G suite custom fields provide by Google openID client userinfo endpoint - google-oauth

I would like to ask if it is posible to include in an /userinfo google openId client call, some G suite users custom fields.
The idea is to create a custom schema (https://github.com/jay0lee/GAM/wiki/Custom-Schemas) for users and add some fields. The standard google userinfo call with scopes email, openid and profile gives this fields:
If I add a custom schema for users, are those custom fields in relation with the "profile" scope?, do I have to add a new scope?

I ended up calling the google directory api asking for the fields that I needed from the user.


Handle Authorization and Authentication in DDD

currently i am trying to deal with authorization and authentication on .net core API
There is a company, and that company can create custom roles.
Those roles, will have permissions inside it, such as:
The company, can apply a role to the users that he creates
With that said, how would i handle the authorization part?
Because, i believe this is considered business logic.
How should i approach this?
Thanks in advance
You can create the role and add claims to that specific role and policy for authorization
AddAuthorization((options) =>{
options.AddPolicy("UserCreation", policy =>
policy.RequireRole("Admin").RequireClaim("Admin", "Edit"));
by using the role manager in.net core identity you can add the claim to the role
RoleManager<Role> _roleManager;
_roleManager.AddClaimAsync(role, claim);
last you can check whether the user have the role and claim to access the resource using authorize attribute
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin", AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer", Policy = "UserCreation")]
You can probably handle this in multiple different ways. I'd suggest, since you are referring to an API, to decorate the Controllers, Routes or both with the [Authorize] attribute, where you want the rules to apply.
And you would use this attribute as such (where foo, bar, baz - are the roles on the authenticated user).
[Authorize(Roles = "foo,bar,baz")]
You can also define the challange scheme like
[Authorize(Roles = "foo,bar,baz", AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]
Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authorization/roles?view=aspnetcore-6.0

Scopes for Web api in Openid connect

I am using Identityserver4 for AuthZ and AuthN and trying to understand the purpose of scopes for a webapi
I am implementing a first party application an internal application which will works in intranet. so there will be no consent page.
image : application architecture
I have 3 users
User X : who can perform read and write operation on Web API ‘A’ Only
User Y : who can perform read and write operation on Web API ‘B’ Only
User Z : who can perform read and write operation on both Web API ‘A’ and ‘B’
Since all the user will log in using the ‘Angular front end’. In the front at the time of login the scopes requested must be like below
response: code
scopes : ‘openid A:read A:write B:read B:write’
As I said earlier, I am using Identityserver4 once the user successful logins the client will receive Id_token and access_token.
I understood from different article that api will check for the scope to provide access to an operation like read and write. So,
If User X logs in, access_token should contain scope only A:read, A:write
If User Y logs in, access_token should contain scope only B:read, B:write
If User Z logs in, access_token should contain scope only A:read, A:write, B:read, B:write
Since ‘Angular front UI’ is same for all the 3 users (X, Y, Z) in my case.
Client will request all the scopes (A:read, A:write, B:read, B:write) is this correct ?
Do I need to write any custom logic when access_token is getting generated, its should include only scope that user is entitled too?
If I have to write this custom logic which interface I need to implement. is it IProfileService?. i have to use something like role to find out the scopes?
Lastly, in other word, scopes for an web api is nothing but permissions am I right?
In IdentityServer I would create one ApiScope (perhaps named ApiAccess). Then I would create two ApiResources, one for each API and associate them with the ApiScope created earlier.
Then have a UserClaim (perhaps named access) associated with the ApiScope, that contains the particular users access (read or write).
the value for the access claim is then retrieved from the user database.
Also, do see my answer here for a clarification between ApiSope, ApiResources and IdentityResources.
To complement this answer, I write a blog post that goes into more detail about this topic:
IdentityServer – IdentityResource vs. ApiResource vs. ApiScope

how to get the group membership?

I am trying to get the Roles of a logged in user , using using openID connect with "https://login.microsoftonline.com/"
I can hit breakpoints on OnTokenValidated , and OnTicketReceived . in my controller decorated with [Authorize], User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is true ,but User.IsInRole("admin") is false <-- this is a group in my tenant, and my account is a member.
Any suggestions on getting role Info? Do i need to implement OnUserInformationReceived ? Any examples?
I am following the wiki : Quickstart: Add sign-in with Microsoft to an ASP.NET Core web app
Group membership is not included in ID token by default , you can follow below steps to configure your application to receive group claims :
In your application page, click on Manifest to open the inline manifest editor.
Edit the manifest by locating the groupMembershipClaims setting, and setting its value to All (or to SecurityGroup if you are not interested in Distribution Lists).
Save the manifest.
"createdDateTime": "",
"groupMembershipClaims": "All",
"identifierUris": [],
To receive the groups claim with the object id of the security groups, make sure that the user accounts you plan to sign-in in is assigned to a few security groups in this AAD tenant.
You could use policy in asp.net core , use an attribute with a named policy then you define the policy in startup to require group claim and set allowed Group ID . See code sample here .
In addition, User.IsInRole("admin") will check whether http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role: admin exists in user claims . You can also set the RoleClaimType to use group information and then use Roles .

WSO2 API Manager: Customizing the user profile GUI

I changed the user store to our custom oracle db. so, there are some fields that should be added to user profile when set the user profile of a user. How can I add some new properties to user profile GUI and map those to related fields in um_user table? thanks for your response!
you may want to have a look in the administrative console ( /carbon ) for the claim management.
Locate claims in the claim dialect http://wso2.org/claims, there you can define additional user attributes and their attribute names (field name in the underlying userstore).
good luck

Scope and Claims (again!)

I'd like to ask a question to confirm my understanding of how to use Scopes and Claims (roles). Let's say I have a User (User A with read only rights i.e. suitable read only role), a Windows Service (Client A with read only access), an MVC site (Client B with full access), and a Web API. I want the Web API to be accessed by Users and Clients with full access and read only access.
I create two Scopes "sampleApi.full and "sampleApi.read_only"
I create two Roles "full_access" and "read_only"
I configure the Web API with RequiredScopes = new[]{"sampleApi.full", "sampleApi.read_only"}
When Client A connects to the Web API, it passes an Access Token containing Scope "sampleApi.read_only" and I can use [ScopeAuthorize("sampleApi.full)] or ScopeAuthorize("sampleApi.full, sampleApi.read_only")] on my Classes and Methods to fine tune accessibility. No problem.
However, when User A logs in, then he/she "inherits" the Scopes of Client B. So the Access Token contains "sampleApi.full", "sampleApi.read_only", and Role "read_only".
Now I have a problem at the WebApi in that I need to act differently when being called by a User. In that case I ignore the Scopes and use his/her Roles and the User gets "read_only" access which is what I want.
That being correct, it no longer makes sense to use the ScopeAuthorize attribute, and I need a custom hybrid attribute that does something along the lines:
If Caller is a User
- then use Roles to determine accessibility
- use Scopes to determine accessibility
or have I completely misunderstood?
Scopes model what a client (not user) is allowed to access. They are manifest as claims in the token. The user's claims are also in the token. Authorization in the resource will be based on a combination of what the client is allowed to do and what the user is allowed to do. That's it.