How do I get to my spinnaker dashboard after Installing minnaker on my aws ec2 - spinnaker

I installed spinnaker on my AWS EC2, login into the dashboard in the first time but immediately after I logout and login again using the same base URL i am being directed to a different person github account, what might have happened, does it mean my account is hacked or what, somebody advise please.
Being directed to the link attached below, instead of the ip address taking me to the spinnaker dashboard and yet I am using the correct base address

These are the instructions i follow for Minnaker on EC2 (ap-southeast-2)
Obtain an AWS Elastic IP
From AWS EC2 console choose a Region preferably ap-southeast-2 and
launch an EC2 instance with 16 GB memory, 4 cpu min and 60 GB disk.
An initial deployment can be performed using instance= m4.xlarge
Attach the AWS Elastic IP to the Spinnaker Instance
Access the instance through SSH
Get minnaker
curl -LO
tar -xzvf minnaker.tgz
Go to minnaker directory
cd minnaker
Use the Public IP value from The Elastic IP as the $PUBLIC_IP
Obtain Private IP of the instance hostname -I and add them to local environment variables $PRIVATE_IP
export PRIVATE_IP=$(hostname -I)
Execute the command below to install Open Source Spinnaker
./scripts/ -o -P $PRIVATE_IP
Validate installation
Validate installation going to generated URL https://PUBLIC_IP
Use user admin and get the password at etc/spinnaker/.hal/.secret/spinnaker_password
The UI should load
Kubernetes Deployment
Minnaker is deployed inside an EC2 as a lightweight Kubernetes K3S cluster
Run kubectl version
Get info from cluster kubectl cluster-info
Tweak bash completion and enable a simple alias.
kubectl completion bash
kubectl completion bash
echo 'source <(kubectl completion bash)' >>~/.bashrc
kubectl completion bash >/etc/bash_completion.d/kubectl
echo 'alias k=kubectl' >>~/.bashrc
`echo 'complete -F __start_kubectl k' >>~/.bashrc
Validate Spinnaker is running
k -n spinnaker get pods -o wide
Halyard Config
Validate a default halyard config is been set up
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/hal
set -x
HALYARD=$(kubectl -n spinnaker get pod -l app=halyard -oname | cut -d'/' -f 2)
k -n spinnaker exec -it ${HAYLYARD} -- hal $# config
Minnaker repo
Clone the repository
Go to Scripts directory cd minnaker/scripts
Add permissions to the installation script chmod 775
git clone


LDAP Apache Directory Studio Authentication Failed

I am trying to integrate multiple directory services to Keycloak hence I am following the article: Setup User Federation with Keycloak
I have pulled the docker data and running them as mentioned:
docker pull rroemhild/test-openldap
docker run --privileged -d -p 389:389 -p 636:636 --name da-01 rroemhild/test-openldap
Now I am trying to connect the same using the Apache Directory Studio and when I try to authenticate I get the message
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am trying with the mentioned password: GoodNewsEveryone
I basically tried running the docker in a different port and it worked:
docker run --rm -p 10389:10389 -p 10636:10636 rroemhild/test-openldap

How can I setup kubeapi server to allow kubectl from outside the cluster

I have a single master, multinode kubernetes going. It works great. However I want to allow kubectl commands to be run from outside the master server. How do I run kubectl get node from my laptop for example?
If I install kubectl on my laptop I get the following error:
error: client-key-data or client-key must be specified for kubernetes-admin to use the clientCert authentication method
How do I go about this. I have read through the kubernetes authorisation documentation but I must say it's a bit greek to me. I am running version 1.10.2.
Thank you.
To extend #sfgroups answer:
Configurations of all Kubernetes clusters you are managing
are stored in $HOME/.kube/config file. If you have that file on the master node,
the easy way is to copy it to $HOME/.kube/config file on a local machine.
You can choose other places, and then specify the location by environment value KUBECONFIG:
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/config
or use --kubeconfig command line parameter instead.
Cloud providers often give you a possibility to download config to local machine from the
web interface or by the cloud management command.
For GCP:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials NAME [--region=REGION | --zone=ZONE, -z ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG …]
For Azure:
az login -u yourazureaccount -p yourpassword
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group=<cluster-resource-group> --name=<cluster-name>
If the cluster was created using Kops utility, you could get the config file by:
kops export kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}
From your master copy /root/.kube directory to your laptop C:\Users\.kube location.
kubectl will pickup the certificate from config file automatically.

