TFS wok items Migration issue to DevOps - azure-devops-migration-tools

Hi Facing project not found issue when project name is deifferent from TFS. I have project in TFS project collection and i want to migrtae data using migration tool to Devops.
TFS Link https://Server/tfs/DefaultCollection/StudentData
having projects name differently as specified above is failing not able to migrate data.Query bit used below
"QueryBit": "AND ([System.IterationPath]='StudentData\Release 4.7.0' OR [System.IterationPath]='StudentData\Release 4.7.1') AND [System.State]<>'Removed'",

It is not supported to use the source or target Project name in the QueryBit.


How I can Push number build from Azure DevOps Pipelines to file *.csproj (project ASP.NET CORE)?

I am beginner to A and just starting to work in it
What task I must add in project ASP.NET CORE to Azure DevOps Pipelines to pass the build number from the azure devops pipeline to the project code
<MinimumRequiredVersion> 4.60.0825.700 </MinimumRequiredVersion>
<ApplicationRevision> 716 </ApplicationRevision>
<ApplicationVersion> 4.60.0825.% 2a </ApplicationVersion>
You can do something like this, Replace "1.2.3" with your build parameter.
dotnet publish ./MyProject.csproj /p:Version="1.2.3" /p:InformationalVersion="1.2.3-qa"
Look at this
When a pipeline runs, it usually performs get sources action first. So you just need to map the correct project path, then the pipeline will get entire project to the Agent's working folder.
To update the version in .csproj file, and to pass the build number from the azure devops pipeline, you can check Assembly Info extension, and use the variable $(Build.BuildNumber) in the version field.
This extension can update project AssemblyInfo files and .Net Core / .Net Standard project files .csproj. For detailed instructions on how to configure the extension please see the following link:
If you want to update the file in repo, you still need to run git push command to push the changes to the repo.

Stop SSDT being published when MSBuild publish run

I have a ClickOnce project that I'm publishing on DevOps. I've set the MSBuild Arguments property for the WinForm solution's build stage in DevOps to /target:Publish in order to trigger the creation of all the ClickOnce files:
However, that solution also contains an SSDT project, and adding the /target:Publish setting appears to then cause the build process to try publish the SSDT too. That then fails with the error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
error MSB4044: The "SqlPublishTask" task was not given a value for the
required parameter "SqlPublishProfilePath"
Presumably it's failing because there's no publish profile specified in a build parameter for the SSDT to use.
I don't want MSBuild to publish the DacPac to a server, I just want it to create the DacPac. How can I stop the /target:Publish triggering the SSDT publish, is there another build argument I can add to stop that happening?
Notes on what I tried so far to solve this, none of which has worked:
Read about the -target switch in the MS Build official docs in the MSBuild command-line reference and in the MSBuild targets section.
Looked at the code in the .csproj file to try and identify the 'Publish' sections - think Publish must also call Build.
Unticking Deploy for the SSDTs in the solution configuration in VS
Adding entries for False in the Release and Deployment configurations in the SSDT's .csproj file, and also setting that to false for the Debug configuration (as per this question)
Setting MSBuild to only publish one project using the MS Build arguments on DevOps (as per this answer)
Considered pulling the ClickOnce publish out into an entirely separate stage using Mage.exe as per this Walkthrough: Manually deploy a ClickOnce application
Tried to create a publish profile that doesn't actually publish, so that the publish stage can complete (was looking at this question for ideas on that and also the official documentation for SqlPackage.exe)
Eventually I solved the issue above a completely different way. Instead of getting MSBuild to do what I wanted it to, I instead split the solution configuration in two, with one stage for the databases and one for the WinForms project without the databases.
I then used two separate VS Build stages on DevOps with only the WinForms stage still having /target:Publish set.
I've written that up here, but would still like to know the answer to whether it's possible to tell MSBuild not to build the SSDTs when the target is set to Publish?

