Undestanding Custom Component and V-Model in VueJS - vue.js

NOTE: I have made a video version of this quesiton, which you can view here:
The VueJS documentation dicusses how to use v-model with components: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Passing-Data-to-Child-Components-with-Props
If I create a component exactly has written in the documentation, it works just fine. Here is the code:
Vue.component('custom-input', {
props: ['value'],
template: `
v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"
But now let me try and change the name of the prop in that component -- for example, to bar:
Vue.component('custom-input', {
props: ['bar'],
template: `
v-on:input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)"
Now it only half-works. That is to say, let's say I am binding custom-input to a data property called message, like this: <custom-input v-model="message"></custom-input>. If I dynamically update the value of message, then the value of custom-input will update -- but only once. If I update the value again it will not update the value of custom-input.
However, if I change the prop name back to value (instead of bar), then the value of custom-input will update each and every time I udpate the value of message.
[again, here is the video description of what I am talking about: https://www.loom.com/share/6a23d0791c2444068e964b388ed5497e]
Why is that? Why should it matter what name I give the prop? Does it have to be named value because I am binding to the value attribute? If so, why?
In short, what is going on here?

Yes, the attribute must be named value because you are using v-model to bind. v-model is an abbrevistion of binding the attribute value and listening to the event input. It's a special use case for binding a value two ways.
So, this is exactly the same:
<custom-input v-model="user" />
<custom-input :value="user" #input="user = $event" />
If you prefer the full attribute notation:
<custom-input v-bind:value="user" v-on:input="user = $event" />
With the variable $event, you can, directly in the template, access the emitted value. You can also write a function name without brackets into the template to pass the emitted value as first parameter (e.g. #input="setUser", then declare a method setUser(user)).

props is used to get data down from a parent component to a child component
$emit is used to send back data from the child to the parent
v-model is used for 2 way data binding
always make the data reactive with a return data(){return{...}}
props example:
<item :items="items"/>
data() {
var app= new Vue({
//in html file
<div id="app">


how to be not hardcoded for Buefy type in vue.js

<b-checkbox v-model="selectedTiers" :native-value="i" type="checkType(i)" #input="update">
{{ $t('general.specificTier', { tier: i }) }}
Hi everyone, I am using Buefy and Vue.js. I want the type to be flexible. That is why I am using the method here. according to different I, it outputs a different string. But type here doesn't recognize the method here. I also can't use string + string here.
Here is information about checkbox of buefy.
You can use v-bind directive to dynamically alter the attributes.
Here is an example to get your started:
<div id="app">
<!-- Example with string manipulation -->
<b-checkbox :type="`is-${type}`">TEST 1</b-checkbox>
<!-- Example by reading off compenent-data -->
<b-checkbox :type="checkboxType">TEST 2</b-checkbox>
export default {
name: "App",
components: {},
data() {
return {
type: 'success',
checkboxType: "is-success"
One last thing, you can still use a method there (just add : before the attribute name - like :type="checkType(i)"), but the function would only be evaluated once and any further data changes won't be reflected on the type attribute (won't update on data change)

What EXACTLY does mutating a child via emitted event .sync modifier do?

