Serializing the current state of "Module Random" in OCaml's StdLib - serialization

I must have read the OCaml manual page on the standard library modules Random and Random.State half a dozen times (probably even more often) but I can't figure out how to serialize the current internal state of the PRNG.
Here's what I learned so far:
The modules Random and Random.State both operate on a state that is abstract / opaque from the outside.
Both modules offer two / three initializers, but functions exporting the current state ... I can't see them :(
What can I do ? Help please !

You can serialize (and de-serialize) the state using the Marshal module, e.g.,
let save_random_state out =
Marshal.to_channel out (Random.get_state ()) []
let load_random_state inp =
Random.set_state (Marshal.from_channel inp)
But if you just want the Random module to generate the same sequences of pseudo-random numbers than it is better just to initialize with the same state, i.e., use the same seed, e.g., if you will start your program with,
let () = Random.set_state (Random.State.make [|42|])
you will get the deterministic behavior of your program, as the Random module will always generate the same numbers.


Deserializing tuples with argument in Rust

I am a beginner in rust and working with some api that returns bytes that I can deserialize by defining their types.
result: (f64, f64, f64) =;
Can I do the same by dynamically by passing a value n for the number of elements?
All elements of the tuple are of the same type. I would like to do something like this:
result: tuple(f64, 3) =;
Here is the API of the call function.
In case anyone ever encounters that issue in the future. I could deserialize the output by adopting this solution.
For reference: call() returns a Result<D: Detokenize, _>. Detokenize is mainly implemented for all T that implement Tokenizable.
All types that can receive the result are listed here.
Note that additional to tuples of various size, it's also implemented for:
impl<T: TokenizableItem + Clone, const N: usize> Tokenizable for [T; N]
Further, note that it is an async function with a Result, meaning you have to await it and deal with the potential error.
So you should(tm) be able to write:
result: [f64; 3] =;
Of course in a real project I would advise to replace unwrap() with some proper error handling.
Disclaimer: I don't know how to use the rest of ethers-core, so I'm unable to verify this in a test project. This information is purely derived from the documentation.
Static vs dynamic size
[f64; 3] requires you to know the number of elements at compile time.
Note that another Tokenizable is Vec<T>, meaning you could also specify Vec<T> as a result type. The length of this one will then be resolved at runtime, depending on how many elements of T the returns.
Further background information
Note that there is no such thing as a tuple that has N number of T elements, because a tuple is not a repetition of one type, it's a collection of types. Every element of a tuple can have a different type.
If you want to represent a repetition of one type, an array is what you really want. It's defined as one type T repeated N times: [T; N].

How to know which module exports a certain function

I was going through this Flux.jl tutorial and came across something called Chain.
m = Chain(Dense(10, 5, relu), Dense(5, 2), softmax)
It was not imported from any of the used modules and no namespace was used, so I did not know which module it belonged to. Although I managed to find that I belongs to Flux package, I wonder if there is a general way of figuring this out within the script.
To figure out where a specific function comes from, you can use the parentmodule function:
julia> parentmodule(Chain)
Read more in the Julia docs:
Note that, as the docs mention, parentmodule(<function>) only returns the module containing the first definition of the function, which may not necessarily be the one we care about. In this case it doesn't matter since Chain has definitions only in Flux, but sometimes a function has definitions in multiple packages, and which one applies depends on the type of the arguments.
parentmodule could help you there too, if you pass it the types of your arguments (for eg. parentmodule(Chain, (Dense, Dense, Function)) here), but I generally just tend to use the #which macro:
julia> #which Chain(Dense(10, 5, relu), Dense(5, 2), softmax)
Chain(xs...) in Flux at /home/Sundar/.julia/packages/Flux/BPPNj/src/layers/basic.jl:33
The output is slightly noisier, but it tells you which particular method of the function was applied, which module it is from, and exactly where you can find the method definition.

