Karger's Algorithm - Running Time - Edge Contraction - adjacency-list

In Karger's Min-Cut Algorithm for undirected (possibly weighted) multigraphs, the main operation is to contract a randomly chosen edge and merge it's incident vertices into one metavertex. This process is repeated until two vertices remain. These vertices correspond to a cut. The algo can be implemented with an adjacency list.
how can I find the particular edge, that has been chosen to be contracted?
how does an edge get contracted (in an unweighted and/or weighted graph)?
Why does this procedure take quadratic time?
Edit: I have found some information that the runtime can be quadratic, due to the fact that we have O(n-2) contractions of vertices and each contraction can take O(n) time. It would be great if somebody could explain me, why a contraction takes linear time in an adjacency list. Note a contraction consists of: deleting one adjacent edge, merging the two vertices into a supernode, and making sure that the remaining adjacent edges are connected to the supernode.
procedure contract(G=(V,E)):
while |V|>2
choose edge uniformly at random
contract its endpoints
delete self loops
return cut
I have read the related topic Karger Min cut algorithm running time, but it did not help me. Also I do not have so much experience, so a "laymens" term explanation would be very much appreciated!


Implementing a 2D recursive spatial filter using Scipy

Minimally, I would like to know how to achieve what is stated in the title. Specifically, signal.lfilter seems like the only implementation of a difference equation filter in scipy, but it is 1D, as shown in the docs. I would like to know how to implement a 2D version as described by this difference equation. If that's as simple as "bro, use this function," please let me know, pardon my naiveté, and feel free to disregard the rest of the post.
I am new to DSP and acknowledging there might be a different approach to answering my question so I will explain the broader goal and give context for the question in the hopes someone knows how do want I want with Scipy, or perhaps a better way than what I explicitly asked for.
To get straight into it, broadly speaking I am using vectorized computation methods (Numpy/Scipy) to implement a Monte Carlo simulation to improve upon a naive for loop. I have successfully abstracted most of my operations to array computation / linear algebra, but a few specific ones (recursive computations) have eluded my intuition and I continually end up in the digital signal processing world when I go looking for how this type of thing has been done by others (that or machine learning but those "frameworks" are much opinionated). The reason most of my google searches end up on scipy.signal or scipy.ndimage library references is clear to me at this point, and subsequent to accepting the "signal" representation of my data, I have spent a considerable amount of time (about as much as reasonable for a field that is not my own) ramping up the learning curve to try and figure out what I need from these libraries.
My simulation entails updating a vector of data representing the state of a system each period for n periods, and then repeating that whole process a "Monte Carlo" amount of times. The updates in each of n periods are inherently recursive as the next depends on the state of the prior. It can be characterized as a difference equation as linked above. Additionally this vector is theoretically indexed on an grid of points with uneven stepsize. Here is an example vector y and its theoretical grid t:
y = np.r_[0.0024, 0.004, 0.0058, 0.0083, 0.0099, 0.0133, 0.0164]
t = np.r_[0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20]
I need to iteratively perform numerous operations to y for each of n "updates." Specifically, I am computing the curvature along the curve y(t) using finite difference approximations and using the result at each point to adjust the corresponding y(t) prior to the next update. In a loop this amounts to inplace variable reassignment with the desired update in each iteration.
y += some_function(y)
Not only does this seem inefficient, but vectorizing things seems intuitive given y is a vector to begin with. Furthermore I am interested in preserving each "updated" y(t) along the n updates, which would require a data structure of dimensions len(y) x n. At this point, why not perform the updates inplace in the array? This is wherein lies the question. Many of the update operations I have succesfully vectorized the "Numpy way" (such as adding random variates to each point), but some appear overly complex in the array world.
Specifically, as mentioned above the one involving computing curvature at each element using its neighbouring two elements, and then imediately using that result to update the next row of the array before performing its own curvature "update." I was able to implement a non-recursive version (each row fails to consider its "updated self" from the prior row) of the curvature operation using ndimage generic_filter. Given the uneven grid, I have unique coefficients (kernel weights) for each triplet in the kernel footprint (instead of always using [1,-2,1] for y'' if I had a uniform grid). This last part has already forced me to use a spatial filter from ndimage rather than a 1d convolution. I'll point out, something conceptually similar was discussed in this math.exchange post, and it seems to me only the third response saliently addressed the difference between mathematical notion of "convolution" which should be associative from general spatial filtering kernels that would require two sequential filtering operations or a cleverly merged kernel.
In any case this does not seem to actually address my concern as it is not about 2D recursion filtering but rather having a backwards looking kernel footprint. Additionally, I think I've concluded it is not applicable in that this only allows for "recursion" (backward looking kernel footprints in the spatial filtering world) in a manner directly proportional to the size of the recursion. Meaning if I wanted to filter each of n rows incorporating calculations on all prior rows, it would require a convolution kernel far too big (for my n anyways). If I'm understanding all this correctly, a recursive linear filter is algorithmically more efficient in that it returns (for use in computation) the result of itself applied over the previous n samples (up to a level where the stability of the algorithm is affected) using another companion vector (z). In my case, I would only need to look back one step at output signal y[n-1] to compute y[n] from curvature at x[n] as the rest works itself out like a cumsum. signal.lfilter works for this, but I can't used that to compute curvature, as that requires a kernel footprint that can "see" at least its left and right neighbors (pixels), which is how I ended up using generic_filter.
It seems to me I should be able to do both simultaneously with one filter namely spatial and recursive filtering; or somehow I've missed the maths of how this could be mathematically simplified/combined (convolution of multiples kernels?).
It seems like this should be a common problem, but perhaps it is rarely relevant to do both at once in signal processing and image filtering. Perhaps this is why you don't use signals libraries solely to implement a fast monte carlo simulation; though it seems less esoteric than using a tensor math library to implement a recursive neural network scan ... which I'm attempting to do right now.
EDIT: For those familiar with the theoretical side of DSP, I know that what I am describing, the process of designing a recursive filters with arbitrary impulse responses, is achieved by employing a mathematical technique called the z-transform which I understand is generally used for two things:
converting between the recursion coefficients and the frequency response
combining cascaded and parallel stages into a single filter
Both are exactly what I am trying to accomplish.
Also, reworded title away from FIR / IIR because those imply specific definitions of "recursion" and may be confusing / misnomer.

