Is there possible to use SQL Lag function itself? - sql

I need to find solution for my SQL report issue.
My issue is related to find appropriate way about using lag function for the column that was came from lag function.
Here it is picture to clarify my problem

That looks like a simple running total. You don't need lag() for that. When using an aggregate like sum() together with an order by in the window definition, it will give you just that.
But you you have to specify an order by, because rows in a table don't have any implied ordering.
select column1,
sum(column1) over (order by ???) as column1_calculation
from the_table
order by ???
You need to replace the ??? in the above statement with the column that defines the sort order of your rows. Very often a date/time column is used for that to get the running total over time.
Online example


How to deal with ports which are not being Grouped by neither being aggregated in Informatica Powercenter

We are working on converting Informatica mappings to Google Bigquery SQL. In one of the mappings, there are a couple ports/columns, say A and B which are not getting grouped by in the Aggregator transformation and neither have been applied any aggregation function like sum, avg etc.
According to senior devs in my org, in Informatica, we will get last values of these ports/columns as a result after the aggregator. My question is, how do we convert this behaviour in BigQuery SQL? Because we cannot use that columns in select statement, which are not present in the Group by clause and we don't want to group by these columns.
For getting last value of the column, we have LAST_VALUE() analytic function in bigquery, but even then we cannot use the group by and analytic function in same select statement.
I would really appreciate some help!
Use some aggregation function.
In Informatica you will get LAST value. This is not deterministic. It basically means that either
you have same values across all the column,
you don't care which one you get, or
you have specific order, on which the last value is taken.
First two cases mean you can use MIN / MAX / whatsoever. The result will be same or you don't care.
If the last one is your case, ARRAY_AGG should help you, as per this answer.
to convert Infa mapping with aggregator to big SQL, I would use row_number over (partitioned by id order by id) as rn and then in outside put a filter rn=1.
Informatica aggregator - id is group by column.
Equivalent SQL should look like this -
select a,b,id
(select a,b,row_number over (partitioned by id order by id desc) as rn --this will mimic informatica aggregator. id column is the group by port. if you have any sorter before aggregator add all ports as per order in order by column on same sequence but reverse order(asc/desc)
from mytable) rs
where rs.rn=1 -- this will ensure to pick latest row.

BigQuery and GROUP BY clause

I'm trying to figure out how Google BigQuery works in respect to aggregation and grouping. I read the documentation and it says for GROUP BY this:
The GROUP BY clause allows you to group rows that have the same values
for a given field. You can then perform aggregate functions on each of
the groups. Grouping occurs after any selection or aggregation in the
SELECT clause.
So it says that after grouping I can perform aggregate functions (I assume that's functions like COUNT). But than the sentence later it says that grouping occurs after any selection or aggregation in the SELECT clause.
So if I have
FROM ds.Table
Which happens first, grouping or counting?
You will have the group and then the count. In your case you would get a single line for each f1 and then the count.
However, if you want to do something interesting, you could use window functions in which first you can group by some fields, and then you can execute functions against the resulting rows, which is quite handy.
Take a look at the window functions section of the bigquery online docs for a few examples on this.

Why can't I perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate but I can do so by creating a new select statement around it?