So I've been investigating how mutating child props from the parent can be done.
I already encountered the pitfall with using v-model.
It throws this error:
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "number1"
I learnt to deal with this problem by emitting events from the child and using .sync modifier in the parent.
However, I still feel like I didnt really understand whats going on under the hood in both cases.
As far as I understood, when mutating the childs properties from parent with v-model, the mutated data also mutates for any other parent importing the child.
To test this out, I built the following setup:
I have a child component with two inputs:
One using v-model, the other an emitted event to mutate the childs props.
We call it "compA":
#change="$emit('update:number1', $event.target.value)"
<input v-model="number1" placeholder="number1vmodel">
export default{
name: "compA",
props: {
number1: String
compA is being imported by compZ and compB. compZ also imports compB, and then compZ is finally being imported by myComplexView5.vue (my project uses routing).
<h1>compB containing compA</h1>
<p v-text="number1"></p>
import compA from "#/components/complexComponent5/compA.vue"
export default {
name: "compB",
components: {
return {
<compA :number1.sync="number1"/>
<compB />
import compA from "#/components/complexComponent5/compA.vue"
import compB from "#/components/complexComponent5/compB.vue"
export default {
name: "compZ",
components: {
"compA" : compA,
"compB" : compB
return {
<h1>And More testing</h1>
<compZ />
import compZ from "#/components/complexComponent5/compZ.vue"
export default{
name: "myComplexView5",
components: {
Now, I expected the following behavior:
When inputting into the inputfield which has v-model, I'd expect the paragraph inside compB to display the changes, since its text value is bound to the number1 prop from child compA. Since I mutated the childs props directly, the changed value should show up in any of the childs parents (or grandparents and so on).
But it doesnt. And it gets even better: When I use the inputfield with the event emitting from child to parent, the paragraph inside compB receives the changes!
This is basically the opposite of what I've learned from the sync modifier docs:
In some cases, we may need “two-way binding” for a prop. Unfortunately, true two-way binding can create maintenance issues, because child components can mutate the parent without the source of that mutation being obvious in both the parent and the child.
That’s why instead, we recommend emitting events in the pattern of update:myPropName. For example, in a hypothetical component with a title prop, we could communicate the intent of assigning a new value with:
this.$emit('update:title', newTitle)
Then the parent can listen to that event and update a local data property, if it wants to
Maybe this is caused by the data() inside compB which sets number1 to EMPTYSTRING when the component rerenders? I don't know, I'm very new to vue and I don't really understand when components rerender. I also used this
data() {
return {
number1: ''
inside compB To prevent this error from occuring:
[Vue warn]: Property or method is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
I don't really know how else to prevent this error from occuring, since it seems that even though compB imported the prop from compA, the prop still needs to be declared in compB Oo
I just found out that in the code I'm using, compZ still had this paragraph element:
<p v-text="number1"></p>
The string inputted into the inputfield appeared there, NOT in the paragraph element of compB. For some reason, even though I get no errors, neither through the emitted event from compA, nor through the v-model from compA does any change to the props inside compA show any impact inside compB... :(
I put your example code in a snippet at the bottom of the post so that we're on the same page about what code is actually being talked about (I removed the line with the <p v-text="number1"></p> from compB, because that component doesn't have a prop or data/computed property for number1).
Your compA component takes in a number1 prop, which it then uses for two inputs:
The first input uses the prop as its value and then emits an 'update:number1' event with the input's value in response to the input's change event. This allows you to specify the .sync modifier when the parent component binds a value to the compA component's number1 prop (as you do in compZ).
The second input directly binds the value of the number1 prop via v-model. This is not recommended (for reasons I'll explain), which is why you are seeing the "Avoid mutating a prop directly" warning. The effect of directly binding the number1 prop to this input is that whenever the value of this second input changes, the value of number1 will change, thus changing the value of the first input, and finally causing that first input to emit the update:number1 event. Technically Vue allows you to do this, but you can see how it can get confusing.
Your compB component simply renders some texts and a compA component without passing a value as a number1 prop to compA.
Your compZ component renders a compA component, binding its own number1 property value with the .sync modifier to the compA component. This compA component instance does not share any data with the compA component instance in the compB component, so we can't expect any changes to either component to affect the other.
Vue.component('compA', {
template: `
#change="$emit('update:number1', $event.target.value)"
<input v-model="number1" placeholder="number1vmodel">
props: {
number1: String
Vue.component('compB', {
template: `
<compA />
Vue.component('compZ', {
template: `
<compA :number1.sync="number1"/>
<compB />
data() {
return {
number1: ''
new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<h1>And More testing</h1>

What is the correct way to retrieve data from 2 or more identical components?

Evening. I've created a button which adds a component that has an input field inside. I might need to press that button few times so there would be 2-3 input fields that appear. Whenever I type the text I would like to send a request from the parent component but I don't know how to retrieve the data from every child component that has been created. Is this the time to start using vuex (never used it)?
<button class="btn btn-success" #click="addStep">Add step</button>
<div v-for="i in count">
<recipe-step v-bind:step-number="i"></recipe-step>
export default {
data() {
return {
count: 0
methods: {
addStep() {
this.count += 1;
<div class="from-group">
<label for="step-input"></label>
<input id="step-input" v-model="text" type="text">
export default {
props: {
stepNumber: {
type: Number,
required: true
data() {
return {
step: this.stepNumber,
text: ""
No, you really don't need Vuex yet. As long as you are still dealing with parent-child-component communication, you should be fine. Vuex comes into play when components, spread across the hole component hierarchy, need to exchange information.
Now, you should do something like this:
Don't store the text in the child component. When the input changes, send a Custom Event right to the parent component. Note that
<input v-model="text">
is only syntax sugar for
<input :value="text" #input="text = $event">
Both have the same effect. That's way you can send the input event up to the parent, like this:
<input #input="$emit('input', $event)">
Add another prop to your child component called value which should replace text.
And now you can use v-model in the parent component:
<recipe-step v-model="text">
To store multiple values, just use an array in your data properties.
<recipe-step v-model="textArray[i]">
Vuex can help you on that, however if all you want is to get the input text value back to the parent with the minimum effort you can create a prop called value in the children and then pass it as v-model in the parent.
Since you have a v-for you could make it iterate over a list instead a counter and then pass some prop inside each item as v-model