Determine the running time of an algorithm with two parameters

I have implemented an algorithm that uses two other algorithms for calculating the shortest path in a graph: Dijkstra and Bellman-Ford. Based on the time complexity of the these algorithms, I can calculate the running time of my implementation, which is easy giving the code.
Now, I want to experimentally verify my calculation. Specifically, I want to plot the running time as a function of the size of the input (I am following the method described here). The problem is that I have two parameters - number of edges and number of vertices.
I have tried to fix one parameter and change the other, but this approach results in two plots - one for varying number of edges and the other for varying number of vertices.
This leads me to my question - how can I determine the order of growth based on two plots? In general, how can one experimentally determine the running time complexity of an algorithm that has more than one parameter?
It's very difficult in general.
The usual way you would experimentally gauge the running time in the single variable case is, insert a counter that increments when your data structure does a fundamental (putatively O(1)) operation, then take data for many different input sizes, and plot it on a log-log plot. That is, log T vs. log N. If the running time is of the form n^k you should see a straight line of slope k, or something approaching this. If the running time is like T(n) = n^{k log n} or something, then you should see a parabola. And if T is exponential in n you should still see exponential growth.
You can only hope to get information about the highest order term when you do this -- the low order terms get filtered out, in the sense of having less and less impact as n gets larger.
In the two variable case, you could try to do a similar approach -- essentially, take 3 dimensional data, do a log-log-log plot, and try to fit a plane to that.
However this will only really work if there's really only one leading term that dominates in most regimes.
Suppose my actual function is T(n, m) = n^4 + n^3 * m^3 + m^4.
When m = O(1), then T(n) = O(n^4).
When n = O(1), then T(n) = O(m^4).
When n = m, then T(n) = O(n^6).
In each of these regimes, "slices" along the plane of possible n,m values, a different one of the terms is the dominant term.
So there's no way to determine the function just from taking some points with fixed m, and some points with fixed n. If you did that, you wouldn't get the right answer for n = m -- you wouldn't be able to discover "middle" leading terms like that.
I would recommend that the best way to predict asymptotic growth when you have lots of variables / complicated data structures, is with a pencil and piece of paper, and do traditional algorithmic analysis. Or possibly, a hybrid approach. Try to break the question of efficiency into different parts -- if you can split the question up into a sum or product of a few different functions, maybe some of them you can determine in the abstract, and some you can estimate experimentally.
Luckily two input parameters is still easy to visualize in a 3D scatter plot (3rd dimension is the measured running time), and you can check if it looks like a plane (in log-log-log scale) or if it is curved. Naturally random variations in measurements plays a role here as well.
In Matlab I typically calculate a least-squares solution to two-variable function like this (just concatenates different powers and combinations of x and y horizontally, .* is an element-wise product):
x = log(parameter_x);
y = log(parameter_y);
% Find a least-squares fit
p = [x.^2, x.*y, y.^2, x, y, ones(length(x),1)] \ log(time)
Then this can be used to estimate running times for larger problem instances, ideally those would be confirmed experimentally to know that the fitted model works.
This approach works also for higher dimensions but gets tedious to generate, maybe there is a more general way to achieve that and this is just a work-around for my lack of knowledge.
I was going to write my own explanation but it wouldn't be any better than this.

