akka http complete or redirect based on a future - akka-http

This snipped of akka http server code works:
path("test") {
if (shouldRedirect())
redirect(redirectUrl, StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
however, my shouldRedirect() returns a Future[Boolean]. I would need something like this, but returning a Future is not allowed here.
path("test") {
futureShouldRedirect().map { shouldRedirect =>
if (shouldRedirect)
redirect(redirectUrl, StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
How to solve this?
ps: I am aware the the complete function accepts a Future inside, however this is not useful in this case I need to either return a complete or a redirect.

Akka provides predefined directives using you can solve the same.
Solution Using onComplete Future Directive:
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives._
path("test") {
onComplete(shouldRedirect()) {
case Success(true) => redirect(redirectUrl, StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
case Success(false) => complete("hello")
case Failure(ex) =>
complete((InternalServerError, s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}"))
The above solution will handle both success and failure cases in case if your shouldRedirect fails.
Solution Using onSuccess Future Directive:
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives._
path("test") {
onSuccess(shouldRedirect()) { isRedirect =>
if (isRedirect) redirect(redirectUrl, StatusCodes.PermanentRedirect)
else complete("hello")
The above solution will handle only success scenarios, in case of failure, it will be bubbled up to the exception handler in case if you have defined, else to default exception handler.


Get a JSON file from an AppScript backend, using an AppScript front end, without getting a CORS error?

I'm trying to build a an API-driven front end in Google AppsScript that calls a REST API hosted on AppScript to make some database queries.
I am currently simply trying to retrieve a JSON file with a GET request.
Everything I try, I get "CORS Missing Allow Origin".
My understand of CORS is that I might experience this with POST request (but maybe there's some people who have phrased their requests to get work this?)
I have a sense that the situation has changed over time, and what has worked in previous SO threads, doesn't seem to work for me now.
Sigh. I feel like Google's Documentation Team would benefit from a dedicated article to explaining how this is supposed to work.
If anyone can shed light on how I can get this to work, I've be most grateful:
client side code:
useEffect(() => {
fetch('https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz3_hgjZe0E35ZI2mw7aNs3ASkYCct77qIzL_WTOQMu_ZZeax9WpHpPIwm-MFPhZAW77g/exec/get/all', {
redirect: "follow",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
}, []);
Server side code:
export function doGet(e) {
if (e.pathInfo.startsWith('get/all')) {
return getAllRecords(e);
else if (e.pathInfo.startsWith('get')) {
return getRecord(e);
else {
return getAllRecords(e);
//return HtmlService.createHtmlOutput('Error: invalid path- ' + e.pathInfo + '\n\n' + e.parameter + e);
function getAllRecords(e) {
// Connect to the MySQL database using the JDBC connector
const conn = Jdbc.getConnection(url, username, password);
// Construct the SELECT statement
const sql = `SELECT * FROM cars LIMIT 100`;
// Execute the INSERT statement
const stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
const results = stmt.executeQuery();
// Return the inserted record with the generated id
const records = [];
while (results.next()) {
const record = {
id: results.getInt('id'),
name: results.getString('name'),
make: results.getString('make'),
price: results.getInt('price')
return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(records)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.TEXT);
// return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(records)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT);
I've tried various combination of MIME Type, and request headers and I'll try any combinations people suggest.
In order to use pathInfo, in this case, it is required to use the access token. I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue. But, when the access token is used, I'm worried that is might not be useful for your actual situation. So, in this answer, I would like to propose the following 2 patterns.
Pattern 1:
In this pattern, your script is modified using the access token. In this case, please modify your Javascript as follows.
fetch('https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz3_hgjZe0E35ZI2mw7aNs3ASkYCct77qIzL_WTOQMu_ZZeax9WpHpPIwm-MFPhZAW77g/exec/get/all', {
redirect: "follow",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
const accessToken = "###"; // Please set your access token.
fetch('https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz3_hgjZe0E35ZI2mw7aNs3ASkYCct77qIzL_WTOQMu_ZZeax9WpHpPIwm-MFPhZAW77g/exec/get/all?access_token=' + accessToken)
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
When you use the access token, please include the scopes of Drive API. Please be careful about this.
Pattern 2:
In this pattern, I would like to propose the modification without using the access token. When the access token cannot be used, unfortunately, pathInfo cannot be used. So, in this pattern, the query parameter is used instead of pathInfo.
Please modify your Javascript as follows.
fetch('https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz3_hgjZe0E35ZI2mw7aNs3ASkYCct77qIzL_WTOQMu_ZZeax9WpHpPIwm-MFPhZAW77g/exec/get/all', {
redirect: "follow",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
fetch('https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbz3_hgjZe0E35ZI2mw7aNs3ASkYCct77qIzL_WTOQMu_ZZeax9WpHpPIwm-MFPhZAW77g/exec?value=get%2Fall') // or ?value=get
.then(result => result.json())
.then(rowData => setRowData(rowData))
And also, please modify doGet of your Google Apps Script as follows.
Modified script:
function doGet(e) {
if (e.parameter.value == "get/all") {
return getAllRecords(e);
} else if (e.parameter.value = "get") {
return getRecord(e);
} else {
return getAllRecords(e);
In this modification, it supposes that your getAllRecords(e) works fine. Please be careful about this.
And, in this modification, it supposes that your Web Apps is deployed as Execute as: Me and Who has access to the app: Anyone. Please be careful about this.
When you modified the Google Apps Script of Web Apps, please modify the deployment as a new version. By this, the modified script is reflected in Web Apps. Please be careful about this.
You can see the detail of this in my report "Redeploying Web Apps without Changing URL of Web Apps for new IDE (Author: me)".
Thit is a sample modification. So, please modify this for your actual situation.
Taking advantage of Web Apps with Google Apps Script (Author: me)

