RavenDB: How to properly query/filter a nested value from a MultiMapIndex? - indexing

My application has a requirement that is should be able to filter/search for Pairs by the Number of the related Contact.
A Pair always has a reference to a Contact stored, but the number of the contact is not, and will not, be stored in the reference. So I tried to create a custom index for this, because the Pair and Contact are stored in different collections.
A simplified example of the index looks like this.
public class Pairs_Search : AbstractMultiMapIndexCreationTask<Pairs_Search.Result>
public class Result
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Workspace { get; set; }
public ContactResult Contact { get; set; }
public bool HasContactDetails { get; set; }
public class ContactResult
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Number { get; set; }
public Pairs_Search()
AddMap<Pair>(pairs => pairs
.Select(p => new
Contact = new
Number = 0
// Mark this items as WITHOUT contact details.
HasContactDetails = false,
AddMap<Contact>(contacts => contacts
.Select(c => new
Id = (string) null,
Workspace = (string) null,
Contact = new
Name = c.DisplayName,
// Mark this items as WITH contact details.
HasContactDetails = true,
Reduce = results => results
// First group by the contact ID. This will
// create a group with 2 or more items. One with the contact
// details, and one or more with pair details.
// They are all marked by a boolean flag 'HasContactDetails'.
.GroupBy(x => x.Contact.Id)
// We are going to enrich each item in the current group, that is
// marked as 'HasContactDetails = false', with the contact number.
// We need that so that we can filter on it later.
.Select(group =>
.Select(i => new
Contact = new
// Does the current item have the contact details?
Number = i.HasContactDetails
// Yes, in this case we use the previously set contact number.
? i.Contact.Number
// No, find the item with the contact details and grab the number.
: group.Single(x => x.HasContactDetails).Contact.Number
// Pass on the flag that indicates wheter or not
// this item has the contact details. We are going
// to need it later.
// We don't need the items with the contact details
// anymore, so filter them out.
.Where(x => !x.HasContactDetails)
// Flatten all the small lists to one big list.
.SelectMany(x => x);
// Mark the following fields of the result as searchable.
Index(x => x.Contact.Number, FieldIndexing.Search);
I've setup a full example that reproduces the issues I am having. You can find the example here.
Creating the index works fine. Querying the index works fine also as it properly matched the pair and contact and enriched the index result with the number of the contact. But when I try to use a .Where() or .Search() on the nested Number property it fails to properly filter the result dataset from the index.
The index without any filtering works as you can see in below code example (also available in the full example).
private static async Task ThisOneWorks()
using (var session = Store.OpenAsyncSession())
var results = await session
.Query<Pairs_Search.Result, Pairs_Search>()
LogResults("ThisOneWorks()", results);
// Output:
// ThisOneWorks(): Pair 'Harry Potter' with number '70'
// ThisOneWorks(): Pair 'Harry Potter' with number '70'
// ThisOneWorks(): Pair 'Hermione Granger' with number '71'
// ThisOneWorks(): Pair 'Albus Dumbledore' with number '72'
Filtering on a non-nested value also works (also available in the full example). As you can see it filters out the one with a different workspace.
private static async Task ThisOneWithWorkspaceFilterWorks()
using (var session = Store.OpenAsyncSession())
var results = await session
.Query<Pairs_Search.Result, Pairs_Search>()
.Where(x => x.Workspace == "hogwarts")
LogResults("ThisOneWithWorkspaceFilterWorks()", results);
// Output:
// ThisOneWithWorkspaceFilterWorks(): Pair 'Harry Potter' with number '70'
// ThisOneWithWorkspaceFilterWorks(): Pair 'Harry Potter' with number '70'
// ThisOneWithWorkspaceFilterWorks(): Pair 'Hermione Granger' with number '71'
When I try to filter/search on the Workspace and Number properties I would expect two results that are related to the contact Harry Potter. But instead I just get an empty dataset back.
private static async Task ThisOneWithWorkspaceAndNumberFilterDoesntWork()
using (var session = Store.OpenAsyncSession())
var results = await session
.Query<Pairs_Search.Result, Pairs_Search>()
.Where(x => x.Workspace == "hogwarts")
.Where(x => x.Contact.Number == 70)
LogResults("ThisOneWithWorkspaceAndNumberFilterDoesntWork()", results);
// Output:
// ThisOneWithWorkspaceAndNumberFilterDoesntWork(): EMPTY RESULTS!
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The way to go about it is to store ContactResult in a different collection,
which is what is called a related document in this case,
and when you create the index then you 'Index the Related Document'
Learn from the demo example in:
The example is for a basic map index but the principle is the same for Multi-Map.
Remove the public class ContactResult from the index class
and define the index with something like:
select new Result
Number = LoadDocument<Contact>(Pair.Contact).Number