Azure ACS - Kubernetes inter-pod communication

I've made an ACS instance.
az acs create --orchestrator-type=kubernetes \
--resource-group $group \
--name $k8s_name \
--dns-prefix $kubernetes_server \
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group $group --name $k8s_name
And run helm init it has provisioned tiller pod fine. I then ran helm install stable/redis and got a redis deployment up and running (seemingly).
I can kube exec -it into the redis pod, and can see it's binding on and can log in with redis-cli -h localhost and redis-cli -h <pod_ip>, but not redis-cli -h <service_ip> (from kubectl get svc.)
If I run up another pod (which is how I ran into this issue) I can ping redis.default and it shows the DNS resolving to the correct service IP but gives no response. When I telnet <service_ip> 6379 or redis-cli -h <service_ip> it hangs indefinitely.
I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to debug further. I can't ssh into the node to see what docker is doing.
Also, I'd initially tried this with a standard Alphine-Redis image, so the helm was a fallback. I tried it yesterday and the helm one worked, but the manual one didn't. Today doing it (on a newly built ACS cluster) it's not working at all on either.
I'm going to spin up the cluster again to see if its a stable reproduce, but I'm pretty confident something fishy is going on.
PS - I have a VNet with overlapping subnet in a different region, when I go into the address range I do get a warning there that there is a clash, could that affect it?
Some new insight... It's something to do with alpine based images (which we've been aiming to use)...
So kube run a --image=nginx (which is ubuntu based) and I can shell in, install telnet and connect to the redis service.
But, e.g. kubectl run c --image=rlesouef/alpine-redis then shell in, and telnet doesn't work to the same redis service.
There was a similar issue that has been fixed recently. One thing to verify is to check if nslookup works in the container.

