adjust date overlaps within a group - sql

I have this table and I want to adjust END_DATE one day prior to the next ST_DATE in case if there are overlap dates for a group of ID
1 2020-01-01 2020-02-01
1 2020-05-10 2020-05-20
1 2020-05-18 2020-06-19
1 2020-11-11 2020-12-01
2 1999-03-09 1999-05-10
2 1999-04-09 2000-05-10
3 1999-04-09 2000-05-10
3 2000-06-09 2000-08-16
3 2000-08-17 2009-02-17
Below is what I'm looking for
1 2020-01-01 2020-02-01
1 2020-05-10 2020-05-17 =====changed to a day less than the next ST_DATE due to some sort of overlap
1 2020-05-18 2020-06-19
1 2020-11-11 2020-12-01
2 1999-03-09 1999-04-08 =====changed to a day less than the next ST_DATE due to some sort of overlap
2 1999-04-09 2000-05-10
3 1999-04-09 2000-05-10
3 2000-06-09 2000-08-16
3 2000-08-17 2009-02-17

Maybe you can use LEAD() for this. Initial idea:
id, st_date, end_date
, lead( st_date ) over ( partition by id order by st_date ) nextstart_
from overlap
-- result
---------- --------- --------- ---------
1 01-JAN-20 01-FEB-20 10-MAY-20
1 10-MAY-20 20-MAY-20 18-MAY-20
1 18-MAY-20 19-JUN-20 11-NOV-20
1 11-NOV-20 01-DEC-20
2 09-MAR-99 10-MAY-99 09-APR-99
2 09-APR-99 10-MAY-00
3 09-APR-99 10-MAY-00 09-JUN-00
3 09-JUN-00 16-AUG-00 17-AUG-00
3 17-AUG-00 17-FEB-09
Once you have the next start date and the end_date side by side (as it were),
you can use CASE ... for adjusting the dates as you need them.
select, ilv.st_date
, case
when ilv.end_date > ilv.nextstart_ then
to_char( ilv.nextstart_ - 1 ) || ' <- modified end date'
to_char( ilv.end_date )
end dt_modified
from (
id, st_date, end_date
, lead( st_date ) over ( partition by id order by st_date ) nextstart_
from overlap
) ilv
---------- --------- ---------------------------------------
1 01-JAN-20 01-FEB-20
1 10-MAY-20 17-MAY-20 <- modified end date
1 18-MAY-20 19-JUN-20
1 11-NOV-20 01-DEC-20
2 09-MAR-99 08-APR-99 <- modified end date
2 09-APR-99 10-MAY-00
3 09-APR-99 10-MAY-00
3 09-JUN-00 16-AUG-00
3 17-AUG-00 17-FEB-09
DBfiddle here.

If two "windows" for the same id have the same start date, then the problem doesn't make sense. So, let's assume that the problem makes sense - that is, the combination (id, st_date) is unique in the inputs.
Then, the problem can be formulated as follows: for each id, order rows by st_date ascending. Then, for each row, if its end_dt is less than the following st_date, return the row as is. Otherwise replace end_dt with the following st_date, minus 1. This last step can be achieved with the analytic lead() function.
A solution might look like this:
select id, st_date,
least(end_date, lead(st_date, 1, end_date + 1)
over (partition by id order by st_date) - 1) as end_date
from have
The bit about end_date + 1 in the lead function handles the last row for each id. For such rows there is no "next" row, so the default application of lead will return null. The default can be overridden by using the third parameter to the function.


