SQL server management studio Relationships connection - ssms

In databases you can define relationships between tables. But what exactly is the use, besides documentation, of making these relationships explicit in a diagram (for example by connecting the keys in SQL server management studio)?
Does it give you any advantage in writing SQL statements? Computation time? Memory usage? Usually you "repeat" the relationship in the join statement. I have the feeling I'm missing something trivial.

From the fine manual
You can use Object Explorer to create new database diagrams. Database diagrams graphically show the structure of the database. Using database diagrams you can create and modify tables, columns, relationships, and keys. Additionally, you can modify indexes and constraints.
You asked:
Does it give you any advantage in writing SQL statements?
They can tell you how the datase is structured. That's usually pretty key to understanding it, and reading all the FKs into your head and remembering which table relates to what can be quite the puzzle and even then not actually relate to how the data is used and related in-application
Computation time?
Not quite sure what this means, but the presence or absence of a database diagram won't impact the amount of time your SQL Server spends planning or executing queries
Memory usage?
Not really
Usually you "repeat" the relationship in the join statement
Sometimes; there are ways of joining data without using joins, and presence or absence of FKs or database diagrams have nothing to do with SQLS ability to join data
It might be best to think of DB Diagrams as a visual design aid and tool


SQL relationships between tables

it might sound stupid.
can we have a database containing some tables without relations.
Sure, though you may want to ask yourself if you really need a database.
Though it can be convenient to have some database mechanisms such as transactions, automated backups, a standardized query language and whatnot without actually needing relations between tables.

Normalization of an existing SQL database

I have a single-table database I inherited and migrated to SQL Server, and then I normalized it by creating, linking, and filling a whole bunch of lookup-type tables that represented items in the main table. I now want to replace those items in the original table with their foreign keys. Am I stuck writing a bunch of queries or UDF's and then a giant INSERT statement to accomplish this, or is there a tool I can use to point at the various fields and have it handle the grunt work for me?
Redgate SQL Refactor comes with a 14 day evaluation period and has a "Split Table" refactoring which sounds like it might do what you need?
The feature is described thus:
Split Table splits a table into two
tables, and automatically rewrites the
referencing stored procedures, views,
and so on. You can also use this
refactoring to introduce referential
integrity tables. You can select this
feature from the context menu in
Management Studio’s Object Explorer.
I have had similar experiences. I once inherited a fairly large database that required serious overhaul to the schema before I would look at it without scorn.
Because the upgrade was fairly significant, I designed an SSIS package to migrate data from the old schema to the new. Lookup activities were helpful to map old text values to the new keys. I kept a script of my old schema and data handy and would repeatedly restore the database in a sandbox and re-migrate until I could satisfy the powers-that-be that the migration was reliable.
I found there was only a moderate learning curve to getting started with SSIS. If the tool is available to you, I recommend giving it a try.

free public databases with non-trivial table structures?

I'm looking for some sample database data that I can use for testing and demonstrating a DB tool I am working on. I need a DB that has (preferably) many tables, and many foreign key relationships between the tables.
Ideally the data would be in SQL dump format, or at least in something that maintains the foreign key references, and could be easily imported into an RDBMS (MySQL or H2).
The dataset itself doesn't have to be huge (in fact, best if it's not). I thought about using the Stackoverflow Data Dump, but it's only about 5 tables.
What about using the entire Wikipedia database?
I should learn to RTFM- MySQL has a sample database for exactly this kind of thing. It's called Sakila. It's small, but it does have a good number of connected tables. I'm still eager to hear more suggestions though.

(hard question) how can I store specific rows of a table in a different sql server?