Vue.js Input value gets deleted on first char only

Based on the official example Custom Input Component example:
<div id="app" >
<div :class="{'has-value' : hasValue}">
<input type="text"
#input="onInput" >
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function() {
return {
hasValue: false
props: ['value'],
onInput: function(){
val= this.$refs.input.value
if(val && val.length > 0){
this.hasValue = true
} else {
this.hasValue = false
JS Fiddle to play
Dynamically set hasValue data for input and bind a Css Class to this data
Only after initialization and typing the first Character, the typed character gets deleted from the input. Press JS-Fiddle->Run to see it again.
After first character everything works as expected.
If I remove v-bind:value="value" or comment \\this.hasValue = true it works as expected. Binding value prop is recommended for custom Input component.
Is this intended and why? Or is this a bug I should report?
This is expected behaviour:
When the first character is inserted, hasValue is changed from false to true, causing the component to re-render
During re-render, Vue sees that the input has a value (the character you just typed in), but the property you have bound to it (the value prop) is empty.
Therefore, Vue updates the input to match the bound prop - and thus, it empties the input.
After that, hasValue doesn't change anymore, so there's no re-rendering happening, and thus, Vue doesn't reset the input field's value anymore.
So how to fix this?
First you have to understand that Vue is data-driven - the data determines the HTML, not the other way around. So if you want your input to have a value, you have to reflect that value in the property bound to it.
This would be trivial if you worked with a local data property:
But since you used a prop, and I assume you want to continue using it, the sittuation is a bit different - Vue follows a pattern of "data down - events up". You can't change props from within a child, you have to tell the parent from which you got it that you want to change it with an event. The responsibility to change it would be the parent's. Here's your example with a proper parent-child relationship:
I'm guessing that when you modified hasValue, Vue re-renders the component (to apply the has-value class to the div) which causes the v-bind:value to be re-evaluated. value is a prop which is unassigned and never changes, so the value of the input element gets cleared.
You really should use v-model on the input element and control has-value based on the value in the model, rather than interacting directly with the DOM. (You won't be able to use v-model with value though since value is a prop and cannot be assigned from within the component.)
I'm also guessing you want to make a custom input component which applies a certain style when it has a value. Try this:
Vue.component('my-input', {
props: ['value'],
template: `<input class="my-input" :class="{ 'has-value': value }" type="text" :value="value" #input="$emit('input', $event.target.value)">`,
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
value: '',
.my-input.has-value {
background-color: yellow;
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.5.6/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<my-input v-model="value"></my-input>
Are you trying to achieve something like this?
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
input: ''
computed: {
hasValue () {
return this.input.length ? true : false
.has-value {
background-color: red;
<div id="app">
<div :class="{'has-value' : hasValue}">
<input type="text" v-model="input">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>

Vue Multiselect does not update {{ value }} via v-model

I am using this example for Vue Multiselect "^2.0.0-beta.14" in Laravel 5.3. https://github.com/monterail/vue-multiselect/tree/2.0#install--basic-usage
The plugin renders correctly but I cannot get the selection via v-model. I am expecting #{{ selected }} to update with the current selection.
Vue.component('dropdown', require('./components/Multiselect.vue'));
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
export default {
components: { Multiselect },
data () {
return {
value: null,
options: ['list', 'of', 'options']
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
<div id="app">
<label class="typo__label">Single select</label>
<pre class="language-json"><code>#{{ value }}</code></pre>
The official example uses selected instead of value but this does not work either. According to the docs selection is replaced by value as of V2.
If you are using TypeScript Interfaces with Vue.js 2.0, avoid using a optional properties to store the value from child components. i.e. if your property is
value:? IMyCustomInterface instead use value: MyCustomObject|null and set the object to null in the constructor.
If the property is optional, it will compile fine, but child components won't update it properly.
The reason value is not showing up in root is because the data is isolated to the dropdown component. To get your data from a component to show up in the Root you need to use props.
See this question for a detailed explanation
How to get data from a component in VueJS