Understanding how Julia modules can be extended

I'm struggling to understand how exactly modules can be extended in Julia. Specifically, I'd like to create my own LinearAlgebra matrix whose parent class is AbstractMatrix{T} and implement its functionality similar to how the Diagonal or UpperTriangular matrices are implemented in the actual LA package. If I could literally add my matrix to the original package, then I would, but for now I am content creating my own MyLinearAlgebra package that simply imports the original and extends it. Here's what I've got so far in MyLinearAlgebra.jl:
module MyLinearAlgebra
import LinearAlgebra
import Base: getindex, setindex!, size
# Types
# Functions
# Operators
# Constants
Focusing solely on LocalMatrix.jl now, I have:
struct LocalMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
Block diagonal structure for local matrix. `A[:,:,s,iK]` is a block matrix for
state s and element iK
struct LocalMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function LocalMatrix{T}(data) where {T}
[... implement size, getindex, setindex! ... all working perfectly]
Tests whether a LocalMatrix is symmetric
function issymmetric(A::LocalMatrix)
println("my issymmetric")
all(LinearAlgebra.issymmetric, [#view[:,:,i,j] for i=1:size(,3), j=1:size(,4)])
Tests whether a LocalMatrix is diagonal
function isdiag(A::LocalMatrix)
println("my isdiag")
all(LinearAlgebra.isdiag, [#view[:,:,i,j] for i=1:size(,3), j=1:size(,4)])
When I try and run this however, I get
error in method definition: function LinearAlgebra.isdiag must be explicitly imported to be extended
OK not a problem, I can change the definition to function LinearAlgebra.isdiag() instead and it works. But if I also change the definition of the other function to function LinearAlgebra.issymmetric() and run a simple test I now get the error
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching issymmetric(::MyLinearAlgebra.LocalMatrix{Float64})
So I'm stumped. Obviously I have a workaround that lets me continue working for now, but I must be simply misunderstanding how Julia modules work because I can't seem to distinguish between the two functions. Why does one needs to be explicitly extended? Why can the other not? What even is the difference between them in this situation? What is the correct way here to extend a package's module? Thanks for any help.
You need to explicitly state that you are adding new methods to existing functions so it should be:
function LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(A::LocalMatrix)
function LinearAlgebra.isdiag(A::LocalMatrix)
The reason that you are getting the error most likely is because you forgot to import LinearAlgebra in the code that is testing your package.
Note that your constructor also should be corrected:
struct LocalMatrix{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
function LocalMatrix(data::Array{T,4}) where {T}
With the current constructor you need to write LocalMatrix{Float64}(some_arr) instead of simply LocalMatrix(some_arr). Even worse, if you provide your constructor with a 3-d array you will get a type conversion error, while when you used the syntax that I am proposing one gets no method matching LocalMatrix(::Array{Int64,3}) which is much more readable for users of your library.

How should I implement Obj C-like headers in Lua?

Now I have an import(a) function, that in short words dofile's header in .framework like this:
import("<Kakao/KARect>") => dofile("/System/Library/Frameworks/Kakao.framework/Headers/KARect.lua")
And in KARect.lua for example I have:
KARect = {}
function KARect:new(_x, _y, _width, _height, _colorBack)
local new = setmetatable({}, {__index = self}) = KAEntities:generateID()
return new
function KARect:draw()
After some time I thought about reworking this system and making "headers" work like typical Lua modules with advanced require() so function will do e.g.:
import("<Kakao/KARect>") => package.path = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Kakao.framework/Headers/?.lua"; KARect = require("KARect")
and file will contain:
local KARect = {}
return KARect
Because headers should not contain anything but only classes with their names? I'm getting confused when thinking about it, as I never used Obj C :s
I never used Obj C
Then why are you trying to implement its headers in a language, that does not use headers at all?
Header! What is a header?
Header files in C-like languages store more than just a name. They store constants and macro commands, function and class method argument and return types, structure and class fields. In essence, the contents of the header file are forward declarations. They came into existence due to the need to perform the same forward-declarations across many files.
I don't know what additional rules and functions were added to header files in Obj-C, but you can get general understanding of what they do in the following links: 1, 2, 3, 4 with the last one being the most spot-on.
Answer to the question present
Lua is dynamically-typed interpreted language. It does not do compile time type checks and, typically, Lua programs can and should be structured in a way that does not need forward declarations across files. So there is no meaningful way for a programmer to create and for lua bytecode generator and interpreter to use header files.
Lua does not have classes at all. The code you've posted is a syntactic sugar for an assignment of a function with a slightly different signature to a table which imitates class: = function( first_arg_is_self, _x, _y, _width, _height, _colorBack)
local new = setmetatable({}, {__index = first_arg_is_self})
return new
There is no declarations here, only generation of an anonymous function and its assignment to a field in a table. Other parts of program do not need to know anything about a particular field, variable or function (which is stored in variable) in advance (unlike C).
So, no declaration means nothing to separate from implementation. You of course can first list fields of the class-table and do dummy assignments to them, but, again, Lua will have no use for those. If you want to give hints to humans, it is probably better to write a dedicated manual or put comments in the implementation.
Lua has situations where forward declarations are needed to reference local functions. But this situation does not arise in object oriented code, as all methods are accessed through reference to the object, and by the time first object is created, the class itself is usually fully constructed.

