EmployeeDAL?
throw new Exception("User not permitted to save.");
What do you do in this situation?
I would prefer the second approach where there's a clear separation between concerns. There's a class responsible for the DAL, there's another one responsible for validation and yet another one for orchestrating these.
In your first approach you inject the DAL and the validation into the business entity. Where I could argue if injecting a validator into the entity could be a good practice, injecting the DAL into the business entity is is definitely not a good practive IMHO (but I understand that this is only a demonstration and in a real project you would at least use a service locator for this).
If I had to choose, I'd choose the second option so that my entities were not associated to any DAL infrastructure and purely focused on the domain logic.
However, I don't really like either approach. I prefer taking more of an AOP approach to security & roles by adding attributes to my application service methods.
The other thing I'd change is moving away from the 'CRUD' mindset. You can provide much granular security options if you secure against specific commands/use cases. For example, I'd make it:
public class MyApplicationService
public MakeEmployeeRedundant(MakeEmployeeRedundantCommand command)
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
Employee employee = _employeeRepository.GetById(command.EmployeeId);
public void AssertUserHasCorrectPermission(string requiredCommandName)
if (!Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole(requiredCommandName))
throw new SecurityException(string.Format("User does not have {0} command in their role", requiredCommandName));
Where you'd intercept the call to the first method and invoke the second method passing the thing that they must have in their role.
Here's a link on how to use unity for intercepting:
Where to put the save/pre save methods in a domain object?
Domain objects are persistent-ignorant in DDD. They are unaware of the fact that sometimes they get 'frozen' transported to some storage and then restored. They do not notice that. In other words, domain objects are always in a 'valid' and savable state.
Permission should also be persistent-ignorant and based on domain and Ubiquitous Language, for example:
Only users from Sales group can add OrderLines to an Order in a
Pending state
As opposed to:
Only users from Sales group can save Order.
The code can look like this:
internal class MyApplication {
private IUserContext _userContext;
private ICanCheckPermissions _permissionChecker;
public void AddOrderLine(Product p, int quantity, Money price, ...) {
if(!_permissionChecker.IsAllowedToAddOrderLines(_userContext.CurrentUser)) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"User X is not allowed to add order lines to an existing order");
// add order lines

Avoiding Service Locator with AutoFac 2

I'm building an application which uses AutoFac 2 for DI. I've been reading that using a static IoCHelper (Service Locator) should be avoided.
public static class IoCHelper
private static AutofacDependencyResolver _resolver;
public static void InitializeWith(AutofacDependencyResolver resolver)
_resolver = resolver;
public static T Resolve<T>()
return _resolver.Resolve<T>();
From answers to a previous question, I found a way to help reduce the need for using my IoCHelper in my UnitOfWork through the use of Auto-generated Factories. Continuing down this path, I'm curious if I can completely eliminate my IoCHelper.
Here is the scenario:
I have a static Settings class that serves as a wrapper around my configuration implementation. Since the Settings class is a dependency to a majority of my other classes, the wrapper keeps me from having to inject the settings class all over my application.
public static class Settings
public static IAppSettings AppSettings
return IoCHelper.Resolve<IAppSettings>();
public interface IAppSettings
string Setting1 { get; }
string Setting2 { get; }
public class AppSettings : IAppSettings
public string Setting1
return GetSettings().AppSettings["setting1"];
public string Setting2
return GetSettings().AppSettings["setting2"];
protected static IConfigurationSettings GetSettings()
return IoCHelper.Resolve<IConfigurationSettings>();
Is there a way to handle this without using a service locator and without having to resort to injecting AppSettings into each and every class? Listed below are the 3 areas in which I keep leaning on ServiceLocator instead of constructor injection:
I would rather inject IAppSettings into every class that needs it just to keep them clean from the hidden dependency on Settings. Question is, do you really need to sprinkle that dependency into each and every class?
If you really want to go with a static Settings class I would at least try to make it test-friendly/fakeable. Consider this:
public static class Settings
public static Func<IAppSettings> AppSettings { get; set; }
And where you build your container:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
Settings.AppSettings = () => container.Resolve<IAppSettings>();
This would allow to swap out with fakes during test:
Settings.AppSettings = () => new Mock<IAppSettings>().Object;
Now the AppSettings class (which I assume there is only one of) you could do with regular constructor injection. I assume also that you really want to do a resolve on each call to your settings properties, thus injecting a factory delegate that retrieves an instance when needed. If this is not needed you should of course inject the IConfigurationSettings service directly.
public class AppSettings : IAppSettings
private readonly Func<IConfigurationSettings> _configurationSettings;
public AppSettings(Func<IConfigurationSettings> configurationSettings)
_configurationSettings = configurationSettings;
public string Setting1
return _configurationSettings().AppSettings["setting1"];
public string Setting2
return _configurationSettings().AppSettings["setting2"];