Finding Optimal Parameters In A "Black Box" System

I'm developing machine learning algorithms which classify images based on training data.
During the image preprocessing stages, there are several parameters which I can modify that affect the data I feed my algorithms (for example, I can change the Hessian Threshold when extracting SURF features). So the flow thus far looks like:
[param1, param2, param3...] => [black box] => accuracy %
My problem is: with so many parameters at my disposal, how can I systematically pick values which give me optimized results/accuracy? A naive approach is to run i nested for-loops (assuming i parameters) and just iterate through all parameter combinations, but if it takes 5 minute to calculate an accuracy from my "black box" system this would take a long, long time.
This being said, are there any algorithms or techniques which can search for optimal parameters in a black box system? I was thinking of taking a course in Discrete Optimization but I'm not sure if that would be the best use of my time.
Thank you for your time and help!
Edit (to answer comments):
I have 5-8 parameters. Each parameter has its own range. One parameter can be 0-1000 (integer), while another can be 0 to 1 (real number). Nothing is stopping me from multithreading the black box evaluation.
Also, there are some parts of the black box that have some randomness to them. For example, one stage is using k-means clustering. Each black box evaluation, the cluster centers may change. I run k-means several times to (hopefully) avoid local optima. In addition, I evaluate the black box multiple times and find the median accuracy in order to further mitigate randomness and outliers.
As a partial solution, a grid search of moderate resolution and range can be recursively repeated in the areas where the n-parameters result in the optimal values.
Each n-dimensioned result from each step would be used as a starting point for the next iteration.
The key is that for each iteration the resolution in absolute terms is kept constant (i.e. keep the iteration period constant) but the range decreased so as to reduce the pitch/granular step size.
I'd call it a ‘contracting mesh’ :)
Keep in mind that while it avoids full brute-force complexity it only reaches exhaustive resolution in the final iteration (this is what defines the final iteration).
Also that the outlined process is only exhaustive on a subset of the points that may or may not include the global minimum - i.e. it could result in a local minima.
(You can always chase your tail though by offsetting the initial grid by some sub-initial-resolution amount and compare results...)
Have fun!
Here is the solution to your problem.
A method behind it is described in this paper.

