Cosmos DB where condition by external document - sql

I have a following structure of document (omiting all with underscore prefix like _self)
"id": "c5055e2b-efb2-4c86-907d-a0beb1dca4dc",
"Name": "John Johnson",
"partitionKey": "0ecdb989-01c6-4f11-9fd2-3e1dcc1c8cb9",
"FKToBeDeleted": "FK_c5055e2b-efb2-4c86-907d-a0beb1dca4dc_ToBeDeleted",
And as You can see there is a field named FKToBeDeleted and I use this to mark document, but it has to be as a reference, because in my app may occure kind of database concurrency, because 1st app can GET document, process it, and 2nd app can update document during processing and 1st one will not see any changes, because downloading again huge document and updating it is RU consuming, so I wanted to reduce the cost. Going further, I created a document for this.
"id": "FK_c5055e2b-efb2-4c86-907d-a0beb1dca4dc_ToBeDeleted",
"partitionKey": "0ecdb989-01c6-4f11-9fd2-3e1dcc1c8cb9",
"ToBeDeleted": false,
And now there is a problem, because my front-end app does not want to display any ToBeDeleted documents. This kinda cheats the user, because I just mark it as deleted but later delete the document.
Now the question is how the SQL query should look like? Previously it was like the following query, because r.ToBeDeleted was boolean.
SELECT, r.Name, r.AddedAt, r._ts
ORDER BY r.AddedAt desc
Now FKToBeDeleted is only a reference to another document, but the ID is in r.FKToBeDeleted, so I tried some nested SELECT but it didn't work.
Any suggestions what is the right way to achieve that?
EDIT (clarification)
Let's have a following situation.
There are two apps (you can also treat them as threads) which uses the same Cosmos DB instance.
STEP 1 - is a moment of start of processing some data, but database document is needed, so it gets that and on the right side you can see current document (but in fact only ToBeDeleted is interesting here).
STEP 2 - is a moment, when user wants to remove this processed item, because he is no longer interested of its results, but database document is also required here, so again there is a GET.
STEP 3 - is a moment, when job of soft delete is done and there is a need to update database document, and the field is set to true.
STEP 4 - is a moment, when processing is over of common flow and at the end there is update of the document. BUT, Application 2 downloaded it before STEP 3, and it's overriding things that Application 1 did, which is bad.
So I made a solution for that.
As you can see, the steps are the same, but instead of updating the same document, I update a referenced document, so I don't have a problem with overriding data.
Now, the problem is how to make a SQL query to join two documents, so the FK_1 id will be replaced of the value of ToBeDeleted field in another document.

According to this article there is no possibility to join two documents, which of course does not help me at all, yet closes the topic.
JOIN keyword exists in the language, but it is used to “unfold” nested containers, there is no way to join different documents.

Perhaps, you can use subquery instead of JOIN.


Multiple users accessing a linked table occasionally see a message "Cannot update. Database or object is read-only"

We have a split MS Access database. When users log on, they are connected/linked to two separate Access database (one for the specific project they are working on and one for record locking (and other global settings)). The "locking" database is the one I need to find a solution for.
One of the tables "tblTS_RecordLocking", simply stores a list of user names and the recordID of the record they are editing. This never has more than 50 records - usually being closer to 5-10. But before a user can do anything on a record, it opens "tblTS_RecordLocking" to see if the record is in use (so it happens a lot):
Set recIOC = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblTSS_RecordLocking.* FROM tblTSS_RecordLocking WHERE (((tblTSS_RecordLocking.ProjectID_Lock)=1111) AND ((tblTSS_RecordLocking.RecordID_Lock)=123456));", , dbReadOnly)
If it's in use, the user simply gets a message and the form/record remains locked. If not in use, it will close the recordset and re-open it so that the user name is updated with the Record ID:
Set recIOC = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblTSS_RecordLocking.* FROM tblTSS_RecordLocking WHERE (((tblTSS_RecordLocking.UserName_Lock)='John Smith'));")
If recIOC.EOF = True Then
recIOC.Fields![UserName_Lock] = "John Smith"
End If
recIOC.Fields![RecordID_Lock] = 123456
recIOC.Fields![ProjectID_Lock] = 111
recIOC.Close: set recIOC=Nothing
As soon as this finishes, everything realting to the second database is closed down (and the .laccdb file disappears).
So here's the problem. On very rare occasions, a user can get a message:
3027 - Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
On even rarer occasions, it can flag the db as corrrupt needing to be compressed and re-indexed.
I really want to know the most reliable way to do the check/update. The process may run several hundred times in a day, and whilst I only see the issue once every few weeks, and for the most part handle it cleanly (on the front-end), I'm sure there is a better, more reliable way.
I agree with mamadsp that moving to SQL is the best option and am already in the process of doing this. However, whilst I was not able to create a fix for this issue, I was able to find a work-around that has yet to fail.
Instead of having a single lock table in the global database. I found that creating a lock table in the project database solved the problem. The main benefit of this is that there are much fewer activities on the table. So, not perfect - but it is stable.

Spotfire - Information Link - Filter Not Working

I am a beginner in Spotfire. I developed a simple information link.
I Created 2 tables by adding columns.
Then created Joins. 3 simple inner joins on the above table. The reason for 3 joins is it makes the query run faster than only 1 join.
Then created an information link by adding elements and joins.
This works perfectly well. The data is fetched properly. But as soon as I add filter, it stops working.
I tried
Creating Filter -> and then adding as element to the information link
Adding filter in the column filter itself: Column E_ID - Expression %1 = 1000
Editing the sql query in the information link. I added one more
clause in the where section: AND E1."E_ID" = 1000
None of these work. If I remove the filter, its working perfectly fine. The filter is on the same column on which on of the join is based.
Please suggest where I am making mistake.
Too long to comment...
So, I've noticed joins in the information designer can be cumbersome. It's convenient for people who don't have access to the data source, but if you do have access to the data source (as you do in this scenario), I would handle all of the logic on the DB server side. Thus, you are just supplying Spotfire with a flat file which it can easily ingest and create visualizations on. This will prevent Spotfire from bogging down with data transformations as well.
With that being said, I would also recommend using Stored procedures to serve up the data to Spotfire. Here are a couple of answers I posted on why which will make your life easier.