How to generate series using start and end date and quarters on postgres

I have a table like shown below where I want to use the start and end date to evenly distribute the value for each row to the 3 months in each quarter to all of the quarters in between start and end date (last two columns).
I am familiar with generate series and intervals in Postgres but I am having hard time to get what I want.
My table has and ID column that groups rows together, a quarter column that indicates which quarter the row references for the ID, a value column that is the value for the whole quarter (and every quarter in the date range), and start_date and end_date columns indicating the date range. Here is a sample:
ID quarter value start_date end_date
1 2 152 2019-11-07 2050-12-30
1 1 785 2019-11-07 2050-12-30
2 2 152 2019-03-05 2050-12-30
2 1 785 2019-03-05 2050-12-30
3 4 41 2018-06-12 2050-12-30
3 3 50 2018-06-12 2050-12-30
3 2 88 2018-06-12 2050-12-30
3 1 29 2018-06-12 2050-12-30
4 2 1607 2018-12-17 2050-12-30
4 1 4803 2018-12-17 2050-12-30
Here is my desired output (for ID 1):
ID quarter value start_date end_date
1 2 152/3 2020-04-01 2020-07-01
1 1 785/3 2020-01-01 2020-04-01
1 2 152/3 2021-04-01 2021-07-01
1 1 785/3 2021-01-01 2021-04-01
start_date in the output will be the next quarter on first table. I need the series to be generated from the start_date to the end_date of the first table.
You can do this by using the GENERATE_SERIES function and passing in the start and end date for each unique (by ID) row and setting the interval to 3 months. Then join the result back with your original table on both ID and quarter.
Here's an example (note original_data is what I've called your first table):
quarters_table AS (
(EXTRACT('month' FROM t.quarter_date) - 1)::INT / 3 + 1 AS quarter,
t.quarter_date::DATE AS start_date,
LEAD(t.quarter_date) OVER (),
DATE_TRUNC('quarter', t.original_end_date) + INTERVAL '3 months'
)::DATE AS end_date
original_record.end_date AS original_end_date,
DATE_TRUNC('quarter', original_record.start_date),
DATE_TRUNC('quarter', original_record.end_date),
INTERVAL '3 months'
) AS quarter_date
SELECT DISTINCT ON (original_data.ID)
) AS original_record
) AS t
original_data.value::DOUBLE PRECISION / 3 AS value,
quarters_table.ID = original_data.ID
AND quarters_table.quarter = original_data.quarter;
Sample output:
id | quarter | value | start_date | end_date
1 | 1 | 261.666666666667 | 2020-01-01 | 2020-04-01
1 | 2 | 50.6666666666667 | 2020-04-01 | 2020-07-01
1 | 1 | 261.666666666667 | 2021-01-01 | 2021-04-01
1 | 2 | 50.6666666666667 | 2021-04-01 | 2021-07-01
For completeness, here's the original_data table I've used in testing:
original_data AS (
1 AS ID,
2 AS quarter,
152 AS value,
'2019-11-07'::DATE AS start_date,
'2050-12-30'::DATE AS end_date
1 AS ID,
1 AS quarter,
785 AS value,
'2019-11-07'::DATE AS start_date,
'2050-12-30'::DATE AS end_date
2 AS ID,
2 AS quarter,
152 AS value,
'2019-03-05'::DATE AS start_date,
'2050-12-30'::DATE AS end_date
-- ...
This is one way to go about it. Showing an example based on the output you've outlined. You can then add more conditions to the CASE/WHEN for additional quarters.
Value/3 AS "Value",
WHEN Quarter = 1 THEN '2020-01-01'
WHEN Quarter = 2 THEN '2020-04-01'
END AS "Start_Date",
WHEN Quarter = 1 THEN '2020-04-01'
WHEN Quarter = 2 THEN '2020-07-01'
END AS "End_Date"

