I have a list of jobs in my application queue(RabbitMQ).
Some of these jobs are group together and must do in the order.(not continuous, but by order of dispatch time)
For example, consider this 4 jobs in the queue:
{ "group": "x", "dispatched_timestamp": 10001, "field1": "some data", "field2": "some other data"},
{ "group": "g", "dispatched_timestamp": 10005,"field1": "some data", "field2": "some other data"},
{ "group": "x", "dispatched_timestamp": 10005,"field1": "some data", "field2": "some other data"},
{ "group": "t", "dispatched_timestamp": 10005,"field1": "some data", "field2": "some other data"}
I must sure the first job in group "x" execute successfully before the thirth job(same group).
But i don't care if the fourth job execute sooner than the first(or whatever).
Because sometimes it may happen which all three job deliver to 3 consumer, but the first job fail for some reason(but the second and thirth job has done successful).
I know with this conditions there will be some situations which all jobs in the queue are belongs to same group, so multiple consumers can't work on them and they must deliver one by one. that's ok.
There's no such thing in AMQ protocol that can lead to this exact solution, there're some ways to solve this problem.
Define queue for each message group
Set concurrency as 1
Let me quote the message ordering from the doc
Section 4.7 of the AMQP 0-9-1 core specification explains the
conditions under which ordering is guaranteed: messages published in
one channel, passing through one exchange and one queue and one
outgoing channel will be received in the same order that they were
sent. RabbitMQ offers stronger guarantees since release 2.7.0.
Ref: https://www.rabbitmq.com/semantics.html
First of the foremost things for you is to preserve the message ordering, once we have ordered messages we can utilize the concurrency to handle the messages in order.
Let's say your queue has 5 messages as shown
Queue: Queue1
Head-->|m1|m2|m3|m4|m5| <---- Tail
There's the concept of competing consumers, competing consumers means there're more than consumers/subscribers for the same queue. If there is more than one consumer than each of them will run autonomously, which means ordering on the consumer side won't be preserved. To preserve the ordering on consumer side, we should not use competing consumers.
Even though now consumers are not competing, we can still lose message ordering, if we have more than one executor. More than one executor simply means we can poll the queue, send a polled message to any of the executors. Based on the CPU execution policy etc we will still lose the ordering, so now we need to restrict the number of executors to 1.
As we have only one executor each of the polled messages will be executed in orders, so it will become a serial execution.
For Queue1
The executor will consume the message in the following order
-> m1
-> m2
-> m3
-> m4
-> m5
Still, there's one missing piece, what happens if the execution of m1 is failing?
You can retry for N number of times before consuming the next message, to achieve this don't acknowledge unless you have successfully executed any polled message.
From design points of view, this does not look good, since you're processing messages in serial instead of parallel, though you don't have any other alternatives.
have two message threads, each thread consists of ten messages. I need to request to display these two chains in one.
The new thread must consist of ten different messages: five messages from one system, five messages from another (backup) system. Messages from the system use the same SrcMsgId value. Each system has a unique SrcMsgId within the same chain. The message chain from the backup system enters the splunk immediately after the messages from the main system. Messages from the standby system also have a Mainsys_srcMsgId value - this value is identical to the main system's SrcMsgId value. Tell me how can I display a chain of all ten messages? Perhaps first messages from the first system (main), then from the second (backup) with the display of the time of arrival at the server.
Specifically, we want to see all ten messages one after the other, in the order in which they arrived at the server. Five messages from the primary, for example: ("srcMsgId": "rwfsdfsfqwe121432gsgsfgd71") and five from the backup: ("srcMsgId": "rwfsdfsfqwe121432gsgsfgd72"). The problem is that messages from other systems also come to the server, all messages are mixed (chaotically), which is why we want to organize all messages from one system and its relative in the search. Messages from the backup system are associated with the main system only by this parameter: "Mainsys_srcMsgId" - using this key, we understand that messages come from the backup system (secondary to the main one).
Examples of messages from the primary and secondary system:
Main system:
"event": "Sourcetype test please",
"sourcetype": "testsystem-2",
"host": "some-host-123",
"messageId": "ED280816-E404-444A-A2D9-FFD2D171F32",
"srcMsgId": "rwfsdfsfqwe121432gsgsfgd71",
"Mainsys_srcMsgId": "",
"baseSystemId": "abc1",
"routeInstanceId": "abc2",
"routepointID": "abc3",
"eventTime": "1985-04-12T23:20:50Z",
"messageType": "abc4",
Message from backup system:
"event": "Sourcetype test please",
"sourcetype": "testsystem-2",
"host": "some-host-123",
"messageId": "ED280816-E404-444A-A2D9-FFD2D171F23",
"srcMsgId": "rwfsdfsfqwe121432gsgsfgd72",
"Mainsys_srcMsgId": "rwfsdfsfqwe121432gsgsfgd71",
"baseSystemId": "abc1",
"routeInstanceId": "abc2",
"routepointID": "abc3",
"eventTime": "1985-04-12T23:20:50Z",
"messageType": "abc4",
"GISGMPRequestID": "PS000BA780816-E404-444A-A2D9-FFD2D1712345",
"GISGMPResponseID": "PS000BA780816-E404-444B-A2D9-FFD2D1712345",
"resultcode": "abc7",
"resultdesc": "abc8"
When we want to combine in a query only five messages from one chain, related: "srcMsgId".
We make the following request:
index="bl_logging" sourcetype="testsystem-2"
| транзакция maxpause=5m srcMsgId Mainsys_srcMsgId messageId
| таблица _time srcMsgId Mainsys_srcMsgId messageId продолжительность eventcount
| сортировать srcMsgId_time
| streamstats current=f window=1 значения (_time) as prevTime по теме
| eval timeDiff=_time-prevTime
| delta _time как timediff
I'm trying to understand how rabbitmq works with multiple consumer and prefetch_count.
