I have an array with shape (144,).
I have a vector of data with shape (2,144). For example, two readings from two sensors. Every readings has 144 values.
I would like to stick a time slot to each sensor reading, in order to have a matrix of (2,144,2): the first axis is the number of sensors; the second the number of readings, and the third the number of entries of each record, in this case 2 because I sticked the time axis.
I first tried to reshape the time axis vector to match the right shape, with:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes [original->remapped]: (144,) and requested shape (144,2)
I tried also with:
numOfVec = 2
num = 144
time_axis = np.broadcast_to(time_axis,(numOfVec,num)).T
# Add time axis
out = np.vstack((time_axis,synthetic.T))
I tried the hint given in a comment:
time_axis = self.datetime_range(10)
time_axis = np.reshape(time_axis,(1,num))
time_axis = np.repeat(time_axis,numOfVec,axis=0)
# Add time axis
out = np.stack((time_axis,synthetic))
It works but since I have to jsonify the data, the result is not correct:
"data": [
I would like to obtain something like this:
"data": [
I found the solution
# Convert to 2D array
time_axis = np.reshape(time_axis,(num,1))
# Add third dimensions
time_axis = np.expand_dims(time_axis, axis=0)
# Repeat time axis on third dimension
time_axis = np.repeat(time_axis,numOfVec,axis=0)
# Add time axis to sensor readings by sticking along the second dimension (axis = 2)
out = np.concatenate((time_axis,synthetic),axis=2)
I have a numpy array, a:
a = np.array([[-21.78878256, 97.37484004, -11.54228119],
[ -5.72592375, 99.04189958, 3.22814204],
[-19.80795922, 95.99377136, -10.64537733]])
I have another array, b:
b = np.array([[ 54.64642121, 64.5172014, 44.39991983],
[ 9.62420892, 95.14361441, 0.67014312],
[ 49.55036427, 66.25136632, 40.38778238]])
I want to extract minimum value indices from the array, b.
ixs = [[2],
Then, want to extract elements from the array, a using the indices, ixs:
The expected answer is:
result = [[-11.54228119]
I tried as:
ixs = np.argmin(b, axis=1)
print ixs
result = np.take(a, ixs)
print result
Any ideas are welcomed
You can use
result = a[np.arange(a.shape[0]), ixs]
np.arange will generate indices for each row and ixs will have indices for each column. So effectively result will have required result.
You can try using below code
np.take(a, ixs, axis = 1)[:,0]
The initial section will create a 3 by 3 array and slice the first column
>>> np.take(a, ixs, axis = 1)
array([[-11.54228119, -11.54228119, -11.54228119],
[ 3.22814204, 3.22814204, 3.22814204],
[-10.64537733, -10.64537733, -10.64537733]])
I want to visualize weights of the layer of a neural network. I'm using pytorch.
import torch
import torchvision.models as models
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def plot_kernels(tensor, num_cols=6):
if not tensor.ndim==4:
raise Exception("assumes a 4D tensor")
if not tensor.shape[-1]==3:
raise Exception("last dim needs to be 3 to plot")
num_kernels = tensor.shape[0]
num_rows = 1+ num_kernels // num_cols
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(num_cols,num_rows))
for i in range(tensor.shape[0]):
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(num_rows,num_cols,i+1)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1)
vgg = models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
mm = vgg.double()
filters = mm.modules
body_model = [i for i in mm.children()][0]
layer1 = body_model[0]
tensor = layer1.weight.data.numpy()
The above gives this error ValueError: Floating point image RGB values must be in the 0..1 range.
My question is should I normalize and take absolute value of the weights to overcome this error or is there anyother way ?
If I normalize and use absolute value I think the meaning of the graphs change.