Need a join between different rows of a table

I have a table named projects. It has 3 rows, task_id, start_date and end _date.
It is guaranteed that the difference between the End_Date and the Start_Date is equal to 1 day for each row in the table.
If the End_Date of the tasks are consecutive, then they are part of the same project.
I need the start and end dates of projects listed by the number of days it took to complete the project in ascending order. If there is more than one project that have the same number of completion days, then order by the start date of the project.
So far I only extracted I project with a triple join, but can not list the other projects. Any idea how to use a more general JOIN in here?
Task_ID Start_Date End_Date
----------- ---------- ----------
1 2015-10-01 2015-10-02
2 2015-10-02 2015-10-03
3 2015-10-03 2015-10-04
4 2015-10-13 2015-10-14
5 2015-10-14 2015-10-15
6 2015-10-28 2015-10-29
7 2015-10-30 2015-10-31
start_date end_date
---------- ----------
2015-10-28 2015-10-29
2015-10-30 2015-10-31
2015-10-13 2015-10-15
2015-10-01 2015-10-04
my query:
select p3.start_date,p1.end_date
from projects p1,projects p2, projects p3
where p1.start_Date=p2.end_date and p2.start_date=p3.end_date
my query output:
start_date end_date
---------- ----------
2015-10-01 2015-10-04
This is a type of gaps-and-islands problem. You can solve it by identifying when the islands start -- and that can use lag():
select min(start_date), max(end_date)
from (select t.*,
sum(case when prev_end_date = start_date then 0 else 1 end) over (order by start_date) as grp
from (select t.*,
lag(end_date) over (order by start_date) as prev_end_date
from t
) t
) t
group by grp
order by min(start_date);
The middle subquery is calculating when an "island" starts. This occurs when the previous end date is not the start_date on the next row.

How to join multiple rows by continue from and to id columns in oracle

I have a scenario where I need to find the start date and end date from multiple rows which are tied by continued_from and continued_to date fields in Oracle.
result should look like
-- ---------- ----------
3 01/01/1000 12/31/9999
-- ---------- ---------- ------------ -----------
1 01/01/1000 10/10/1999 NULL 2
2 10/10/1999 11/11/2000 1 3
3 11/11/2000 12/31/9999 2 NULL
Oracle's hierarchical query syntax makes it easy to walk the tree from parent to child. The analytical lead() and lag() functions track the next and previous IDs.
, c23.startdate
, c23.enddate
, lag( over (partition by order by as cont_from_id
, lead( over (partition by order by as cont_to_id
from p23
join c23 on p23.startdate <= c23.startdate
and p23.enddate >= c23.enddate
order by
Here is a test using your sample data:
SQL> select
2 , c23.startdate
3 , c23.enddate
4 , lag( over (partition by order by as cont_from_id
5 , lead( over (partition by order by as cont_to_id
6 from p23
7 join c23 on p23.startdate <= c23.startdate
8 and p23.enddate >= c23.enddate
9 order by
10 /
---------- --------- --------- ------------ ----------
1 01-JAN-00 10-OCT-99 2
2 10-OCT-99 11-NOV-00 1 3
3 11-NOV-00 31-DEC-99 2

Generate sequence based on the value in the previous row and current row

I have the below table having student information.
S_ID Group_ID Date Score
12345 1 1/1/2015 1
12345 1 2/1/2015 2
12345 1 3/1/2015 4
12345 1 4/1/2015 5
12345 1 9/1/2015 3
12345 1 10/1/2015 8
12345 2 1/1/2015 2
12345 2 2/1/2015 4
12345 2 3/1/2015 6
I want to generate a new table based for few students after adding a sequence column as shown below
S_ID Group_ID Date Score Sequence
12345 1 1/1/2015 1 1
12345 1 2/1/2015 2 2
12345 1 3/1/2015 4 3
12345 1 4/1/2015 5 4
12345 1 9/1/2015 3 3
12345 1 10/1/2015 8 4
12345 2 1/1/2015 2 2
12345 2 2/1/2015 4 3
12345 2 3/1/2015 6 4
Sequence should be generated for each combination of S_ID, Group_I
For the first record, sequence number will be same as the Score
2nd record onwards, this will be 1 + the previous sequence number
if the difference between the date of the previous row and current row is
more than 100 days, sequence number will be restarted (same as the
Score for that record)
This is a large table and I am looking for the most optimized SQL. Any help would be greatly appreciated
The trick here is to find where the sequence numbers start over. This is for new students, groups, and when the previous date has too big a gap. For the latter, you can use lag() to calculate a "new dates start flag" and then aggregate this to get a grouping.
select t.*,
(first_value(score) over (partition by s_id, group_id, grp order by date) +
row_number() over (partition by s_id, group_id, grp order by date) - 1
) as sequence
from (select t.*,
sum(case when prev_date is null or prev_date < date - 100
then 1 else 0
end) over (partition by s_id, group_id order by date) as grp
from (select t.*,
lag(date) over (partition by s_id, group_id order by date) as prev_date
from t
) t
) t;

