Go template merging dictionary with a possibly empty source dictionary - go-templates

In a go template I'm merging labels from project level and application level with
{{ range $k, $v := (merge $project.labels $app.labels) }}
# Do something with $k and $v.
Both $project.labels and $app.labels are dictionaries generated from a yaml file.
Now I want to make app.labels as an optional field, this can be done with some extra with statement but I wonder if there is an elegant way to do this.
Currently if $app.label is not defined in the yaml file I'll get:
wrong type for value; expected map[string]interface {}; got interface {}

Figured it out by adding empty dict as a default:
{{ range $k, $v := (merge $project.labels ($app.labels | default dict)) }}


Terraform template_file get pass all received variables to a function

is there in Terraforom in template_files a way to pass through all the received variables to other place?
I mean something similar than $# in bash.
For example:
resource "template_file" "some_template" {
template = "my_template.tpl")}"
vars {
var1 = "value1"
var2 = "value2"
and then from the rendered file:
echo "Var1: ${var1}"
echo "Var2: ${var2}"
echo "But I want it in someway similar to this:"
for v in $#; do
echo "$v";
According to the documentation, no.
From https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/template/d/file.html
Variables for interpolation within the template. Note that variables
must all be primitives. Direct references to lists or maps will cause
a validation error.
Primitives in terraform are string, number and boolean.
So it means you can not pass a hash or a list to group all the variables in one.
Use join and pass all the variables as one and parse/split them within a script (with tr/IFS tricks)
join("; ", [var.myvar1, var.myvar2, var.myvar3])
and then
IFS=';' read -ra ADDR <<< "$IN"
for i in "${ADDR[#]}"; do
echo "$i"

Insert an if statement in go tmpl range

In my project, in the index.tmpl file is the range function defined: {{ range $index, $jb := .Jailbreaks }} which iterates through the Jailbreaks array.
I was wondering if there is a way to check if the $index is on a defined position. So for this I tried {{ if $index == 0 }} but on compiling I get the error
Error rendering index template: template: index.tmpl:63: unexpected "=" in operand
Do I have to define a function in the main.go file to complete this task?
I am working with this project for everyone who is wondering.
You are looking for {{ if eq $index 0 }}. See https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#hdr-Actions and https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#hdr-Functions.

Typo3 GP variables in TSSETUP

I use typo3 7.6.10
I learn how get a url variable and store it in other variable for fluid in TSSETUP:
lib.pippomio = TEXT
lib.pippomio.data = GP:cat
example url: index.php?id=10&cat=pino
I print the variable in my template:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.pippomio" />
Ok it works.
Now i need to print the variable in input by Search Indexed Engine:
<input class="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-sword" id="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-sword" type="text" name="tx_indexedsearch_pi2[search][sword]" value="progetto">
How can i store in lib.pippomio the POST Variable "tx_indexedsearch_pi2[search][sword]" ???
I tried
lib.pippomio.data = GP:tx_indexedsearch_pi2[search][sword]
But it doesn't works.
I want to print the word searched in an other place.
You can use a pipe "|" to get it
lib.pippomio.data = GP:tx_indexedsearch_pi2|search|sword
TYPOSCRIPT Reference => getText

How do I pick elements from a block using a string in Rebol?

Given this block
fs: [
usr [
local [
bin []
share []
bin []
I could retrieve an item using a path notation like so:
How do I do the same when the path is a string?
path: "/usr/local"
find fs path ;does not work!
find fs to-path path ;does not work!
You need to complete the input string path with the right root, then LOAD it and evaluate it.
>> path: "/usr/local"
>> insert path "fs"
>> do load path
== [
bin []
Did you know Rebol has a native path type?
although this doesn't exactly answer your question, I tought I'd add a reference on how to use paths directly in Rebol. Rebol has a lot of datatypes, and when you can, you should leverage that rich language feature. Especially when you start to use and build dialects, knowing what types exist and how to use them becomes even more potent.
Here is an example on how you can build and run a path directly, without using strings. in order to represent a path within source code, you use the lit-path! datatype.
>> p: 'fs/usr/local
== fs/usr/local
>> do p
== [
bin []
you can even append to a path to manipulate it:
>> append p 'bin
== fs/usr/local/bin
>> do p
== []
if it where stored within a block, you use a path! type directly (not a lit-path!):
>> p: [fs/usr/local/bin]
== [fs/usr/local]
>> do first p
== [
bin []
also note that using paths directly has advantages over using strings because the path is composed of a series of words, which you can do some manipulation more easily than with strings example:
>> head change next p 'bin
== fs/bin/local
>> p: 'fs/path/issue/is
== fs/path/issue/is
>> head replace p 'is 'was
== fs/path/issue/w
as opposed to using a string:
>> p: "fs/path/issue/is"
== "fs/path/issue/is"
>> head replace p "is" "was"
== "fs/path/wassue/is"
If you want to browse the disk, instead of Rebol datasets, you must simply give 'FS a value of a file! and the rest of the path with browse from there (this is how paths work on file! types):
fs: %/c/
read dirize fs/windows

How to search for a string inside a class in Squeak smalltalk ? How about inside a package?

I searched, and searched.
I went to IRC
Hope the question is not silly. If it was, the right string to search at google would still be much appreciated
Answering such questions with the refactoring engine is quite easy. The following code finds all occurrences of / in the system:
allCodeWithSlash := RBBrowserEnvironment new matches: '/'
From there you can further scope the search, e.g. to inside a class:
allCodeWithSlashInClass := allCodeWithSlash forClasses: (Array with: DosFileDirectory)
Or inside a package:
allCodeWithSlashInPackage := allCodeWithSlash forPackageNames: (Array with: 'Files')
If you have an UI loaded, you can open a browser on any of these search results:
allCodeWithSlashInPackage open
If you use OmniBrowser, you can also build and navigate these scopes without typing any code through the Refactoring scope menu.
Here's an example that shows you all methods in DosFileDirectory containing the string '\'.
aString := '\\'.
class := DosFileDirectory.
methodsContainingString := class methodDictionary values select: [:method |
method hasLiteralSuchThat: [:lit |
(lit isString and: [lit isSymbol not]) and:
[lit = aString]]].
messageList := methodsContainingString collect: [ :e | MethodReference new setStandardClass: class methodSymbol: e selector ].
SystemNavigation new
browseMessageList: messageList
name: 'methods containing string'.
To search a whole package, wrap the search part in:
package := PackageOrganizer default packageNamed: packageName ifAbsent: [ self error: 'package doesn't exist' ].
package classesAndMetaClasses do: [ :class | ... ]