[[[[ 0.02240197 -1.22057354 -0.55051649]
[-0.50310904 0.00891289 0.15427093]
[ 0.42360783 -0.23392732 -0.56789106]]
[[ 1.12248898 0.99013627 1.6526649 ]
[ 1.09936976 2.39608836 1.83921957]
[ 1.64557672 1.4093554 0.76332706]]
[[ 0.26969245 -1.2997849 -0.64577204]
[-1.88377869 -2.0100112 -1.43068039]
[-0.44531786 -1.67845118 -1.33723605]]]
[[[ 0.71286005 1.45265901 0.64986968]
[ 0.75984162 1.8061738 1.06934202]
[-0.08650422 0.83452386 -0.04468433]]
[[-1.36591709 -2.01630116 -1.54488969]
[-1.46221244 -2.5365622 -1.91758668]
[-0.88827479 -1.59151018 -1.47308767]]
[[ 0.93600738 0.98174071 1.12213969]
[ 1.03908169 0.83749604 1.09565806]
[ 0.71188802 0.85773659 0.86840987]]]
[[[-0.48592842 0.2971966 1.3365227 ]
[ 0.47920835 -0.18186836 0.59673625]
[-0.81358945 1.23862112 0.13635623]]
[[-0.75361633 -1.074965 0.70477796]
[ 1.24439156 -1.53563368 -1.03012812]
[ 0.97597247 0.83084011 -1.81764793]]
[[-0.80762428 -0.62829626 1.37428832]
[ 1.01448071 -0.81775147 -0.41943246]
[ 1.02848887 1.39178836 -1.36779451]]]
[[[ 1.28134537 -0.00482408 0.71610934]
[ 0.95264435 -0.09291686 -0.28001019]
[ 1.34494913 0.64477581 0.96984017]]
[[-0.34442815 -1.40002513 1.66856039]
[-2.21281362 -3.24513769 -1.17751861]
[-0.93520379 -1.99811196 0.72937071]]
[[ 0.63388056 -0.17022935 2.06905985]
[-0.7285465 -1.24722099 0.30488953]
[ 0.24900314 -0.19559766 1.45432627]]]
[[[-0.80684513 2.1764245 -0.73765725]
[-1.35886598 1.71875226 -1.73327696]
[-0.75233924 2.14700699 -0.71064663]]
[[-0.79627383 2.21598244 -0.57396138]
[-1.81044972 1.88310981 -1.63758397]
[-0.6589964 2.013237 -0.48532376]]
[[-0.3710472 1.4949851 -0.30245575]
[-1.25448656 1.20453358 -1.29454732]
[-0.56755757 1.30994892 -0.39370224]]]
[[[-0.67361742 -3.69201088 -1.23768616]
[ 3.12674141 1.70414758 -1.76272404]
[-0.22565465 1.66484773 1.38172317]]
[[ 0.28095332 -2.03035069 0.69989491]
[ 1.97936332 1.76992691 -1.09842575]
[-2.22433758 0.52577412 0.18292744]]
[[ 0.48471382 -1.1984663 1.57565165]
[ 1.09911084 1.31910467 -0.51982772]
[-2.76202297 -0.47073677 0.03936549]]]]
It sounds as if you already know your values are not in that range. Yes, you must re-scale them to the range 0.0 - 1.0. I suggest that you want to retain visibility of negative vs positive, but that you let 0.5 be your new "neutral" point. Scale such that current 0.0 values map to 0.5, and your most extreme value (largest magnitude) scale to 0.0 (if negative) or 1.0 (if positive).
Thanks for the vectors. It looks like your values are in the range -2.25 to +2.0. I suggest a rescaling new = (1/(2*2.25)) * old + 0.5
I want to use tf.cond(pred, fn1, fn2, name=None) for conditional branching. Let say I have two tensors: x, y. Each tensor is a batch of 0/1 and I want to use this tensors compression x < y as the source for
tf.cond pred argument:
pred: A scalar determining whether to return the result of fn1 or fn2.
But if I am working with batches then it looks like I need to iterate over the source tensor inside the graph and make slices for every item in batch and apply tf.cond for every item. Looks suspiciously as for me. Why tf.cond not accept batch and only scalar? Can you advise what is the right way to use it with batch?
tf.where sounds like what you want: a vectorized selection between Tensors.
tf.cond is a control flow modifier: it determines which ops are executed, and so it's difficult to think of useful batch semantics.