k-means empty cluster

I try to implement k-means as a homework assignment. My exercise sheet gives me following remark regarding empty centers:
During the iterations, if any of the cluster centers has no data points associated with it, replace it with a random data point.
That confuses me a bit, firstly Wikipedia or other sources I read do not mention that at all. I further read about a problem with 'choosing a good k for your data' - how is my algorithm supposed to converge if I start setting new centers for cluster that were empty.
If I ignore empty clusters I converge after 30-40 iterations. Is it wrong to ignore empty clusters?
Check out this example of how empty clusters can happen: http://www.ceng.metu.edu.tr/~tcan/ceng465_f1314/Schedule/KMeansEmpty.html
It basically means either 1) a random tremor in the force, or 2) the number of clusters k is wrong. You should iterate over a few different values for k and pick the best.
If during your iterating you should encounter an empty cluster, place a random data point into that cluster and carry on.
I hope this helped on your homework assignment last year.
Handling empty clusters is not part of the k-means algorithm but might result in better clusters quality. Talking about convergence, it is never exactly but only heuristically guaranteed and hence the criterion for convergence is extended by including a maximum number of iterations.
Regarding the strategy to tackle down this problem, I would say randomly assigning some data point to it is not very clever since we might be affecting the clusters quality since the distance to its currently assigned center is large or small. An heuristic for this case would be to choose the farthest point from the biggest cluster and move that the empty cluster, then do so until there are no empty clusters.
Statement: k-means can lead to
Consider above distribution of data points.
overlapping points mean that the distance between them is del. del tends to 0 meaning you can assume arbitary small enough value eg 0.01 for it.
dash box represents cluster assign
legend in footer represents numberline
N=6 points
k=3 clusters (coloured)
final clusters = 2
blue cluster is orphan and ends up empty.
Empty clusters can be obtained if no points are allocated to a cluster during the assignment step. If this happens, you need to choose a replacement centroid otherwise SSE would be larger than neccessary.
*Choose the point that contributes most to SSE
*Choose a point from the cluster with the highest SSE
*If there are several empty clusters, the above can be repeated several times.
***SSE = Sum of Square Error.
Check this site https://chih-ling-hsu.github.io/2017/09/01/Clustering#
You should not ignore empty clusters but replace it. k-means is an algorithm could only provides you local minimums, and the empty clusters are the local minimums that you don't want.
your program is going to converge even if you replace a point with a random one. Remember that at the beginning of the algorithm, you choose the initial K points randomly. if it can converge, how come K-1 converge points with 1 random point can't? just a couple more iterations are needed.
"Choosing good k for your data" refers to the problem of choosing the right number of clusters. Since the k-means algorithm works with a predetermined number of cluster centers, their number has to be chosen at first. Choosing the wrong number could make it hard to divide the data points into clusters or the clusters could become small and meaningless.
I can't give you an answer on whether it is a bad idea to ignore empty clusters. If you do, you might end up with a smaller number of clusters than you defined at the beginning. This will confuse people who expect k-means to work in a certain way, but it is not necessarily a bad idea.
If you re-locate any empty cluster centers, your algorithm will probably converge anyway if that happens a limited number of times. However, you if you have to relocate too often, it might happen that your algorithm doesn't terminate.
For "Choosing good k for your data", Andrew Ng gives the example of a tee shirt manufacturer looking at potential customer measurements and doing k-means to decide if you want to offer S/M/L (k=3) or 2XS/XS/S/M/L/XL/2XL (k=7). Sometimes the decision is driven by the data (k=7 gives empty clusters) and sometimes by business considerations (manufacturing costs are less with only three sizes, or marketing says customers want more choices).
Set a variable to track the farthest distanced point and its cluster based on the distance measure used.
After the allocation step for all the points, check the number of datapoints in each cluster.
If any is 0, as is the case for this question, split the biggest cluster obtained and split further into 2 sub-clusters.
Replace the selected cluster with these sub-clusters.
I hope the issue is fixed now.. Random assignment will affect the clustering structure of the already obtained clustering.