How can I fix an Axios interceptor causing property 'status' of undefined error

I have a selection to set permissions for elements to global or private. I'm using the Axios interceptor request to handle looking for the permissions field to have data and, if it does, stringify it. The problem is, it causes me to get a "TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined" when I attempt to reload the program at all. The only "fix" right now is to log out, remove the interceptor, log in, read it, and then run the check again.
Because of this, I can't even get to the home dashboard of the software. If I clear my cookies, I can go back to the login screen, but no further than that after attempting to log in.
Is there something I'm missing for it? below is the interceptor code. If more information or context is needed, please let me know.
export default {
install: (Vue) => {
Vue.$eventBus = new Vue();
Vue.axios.interceptors.response.use(response => {
return response.data;
}, async error => {
if (error.response.status === 401 && error.config.url != '/api/authentication/login') {
var config = await Vue.$configService.find();
window.location = config.accountPortalUrl;
Vue.$eventBus.$emit('notifyUser', 'Uh oh, something went wrong!');
return Promise.reject(error);
config => {
// check request method -> use post if many params
if (config.data.permissions) {
config.data.permissions = JSON.stringify(config.data.permissions);
return config;
Looks like your service API is not responding, this might happen if the user is not authenticated . Your error is at line where you check (error.response.status). Its only possible to get an undefined response when the request was interrupted before response. Most probably if you check your browser network pannel you will see that the preflight check for this request causes a 401 network error. Hence because the preflight failed your actual response comes as undefined. You should sanity check first if your server responded with a response or not and then access the response status.
Something like this might help
if (error.response) {
// Request was made and the server responded successfully
// You can now de-structure the response object to get the status
} else if (error.request) {
// request was made but not responded by server
So, the answer ultimately was something extremely simple.
if (config.data.permissions)
needed to be
if (config.data && config.data.permissions)

Handling errors if no network is available

I just implemented my first backend file where I fetch some user data, messages and so on.
Now I wanted to include error handling if there is no network available.
I donĀ“t know if I did it right but this was my approach so far:
import axios from 'axios'
const host = process.env.VUE_APP_URL
export default {
person: async function (currentPerson) {
let params = {
currentPerson: localStorage.getItem("person"),
if (user) {
params['currentPerson'] = currentPerson;
return axios.get(`${host}/api/currentPerson`, {
params: params
//catching network errors
.catch (error => {
if (error.response) {
* The request was made and the server responded with a
4xx/5xx error
} else if (error.request) {
* The request was made but no response was received
} else {
// Something happened in setting up the request and triggered an Error
console.log('Error', error.message);
In my mounted() function of my main view I fetch the data from my backend file from above:
backend.matches().then(function (response) {
self.contacts = response.data.persons;
I tried to check in console if it is working but all I get is the following:
In the catch block I check for
response errors: like 4xx/5xx
request errors: if my network not responding in time
and any other errors
Would this be the right approach to check if a network is available or not? Or does it degrade the user experience when the user checks the error?
My backend file includes more methods.. do I have to write for each method these kind of requests?
In your backend file you don't react whether there is a network connection or not I think.
And only for reference: that is not the backend, but communicates with the backend - the backend is the part of your code what you communicate with, e.g. Laravel code, an API, ...
Try adding the following at the beginning of your catch part:
if (!error.response) {
//network error
console.log('No network connection');
} else if (error.response) {
//the rest of your code
This should print out No network connection in your console.
Run your application, turn off the internet connection and check the console.
These kind of code should always be located in your backend part.
My answer maybe different from your question.
When i create a .net core API with Angular i used three things to check is there network or not?
subscribe to windows's offline/online event
create signalR hub from layout component to API server
API request failed (it means lot of incident, but if 1. or 2. case is true i know what cause 3. case

How do you request the DynamoDB.DocumentClient service in a plugin?

To make AWS requests in a plugin, you can do something like this:
constructor(serverless, options) {
this.provider = serverless.getProvider('aws');
hook() {
await this.provider.request('S3', 'put', params);
How do you request DynamoDB.DocumentClient?
Looking at awsProvider.js, it seems like there is no way to do so. If so, are there any workarounds?
This is now supported in Serverless 1.59.0: https://github.com/serverless/serverless/releases/tag/v1.59.0 (code change: https://github.com/serverless/serverless/pull/7031)

How to handle Akka HTTP client response failure

Akka HTTP client requests return Future[HttpResponse] - how should one handle the Future failing? Just log an error or re-throw it to the supervisor?
Is there documentation of the type of errors that can be returned by thrown by the client (and hence automatically propagated to the supervisor ) as well as errors that can cause the Furure to fail.
It's matter of taste mostly. I typically convert Future[HttpResponse] to Future[Try[HttpResponse]] and then handle it as
response.flatMap { tryResp =>
tryResp match {
case Success(res) =>
res.status match {
case OK =>
// Unmarshal response here into Future[Something]
case Found =>
// Handle redirect by calling requestBlhBlah() again with anotehr URI
case _ =>
// I got status code I didn't expect so I wrap it along with body into Future failure
Unmarshal(res.entity).to[String].flatMap { body =>
Future.failed(new IOException(s"The response status is ${res.status} [${request.uri}] and response body is $body"))
case Failure(ex) =>
If you're using flow-based client you can also specify Decider to handle errors
val decider: Decider = {
case ex =>
Supervision.Stop // Passes error down to subscriber
and then use it in either materializer
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer(ActorMaterializerSettings(system).withSupervisionStrategy(decider))(system)
or in per-flow basis via .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy(decider))
As per Future failure it's up to you how to handle it. You can convert failure to something else using recoverWith or log it in Future.onFailure.