We can also put together a mixture of these operations: an operation which slices based on a condition and passes those slices to two branches.
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
def slicing_where(condition, full_input, true_branch, false_branch):
"""Split `full_input` between `true_branch` and `false_branch` on `condition`.
condition: A boolean Tensor with shape [B_1, ..., B_N].
full_input: A Tensor or nested tuple of Tensors of any dtype, each with
shape [B_1, ..., B_N, ...], to be split between `true_branch` and
`false_branch` based on `condition`.
true_branch: A function taking a single argument, that argument having the
same structure and number of batch dimensions as `full_input`. Receives
slices of `full_input` corresponding to the True entries of
`condition`. Returns a Tensor or nested tuple of Tensors, each with batch
dimensions matching its inputs.
false_branch: Like `true_branch`, but receives inputs corresponding to the
false elements of `condition`. Returns a Tensor or nested tuple of Tensors
(with the same structure as the return value of `true_branch`), but with
batch dimensions matching its inputs.
Interleaved outputs from `true_branch` and `false_branch`, each Tensor
having shape [B_1, ..., B_N, ...].
full_input_flat = nest.flatten(full_input)
true_indices = tf.where(condition)
false_indices = tf.where(tf.logical_not(condition))
true_branch_inputs = nest.pack_sequence_as(
flat_sequence=[tf.gather_nd(params=input_tensor, indices=true_indices)
for input_tensor in full_input_flat])
false_branch_inputs = nest.pack_sequence_as(
flat_sequence=[tf.gather_nd(params=input_tensor, indices=false_indices)
for input_tensor in full_input_flat])
true_outputs = true_branch(true_branch_inputs)
false_outputs = false_branch(false_branch_inputs)
nest.assert_same_structure(true_outputs, false_outputs)
def scatter_outputs(true_output, false_output):
batch_shape = tf.shape(condition)
scattered_shape = tf.concat(
[batch_shape, tf.shape(true_output)[tf.rank(batch_shape):]],
true_scatter = tf.scatter_nd(
indices=tf.cast(true_indices, tf.int32),
false_scatter = tf.scatter_nd(
indices=tf.cast(false_indices, tf.int32),
return true_scatter + false_scatter
result = nest.pack_sequence_as(
scatter_outputs(true_single_output, false_single_output)
for true_single_output, false_single_output
in zip(nest.flatten(true_outputs), nest.flatten(false_outputs))])
return result
Some examples:
vector_test = slicing_where(
condition=tf.equal(tf.range(10) % 2, 0),
full_input=tf.range(10, dtype=tf.float32),
true_branch=lambda x: 0.2 + x,
false_branch=lambda x: 0.1 + x)
cross_range = (tf.range(10, dtype=tf.float32)[:, None]
* tf.range(10, dtype=tf.float32)[None, :])
matrix_test = slicing_where(
condition=tf.equal(tf.range(10) % 3, 0),
true_branch=lambda x: -x,
false_branch=lambda x: x + 0.1)
with tf.Session():
[ 0.2 1.10000002 2.20000005 3.0999999 4.19999981 5.0999999
6.19999981 7.0999999 8.19999981 9.10000038]
[[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0.1 1.10000002 2.0999999 3.0999999 4.0999999
5.0999999 6.0999999 7.0999999 8.10000038 9.10000038]
[ 0.1 2.0999999 4.0999999 6.0999999 8.10000038
10.10000038 12.10000038 14.10000038 16.10000038 18.10000038]
[ 0. -3. -6. -9. -12. -15.
-18. -21. -24. -27. ]
[ 0.1 4.0999999 8.10000038 12.10000038 16.10000038
20.10000038 24.10000038 28.10000038 32.09999847 36.09999847]
[ 0.1 5.0999999 10.10000038 15.10000038 20.10000038
25.10000038 30.10000038 35.09999847 40.09999847 45.09999847]
[ 0. -6. -12. -18. -24. -30.
