EFI format string reference - printf

Ok, i'm sorry i have to put this up here, but i seem to be unable to find the information i'm looking for. Could someone please point me to some reference documentation about EFI "printf" format reference? I mean it's not like regular printf, as it supports %g as GUID, and prints a question mark for %llu. My best Google-bet was "efi" "print" "format" reference "%g" "%s" "%a" "%d", but it did not gave any usable results. Other search terms came up with some color settings of some printers. What did i do wrong? How can anyone find this info? Thanks.

The flags are described in the PrintLib.h file.
You can find it here: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/MdePkg/Include/Library/PrintLib.h.
The link above is valid if you use EDK2 for building you programs.
The flags when building with gnu-efi are described in the print.c file.
You can find it here (search for function _Print): https://sourceforge.net/p/gnu-efi/code/ci/master/tree/lib/print.c


Comments that control uncrustify behaviour

In this question (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15097501/can-uncrustify-be-prevented-from-modifying-certain-sections-of-code) i learned that i can use *INDENT-OFF* to exclude uncrustify action on certain parts of code.
Unfortunately i was not able to find this information anywhere else.
Does anybody know where i can look this up? Are there other comments which control uncrustifiy behaviour?
The *INDENT-ON* and *INDENT-OFF* are defined in the uncrustify_types.h file in the source code
See also Ben Gardner's comment: https://sourceforge.net/p/uncrustify/bugs/343/#0394

Create Help output in a Fortran90 program

I've coded a scientific program in Fortran90. The source code contains a commented Help section as header in order to help the user.
However, I've seen that it is possible in C programs to code the program such as it is possible to show as standard output the header using -h as option.
Is there any way to do it in fortran?
That is, could I do something to show my header as response of "myprogram -h"?
Thanks for your help.
There is nothing in Fortran that will automatically spit out a section of commentary in response to a command-line flag such as -h. As far as I am aware there is nothing in any current Fortran compiler which will do that for you either.
But Fortran is quite a capable programming language and, with recent intrinsics such as get_command_argument, you can certainly program this behaviour.

Lucene 4.1 : How search text with HunspellStemmer and get suggestions?

I want to parse text files with lucene using HunspellStemmer to check for spelling errors. I will use Hunspell dictionaries that's why I want to use HunspellStemmer.
At this point I'm not sure how I should parse the files and do the checking.
Could I use a Standard Analyser with WordFilter to index the text in a file and check Term by term if the keyword is present in HunspellDictionary.
I did that and it works, not sure it's the optimal solution, but if I want to output 3-5 suggestions by word not present, I have no idea what do to.
I could use a IndexerSearch when I use a PlainTextDictionnary, but no idea how to get that functionality with HunspellDictionary. (it doesn't implement Dictionary).
any help will be really appreciate.
examples that I want to check : hell, hello, hall, helli. I'm hoping to have suggestions for "helli" using a Hunspell.

How can i find out the symbol name the compiler generated for my code?

I know this is pretty much a stupid question. I know almost nothing about how compiler really works.
But recently I want find what symbol name does the compiler generate for my ivar, my methods.
Where and how can I know the answer? (I have only used some IDEs. So if the solution is better to be simple . And it would be great help if the instructions you provide is really explicit)
(By the way,is there any reference that i can learn about the things like this?)
PS.I'm IOS developer.And if gcc and LLVM works different answer on this question , I would like to know both.
You can use nm to dump the content of a binary object. Then, each compiler has its own way of mangling. I suggest you have a look at Name mangling for objective C in wikipedia, it will help you understand how mangling works.
Surely GCC and Clang must have compatible name-mangling schemes, since they can use each other's code.
If you are using XCode 3 select a source file and then pick "Show Assembly Code" from the Build menu.
Apparently XCode 4 users do not need assembly code :-(

Is there any more documentation on WordBasic's FilePrintSetup?

I found the WordBasic.FilePrintSetup function when I was searching for a way to change Word's printer without changing Windows' default printer.
Unfortunately I could not find any real documentation on FilePrintSetup, even the parameters I found with Google aren't officially documented. (Printer and DoNotSetAsSysDefault)
So do you know of any documentation? Or do you know additional parameters which are supported by FilePrintSetup? (I'm especially interested in setting the tray/paper bin)
EDIT: I found out that the paper bin can be selected with FilePageSetup, an equally undocumented function. So if you have information about this function, I'd appreciate them, too :)
The online help documents the equivalent VBA for WordBasic functions/methods. These are read-only though.
Edit: ActiveDocument.PrintOut allows you to select a tray for first and following pages.
Note that the printername parameter of the fileprintsetup method is case-sensitive. XP and Win7 don't store server\printernames the same way so you may find a problem when upgrading OS
The previous reply is wrong. ActivePrinter DOES change the system default printer. Microsoft's documentation clearly states this.