Difference between State, ST, IORef, and MVar

I am working through Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours (I'm up to about 85hrs) and I've gotten to the part about Adding Variables and Assignments. There is a big conceptual jump in this chapter, and I wish it had been done in two steps with a good refactoring in between rather then jumping at straight to the final solution. Anyway…
I've gotten lost with a number of different classes that seem to serve the same purpose: State, ST, IORef, and MVar. The first three are mentioned in the text, while the last seems to be the favored answer to a lot of StackOverflow questions about the first three. They all seem to carry a state between consecutive invocations.
What are each of these and how do they differ from one another?
In particular these sentences don't make sense:
Instead, we use a feature called state threads, letting Haskell manage the aggregate state for us. This lets us treat mutable variables as we would in any other programming language, using functions to get or set variables.
The IORef module lets you use stateful variables within the IO monad.
All this makes the line type ENV = IORef [(String, IORef LispVal)] confusing - why the second IORef? What will break if I'll write type ENV = State [(String, LispVal)] instead?
The State Monad : a model of mutable state
The State monad is a purely functional environment for programs with state, with a simple API:
Documentation in the mtl package.
The State monad is commonly used when needing state in a single thread of control. It doesn't actually use mutable state in its implementation. Instead, the program is parameterized by the state value (i.e. the state is an additional parameter to all computations). The state only appears to be mutated in a single thread (and cannot be shared between threads).
The ST monad and STRefs
The ST monad is the restricted cousin of the IO monad.
It allows arbitrary mutable state, implemented as actual mutable memory on the machine. The API is made safe in side-effect-free programs, as the rank-2 type parameter prevents values that depend on mutable state from escaping local scope.
It thus allows for controlled mutability in otherwise pure programs.
Commonly used for mutable arrays and other data structures that are mutated, then frozen. It is also very efficient, since the mutable state is "hardware accelerated".
Primary API:
runST -- start a new memory-effect computation.
And STRefs: pointers to (local) mutable cells.
ST-based arrays (such as vector) are also common.
Think of it as the less dangerous sibling of the IO monad. Or IO, where you can only read and write to memory.
IORef : STRefs in IO
These are STRefs (see above) in the IO monad. They don't have the same safety guarantees as STRefs about locality.
MVars : IORefs with locks
Like STRefs or IORefs, but with a lock attached, for safe concurrent access from multiple threads. IORefs and STRefs are only safe in a multi-threaded setting when using atomicModifyIORef (a compare-and-swap atomic operation). MVars are a more general mechanism for safely sharing mutable state.
Generally, in Haskell, use MVars or TVars (STM-based mutable cells), over STRef or IORef.
Ok, I'll start with IORef. IORef provides a value which is mutable in the IO monad. It's just a reference to some data, and like any reference, there are functions which allow you to change the data it refers to. In Haskell, all of those functions operate in IO. You can think of it like a database, file, or other external data store - you can get and set the data in it, but doing so requires going through IO. The reason IO is necessary at all is because Haskell is pure; the compiler needs a way to know which data the reference points to at any given time (read sigfpe's "You could have invented monads" blogpost).
MVars are basically the same thing as an IORef, except for two very important differences. MVar is a concurrency primitive, so it's designed for access from multiple threads. The second difference is that an MVar is a box which can be full or empty. So where an IORef Int always has an Int (or is bottom), an MVar Int may have an Int or it may be empty. If a thread tries to read a value from an empty MVar, it will block until the MVar gets filled (by another thread). Basically an MVar a is equivalent to an IORef (Maybe a) with extra semantics that are useful for concurrency.
State is a monad which provides mutable state, not necessarily with IO. In fact, it's particularly useful for pure computations. If you have an algorithm that uses state but not IO, a State monad is often an elegant solution.
There is also a monad transformer version of State, StateT. This frequently gets used to hold program configuration data, or "game-world-state" types of state in applications.
ST is something slightly different. The main data structure in ST is the STRef, which is like an IORef but with a different monad. The ST monad uses type system trickery (the "state threads" the docs mention) to ensure that mutable data can't escape the monad; that is, when you run an ST computation you get a pure result. The reason ST is interesting is that it's a primitive monad like IO, allowing computations to perform low-level manipulations on bytearrays and pointers. This means that ST can provide a pure interface while using low-level operations on mutable data, meaning it's very fast. From the perspective of the program, it's as if the ST computation runs in a separate thread with thread-local storage.
Others have done the core things, but to answer the direct question:
All this makes the line type ENV =
IORef [(String, IORef LispVal)]
confusing. Why the second IORef? What
will break if I do type ENV = State
[(String, LispVal)] instead?
Lisp is a functional language with mutable state and lexical scope. Imagine you've closed over a mutable variable. Now you've got a reference to this variable hanging around inside some other function -- say (in haskell-style pseudocode) (printIt, setIt) = let x = 5 in (\ () -> print x, \y -> set x y). You now have two functions -- one prints x, and one sets its value. When you evaluate printIt, you want to lookup the name of x in the initial environment in which printIt was defined, but you want to lookup the value that name is bound to in the environment in which printIt is called (after setIt may have been called any number of times).
There are ways besids the two IORefs to do this, but you certainly need more than the latter type you've proposed, which doesn't allow you to alter the values that names are bound to in a lexically-scoped fashion. Google the "funargs problem" for a whole lot of interesting prehistory.