How do I remove a character from strings of different lengths with sql? Intersystems cache sql - sql

I have a column of strings that have an '&' at the beginning and end of each one that I need to remove for a Crystal report I'm creating. I'm writing the SQL code outside of Crystal I am using Intersystems Cache SQL. Below is an example:
&This& This
&is& is
&What& what
&it& I
&looks& need
&like& it
&now& to
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Assuming the ampersands are always positioned as both the leading and trailing characters, here's at least maybe a start. Use a combination of SUBSTR (or SUBSTRING, if using stream data) and LENGTH, like so:
SELECT SUBSTR((SELECT column FROM table), 2, LENGTH(SELECT column FROM table) - 2)
This should return a substring that starts counting at the 2nd character [of the original string, given by the first sub-expression/argument to SUBSTR], counting up for the total number of characters [of the original string] less 2 (i.e. less the two ampersands).
If you need to including trailing blanks and/or the string termination character, you may need to use a different variation of the LENGTH function. See resources for details on these functions and their variants:

Here's a Crystal formula that does the same:


When I use RIGHT function in SSMS, it gives me blank result although there is no extra space

I am trying to use RIGHT function in SQL Server Management Studio 17. But I continue getting a blank result. I used TRIM function to update my data, and then used LEN function to test the length, there is no extra space in this column.
But when I used TRIM function inside RIGHT, I can get the result I want.
So what is the problem here and how can I solve it?
Thank you!
The problem is probably that you have use char() instead of varchar() for the first_name. This automatically pads the name with spaces.
In general, you want to store strings as varchar(). There are some circumstances where char() is useful -- such as for country codes which are uniformly 2- or 3- characters. But in general, you want varchar().
This is a known feature of using LEN. Simply switch to DATALENGTH instead and you'll get the correct length for each column:
For LEN, taken here directly from the article:
Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression,
excluding trailing blanks.
And DATALENGTH in turn:
Returns the number of bytes used to represent any expression.
If you would like to remove the trailing spaces from your existing rows, run a simple UPDATE query:

count number of characters in nvarchar column

Does anyone know a good way to count characters in a text (nvarchar) column in Sql Server?
The values there can be text, symbols and/or numbers.
So far I used sum(datalength(column))/2 but this only works for text. (it's a method based on datalength and this can vary from a type to another).
You can find the number of characters using system function LEN.
SELECT length(yourfield) FROM table;
Use the LEN function:
Returns the number of characters of the specified string expression, excluding trailing blanks.
Doesn't SELECT LEN(column_name) work?
text doesn't work with len function.
ntext, text, and image data types will be removed in a future version
of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using these data types in new
development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use
them. Use nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max) instead. For
more information, see Using Large-Value Data Types.
I had a similar problem recently, and here's what I did:
columnname as 'Original_Value',
LEN(LTRIM(columnname)) as 'Orig_Val_Char_Count',
N'['+columnname+']' as 'UnicodeStr_Value',
LEN(N'['+columnname+']')-2 as 'True_Char_Count'
FROM mytable
The first two columns look at the original value and count the characters (minus leading/trailing spaces).
I needed to compare that with the true count of characters, which is why I used the second LEN function. It sets the column value to a string, forces that string to Unicode, and then counts the characters.
By using the brackets, you ensure that any leading or trailing spaces are also counted as characters; of course, you don't want to count the brackets themselves, so you subtract 2 at the end.

Return sql rows where field contains ONLY non-alphanumeric characters

I need to find out how many rows in a particular field in my sql server table, contain ONLY non-alphanumeric characters.
I'm thinking it's a regular expression that I need along the lines of [^a-zA-Z0-9] but Im not sure of the exact syntax I need to return the rows if there are no valid alphanumeric chars in there.
SQL Server doesn't have regular expressions. It uses the LIKE pattern matching syntax which isn't the same.
As it happens, you are close. Just need leading+trailing wildcards and move the NOT
WHERE whatever NOT LIKE '%[a-z0-9]%'
If you have short strings you should be able to create a few LIKE patterns ('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '[^a-zA-Z0-9][^a-zA-Z0-9]', ...) to match strings of different length. Otherwise you should use CLR user defined function and a proper regular expression - Regular Expressions Make Pattern Matching And Data Extraction Easier.
This will not work correctly, e.g. abcÑxyz will pass thru this as it has a,b,c... you need to work with Collate or check each byte.

How to format many values in a database?

I have a database (in SQLite) in which some entries (or possibly all) are strings whose first character is a space.
The database may be small enough for me to export it as a CSV file and do a regular-expression search-and-replace which will delete the leading space. Is there an SQL statement which can achieve the same result?
(The database has over 60 columns---listing each one might get tedious.)
You can strip the unneeded spaces right in select query:
or do it once on all rows
UPDATE table SET field = TRIM(field)
Take a look at thr trim family of functions, e.g. ltrim.
ltrim(X), ltrim(X,Y)
The ltrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the left side of X. If the Y argument is omitted, ltrim(X) removes spaces from the left side of X.

How do I check the end of a particular string using SQL pattern matching?

I am trying to use sql pattern matching to check if a string value is in the correct format.
The string code should have the correct format of:
Therefore, the following are valid codes:
And the following are invalid codes:
So far I have the following SQL IF clause to check that the string is correct:
IF #vchAccountNumber LIKE '_%._%[^.]'
I believe that the "_%" part checks for 1 or more characters. Therefore, this statement checks for one or more characters, followed by a "." character, followed by one or more characters and checking that the final character is not a ".".
It seems that this would work for all combinations except for the following format which the IF clause allows as a valid code:
I'm having trouble correcting this IF clause to allow it to treat this format as incorrect. Can anybody help me to correct this?
Thank you.
This stackoverflow question mentions using word-boundaries: [[:<:]] and [[:>:]] for whole word matches. You might be able to use this since you don't have spaces in your code.
This is ANSI SQL solution
This LIKE expression will find any pattern not alphanumeric.alphanumeric. So NOT LIKE find only this that match as you wish:
IF #vchAccountNumber NOT LIKE '%[^A-Z0-9].[^A-Z0-9]%'
However, based on your examples, you can use this...
LIKE '[A-Z][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
...or one like this if you 5 alphas, dot, 4 alphas
LIKE '[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9].[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]'
The 2nd one is slightly more obvious for fixed length values. The 1st one is slighty less intuitive but works with variable length code either side of the dot.
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