Simplification / optimization of GPS track

I've got a GPS track produced by gpxlogger(1) (supplied as a client for gpsd). GPS receiver updates its coordinates every 1 second, gpxlogger's logic is very simple, it writes down location (lat, lon, ele) and a timestamp (time) received from GPS every n seconds (n = 3 in my case).
After writing down a several hours worth of track, gpxlogger saves several megabyte long GPX file that includes several thousands of points. Afterwards, I try to plot this track on a map and use it with OpenLayers. It works, but several thousands of points make using the map a sloppy and slow experience.
I understand that having several thousands of points of suboptimal. There are myriads of points that can be deleted without losing almost anything: when there are several points making up roughly the straight line and we're moving with the same constant speed between them, we can just leave the first and the last point and throw away anything else.
I thought of using gpsbabel for such track simplification / optimization job, but, alas, it's simplification filter works only with routes, i.e. analyzing only geometrical shape of path, without timestamps (i.e. not checking that the speed was roughly constant).
Is there some ready-made utility / library / algorithm available to optimize tracks? Or may be I'm missing some clever option with gpsbabel?
Yes, as mentioned before, the Douglas-Peucker algorithm is a straightforward way to simplify 2D connected paths. But as you have pointed out, you will need to extend it to the 3D case to properly simplify a GPS track with an inherent time dimension associated with every point. I have done so for a web application of my own using a PHP implementation of Douglas-Peucker.
It's easy to extend the algorithm to the 3D case with a little understanding of how the algorithm works. Say you have input path consisting of 26 points labeled A to Z. The simplest version of this path has two points, A and Z, so we start there. Imagine a line segment between A and Z. Now scan through all remaining points B through Y to find the point furthest away from the line segment AZ. Say that point furthest away is J. Then, you scan the points between B and I to find the furthest point from line segment AJ and scan points K through Y to find the point furthest from segment JZ, and so on, until the remaining points all lie within some desired distance threshold.
This will require some simple vector operations. Logically, it's the same process in 3D as in 2D. If you find a Douglas-Peucker algorithm implemented in your language, it might have some 2D vector math implemented, and you'll need to extend those to use 3 dimensions.
You can find a 3D C++ implementation here: 3D Douglas-Peucker in C++
Your x and y coordinates will probably be in degrees of latitude/longitude, and the z (time) coordinate might be in seconds since the unix epoch. You can resolve this discrepancy by deciding on an appropriate spatial-temporal relationship; let's say you want to view one day of activity over a map area of 1 square mile. Imagining this relationship as a cube of 1 mile by 1 mile by 1 day, you must prescale the time variable. Conversion from degrees to surface distance is non-trivial, but for this case we simplify and say one degree is 60 miles; then one mile is .0167 degrees. One day is 86400 seconds; then to make the units equivalent, our prescale factor for your timestamp is .0167/86400, or about 1/5,000,000.
If, say, you want to view the GPS activity within the same 1 square mile map area over 2 days instead, time resolution becomes half as important, so scale it down twice further, to 1/10,000,000. Have fun.
Have a look at Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm for smoothening complex polygons, also Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm can help you reduce your points.
OpenSource GeoKarambola java library (no Android dependencies but can be used in Android) that includes a GpxPathManipulator class that does both route & track simplification/reduction (3D/elevation aware).
If the points have timestamp information that will not be discarded.
This is the algorith in action, interactively
This algorithm is based on reducing the number of points by eliminating those that have the greatest XTD (cross track distance) error until a tolerated error is satisfied or the maximum number of points is reached (both parameters of the function), wichever comes first.
An alternative algorithm, for on-the-run stream like track simplification (I call it "streamplification") is:
you keep a small buffer of the points the GPS sensor gives you, each time a GPS point is added to the buffer (elevation included) you calculate the max XTD (cross track distance) of all the points in the buffer to the line segment that unites the first point with the (newly added) last point of the buffer. If the point with the greatest XTD violates your max tolerated XTD error (25m has given me great results) then you cut the buffer at that point, register it as a selected point to be appended to the streamplified track, trim the trailing part of the buffer up to that cut point, and keep going. At the end of the track the last point of the buffer is also added/flushed to the solution.