I have three consumers consuming on the same queue and all of these consumers have configured with the QoS prefetch_count = 200.
Now assuming at a certain point I have unlimited backlog messages in the queue and consumers A,B,C are connecting to the queue, would A get message 1-200, B get 201-400, C get 401-600 from the queue simultaneously? That seems like message 1, 201, 401 got processed at the first place compared to the rest. Somehow I don't want that, I'd like to have these messages being processed sequentially.
If that's the case I guess this implies that the messages may be processed disordered based on how consumers are setup, even though the queue follows FIFO.
Or should I set prefetch_count = 1 to make sure of REAL FIFO?
Just set up a local env of rabbitmq and experimented a bit. I used a producer to bombard a queue with numbers 0 to 100000 sequentially to accumulate backlog messages in a queue. Later on, I had two consumers A, B consuming messages from that queue with prefetch_count = 200.
From what I observed, A got 0-199 and B got numbers 200-399 at very beginning. However, A started getting numbers {401, 403, 405, 406 ...} and B gets {400, 402, 404, ...} after that.
I guess A and B got non-skipped messages at the beginning was because I wasn't strictly spinning up these two consumers simultaneously. But the following pattern explains well how prefetch_count works. It doesn't necessarily send consumers consecutive messages(I knew it's processed in a round robin fashion, but I guess this is more intuitive with an experiment). There's no guarantee in what order the messages will be processed if using prefetch_count.
I observed that it took about 6 hours from the time of setting up Diagnostics (the newer offering still in preview) for the Queue Message Count metric to move from 0 to the actual total number of messages in queue. The other capacity metrics Queue Capacity and Queue Count took about 1 hour to reflect actual values.
Can anyone shed light on how these metrics are updated? It would be good to know how to predict the accuracy of the graphs.
I am concerned because if the latency of these metrics is typically this large then an alert based on queue metrics could take too long to raise.
Platform metrics are created by Azure resources and give you visibility into their health and performance. Each type of resource creates a distinct set of metrics without any configuration required. Platform metrics are collected from Azure resources at one-minute frequency unless specified otherwise in the metric's definition.
And 'Queue Message Count' is platform metrics.
So it should update the data every 1 minute.
But it didn't. And this is not a problem that only occur on portal. Even you use rest api to get the QueueMessageCount, it still not update after 1 minute:
"cost": 59,
"timespan": "2021-05-17T08:57:56Z/2021-05-17T09:57:56Z",
"interval": "PT1H",
"value": [
"id": "/subscriptions/xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx/resourceGroups/0730BowmanWindow/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/0730bowmanwindow/queueServices/default/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metrics/QueueMessageCount",
"type": "Microsoft.Insights/metrics",
"name": {
"value": "QueueMessageCount",
"localizedValue": "Queue Message Count"
"displayDescription": "The number of unexpired queue messages in the storage account.",
"unit": "Count",
"timeseries": [
"metadatavalues": [],
"data": [
"timeStamp": "2021-05-17T08:57:00Z",
"average": 1.0
"errorCode": "Success"
"namespace": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices",
"resourceregion": "centralus"
This may be an issue that needs to be reported to the azure team. It is so slow, it even loses its practicality. I think send an alert based on this is a bad thing(it’s too slow).
Maybe you can design you own logic by code to check the QueueMessageCount.
Just a sample(C#):
1, Get Queues
Then get all of the queue names.
2, Get Properties
Then get the number of the message in each queue.
3, sum the obtained numbers.
4, send custom alert.
Original Answer:
At first, after I send message to one queue in queue storage, the 'Queue Message Count' also remains stubbornly at zero on my side, but a few hours later it can get the 'Queue Message Count':
I thought it would be a bug, but it seems to work well now.
I am following this guide- https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-jms/
I have few messages with higher priority that needs to be sent before any other message.
I have already tried following -
jmsTemplate.execute(new ProducerCallBack(){
public Object doInJms(Session session,MessageProducer producer){
Message hello1 =session.createTextMessage("Hello1");
producer.send(hello1, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT,0,0); // <- low priority
Message hello2 =session.createTextMessage("Hello2");
producer.send(hello1, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT,9,0);// <- high priority
But the messages are sent in order as they are in the code.What I am missing here?
Thank you.
There are a number of factors that can influence the arrival order of messages when using priority. The first question would be did you enable priority support and the second would be is there a consumer online at the time you sent the message.
There are many good resources for information on using prioritized messages with ActiveMQ, here is one. Keep in mind that if there is an active consumer online when you sent those messages then the broker is just going to dispatch them as they arrive since and the consumer will of course process them in that order.
I have a http server which receives some messages and must reply 200 when a message is successfully stored in a queue and 500 is the message is not added to the queue.
I would like rabbitmq to refuse my messages when the queue reach a size limit.
How can I do it?
actually you can't configure RabbitMq is such a way. but you may programatically check queue size like:
`DeclareOk queueOkStatus = channel.queueDeclare(queueOutputName, true, false, false, null);
if(queueOkStatus.getMessageCount()==0){//your logic here}`
but be careful, because this method returns number of non-acked messages in queue.
If you want to be aware of this , you can check Q count before inserting. It sends request on the same channel. Asserting Q returns messageCount which is Number of 'Ready' Messages. Note : This does not include the messages in unAcknowledged state.
If you do not wish to be aware of the Q length, then as specified in 1st comment of the question:
x-max-length :
How many (ready) messages a queue can contain before it starts to drop them from its head.
(Sets the "x-max-length" argument.)