Unable to integrate Cypress with testlink - automation

Is there any way to integrate Cypress test cases with Testlink?
I think of a situation where when running the test, it created the suite test and the case test and updated the status of the testLink to for example passed (if cypress has run the entire test successfully)

Yes it's possible to integrate Cypress with Testlink Because Testlink has its own API and you would need to write your own plugin to integrate it though.
This is the path to the api: /lib/api/rest/v2 and Here are all the Rest endpoints: https://github.com/TestLinkOpenSourceTRMS/testlink-code/blob/testlink_1_9/lib/api/rest/v2/tlRestApi.class.php
then do a GET on http://localhost:3000/lib/api/rest/v2/whoAmI Good Luck


How to setup multiple test env using cypress to test chat app?

Is it possible to setup multiple cypress test runner to test chat apps? If yes, how? I have found on some links there is idea to test it using CasperJS and PhantomJS, but not really sure how to setup.
I think we need some more information to answer this question:
1. Why do you want multiple test runners?
2. The title suggests there are multiple chat apps as well, is that correct?
What I can tell you from my own experience:
We have multiple web applications in place which all have their own test runner. Those are all executed via a Docker by Jenkins. But I can execute all tests locally on my laptop as wel (not at the same time).
One of the web applications has 4 different test runners which all use the same test environment. But once again, run via Jenkins in a Docker.

Associate automated tests Robotframework with test cases in TFS

I am working using TFS to create test case. I have a automated test written in Robotframework with Selenium2Library.
I'd like to be able to associate these tests with test cas in test. Is it possible to link the automated test cases with the test case in TFS, and if so, how is it done?
The web Test page does not support to run automatic tests associated with test cases in TFS.
You can achieve the same goals using the Build & Release features in Team Foundation Server (TFS). (https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/test/lab-management/use-build-or-rm-instead-of-lab-management). Simply integrate Selenium testing into a continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline.
Instead of build, suggest you use a step in a release pipeline. Take a look at this question:How can i run automated selenium tests using TFS build 2015?
More detail steps about how to integrate with TFS please go through the official tutorials from MSDN: Get started with Selenium testing in a CD pipeline

How to generate jhipster app with protractor tests

I have installed Jhipster 4.9.0, and when i run "jhipster" command to generate my app, i only have Cucumber and Gatling as testing options.
I would like to know how to generate my app with protractor tests.
Thanks a lot!
The Protractor test option only shows for Gateway and Monolithic app types, as a frontend is required for Protractor tests to run.
When using jhipster client, you can pass --protractor to enable Protractor tests. To see other available options, run jhipster client --help

How to integrate TestRail with Jenkins?

I am trying to integrate TestRail with Jenkins where I want to run some test cases from test rail which calls the test cases in jenkins, and then writes the result back to TestRail itself, or something similar to this.
I know there is an API for this, but so far I am not able to figure out how to go ahead with this API.
Any suggestions would be of great help.
There is a Jenkins plugin maintained by the Jenkins team at GitHub:
Integrate test results from Jenkins into TestRail. Upload your junit
test results to TestRail after every run.
The plugin only allows to populate TestRail with the test results, but maybe you can start from there.
I too am attempting to integrate TestRail with our Jenkins installation. This blog post is pretty good: https://qxf2.com/blog/reporting-to-testrail-using-python/
You will need a way to map each Jenkins test to the appropriate TestRail test-case id, Ex: C123.
After the Jenkins run, reconcile the test results with the mapping and POST to the TestRail API with the test_run_id, test-case id, and the test result status_id as defined in TestRail.

Marking Test case status in Testopia

I had a requirement to mark the automated test cases in Testopia based on the results of the automated test cases. How can I do this? I had the testopia API code, but I am not able to find a solution for this.
The Testopia Plugin for Jenkins v1.1 is available now. This wiki explains how it works:
I used the perl example from the Testopia contrib directory. I called this from a shell script and this updates the status of the testcase.
Recently I got involved in a project to develop a plugin for Jenkins to do the same.