replace a returned property with another property from a different model linking by Id

Hi I'm not quite sure how to do this.
I have this .NetCore EntityFrame controller that gets a list of characters.
It works when I simply get the list of characters by doing this:
return await _context.Character.ToListAsync();
This returns the name, class, race, age, armorPoints, hitPoints, and spiritAnimalId for each character in the database.
But now, instead of simply returning just the spiritAnimalId, I want to return the actual name of the animal.
So I started writing some code, but quickly lost the ability to figure out how to return the name of the spirit animal.
Here is what I have:
// GET: api/Characters
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Character>>> GetCharacters()
var characters= await _context.Character.ToListAsync();
foreach(Character c in characters)
var a = _context.SpiritAnimal.FindAsync(c.spiritAnimalId);
var name = a.Result.Name;
return charcters;
So I'm lost as to how to return the list of projects and replace the spiritAnimalId with it's name.
// GET: api/Characters
public async Task<ActionResult<List<Character>>> GetCharacters()
var characters = await _context.Character
.Select(x => new
SpiritAnimalName = x.SpiritAnimalName.Name
return characters;
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<<anonymous type
to 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult<System.Collections.Generic.List
If you don't already, you should have a navigation property on your Character class like:
public SpiritAnimal SpiritAnimal { get; set; }
Then, when you make your query, you should include this relationship, so it's joined in the same query:
var characters = await _context.Character.Include(x => x.SpiritAnimal).ToListAsync();
As you're iterating over the characters, you can simply access: character.SpiritAnimal.Name. If you're wanting to only return the name from the query, you'll need to use Select to project into another class or an anonymous object:
var characters = await _context.Character
.Select(x => new
CharacterName = x.Name,
SpiritAnimalName = x.SpiritAnimal.Name
When the Select expression utilizes a property on a related entity, you don't need to explicitly load it; EF is smart enough to realize it needs to do a join to satisfy the return.

RavenDB querying metadata

I want to prevent documents from being deleted in my project and I decided to use metadata to mark document as Archived. I used below code to do that:
public class DeleteDocumentListener : IDocumentDeleteListener
public void BeforeDelete(string key, object entityInstance, RavenJObject metadata)
metadata.Add("Archived", true);
throw new NotSupportedException();
After that I wanted to alter query to return only documents which have Archived metadata value set to false:
using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Cutter>()
.WhereEquals("#metadata.Archived", false);
Unfortunately this query return empty result set. It occurs that if Document doesn't have this metadata property then above condition is treated as false. It wasn't what I expected.
How can I compose query to return Documents which don't have metadata property or this property has some value ?
You can solve it by creating an index for you Cutter documents and then query against that:
public class ArchivedIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Cutter>
public class QueryModel
public bool Archived { get; set; }
public ArchivedIndex()
Map = documents => from doc in documents
select new QueryModel
Archived = MetadataFor(doc)["Archived"] != null && MetadataFor(doc).Value<bool>("Archived")
Then query it like this:
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var cutters = session.Query<ArchivedIndex.QueryModel, ArchivedIndex>()
.Where(x => x.Archived == false)
Hope this helps!
Quick side note. To create the index, the following code may need to be run:
new ArchivedIndex().Execute(session.Advanced.DocumentStore);