How to add a running count to rows in a 'streak' of consecutive days

Thanks to Mike for the suggestion to add the create/insert statements.
create table test (
pid integer not null,
date date not null,
primary key (pid, date)
insert into test values
, (1,'2014-10-2')
, (1,'2014-10-3')
, (1,'2014-10-5')
, (1,'2014-10-7')
, (2,'2014-10-1')
, (2,'2014-10-2')
, (2,'2014-10-3')
, (2,'2014-10-5')
, (2,'2014-10-7');
I want to add a new column that is 'days in current streak'
so the result would look like:
pid | date | in_streak
1 | 2014-10-1 | 1
1 | 2014-10-2 | 2
1 | 2014-10-3 | 3
1 | 2014-10-5 | 1
1 | 2014-10-7 | 1
2 | 2014-10-2 | 1
2 | 2014-10-3 | 2
2 | 2014-10-4 | 3
2 | 2014-10-6 | 1
I've been trying to use the answers from
PostgreSQL: find number of consecutive days up until now
Return rows of the latest 'streak' of data
but I can't work out how to use the dense_rank() trick with other window functions to get the right result.
Building on this table (not using the SQL keyword "date" as column name.):
pid int
, the_date date
, PRIMARY KEY (pid, the_date)
SELECT pid, the_date
, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY pid, grp ORDER BY the_date) AS in_streak
, the_date - '2000-01-01'::date
- row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY pid ORDER BY the_date) AS grp
FROM tbl
) sub
ORDER BY pid, the_date;
Subtracting a date from another date yields an integer. Since you are looking for consecutive days, every next row would be greater by one. If we subtract row_number() from that, the whole streak ends up in the same group (grp) per pid. Then it's simple to deal out number per group.
grp is calculated with two subtractions, which should be fastest. An equally fast alternative could be:
the_date - row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY pid ORDER BY the_date) * interval '1d' AS grp
One multiplication, one subtraction. String concatenation and casting is more expensive. Test with EXPLAIN ANALYZE.
Don't forget to partition by pid additionally in both steps, or you'll inadvertently mix groups that should be separated.
Using a subquery, since that is typically faster than a CTE. There is nothing here that a plain subquery couldn't do.
And since you mentioned it: dense_rank() is obviously not necessary here. Basic row_number() does the job.
You'll get more attention if you include CREATE TABLE statements and INSERT statements in your question.
create table test (
pid integer not null,
date date not null,
primary key (pid, date)
insert into test values
(1,'2014-10-1'), (1,'2014-10-2'), (1,'2014-10-3'), (1,'2014-10-5'),
(1,'2014-10-7'), (2,'2014-10-1'), (2,'2014-10-2'), (2,'2014-10-3'),
(2,'2014-10-5'), (2,'2014-10-7');
The principle is simple. A streak of distinct, consecutive dates minus row_number() is a constant. You can group by the constant, and take the dense_rank() over that result.
with grouped_dates as (
select pid, date,
(date - (row_number() over (partition by pid order by date) || ' days')::interval)::date as grouping_date
from test
select * , dense_rank() over (partition by grouping_date order by date) as in_streak
from grouped_dates
order by pid, date
pid date grouping_date in_streak
1 2014-10-01 2014-09-30 1
1 2014-10-02 2014-09-30 2
1 2014-10-03 2014-09-30 3
1 2014-10-05 2014-10-01 1
1 2014-10-07 2014-10-02 1
2 2014-10-01 2014-09-30 1
2 2014-10-02 2014-09-30 2
2 2014-10-03 2014-09-30 3
2 2014-10-05 2014-10-01 1
2 2014-10-07 2014-10-02 1