Problem of Jmeter/Webdriver with testing a webapp searching data form which has Knockout installed - testing

I am facing problem of testing jmeter/Webdriver for a webapp which has Knockout framework installed. I fill all the form fields OK but when run click search button it displays the error that required fields need not to be empty. I checked all web element value are not empty. As my understand Knockout is not activated to bind Web elements with DataModel from Knockout. I used wait WDS.browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait for webpage fully loaded/ajax calling or event being fired but without any success. I Do you have any experiencing and solution for testing this kinds of webapp?

It might be the case you need to trigger a certain JavaScript event in order to "tell" the web application that you finish the input, i.e. onkeyup or onblur which is not being automatically called by Selenium's sendKeys() function
You can use i.e. WDS.browser.executeScript() function to send the event(s) which indicate that you filled in the form(s). Check out The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered article to learn how to call scripts, use Waits, etc.


How to indicate certain events to Selenium tests?

I'm relatively new to Selenium testing. I have a React SPA I want to create Selenium tests for. I can work with locators and such, but I don't know how I can make the test wait for certain events.
I.e.: The test opens a page where I have a list that is loaded via an API. I need the test to wait until the content is loaded. How can I indicate this to the test? I may be able to check the spinner and wait until it disappears, but there could be situations when the spinner doesn't even appear. Besides, I need to handle events when there are no elements in the list or when there is a communication issue with the API. I really don't want to rely on user messages and spinners.
Should I create an DOM element which is invisible to the user and fill it with the event result so the test can read it? This also doesn't seem a good solution for me.

Robotframework - Selenium - How to verify page loaded completely (successfully) without relying on a specific element in the page?

I was wondering if there is anything in Selenium that can verify if a page loaded completely without relying on a specific element in the page to appear (while using the "wait until page contains" or similar keywords).
The idea is reusability. If there is a need to add new websites to the robot automation later, I do not want to rely on a specific element that might exist in one page but not in another to verify if the page loaded fully.
Is there any keyword that addresses that in Robot Framework - Selenium Library?
Edit - I am aware that some AJAX requests are impossible or extremely difficult to conclude if they finished or not (or if they just keep going forever) so let's assume the website does not have any of that.
Once the page is finished loading, all requests are done.
driver.execute_script("return document.readyState === 'complete'")
use execute script document.readyState , if it returns complete it means the loading have finiished.
But if there is no ajax you don't have to do it selenium does it automatically so your question won't be valid:'s%20page,loading%20takes%20lot%20of%20time.
normal This will make Selenium WebDriver to wait for the entire page
is loaded. When set to normal, Selenium WebDriver waits until the load
event fire is returned.
By default normal is set to browser if none is provided.
I couldn't find some built-in option but there is another way to achieve this. Check if your web app uses any third-party library which shows progress bar, if yes then probably there is function which returns the status of page loading including Ajax call. If not, then you can ask devs to add some progress bar, for instance Pace.JS
document.readyState does not wait for Ajax calls, personally I found it less helpful.

WKWebView - replace web action

Inside my app, I'm using the WKWebView to display a website. My goal is, when user is pressing a button on this website, I want to stop an action linked to this event and replace it with my own, natively made (custom action outside the WKWebView). I've been trying to search for any solution to fetch mentioned event but unsuccessful. What more came to my mind, if there is a way to fetch a JavaScript in WKWebView, I have a possibility to add some JS script code to this site (not to delete the action I want to block). Thank you for any help.
First, do you have a permission to mess with this web site's behaviour? I assume you do, otherwise it is likely illegal.
Second, try using Safari Web Inspector with a device/simulator, and use the DOM tree and console tools to find out what is the HTML/javascript that is involved with this action on this site.
If you can't find what happens in HTML/JS yourself, feel free to post a new separate question on SO with your target URL, some HTML/JS code, and which link/action you want to replace. Tag the question with "javascript" and ask if it is possible to write some javascript to replace that particular action to some custom JS code.
Usually there are 2 types of actions: either it is something that provokes AJAX calls to a server API triggered by an event handler, or it is a plain HTML link that results in a web navigation. For both cases it is possible to write a JS script that overrides the action.
Finally, use WKUserScript to inject javascript into the page, and override the action. Use window.webkit.messageHandlers to send an event from your custom action to the app side. Use WKScriptMessageHandler to process the event in the Objective-C or Swift code.
See an example here:

What is the proper way to test mandatory field in selenium

I am testing my web application using Selenium. All the form validation in the web application is done by HTML5 and some JS(for safari browser). I want to know what is the proper way to test the form validation.
Currently I am using one approach, i.e Before I filled up a mandatory field I clicked on the submit button. If the page is not refreshed then I assume the form validation working correctly. But I think there should be a better approach to do it. I am unable to find any proper solution. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
I also go through this link. But it is not working for me because it is not enough to have required attribute (eg required attribute does not work in older Safari browser).
Rather than checking if the page is refreshed or not, you should instead expect that it is not and that a certain error message or field highlighting or something is applied to the current page. When in an error state, the input fields probably get given an extra class, or an error div/span might be added to the DOM, try checking for that sort of thing

How to test ajax application using webdriver?

Is there some specific way to test ajax based web application using webdriver?
Yes you should be careful when you write tests for pages that use JavaScript/Ajax heavily.
Main point in such case is to use wait condition each time you do something and result is not available instantly or via page change. When you need to add a wait condition examine behavior of the page and try to find some event that is a sign for you that operation is completed (attribute change, new element appears or disappears and so on).