Optimization of foreach statement, create new mapped Viewmodel list

Can someone please have a look at my code, I think there must be a way to optimize the foreach piece of code?
I have a database with Artists, each artist has multiple songTitles (called Titles), and each Title can have multiple Meanings.
Artist [1..*] Title [1..*] Meaning [0..*]
I want to find the count of Meanings, per Title, for an Artist, and return it as a new ViewModel List.
public class TitleVM
public int TitleID { get; set; }
public int MeaningCount { get; set; }
public List<TitleVM> GetTitlesByArtistID(int artistID)
//find the artist by ID
var titles = context.Titles.Where(x => x.ArtistID == artistID);
//create new VMList to be returned
var titleVMList = new List<TitleVM>();
//loop through each title,
foreach (var item in titles)
//find the number of meanings,
var count = 0;
if (item.Meanings != null && item.Meanings.Count > 0)
count = item.Meanings.Count();
// and map it to VM, add to list
titleVMList.Add(new TitleVM
TitleID = TitleID,
MeaningCount = count
return titleVMList;
I thought mapping it would be easiest, but have no idea how to map a viewmodel with lists in this way.
In my project I use Omu.ValueInjecter for mapping basic models, because Automapper needs full trust to run, and my host doesn't allow it.
Let me know if more information is needed.
Ok I read that its better to do an .AddRange then adding the the item with .Add each time.
I got my code down to the below:
public int CountMeanings(IEnumerable<Meaning> meanings)
if (meanings != null && meanings.Count() > 0)
return meanings.Count();
return 0;
public List<TitleVM> GetTitlesByArtistID(int artistID)
var titleVMList = new List<TitleVM>();
var titles = context.Titles.Where(x => x.ArtistID == artistID).AsEnumerable();
titleVMList.AddRange(titles.Select(item => new TitleVM {
TitleID = item.TitleID,
MeaningCount = CountMeanings(item.Meanings)
return titleVMList;

send parameter to windows azure mobile server script in c# for Windows 8 Store app

I modified the "Read" operation on my Windows Azure Mobile Services Preview table (named "Item") as follows:
function read(query, user, request)
var howRead;
if(howRead == "unique")
var sqlUnique = "SELECT DISTINCT ? FROM Item WHERE qProjectCode = ?";
else if (howRead == "column")
var sqlColumn = "SELECT ? FROM Item WHERE qProjectCode = ?";
else if (howRead == "all")
var sqlAll = "SELECT * FROM Item WHERE qProjectCode = ?";
This simply species when I want a unique list of a single column's values returned, all items in a single column, or all columns, respectively, all while limiting the read to those records with a given project code.
Right now, this works in C#, but scans the entire table (with other project codes) and always returns all columns. This is inherently inefficient.
var client = new MobileServiceClient("[https path", "[key]");
var table = client.GetTable<Item>();
var query1 = table.Where(w => w.QProjectCode == qgv.projCode && w.QRecord == (int)lbRecord.Items[uStartRecordIndex]);
var query1Enum = await query1.ToEnumerableAsync();
foreach (var i in query1Enum)
// process data
How do I alter the c# code to deal with the Javascript code? Feel free to critique the overall approach, since I am not a great programmer and can always use advice!
A few things:
In your server code, the mssql calls are not doing anything (useful). If you want to get their results, you need to pass a callback (the call is asynchronous) to it.
Most of your scenarios can be accomplished at the client side. The only for which you'll need server code is the one with the DISTINCT modifier.
For that scenario, you'll need to pass a custom parameter to the server script. You can use the WithParameters method in the MobileServiceTableQuery<T> object to define parameters to pass to the service.
Assuming this data class:
public class Item
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Other { get; set; }
public string ProjectCode { get; set; }
The code below can be used to accomplish the scenarios 2 and 3 at the client side only (no script needed at the server side). The other one will need some script, which I'll cover later.
Task<IEnumerable<string>> ReadingByColumn(IMobileServiceTable<Item> table, string projectCode)
return table
.Where(i => i.ProjectCode == projectCode)
.Select(i => i.Name)
Task<IEnumerable<Item>> ReadingAll(IMobileServiceTable<Item> table, string projectCode)
return table.Where(i => i.ProjectCode == projectCode).ToEnumerableAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<string>> ReadingByColumnUnique(IMobileServiceTable<Item> table, string projectCode)
var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "howRead", "unique" },
{ "projectCode", projectCode },
{ "column", "Name" },
return table
.Select(i => i.Name)
Now, to support the last method (which takes the parameters, we'll need to do this on the server script:
function read(query, user, request)
var howRead = request.parameters.howRead;
if (howRead) {
if (howRead === 'unique') {
var column = request.parameters.column; // WARNING: CHECK FOR SQL INJECTION HERE!!! DO NOT USE THIS IN PRODUCTION!!!
var sqlUnique = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' + column + ' FROM Item WHERE ProjectCode = ?';
mssql.query(sqlUnique, [request.parameters.projectCode], {
success: function(distinctColumns) {
var results = distinctColumns.map(function(item) {
var result = [];
result[column] = item; // mapping to the object shape
return result;
request.respond(statusCodes.OK, results);
} else {
request.respond(statusCodes.BAD_REQUEST, {error: 'Script does not support option ' + howRead});
} else {
// no server-side action needed