Why is it that in SQL Server I can't do this:
select sum(count(id)) as 'count'
from table
But I can do
select sum(x.count)
select count(id) as 'count'
from table
) x
Are they not essentially the same thing? How am I meant to be thinking about this in order to understand why the first block of code isn't allowed?
SUM() in your example is a no-op - SUM() of a COUNT() means the same as just COUNT(). So neither of your example queries appear to do anything useful.
It seems to me that nesting aggregates would only make sense if you wanted to apply two different aggregations - meaning GROUP BY on different sets of columns. To specify two different aggregations you would need to use the GROUPING SETS feature or SUM() OVER feature. Maybe if you explain what you want to achieve someone could show you how.
The gist of the issue is that there is no such concept as aggregate of an aggregate applied to a relation, see Aggregation. Having such a concept would leave too many holes in the definition and makes the GROUP BY clause impossible to express: it needs to define both the inner aggregate GROUP BY clause and the outer aggregate as well! This applies also to the other aggregate attributes, like the HAVING clause.
However, the result of an aggregate applied to a relation is another relation, and this result relation in turn can support a new aggregate operator. This explains why you can aggregate the result into an outer SELECT. This leaves no ambiguity in the definition, each SELECT has its own distinct GROUP BY/HAVING clauses.
In simple terms, aggregation functions operate over a column and generate a scalar value, hence they cannot be applied over their result. When you create a select statement over a scalar value you transform it into an artificial column, that's why it can be used by an aggregation function again.
Please note that most of the times there's no point in applying an aggregation function over the result of another aggregation function: in your sample sum(count(id)) == count(id).
i would like to know what your expected result in this sql
select sum(count(id)) as 'count'
from table
when you use the count function, only 1 result(total count) will be return. So, may i ask why you want to sum the only 1 result.
You will surely got the error because an aggregate function cannot perform on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
It's working for me using SQLFiddle, not sure why it would't work for you. But I do have an explanation as to why it might not be working for you and why the alternative would work...
Your example is using a keyword as a column name, that may not always work. But when the column is only in a sub expression, the query engine is free to discard the name (in fact it probaly does) so the fact that it potentially potentially conflicts with a key word may be disregarded.
EDIT: in response to your edit/comment. No, the two aren't equivalent. The RESULT would be equivalent, but the process of getting to that result is not at all similar. For the first to work, the parser has do some work that simply doesn't make sense for it to do (applying an aggregate to a single value, either on a row by row basis or as), in the second case, an aggregate is applied to a table. The fact that the table is a temporary virtual table will be unimportant to the aggregate function.
I think you can write the sql query, which produces 'count' of rows for the required output. Functions do not take aggregated functions like 'sum' or aggregated subquery. My problem was resolved by using a simple sql query to get the count out....
Microsoft SQL Server doesn’t support it.
You can get around this problem by using a Derived table:
select sum(x.count)
select count(id) as 'count'
from table
) x
On the other hand using the below code will give you an error message.
select sum(count(id)) as 'count'
from table
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an
aggregate or a subquery

Is it possible to have an SQL query that uses AGG functions in this way?

