How to add JWT Bearer Token to ALL requests to an API -

I'm in the process of trying to put together a small project which uses Asp.Net Core Identity, Identity Server 4 and a Web API project.
I've got my MVC project authenticating correctly with IdS4 from which I get a JWT which I can then add to the header of a request to my Web API project, this all works as expected.
The issue I have is how I'm actually adding the token to the HttpClient, basically I'm setting it up for every request which is obviously wrong otherwise I'd have seen other examples online, but I haven't been able to determine a good way to refactor this. I've read many articles and I have found very little information about this part of the flow, so I'm guessing it could be so simple that it's never detailed in guides, but I still don't know!
Here is an example MVC action that calls my API:
public async Task<IActionResult> GetFromApi()
var client = await GetHttpClient();
string testUri = "https://localhost:44308/api/TestItems";
var response = await client.GetAsync(testUri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);
var data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
GetFromApiViewModel vm = new GetFromApiViewModel()
Output = data
return View(vm);
And here is the GetHttpClient() method which I call (currently residing in the same controller):
private async Task<HttpClient> GetHttpClient()
var client = new HttpClient();
var expat = HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("expires_at").Result;
var dataExp = DateTime.Parse(expat, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind);
if ((dataExp - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes < 10)
var accessToken = await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
return client;
My StartUp classes are pretty standard from what I gather, but if they could be useful, then I'll add them in.

I've read many articles and I have found very little information about this part of the flow, so I'm guessing it could be so simple that it's never detailed in guides, but I still don't know!
The problem is that the docs are really spread all over, so it's hard to get a big picture of all the best practices. I'm planning a blog series on "Modern HTTP API Clients" that will collect all these best practices.
First, I recommend you use HttpClientFactory rather than new-ing up an HttpClient.
Next, adding an authorization header is IMO best done by hooking into the HttpClient's pipeline of message handlers. A basic bearer-token authentication helper could look like this:
public sealed class BackendApiAuthenticationHttpClientHandler : DelegatingHandler
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _accessor;
public BackendApiAuthenticationHttpClientHandler(IHttpContextAccessor accessor)
_accessor = accessor;
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var expat = await _accessor.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("expires_at");
var dataExp = DateTime.Parse(expat, null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind);
if ((dataExp - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes < 10)
var token = await _accessor.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
// Use the token to make the call.
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
This can be hooked up via DI:
.ConfigureHttpClient((provider, c) => c.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://localhost:44308/api"))
Then you can inject an HttpClient into your MyController, and it will magically use the auth tokens:
// _client is an HttpClient, initialized in the constructor
string testUri = "TestItems";
var response = await _client.GetAsync(testUri, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead);
var data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
GetFromApiViewModel vm = new GetFromApiViewModel()
Output = data
return View(vm);
This pattern seems complex at first, but it separates the "how do I call this API" logic from "what is this action doing" logic. And it's easier to extend with retries / circuit breakers / etc, via Polly.

You can use HttpRequestMessage
// Create this instance once on stratup
// (preferably you want to keep an instance per base url to avoid waiting for socket fin)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
Then create an instance of HttpRequestMessage:
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "ey..");
await client.SendAsync(request);