VSTS build doesn't pickup the dacpac file (hosted agent in cloud)

I'm trying to use VSTS to deploy into my database, the problem is in one of the steps I need to pick up the dacpac file and deploy it to the Azure SQL server but it fails:
in that step, I'm using "Execute Azure SQL: DacpacTask" which is provided by Microsoft in VSTS.
there is a filed to do it which is called "DACPAC File" and the documentation said to use it like this:
but it gave me the below error:
No files were found to deploy with search pattern
so I did a cheating and put the below value in it:
it does work but obviously, it won't work forever as I need to use an environment variable, something like :
any suggestion?
I've had this same problem. I wasn't able to find detailed documentation, but from experimenting, this is what I found.
I'm assuming that your DACPAC is created as part of a Build Solution task. After the build completes and the DACPAC is created, it exists in a sub-folder of the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) directory.
Apparently, the Azure SQL Database Deployment task cannot access the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) folder. So the file must be copied somewhere where it can be accessed. So here's what I did:
The Visual Studio Build task builds the solution, including the DACPAC. The resulting DACPAC is placed in a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) sub-folder.
Add a Copy Files task as your next step. The Source Folder property should be "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)". The Contents property should be "**/YourDacPacFilename.dacpac". The Target folder should be $(build.artifactstagingdirectory). The "**/" tells VSTS to search all subfolders for matching file(s).
Add an Azure SQL Database Deployment task to deploy the actual DACPAC. The DACPAC file will be in the $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).
I had the same problem and I solved it by removing the old artifact from the release and adding it again to take the correct alias of the new artifact.
That's why the Azure SQL Database Deployment task says it doesn't have access to the $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) folder, the artifact has changed and you must make sure you're using the new one that is saved in the azure pipeline.

CreateDeploymentUtility option into SSIS 2012 packages

I use SSIS 2012 and want to set the value True to CreateDeploymentUtility option. The package contain an Execute SQL Task that insert a value into a sql table.
I search for this Option in : Solution Explorer -> Properties -> Deployment Utilities but i don't found it. There I have only 'Server Name' and 'Server Project Path' options.
How can I set True for CreateDeploymentUtility option?
Please help me!!
There are two different deployment models available to you with the 2012 release of SSIS. The new model, called project deployment model, treats all of your SSIS packages as class files that get "compiled" into a .ispac file, much as .net files get turned into an assembly. This .ispac file then gets deployed into the database into a dedicated catalog, SSISDB. Very cool stuff and by default when you create a project in SSIS 2012, this is the model it will use.
The second deployment model, the classic one familiar to SSIS developers from 2005 on is called the package deployment model. Right click on the SSIS project and you will have an option for converting from project deployment to package deployment.
Note that there are incompatible features between the two. Project level Connection Managers are only available in the Project Deployment Model and the last time I tried to convert a project from package to project deployment model, it switched the configuration to package and project parameters.

How to create a TFS2010 Team Build Template for getting source and call msbuild.exe

I have a build.proj, that is a MSBuild file and can be run locally.
All I need from TFS is
Get the sources from TFS Source Control.
Call "MSBuild.exe /t:Deploy".
Update the build status based on the result of MSBuild.
I have tried to make a template combining the DefaultTemplate.xaml and UpgradeTemplate.xaml.
But so far, no luck :-(
Can someone help me make this template?
If you select the upgrade template that comes out of the box when you create a new TFS project with 2010, you can supply your old TFS2008 proj (MSBuild) file without problems. Please read for more details.
You should use DefaultTemplate. I had the same problem and I solved it this way.
You can do it using UpgradeTempate also, but using DefaultTemplate was easier for me.
On Process section follow these steps:
Select Default template
Add your project into Items To Build collection
Set MSBuild Arguments (Advanced section) to "/t:Deploy"
I have MSBuild project file for running builds locally. This script is used also for sever builds. I have three MSBuild projects in Items To Build collection. One for PreBuild step (some checks before build is executed), main build script used also for local build and the last script for additional post build tasks (deploy process). I'm setting additional MSBuild propertires like IncrementalBuild and ServerBuild properties in MSBuild Arguments.