Assuming I have the following aggregate functions:
Is it possible to write valid SQL (in a db agnostic way) like this:
SELECT [COL1, COL2 ....], AGG1(param1), AGG2(param2) FROM [SOME TABLES]
HAVING AGG3(param2) >-1 and AGG4(param4) < 123
Where COL1 ... COLN are columns in the tables being queried, and param1 ... paramX are parameters passed to the AGG funcs.
Note: AGG1 and AGG2 are returned in the results as columns (but do not appear in the HAVING CLAUSE, and AGG3 and AGG4 appear in the HAVING CLAUSE but are not returned in the result set.
Ideally, I want a DB agnostic answer to the solution, but if I have to be tied to a db, I am using PostgreSQL (v9.x).
Just a matter of clarification: I am not opposed to using GROUP BY in the query. My SQL is not very good, so the example SQL above may have been slightly misleading. I have edited the pseudo sql statement above to hopefully make my intent more clear.
The main thing I wanted to find out was whether a select query that used AGG functions could:
Have agg functions values in the returned column without them being specified in a HAVING clause.
Have agg functions specified in a HAVING clause, but are not returned in the result set.
From the answers I have received so far, it would seem the answer to both questions is YES. The only think I have to do to correct my SQL is to add a GROUP BY clause to make sure that the returned rows are unique.
PostgreSQL major version include the first digit after the dot, thus "PostgreSQL (v9.x)" is not specific enough. As #kekekela said, there is no (cheap) completely db agnostic way. Even between PostgreSQL 9.0 and 9.1 there is an important syntactical difference.
If you had only the grouped values AGG1(param1), AGG2(param2) you would get away without providing an explicit GROUP BY clause. Since you mix grouped and non-grouped columns you have to provide a GROUP BY clause with all non-grouped columns that appear in the SELECT. That's true for any version of PostgreSQL. Read about GROUP BY and HAVING it in the manual.
Starting with version 9.1, however, once you list a primary key in the GROUP BY you can skip additional columns for this table and still use them in the SELECT list. The release notes for version 9.1 tell us:
Allow non-GROUP BY columns in the query target list when the primary
key is specified in the GROUP BY clause (Peter Eisentraut)
Concerning parameters
Do you intend to feed a constant value to an aggregate function? What's the point? The docs tell us
An aggregate function computes a single result from multiple input rows.
Or do you want those parameters to be column names? That kind of dynamic SQL works as long as the statement is generated before committing to the database. Does not work for prepared statements or simple sql or plpgsql functions. You have to use EXECUTE in a plpgsql function for that purpose.
As safeguard against SQLi use the USING $1, $2 syntax for values and quote_ident() for your column or table names.
The only way to aggregate over columns without using GROUP BY is to use windowing functions. You left out details of your problem, but the following might be what you are looking for:
SELECT [COL1, COL2 ....],
AGG1(param1) over (partition by some_grouping_column) as agg1,
AGG2(param2) over (partition by some_grouping_column) as agg2,
row_number() over () as rn
) t
AND AGG4 < 123
AND rn <= 10
This is standard ANSI SQL and works on most database including PostgreSQL (since 8.4).
Note that you do not need to use the same grouping column for both aggregates in the partition by clause.
If you want to stick with ANSI SQL then you should use the row_number() function to limit the result. If you run this only on PostgreSQL (or other DBMS that support LIMIT in some way) move the LIMIT cause into the derived table (the inner query)
That should work from a high level perspective, except you'd need COL1, COL2 etc in a GROUP BY statement or else they won't be valid in the SELECT list. Having AGG1, etc in the SELECT list and not in the HAVING is not a problem.
As far as db agnostic, you're going to have to tweak syntax no matter what you do (the LIMIT for example is going to be different in PostgreSQL, SQL SERVER and Oracle that I know off the top of my head), but you could build logic to construct the statements properly for each provided your high-level representation is solid.

Any reason for GROUP BY clause without aggregation function?

I'm (thoroughly) learning SQL at the moment and came across the GROUP BYclause.
GROUP BY aggregates or groups the resultset according to the argument(s) you give it. If you use this clause in a query you can then perform aggregate functions on the resultset to find statistical information on the resultset like finding averages (AVG()) or frequency (COUNT()).
My question is: is the GROUP BY statement in any way useful without an accompanying aggregate function?
Using GROUP BY as a synonym for DISTINCT is (probably) a bad idea because I suspect it is slower.
is the GROUP BY statement in any way useful without an accompanying aggregate function?
Using DISTINCT would be a synonym in such a situation, but the reason you'd want/have to define a GROUP BY clause would be in order to be able to define HAVING clause details.
If you need to define a HAVING clause, you have to define a GROUP BY - you can't do it in conjunction with DISTINCT.
You can perform a DISTINCT select by using a GROUP BY without any AGGREGATES.
Group by can used in Two way Majorly
1)in conjunction with SQL aggregation functions
2)to eliminate duplicate rows from a result set
SO answer to your question lies in second part of USEs above described.
Note: everything below only applies to MySQL
GROUP BY is guaranteed to return results in order, DISTINCT is not.
GROUP BY along with ORDER BY NULL is of same efficiency as DISTINCT (and implemented in the say way). If there is an index on the field being aggregated (or distinctified), both clauses use loose index scan over this field.
In GROUP BY, you can return non-grouped and non-aggregated expressions. MySQL will pick any random values from from the corresponding group to calculate the expression.
With GROUP BY, you can omit the GROUP BY expressions from the SELECT clause. With DISTINCT, you can't. Every row returned by a DISTINCT is guaranteed to be unique.
It is used for more then just aggregating functions.
For example, consider the following code:
SELECT product_name, MAX('last_purchased') FROM products GROUP BY product_name
This will return only 1 result per product, but with the latest updated value of that records.