Refresh token on web api and Blazor server side

I have an application where the backend is an web api and the front-end is a Blazor server side. Both projects are using net6.0.
I have implemented jwt token authentication, so users can register and login from the front-end.
My problem is that if the user refreshes a page, he automatically gets logged out. My understanding is that this can be solved using refresh token (I'm not sure if this understanding is correct).
I have tried to follow this guide: Refresh Token with Blazor WebAssembly and ASP.NET Core Web API
However since I'm using Blazor server side I cannot intercept HTTP Requests using the approach in the article.
My question is: in my Blazor server side application how can I prevent users automatically getting logged out due to page refresh and how can I intercept the http request?
UPDATE: Notice I already have everything working in regards to token and authentication between the back and frontend. The part that I'm missing is inside the blazor server side application in the program.cs file. I basically want to intercept all http request and call a method.
In program.cs I have:
builder.Services.AddScoped<IRefreshTokenService, RefreshTokenService>();
I want RefreshTokenService to be called on every http request. I have tried creating a middleware (which calls the RefreshTokenService), inside the program.cs like:
But this only get called once.
Here's a very simplified version of an API client I'm using in my app that's also split into an ASP.NET Core API backend and a Blazor Server frontend.
The way it works is that the accessToken gets retreived from local storage and added as an authentication header to the HttpRequestMessage in my API client before each API call.
public class MyApiClient
private readonly IHttpClientFactory _clientFactory;
private readonly IMyApiTokenProvider _myApiTokenProvider;
public MyApiClient(IHttpClientFactory clientFactory, IMyApiTokenProvider myApiTokenProvider)
_clientFactory = clientFactory;
_myApiTokenProvider = myApiTokenProvider;
public async Task<ApiResponse<CustomerListResponse>> GetCustomersAsync()
//create HttpClient
var client = _clientFactory.CreateClient("MyApiHttpClient");
//create HttpRequest
var request = CreateRequest(HttpMethod.Get, "/getCustomers");
//call the API
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
//if Unauthorized, refresh access token and retry
if(response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
var refreshResult = await RefreshAccessToken(client);
if (refreshResult.IsSuccess)
//save new token
await _backendTokenProvider.SetAccessToken(refreshResult.NewAccessToken);
//create request again, with new access token
var retryRequest = await CreateRequest(HttpMethod.Get, "/getCustomers");
response = await client.SendAsync(retryRequest);
//refresh token request failed
return ApiResponse<CustomerListResponse>.Error("Token invalid");
//parse response
var customers = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<ApiResponse<CustomerListResponse>>();
return customers;
private HttpRequestMessage CreateRequest<TRequest>(string command, HttpMethod method, TRequest requestModel = null) where TRequest : class
//create HttpRequest
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, command);
//add body if not empty
if (requestModel is not null)
request.Content = JsonContent.Create(requestModel);
//set the Auth header to the Access Token value taken from Local Storage
var accessToken = await _myApiTokenProvider.GetAccessToken();
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
return request;
private async Task<ApiResponse<RefreshTokenResponse>> RefreshAccessToken(HttpClient client)
var refreshToken = await _backendTokenProvider.GetRefreshToken();
if (refreshToken is null)
return ApiResponse<RefreshTokenResponse>.Error("Refresh token is null, cannot refresh access token");
var refreshRequest = CreateRequest(HttpMethod.Post, "/refreshToken", new RefreshTokenRequest(refreshToken));
var refreshResponse = await client.SendAsync(refreshRequest);
var refreshResult = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<ApiResponse<RefreshTokenResponse>>();
return refreshResult;
public class MyApiTokenProvider : IMyApiTokenProvider
private readonly ProtectedLocalStorage _protectedLocalStorage;
public MyApiTokenProvider(ProtectedLocalStorage protectedLocalStorage)
_protectedLocalStorage = protectedLocalStorage;
public async Task<string> GetAccessToken()
var result = await _protectedLocalStorage.GetAsync<string>("accessToken");
return result.Success ? result.Value : null;
public async Task<string> GetRefreshToken()
var result = await _protectedLocalStorage.GetAsync<string>("refreshToken");
return result.Success ? result.Value : null;
public async Task SetAccessToken(string newAccessToken)
await _protectedLocalStorage.SetAsync("accessToken", newAccessToken);
public async Task SetRefreshToken(string newRefreshToken)
await _protectedLocalStorage.SetAsync("refreshToken", newRefreshToken);

Centralized place to access response Context-Length for telemetry

I want to add telemetry either as a log or to Application insights for the Content-Length of a response in dotnet core 2.2. I've tried a number of places in middleware and different filters in the request pipeline. No where that I've checked has the Content-Length materialized--it's always null.
My alternate solution was to check the response stream myself and compute the length but I'd really prefer not to re-read the stream if I don't have to. Is there somewhere in the dotnet core request pipeline that I can hook into for that information?
You will still have to implement custom middleware for this. Here is an example:
public class CustomMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public CustomMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
// store original response and replace it with another
var originalResponse = context.Response.Body;
await using var newResponse = new MemoryStream();
context.Response.Body = newResponse;
await _next(context);
// You can easily access Length property of the stream here
// and log it (logging skipped in the example)
var contentLength = newResponse.Length;
// setting back the original stream
newResponse.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
await newResponse.CopyToAsync(originalResponse);
context.Response.Body = originalResponse;
You can also see this implementation, which uses buffering

Error in ASP.NET Core MVC and Web API project

I have an ASP.NET Core MVC and also Web API project.
This error occurs when I try to send project information to the API (of course API works fine and I do not think there is a problem):
UnsupportedMediaTypeException: No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read a "TokenModel" object of "text / plain" media content.
My code is:
public class TokenModel
public string Token { get; set; }
and in AuthController I have:
var _Client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("MyApiClient");
var jsonBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(login);
var content = new StringContent(jsonBody, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var response = _Client.PostAsync("/Api/Authentication", content).Result;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var token = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<TokenModel>().Result;
The error occurs on this line:
var token = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<TokenModel>().Result;
public IActionResult Index()
var token = User.FindFirst("AccessToken").Value;
return View(_user.GetAllUsers(token));
public List<UserViewModel> GetAllUsers(string token)
_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
var res = _client.GetStringAsync(UrlMyApi).Result;
List<UserViewModel> users = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<UserViewModel>>(res);
return users;
Your API is returning content-type of text/plain and none of the default media type formatters(MediaTypeFormatter) which ReadAsAsync<string>() will try to use support parsing it as is. They work with JSON/XML. You can go a couple of ways but maybe the easiest is to read the content as string and deserialize it after:
var tokenJSON = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var token = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TokenModel>(tokenJSON);
Also, as you're using the Async methods, you should be returning Task from your actions and await the result instead of using .Result as you're just creating overhead currently.
var tokenJSON = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var token = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TokenModel>(tokenJSON);