Inject host's SSH keys into Docker Machine with Docker Compose

I am using Docker on Mac OS X with Docker Machine (with the default boot2docker machine), and I use docker-compose to setup my development environment.
Let's say that one of the containers is called "stack". Now what I want to do is call:
docker-composer run stack ssh
My public key (which has been added to and which will be used to authenticate me) is located on the host machine. I want this key to be available to the Docker Machine container so that I will be able to authenticate myself against stackoverflow using that key from within the container. Preferably without physically copying my key to Docker Machine.
Is there any way to do this? Also, if my key is password protected, is there any way to unlock it once so after every injection I will not have to manually enter the password?
You can add this to your docker-compose.yml (assuming your user inside container is root):
- ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh
Also you can check for more advanced solution with ssh agent (I did not tried it myself)
WARNING: This feature seems to have limited support in Docker Compose and is more designed for Docker Swarm.
(I haven't checked to make sure, but) My current impression is that:
In Docker Compose secrets are just bind mount volumes, so there's no additional security compared to volumes
Ability to change secrets permissions with Linux host may be limited
See answer comments for more details.
Docker has a feature called secrets, which can be helpful here. To use it one could add the following code to docker-compose.yml:
version: '3.1' # Note the minimum file version for this feature to work
- host_ssh_key
file: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Then the new secret file can be accessed in Dockerfile like this:
RUN mkdir ~/.ssh && ln -s /run/secrets/host_ssh_key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Secret files won't be copied into container:
When you grant a newly-created or running service access to a secret, the decrypted secret is mounted into the container in an in-memory filesystem
For more details please refer to:
If you're using OS X and encrypted keys this is going to be PITA. Here are the steps I went through figuring this out.
Straightforward approach
One might think that there’s no problem. Just mount your ssh folder:
- ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro
This should be working, right?
User problem
Next thing we’ll notice is that we’re using the wrong user id. Fine, we’ll write a script to copy and change the owner of ssh keys. We’ll also set ssh user in config so that ssh server knows who’s connecting.
- ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh-keys:ro
command: sh -c ‘./ && ...’
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
cp -r /root/.ssh-keys/* ~/.ssh/
chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) ~/.ssh
cat <<EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
SSH key passphrase problem
In our company we protect SSH keys using a passphrase. That wouldn’t work in docker since it’s impractical to enter a passphrase each time we start a container.
We could remove a passphrase (see example below), but there’s a security concern.
openssl rsa -in id_rsa -out id_rsa2
# enter passphrase
# replace passphrase-encrypted key with plaintext key:
mv id_rsa2 id_rsa
SSH agent solution
You may have noticed that locally you don’t need to enter a passphrase each time you need ssh access. Why is that?
That’s what SSH agent is for. SSH agent is basically a server which listens to a special file, unix socket, called “ssh auth sock”. You can see its location on your system:
# /run/user/1000/keyring-AvTfL3/ssh
SSH client communicates with SSH agent through this file so that you’d enter passphrase only once. Once it’s unencrypted, SSH agent will store it in memory and send to SSH client on request.
Can we use that in Docker? Sure, just mount that special file and specify a corresponding environment variable:
We don’t even need to copy keys in this case.
To confirm that keys are available we can use ssh-add utility:
if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
echo "No ssh agent detected"
ssh-add -l
The problem of unix socket mount support in Docker for Mac
Unfortunately for OS X users, Docker for Mac has a number of shortcomings, one of which is its inability to share Unix sockets between Mac and Linux. There’s an open issue in D4M Github. As of February 2019 it’s still open.
So, is that a dead end? No, there is a hacky workaround.
SSH agent forwarding solution
Luckily, this issue isn’t new. Long before Docker there was a way to use local ssh keys within a remote ssh session. This is called ssh agent forwarding. The idea is simple: you connect to a remote server through ssh and you can use all the same remote servers there, thus sharing your keys.
With Docker for Mac we can use a smart trick: share ssh agent to the docker virtual machine using TCP ssh connection, and mount that file from virtual machine to another container where we need that SSH connection. Here’s a picture to demonstrate the solution:
First, we create an ssh session to the ssh server inside a container inside a linux VM through a TCP port. We use a real ssh auth sock here.
Next, ssh server forwards our ssh keys to ssh agent on that container. SSH agent has a Unix socket which uses a location mounted to Linux VM. I.e. Unix socket works in Linux. Non-working Unix socket file in Mac has no effect.
After that we create our useful container with an SSH client. We share the Unix socket file which our local SSH session uses.
There’s a bunch of scripts that simplifies that process:
Getting SSH to work in Docker could’ve been easier. But it can be done. And it’ll likely to be improved in the future. At least Docker developers are aware of this issue. And even solved it for Dockerfiles with build time secrets. And there's a suggestion how to support Unix domain sockets.
You can forward SSH agent:
container_name: something
- $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent # Forward local machine SSH key to docker
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /ssh-agent
You can use multi stage build to build containers This is the approach you can take :-
Stage 1 building an image with ssh
FROM ubuntu as sshImage
LABEL stage=sshImage
WORKDIR /root/temp
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git npm
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh/ &&\
echo "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" > /root/.ssh/id_rsa &&\
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa &&\
touch /root/.ssh/known_hosts &&\
ssh-keyscan >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
RUN cp -R node_modules prod_node_modules
Stage 2: build your container
FROM node:10-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/app
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY ./ ./
COPY --from=sshImage /root/temp/prod_node_modules ./node_modules
CMD ["npm", "run", "dev"]
add env attribute in your compose file:
then pass args from build script like this:
docker-compose build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)"
And remove the intermediate container it for security. This Will help you cheers.
Docker for Mac now supports mounting the ssh agent socket on macOS.

CentOS7: Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?

I've installed Docker on CentOS7, now I try to launch the server in a Docker container.
$ docker run -d --name "openshift-origin" --net=host --privileged \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /tmp/openshift:/tmp/openshift \
openshift/origin start
This is the output:
Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.19/containers/create?name=openshift-origin: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: permission denied. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?
I have tried the same command with sudo and that works fine (I can also run images in OpenShift bash etc.) But it feels wrong to use it, am I right? What is a solution to let is work as normal user?
Docker is running (sudo service docker start). Restarting the CentOS did not help.
The error is:
/var/run/docker.sock: permission denied.
That seems pretty clear: the permissions on the Docker socket at /var/run/docker.sock do not permit you to access it. This is reasonably common, because handing someone acccess to the Docker API is effectively the same as giving them sudo privileges, but without any sort of auditing.
If you are the only person using your system, you can:
Create a docker group or similar if one does not already exist.
Make yourself a member of the docker group
Modify the startup configuration of the docker daemon to make the socket owned by that group by adding -G docker to the options. You'll probably want to edit /etc/sysconfig/docker to make this change, unless it's already configured that way.
With these changes in place, you should be able to access docker from your user account with requiring sudo.