Orchard Cms Fetching UserPart Field Data in LazyField<T>

I've been Following this post To get my head around Lazy field of T, Which I think I understand, But I'm having trouble getting associated Field Data for a Part loaded this way
Aim - To show photo of blog post author on a blog post.
I want to add a content part "Content Author"
The part Editor should appear as a drop down list of orchard users.
(regardless of the content owner cms users should be able to pick the author)
I have added an image upload field to the User Content Type
I want to show the image of the user on the front end in the view for the Content Author Part
For the first part I have created the content type and used the lazy Filed of UserPart to get the username. However when I try and get the associated fields for the UserPart. There dosent seem to be any.
public class ContentAuthorRecord : ContentPartRecord
public virtual string AuthorEmail { get; set; }
public class ContentAuthorPart : ContentPart<ContentAuthorRecord>
internal readonly LazyField<UserPart> Owner = new LazyField<UserPart>();
public string AuthorEmail
get { return Record.AuthorEmail; }
set { Record.AuthorEmail = value; }
public UserPart Author
get { return Owner.Value; }
set { Owner.Value = value; }
public string AuthorName
if (Author == null)
return "Riders for health";
return Author.UserName;
public class ContentAuthorHandler :ContentHandler
private readonly IContentManager _contentManager;
public ContentAuthorHandler(IRepository<ContentAuthorRecord> repository, IContentManager contentManager)
_contentManager = contentManager;
private void SetUpCustomPart(ActivatedContentContext content, ContentAuthorPart part)
// Setup the getter of the lazy field
part.Owner.Loader(() => _contentManager.Query<UserPart, UserPartRecord>().List().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == part.AuthorEmail));
I would expect to be able to access the field with something like
=> x.Name == "Photo");
form the within the part class
( although this makes every thing a bit brittle, hard coding a field name, but I'm not sure how eles to go about it)
Further Info
I have a HeaderPart with a Image field added via the cms (not in code) in the display handler I fetch the field like this
protected override DriverResult Display(HeaderPart part, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper)
if (part.HeaderType == HeaderType.Full_width_hero_image)
var field = (ImageUploadField) part.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "HeaderImage");
if (field != null)
return ContentShape("Parts_Header_ImageHero",
() => shapeHelper.Parts_Header_ImageHero(ImagePath: field.ImagePath, ImageTitle: field.FileName));
return null;
if (part.HeaderType == HeaderType.Full_width_hero_video)
return ContentShape("Parts_Header_VideoHero", () => shapeHelper.Parts_Header_VideoHero(VideoUrl: part.VideoUrl));
if (part.HeaderType == HeaderType.Body_width_video)
return ContentShape("Parts_Header_VideoBody", () => shapeHelper.Parts_Header_VideoBody(VideoUrl: part.VideoUrl));
return null;
This works, But I can do the same for a part loaded into a lazy field.
Cast to dynamic first, then the syntax becomes much simpler: ((dynamic)part.ContentItem).NameOfTheType.NameOfTheField.NameOfTheProperty
If you have added the fields to the User content type via the CMS interface, it may have added the fields to a different part to the one you expect. If you are adding fields to the User content type, by default it will have added the fields to a new part called 'User', not 'UserPart'. Try to following to search all parts in the content item:
.SelectMany(p => p.Fields).FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Photo");
or directly from the 'User' part:
.First(p => p.PartDefinition.Name == p.ContentItem.ContentType).Fields
.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Photo");