I have a bit of an architecture problem here. Say I have two tables, Teacher and Student, both of them on separate servers. Since this tables share a lot of data and functionality, I would like to use this inheritance scheme and create a People table; however, I would need tho keep the Teacher table and the People records relating Teacher in one server, and the Student table and the People records relating Student in another server. This was a requirement made by the lead developer, since we have too many (and I mean too many) records for Teacher and Student, and a single database containing all of the People would collapse. Moreover, the clients NEED to have them on separate servers (sigh*).
I would really like to implement the inheritance scheme, since a lot of the funcionality could be shared among the databases. Is there any possible way to do this? any other architecture that may suit this type of problem? I'm I just crazy?
--- EDIT ---
Ok, I don't really have Teachers and Students per se, I just used those names to simplify my explanation. Truth is, there are about 9 sub-tables that would inherit the super table, all of them in separate servers for separate applications, and no, I don't have this type of database, but we have pretty low end servers for the amount of transactions we have ;). You're right, my statements are a bit exagerated and I apologize for that, it was just to make you guys answer faster (sorry :P). The different servers are more of a business restriction than anything else (although the lead developer DID say that a common database to store the SuperTable would collapse under it's own weight -his words, not mine :S). Our clients don't like their information mixed with other clients information, so we must have their information on different servers -pretty stupid, but the decision-makers have spoken :(.
Under what assumption did you determine that you have too much data? I'm pretty sure you could list every teacher and student in the world, and not cause SQL Server any grief.
This seems like an arbitrary decision that is going to have significant impact on the complexity of any solution you design.
Take a look here - I'm sure you don't measure your database in anything close to the scale represented on this page, and many of these db's are running on SQL Server.
I don't know for sure if this is possible with SQL Server specifically, but it smells like something that could be solved with clustering and tablespace partitioning.
What I wonder about is whether this is really a good requirement; it introduces a lot of technical complexity based on a pretty simple assertion that there's just too much data. Have you attempted to verify this? A simple test would be to create a simple schema and populate it with dummy data for the number of rows you expect in production. It would probably be in your best interest to perform this test before you go too far down the road to implement this 'requirement'.
By the way, the type of schema you linked to is an example of the class table inheritance pattern.
It would be possible for you to implement a domain model for this project where the common attributes of Teacher and Student are described by a Person interface or base class which the common operations are written against. If you plan to use stored procedures extensively, this might not be a useful option, but it's something to consider.
I think Paul is correct - perhaps look at your hardware infrastructure rather than your DB schema.
Using clustering, proper indexing, and possibly a data archive scheme should solve any performance problems. The inheritance scheme seems to be the best data model.
It is possible to split the data over multiple servers and keep the scheme, but I think you'd definitely have more performance problems than if you looked at clustering/proper indexing. By setting up linked servers you can do cross-server queries.
e.g. Students query
FROM SERVER_A.People.dbo.Persons P
INNER JOIN SERVER_B.People.dbo.Students S
ON P.PersonID = S.PersonID
--EDIT-- As Paul said, you could perform your database separation in your abstraction layer.
E.g. have your Student class extend your Person class. In your Person class constructor, have it connect to Server A to populate whichever fields are available. In your student class constructor, have it connect to Server B (the Person attributes will already be populated by the Person constructor).
I'm with Aaron here (sup Aaron). Move the tables into a single database. SQL Server can easily handle billions of rows per table (I've done it on SQL 2000 6-7 years ago, so modern versions and modern hardware are no problem). As long as your tables are indexed correctly There probably haven't been enough students in all of time at every school in the world to overload SQL Server much less at a single school.
In this case your best practice would be to put the tables in the same database, on the same server and index them for better performance.
Too many records cause 'database collapse'? What kind of pot is that lead developer smoking? Potent stuff!
I would recommend you guys study partitioned tables first. Making an application distributed (which really the two server approach implies) is much much harder than you think and it does not provide scalability.
Yep, I'd have to agree with the others here, and single database, single server is just fine. It is far easier and cheaper to scale up your hardware currently to support the workload than it will be to scale out to federated servers. I only know of one place that does federated servers and their workload is phenomenal.
link the servers and create a view
FROM server.database.owner.Teachers
FROM server.database.owner.Students
What kind of client are you using? If you're using a Java client, and are using ORM, you may want to look into Hibernate Shards.
Besides all the good answers here that the assumptions behind the question are highly questionable, if I needed to do this seriously (and if I take the assumptions as true) I would compare what Oracle had to offer, because it is in this type of scenario that it shows a benefit (I say this from experience).
But on the core question, assuming that the assumptions you outline are true, I would not try to have a combined table. If teachers and students can't be in the same database, it is unlikely that their identifying information can, and if the amount of data is overwhelming, then putting it all in one table is worse.
What I suspect is that if the underlying assumptions are true it is because there is an anticipation of a lot of contention on the tables and a lot of connections and activity on the tables, causing a lot of locks. In that case, adding a Person table will make things worse.
All that being said, if you still really wanted to do it, then you can reference one database from another in queries, via linked databases.
But if the real issues is number of connections and contention and deadlocks around the tables, such a solution would make things worse.
EDIT: In response to those who question what advantage Oracle would bring to such a situation, one would be in the federated database area, where it is much more mature. Another would be in tables where you have a high amount of contention, it makes copies of the data in certain situations, and in general its model is more sophisticated when it comes to handling contention. For example scenarios where tables are read in longer running queries, causing a lot of potential read locks. Oracle helps you keep transactional integrity without having to lock on read. In MS-SQL, you have to resort to dirty reads.
MS-SQL is a fine database, but it has its limits (raw amounts of data without any particular parameters about volume of reads and writes is not really one of them, though, which makes the question strange). And given the stiff competition, the non-Enterprise version of Oracle is really close enough in price to be worth a look. It could end up costing you a lot later.
Of course, if you already purchased an MS-SQL license, the cost factor is larger for Oracle, so the benifits have to be more obvious.