HttpClient default headers not working with Microsoft.Owin.Testing.TestServer

I'm using the Microsoft.Owin.Testing library to integration test my API in-memory. I've added in the OWIN JWT middleware for my authentication needs, and am now trying to pass a generated token to test requests to controllers needing authorization. I can assure you that the JWT middleware is setup correctly, as it works just fine with normal use. However, I am observing some strange behavior with the TestServer.HttpClient object. When I set a default authorization header on HttpClient to pass the token, my tests never pass because the token is not recognized. However, when I use TestServer.CreateRequest(...), the test passes correctly and the token is recognized. I would prefer to use the HttpClient methods because they make things a hell of a lot easier with all the extension methods provided such as PostAsJsonAsync, etc. I'm beginning to think there is either a bug in the TestServer.HttpClient or I that am completely missing something.
Here's my test class (using NUnit3):
public class DefinitionsControllerTests
private TestServer _server;
private string _accessToken;
public void Setup()
_server = TestServer.Create<Startup>();
var credentials = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] {
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("grant_type", "password"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("username", ""),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("password", "testing123")
// get token from OWIN JWT middleware
dynamic resultBody = JObject.Parse(
_server.HttpClient.PostAsync("/oauth/token", credentials).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
_accessToken = (string)resultBody.access_token;
// this does not appear to ever work
_server.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _accessToken);
public void TearDown()
public void GetById_WithExistingId()
// 401 Unauthorized response everytime and test fails
var response = _server.HttpClient.GetAsync($"/api/definitions/{expected.Id}").Result;
var actual = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Definition>().Result;
// 200 Ok every time and test passes
// - these variables aren't part of the test but rather to show alternate request creation method that works
var response2 = _server.CreateRequest($"/api/definitions/{expected.Id}")
.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + _accessToken)
var actual2 = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Definition>().Result;
//...other test methods
And my controller:
public class DefinitionsController : ApiController
private readonly IDefinitionRepository _repo;
public DefinitionsController(IDefinitionRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public IHttpActionResult Get(Guid id)
var definition = _repo.Get(id);
if (definition == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(definition);
Anyone have any idea why only CreateRequest() works? This is slightly infuriating.
The problem is that the HttpClient property returns a new instance every time. It will work if you save that instance and re-use it.

Disable chunking in ASP.NET Core

I'm using an ASP.NET Core Azure Web App to provide a RESTful API to a client, and the client doesn't handle chunking correctly.
Is it possible to completely turn off Transfer-Encoding: chunked, either at the controller level or in file web.config?
I'm returning a JsonResult somewhat like this:
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] AuthRequest RequestData)
AuthResult AuthResultData = new AuthResult();
return Json(AuthResultData);
How to get rid of chunking in .NET Core 2.2:
The trick is to read the response body into your own MemoryStream, so you can get the length. Once you do that, you can set the content-length header, and IIS won't chunk it. I assume this would work for Azure too, but I haven't tested it.
Here's the middleware:
public class DeChunkerMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public DeChunkerMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
var originalBodyStream = context.Response.Body;
using (var responseBody = new MemoryStream())
context.Response.Body = responseBody;
long length = 0;
context.Response.OnStarting(() =>
context.Response.Headers.ContentLength = length;
return Task.CompletedTask;
await _next(context);
// If you want to read the body, uncomment these lines.
//context.Response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
//var body = await new StreamReader(context.Response.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
length = context.Response.Body.Length;
context.Response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
await responseBody.CopyToAsync(originalBodyStream);
Then add this in Startup:
It needs to be before app.UseMvC().
In ASP.NET Core, this seems to work across hosts:
response.Headers["Content-Encoding"] = "identity";
response.Headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "identity";
Indicates the identity function (i.e., no compression, nor
modification). This token, except if explicitly specified, is always
deemed acceptable.
This also works when you explicitly disable response buffering:
var bufferingFeature = httpContext.Features.Get<IHttpBufferingFeature>();
It works in .NET Core 2.0. Just set ContentLength before writing the results into the response body stream.
In the startup class:
app.Use(async (ctx, next) =>
var stream = new xxxResultTranslatorStream(ctx.Response.Body);
ctx.Response.Body = stream;
await Run(ctx, next);
ctx.Response.Body = stream.Stream;
In xxxResultTranslatorStream:
ctx.Response.Headers.ContentLength = 40;
stream.Write(writeTargetByte, 0, writeTargetByte.Length);
I found that all my chunking problems went away if I just returned a FileStream from Get() and let ASP.NET deal with the rest.
Microsoft software tends to work best if you just give up control and trust them. It tends to work worst if you actually try to control the process.