Where in the Sitefinity database is content stored?

I've successfully migrated 1,000s of news items and other content from Sitefinity 5 to Wordpress after hours of excruciating analysis and sheer luck with guessing but have a few items that are still left over. Specifically the pages. I know a lot of the content is stored in very obscure ways but there has to be somebody who has done this before and can steer me in the right direction.
My research (and text-search against the DB) has found the page titles etc but when I search the content I get nothing. My gut tells me that the content is being stored in binary form, can anyone confirm if this is the case?
Sitefinity documentation is only helpful if you're a .net developer who has a site set up in Visual Studio (as far as I've seen).
This is probably the most obfuscated manner of storing content that I've ever encountered. After performing text searches against the database I've finally found where the content is stored but it's not a simple process to get it out.
Pages' master record appears to be sf_page_node, there are related tables:
sf_object_data (page_id is related to sf_page_node.content_id)
sf_draft_pages (page_id is related to sf_page_node.content_id)
sf_page_data (content_id is related to sf_page_node.content_id)
sf_control_properties (control_id is related to
So you could get the info you need with a query like this:
select * from
join sf_object_data on sf_page_node.content_id = sf_object_data.page_id
join sf_control_properties on = sf_control_properties.control_id
Other things to consider:
the parent_id field is related to the sf_page_node table, so if you're writing a script, be sure to query this as well
the page may have a banner image, you will pick up the "place_holder" value as 'BannerHolder' with a caption of "Image" The image may be stored as blobs in sf_media_content, you should handle this separately. The "nme" value of 'ImageId' will have a GUID in the "val" column. You can query sf_media_content with this value as "content_id" the actual binary data is stored in sf_chunks, they relate on "file_id"
My revised query taking into account what I'll need to migrate content is below:
from [sf_page_node] original
join sf_object_data on original.content_id = sf_object_data.page_id
join sf_control_properties on = sf_control_properties.control_id
join sf_page_node parent on original.parent_id =
I hope this helps someone!
You don't need the version items in this case - as you already found out, it stores the previous version of the pages in binary format.
The current live pages' data is available in sf_control_properties and sf_object_data tables. You need to join these together with sf_page_data and sf_page_node and you will get the full picture.
Depending on your requirements, it may be easier to do a GET request to each page and parse the returned html response.

Oracle Application Express SQL Query to show meaningful information

I am trying to write a query that 1) works and 2) shows meaningful information.
However, I can't seem to complete both scenarios. Both bits of code do work to a degree. My SQL query does work by showing all the useful information a user wants but when you click the edit button it doesn't link properly so it won't allow the user to update that row. The other shows only keys and rowid but when you click edit does show the information and allows it to be updated.
So as not to get another down-voted question, I have taken pictures of each scenario to show the problem, but, ultimately, I need to show meaningful information: an id or key isn't meaningful to the vast majority of users.
Here is my code
and here are the pictures of it in action
below is the code that does not show meaningful information but does work.
select "ROWID",
If i knew how to properly use rowid i am sure this is a simple feat but i dont so if i could get any help it would be useful
who ever renamed this to Application Expression why? what i am using is Apex Application Express it was relevant information that got changed to something wrong which might make it hard for someone with a similar problem to find later.
In the second, simple query, apex can determine which table (and record) you are trying to edit.
In the first query, with the joins, it can't tell which of the five tables in query you want to edit. You probably want to have the edit link pass the primary key of the row from APPLICATIONS to the child page. You would need to build into that page any logic (lists of values etc) that map lookup tables (such as status) to the values needed in the APPLICATIONS table.

Copy one database table's contents into another on same database

I'm a bit of a newbie with the workings of phpmyadmin. I have a database and now there are 2 parts within it - the original tables jos_ and the same again but with a different prefix, say let's ****_ that will be the finished database.
This has come about because I am upgrading my Joomla 1.5 site to 2.5. I used a migration tool for the bulk of the new database but one particular piece of information did not transfer because the new database has a different structure.
I want to copy the entire contents of jos_content, attribs, keyref= across to ****_content, metadata, "xreference"."VALUE" if that makes sense. This will save manually typing in the information contained within 1000s of articles.
jos_content, attribs currently contains
****_content, metadata currently contains
but I want it to end up like this
Could anyone tell me the SQL string that I would need to run to achieve this please?
If it makes any difference I have manually changed about 300 of these articles already and thought there must be a better way.
Edit: Being nervous of trying this I would like to try and find the exact syntax (if that's the right word) for the SQL Query to run.
The value I want to extract from the source table is just, and only, the numbers next to keyref= and I want them to turn up in the destination table prefixed by "xreference". - so it shows "xreference"."VALUE" with VALUE being the required numbers. There is also an entry - ,"marker":"" that is in the destination table so I guess the Query needs to produce that as well?
Sorry for labouring this but if I get it wrong, maybe by guessing what to put, I don't really have the knowledge to put it all right again....
Please Try it
insert into tableone(column1,column2) select column1,column2 from Tablesecond
if You have not Table another Daabase Then This query
select * into anyname_Table from tablesource