-36. -42. -48. -54. ]
[ 0.1 7.0999999 14.10000038 21.10000038 28.10000038
35.09999847 42.09999847 49.09999847 56.09999847 63.09999847]
[ 0.1 8.10000038 16.10000038 24.10000038 32.09999847
40.09999847 48.09999847 56.09999847 64.09999847 72.09999847]
[ 0. -9. -18. -27. -36. -45.
-54. -63. -72. -81. ]]
I am trying to display images from the CIFAR-10 TensorFlow tutorial. The images become transformed so that the values read are floats more less between -1 and 3. I'm not show what kind of transformation has been applied. How can I display them to see the original content?
Here is what the part of the image output looks like:
array([[ 1.24836731, 0.04940184, -1.49835348],\n [ 1.117571 , 0.02760247, -1.56375158],\n [ 1.24836731, 0.18019807, -1.41115606],\n [ 1.18296909, 0.09300058, -1.47655416],\n [ 1.13937044, 0.02760247, -1.54195225],\n [ 1.13937044, 0.09300058, -1.52015293],\n
This is the link to the tutorial:
Rescaling does not seem to work for me:
Try scaling the image to be between 0 and 255? Subtract the min and divide by its new max.
A couple of ways to do this, for the greyscale MNIST images:
tmp = mnist.train.images[0]
tmp = tmp.reshape((28,28))
plt.imshow(tmp, cmap = cm.Greys)
Or, for CIFAR-10 images:
Code below taken from this tutorial
def visualize_sample(X_train, y_train, classes, samples_per_class=7):
"""visualize some samples in the training datasets """
num_classes = len(classes)
for y, cls in enumerate(classes):
idxs = np.flatnonzero(y_train == y) # get all the indexes of cls
idxs = np.random.choice(idxs, samples_per_class, replace=False)
for i, idx in enumerate(idxs): # plot the image one by one
plt_idx = i * num_classes + y + 1 # i*num_classes and y+1 determine the row and column respectively
plt.subplot(samples_per_class, num_classes, plt_idx)
if i == 0:
I was trying to concatenate a 3-by-n 3d coordinate matrix called VTrans with a 1-by-n all one value vector called lr to augment the coordinate matrix to the 4-by-n homogeneous matrix. n in my case is the vertex Number 141669, which is pretty big.
The code below is not working while it does work in a very small dataset.
lr = np.ones(vertexNum).reshape((1, vertexNum))
VtransAppend = np.concatenate((VTrans, lr), axis=0)
Just found the problem, my vertexNum is wrong! IT is actually 47223 instead of 141669. 141669 is its size! All solution work and I will accept the first one. Thank you all!
The error says "all the input array dimensions except for the concatenation axis must match exactly"
I further verify lr and VtransAppend has the same length by printing the size out.
print lr.size
print VTrans.size
Anyone once has the same weird problem before and know how to solve it?
Here is the update:
My VTrans matrix is attached, where vertextNum is 141669
This is the code followed by YXD's suggestion, but the issue still exits...
vertexNum = VTrans.size # Total vertex in current model
lr = np.ones(vertexNum)
VtransAppend = np.concatenate((VTrans, lr.reshape(1, -1)), axis=0)
You have to fiddle lr to have the same number of dimensions as vTrans
>>> n = 4
>>> vTrans = np.random.random_sample((3, n))
>>> lr = np.ones(n)
>>> np.concatenate((vTrans, lr.reshape(1, -1)), axis=0)
array([[ 0.65769116, 0.41008341, 0.66046706, 0.86501781],
[ 0.51584699, 0.60601466, 0.93800371, 0.25077702],
[ 0.16696658, 0.41839794, 0.0938594 , 0.48484606],
[ 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ]])
i.e. after the reshape, the non-concatenation dimension matches vTrans
>>> lr.shape
>>> lr.reshape(1, -1).shape
(1, 4)
Try vstack instead of concatenate:
a = np.random.random((3,5))
b = np.random.random(5)
np.vstack((a, b))
np.concatenate((a, b[None,:]))
The None adds an axis to the 1D array b.