How can my application benefit from temporary tables?

I've been reading a little about temporary tables in MySQL but I'm an admitted newbie when it comes to databases in general and MySQL in particular. I've looked at some examples and the MySQL documentation on how to create a temporary table, but I'm trying to determine just how temporary tables might benefit my applications and I guess secondly what sorts of issues I can run into. Granted, each situation is different, but I guess what I'm looking for is some general advice on the topic.
I did a little googling but didn't find exactly what I was looking for on the topic. If you have any experience with this, I'd love to hear about it.
Temporary tables are often valuable when you have a fairly complicated SELECT you want to perform and then perform a bunch of queries on that...
You can do something like:
SELECT customers.*,count(*) num from customers join purchases using(customerID)
join items using(itemID) GROUP BY customers.ID HAVING num > 10;
And then do a bunch of queries against myTopCustomers without having to do the joins to purchases and items on each query. Then when your application no longer needs the database handle, no cleanup needs to be done.
Almost always you'll see temporary tables used for derived tables that were expensive to create.
First a disclaimer - my job is reporting so I wind up with far more complex queries than any normal developer would. If you're writing a simple CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) application (this would be most web applications) then you really don't want to write complex queries, and you are probably doing something wrong if you need to create temporary tables.
That said, I use temporary tables in Postgres for a number of purposes, and most will translate to MySQL. I use them to break up complex queries into a series of individually understandable pieces. I use them for consistency - by generating a complex report through a series of queries, and I can then offload some of those queries into modules I use in multiple places, I can make sure that different reports are consistent with each other. (And make sure that if I need to fix something, I only need to fix it once.) And, rarely, I deliberately use them to force a specific query plan. (Don't try this unless you really understand what you are doing!)
So I think temp tables are great. But that said, it is very important for you to understand that databases generally come in two flavors. The first is optimized for pumping out lots of small transactions, and the other is optimized for pumping out a smaller number of complex reports. The two types need to be tuned differently, and a complex report run on a transactional database runs the risk of blocking transactions (and therefore making web pages not return quickly). Therefore you generally don't want to avoid using one database for both purposes.
My guess is that you're writing a web application that needs a transactional database. In that case, you shouldn't use temp tables. And if you do need complex reports generated from your transactional data, a recommended best practice is to take regular (eg daily) backups, restore them on another machine, then run reports against that machine.
The best place to use temporary tables is when you need to pull a bunch of data from multiple tables, do some work on that data, and then combine everything to one result set.
In MS SQL, Temporary tables should also be used in place of cursors whenever possible because of the speed and resource impact associated with cursors.
If you are new to databases, there are some good books by Joe Kelko that review best practices for ANSI SQL. SQL For Smarties will describe in great detail the use of temp table, impact of indexes, where clauses, etc. It's a great reference book with in depth detail.
I've used them in the past when I needed to create evaluated data. That was before the time of views and sub selects in MySQL though and I generally use those now where I would have needed a temporary table. The only time I might use them is if the evaluated data took a long time to create.
I haven't done them in MySQL, but I've done them on other databases (Oracle, SQL Server, etc).
Among other tasks, temporary tables provide a way for you to create a queryable (and returnable, say from a sproc) dataset that's purpose-built. Let's say you have several tables of figures -- you can use a temporary table to roll those figures up to nice, clean totals (or other math), then join that temp table to others in your schema for final output. (An example of this, in one of my projects, is calculating how many scheduled calls a given sales-related employee must make per week, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
I also often use them as a means of "tilting" the data -- turning columns to rows, etc. They're good for advanced data processing -- but only use them when you need to. (My golden rule, as always, applies: If you don't know why you're using x, and you don't know how x works, then you probably shouldn't use it.)
Generally, I wind up using them most in sprocs, where complex data processing is needed. I'd love to give a concrete example, but mine would be in T-SQL (as opposed to MySQL's more standard SQL), and also they're all client/production code which I can't share. I'm sure someone else here on SO will pick up and provide some genuine sample code; this was just to help you get the gist of what problem domain temp tables address.