This algorithm is lightweight enough that it runs on an AndroidWear smartwatch and gives optimal output regardless of if you move slow or fast, or stand idle at the same place for a long time. The ONLY thing that maters is the SHAPE of your track. You can go for many minutes/kilometers and, as long as you are moving in a straight line (a corridor within +/- tolerated XTD error deviations) the streamplify algorithm will only output 2 points: those of the exit form last curve and entry on next curve.
I ran in to a similar issue. The rate at which the gps unit takes points is much larger that needed. Many of the points are not geographically far away from each other. The approach that I took is to calculate the distance between the points using the haversine formula. If the distance was not larger than my threshold (0.1 miles in my case) I threw away the point. This quickly gets the number of points down to a manageable size.
I don't know what language you are looking for. Here is a C# project that I was working on. At the bottom you will find the haversine code.
Hope this gets you going.
This is probably NP-hard. Suppose you have points A, B, C, D, E.
Let's try a simple deterministic algorithm. Suppose you calculate the distance from point B to line A-C and it's smaller than your threshold (1 meter). So you delete B. Then you try the same for C to line A-D, but it's bigger and D for C-E, which is also bigger.
But it turns out that the optimal solution is A, B, E, because point C and D are close to the line B-E, yet on opposite sides.
If you delete 1 point, you cannot be sure that it should be a point that you should keep, unless you try every single possible solution (which can be n^n in size, so on n=80 that's more than the minimum number of atoms in the known universe).
Next step: try a brute force or branch and bound algorithm. Doesn't scale, doesn't work for real-world size. You can safely skip this step :)
Next step: First do a determinstic algorithm and improve upon that with a metaheuristic algorithm (tabu search, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms). In java there are a couple of open source implementations, such as Drools Planner.
All in all, you 'll probably have a workable solution (although not optimal) with the first simple deterministic algorithm, because you only have 1 constraint.
A far cousin of this problem is probably the Traveling Salesman Problem variant in which the salesman cannot visit all cities but has to select a few.
You want to throw away uninteresting points. So you need a function that computes how interesting a point is, then you can compute how interesting all the points are and throw away the N least interesting points, where you choose N to slim the data set sufficiently. It sounds like your definition of interesting corresponds to high acceleration (deviation from straight-line motion), which is easy to compute.
Try this, it's free and opensource online Service:
I guess you need to keep points where you change direction. If you split your track into the set of intervals of constant direction, you can leave only boundary points of these intervals.
And, as Raedwald pointed out, you'll want to leave points where your acceleration is not zero.
Not sure how well this will work, but how about taking your list of points, working out the distance between them and therefore the total distance of the route and then deciding on a resolution distance and then just linear interpolating the position based on each step of x meters. ie for each fix you have a "distance from start" measure and you just interpolate where n*x is for your entire route. (you could decide how many points you want and divide the total distance by this to get your resolution distance). On top of this you could add a windowing function taking maybe the current point +/- z points and applying a weighting like exp(-k* dist^2/accuracy^2) to get the weighted average of a set of points where dist is the distance from the raw interpolated point and accuracy is the supposed accuracy of the gps position.
One really simple method is to repeatedly remove the point that creates the largest angle (in the range of 0° to 180° where 180° means it's on a straight line between its neighbors) between its neighbors until you have few enough points. That will start off removing all points that are perfectly in line with their neighbors and will go from there.
You can do that in Ο(n log(n)) by making a list of each index and its angle, sorting that list in descending order of angle, keeping how many you need from the front of the list, sorting that shorter list in descending order of index, and removing the indexes from the list of points.
def simplify_points(points, how_many_points_to_remove)
angle_map = Array.new
(2..points.length - 1).each { |next_index|
removal_list.add([next_index - 1, angle_between(points[next_index - 2], points[next_index - 1], points[next_index])])
removal_list = removal_list.sort_by { |index, angle| angle }.reverse
removal_list = removal_list.first(how_many_points_to_remove)
removal_list = removal_list.sort_by { |index, angle| index }.reverse
removal_list.each { |index| points.delete_at(index) }
return points