Error: No configuration set for [aws] s3_shard_formatter. This is a required configuration - flyte

I started seeing this error in flyte:
No configuration set for [aws] s3_shard_formatter. This is a required configuration.
What does it mean? AFAIK we set S3_SHARD_FORMATTER env variable in the image and also when registering the workflow.

It means the configuration object is not set. There are multiple ways to set it.
You can add it to the config file like so
You can set the environment variable FLYTE_AWS_S3_SHARD_FORMATTER to the value in the config example in 1. (or whatever your bucket name/path is).
However, usually when you see this error, what's actually happening is that the configuration option for where to look for the configuration file itself, is not being set correctly.
If you can get yourself into a Python repl, take a look at the following.
from flytekit.configuration.internal import CONFIGURATION_PATH
That path should be a /full/path/from/root. cat it too just to check that it's what you expect.
If that config option returns an empty string, then your registration step must be in error. Confirm which file is being used during registration.


JMeter Distributed Testing rmi_keystore.jks (No such file or directory)

setting up a distributed test with Jmeter i ended up in this problem.
First of all i'm aware setting the server.rmi.ssl.disable=true is a work around.
Still i'd like to see if it is possible to use this rmi_keystore.jks. The Jmeter documentation is clear enough about setting up the environment but doesn't mention at all how specify the path to the rmi_keystore.jks, or if this has to be the rmi_keystore.jks on the worker or the one in the controller.
I noticed if you do a test on your machine as worker and controller ( as this guy does ) setting the absolute path to the rmi_keystore.jks works.
Ex. server.rmi.ssl.truststore.file=C:\path\to\the\rmi_keystore.jks and server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file=C:\path\to\the\rmi_keystore.jks and.
But this doesn't work when controller has a different path to the rmi_keystore.jks then the worker.
My question is : how can I set the right jmeter properties server.rmi.ssl.truststore.file and server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file to resolve the FileNotFoundException? Stating that default values don't work?
thank you everyone
You need to:
Generate the rmi_keystore.jks file on the master machine
Copy it to all the slaves
The default location (where JMeter looks for the file) is rmi_keystore.jks, to wit if you drop it to "bin" folder of your JMeter installation on master and slaves - JMeter will find it and start using.
The server.rmi.ssl.keystore.file property should be used if you want to customize the file name and/or location so if it is different you can either set slave-specific location via file or pass it via -J command-line argument.
If location is common for all the slaves and you want to override it in a single shot - provide it via -G command-line argument.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Full list of command-line options
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
You can use create-rmi-keystore.bat to generate the rmi_keystore.jks. You will find it under Bin folder.

IBM CDC for zOS VSAM - how do I change parameters with the SET CONFIG command?

I would like to change some of the source file parameters. As per the manual, it says we can modify using SET CONFIG parameters?
Is this command to be issued in the console ? Or how does it make sure this command belongs to CDCSRVR while we issue this in the console ?
You can issue the console command to set the configuration as below:
For example:

What does this option do HTTPD_MODULES_STRIP for HTTPD?

Im using PHP buildpack for CloudFoundry. The app bring up a dummy HTTPD webserver directing traffic to defined endpoint.
In .bp-config/options.json, i could see HTTPD_MODULES_STRIP.
What does this option accomplish? Setting true or false, resulted in the same outcome. So curious, how is it being used?
If the extension has to be written to consume that option, how do i do that?
version of HTTPD 2.4.12
When modules specified in your build manifest are zipped, setting HTTPD_MODULES_STRIP to true will cause the first element of the archived file's path to be stripped before placing it in the destination directory.
Example when HTTPD_MODULES_STRIP = true: When extracting file archive.txt into destination directory intoDir, directory "some" is removed from the resulting pathname.
some/file/in/archive.txt -> intoDir/file/in/archive.txt
See ./lib/build_pack_utils/ line 312 and ./lib/build_pack_utils/ for more info.

RavenDB external config is being ignored

RavenDB's server (builds 2330 and 2380) seem to ignore the --config parameter:
Raven.Server.exe --config=another.config
The feature has been suggested and confirmed and implemented. Are there any constraints on the location of the configuration file?
In particular, I cannot seem to even change the port number unless I overwrite the existing configuration file Raven.Server.exe.config, rather than specifying a new configuration file using the command-line option.
There appears to be some strangeness in the method we used to get the config.
This command line argument won't work with 2.0 builds. This will be fixed in 2.5
In the meantime, you can set the values explicitly using:
Raven.Server.exe --set=Raven/Port==9999
Note that the first equal repeat once, and the second repeat twice.

Tomcat 7 - where do I set 'system properties'?

My webapp is having an issue since upgrading to Tomcat 7. My session will go null after I login and try to do anything (submitting a request). I've read that setting the following may help:
Does anyone know where to set this? Should this be set in web.xml, context.xml or somewhere else?
The other thing I want to check is the following:
You can set any of the system properties in
file. Adding your entry in this file should resolve your problem.
You can set system properties in Tomcat by creating a file in /bin directory.
I did the following to set the system properties.
export JAVA_OPTS="-Dmyprojectvar.subname=value -Danothervariable=value -Danother.variable=value"
There is no space between the export JAVA_OPTS and =. Also: the symbol & is different, use ..
Now, run your to start tomcat.
You can set these system properties in command line that starts Tomcat. For example, you can have file setenv.bat (on if you are on linux) in Tomcats bin folder with following content:
set "CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Dorg.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true -Duser.timezone=GMT -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
This file is preferred way of setting properties for Tomcat.
Now, FWD_SLASH_IS_SEPARATOR is by default set to false. If you set STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE to true, the value of FWD_SLASH_IS_SEPARATOR will be also set to true (and values of some other properties). However, you can set it explicitly to false, e.g. using the following in your setenv file is fine:
This is also what I suggest when someone sets STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE to true, to always disable the FWD_SLASH_IS_SEPARATOR. Otherwise, the cookie Path value will be sent quoted (e.g. "\") and all browsers as of today, except Opera, do not recognize this and would e.g. fail to track the session.
We actually figured out how to solve this. It was a Tomcat 7 setting we needed to set. We placed it in server.xml, under the tag as follows:
<Context path="/test" reloadable="true" docBase="c:\webapp\test"
workDir="c:\webapp\test" sessionCookiePathUsesTrailingSlash="false"/>
When we were debugging the problem and looking at the cookies path we noticed it was putting a \ backslash after the webapp name, so for our test webapp it was setting the path to /test/ instead of /test. This caused a bunch of problems.
Has anyone else had to deal with this setting in Tomcat 7? Or have a similar problem?
If you are trying to set variables for a server running in eclipse:
Select Run > Run Configurations
Make sure your server is selected
Select Environment Tab
Click 'New' to add a new variable