My saga function is not being called at all when calling my action? - react-native

I joined a big/medium project, I am having a hard time creating my first redux-saga-action things, it is going to be a lot of code since they are creating a lot of files to make things readable.
So I call my action in my componentDidMount, the action is being called because I have the alert :
export const fetchDataRequest = () => {
alert("actions data");
return ({
export const fetchDataSuccess = data => ({
payload: {
This is my history saga : ( when I call the action with this type, The function get executed )
export default function* dataSaga() {
// their takeEverymethods
yield takeEvery(FETCH_DATA_REQUEST, fetchData);
This is what has to be called : ( I am trying to fill my state with data in a json file : mock )
export default function* fetchTronconsOfCircuit() {
try {
// Cal to api
const client = yield call(RedClient);
const data = yield call(client.fetchSomething);
// mock
const history = data === "" ? "" : fakeDataFromMock;
console.log("history : ");
if (isNilOrEmpty(history)) return null;
yield put(fetchDataSuccess({ data: history }));
} catch (e) {
yield put(addErr(e));
And this is my root root saga :
export default function* sagas() {
// many other spawn(somethingSaga);
yield spawn(historySaga);
and here is the reducer :
const fetchDataSuccess = curry(({ data }, state) => ({
myData: data,
const HistoryReducer = createSwitchReducer(initialState, [
[FETCH_DATA_SUCCESS, fetchDataSuccess],
The method createSwitchReducer is a method created by the team to create easily a reducer instead of creating a switch and passing the action.type in params etc, their method is working fine, and I did exactly what they do for others.
Am I missing something ?
I feel like I did everything right but the saga is not called, which means it is trivial problem, the connection between action and saga is a common problem I just could not figure where is my problem.
I do not see the console.log message in the console, I added an alert before the try-catch but got nothing too, but alert inside action is being called.
Any help would be really really appreciated.

yield takeEvery(FETCH_DATA_REQUEST, fetchData);
should be
yield takeEvery(FETCH_DATA_REQUEST, fetchTronconsOfCircuit);


React Native redux-saga - How to achieve yield all when getting a response and saving a separate record

Currently I have a piece of code that request an api call and then base from the response:
I will have to create another pending record this is due to intermittent connection issue so i have to deal with an event that happened and store it and use it later.
const response = yield call(api.login, credentials)
yield all(
Ok: ({ value }) => {
return put(Actions.apiSuccess(value))
Error: ({ value }) => {
const pendingRecord = {
value: true,
data: {
event: "queue"
return put(Actions.apiFailure(value))
is it possible to have multiple put actions when calling yield all ?
I'm referring to this:
return put(Actions.apiSuccess(value))
With you can do it like that:
return put(batchActions([

Computed params with skip/enable

I was getting annoyed that some of my apollo requests were working and some were not. The ones that don't seem to work are requests with computed params.
Here is an example of one that does work:
import { computed } from "#vue/composition-api";
import * as getCategoryBySlug from "#graphql/api/query.category.gql";
import { useGraphQuery } from "./graph-query";
export function useGetCategory(context) {
const params = computed(() => {
const slug = context.root.$route.params.categorySlug;
if (!slug) return;
return { slug };
const { response, error, loading } = useGraphQuery(
(data) => data.categoryBySlug
return { category: response, categoryError: error, categoryLoading: loading };
As I am computing my params on the categorySlug, it is available on the route, so it should never be null/undefined.
My useGraphQuery method looks like this:
import { useQuery, useResult } from "#vue/apollo-composable";
export function useGraphQuery(params, gql, pathFn, clientId = "apiClient") {
// if (!params?.value)
// return {
// response: ref(undefined),
// loading: ref(false),
// error: ref(undefined),
// query: ref(undefined),
// };
// TODO: figure our a way to skip the call if the parameters are null
const { result, loading, error, query, fetchMore } = useQuery(gql, params, {
//enabled: !!params?.value,
const response = useResult(result, null, pathFn);
return { response, loading, error, query, fetchMore };
As you can see, I am having an issue because I can't skip and enabled doesn't seem to work as a suitable workaround (for skip).
I tried to return a reference if the parameters are null/undefined, but this never tried to execute the query if the computed params became available.
So my question is how can I skip the request or wait until the params are available?
You should consider changing the flow that calls this method, so it would be called only when the params are defined, instead of trying to skip it when not ready and try to retrigger it again from within the method. Most of the time this will make the code clearer, and also make it more resource-efficient as it won't make unneeded method calls.
If you depend on user input try to validate the input is ready before calling this method.
You can also add a watcher on the params that will trigger the flow when they change, and check in the watcher that all the relevant values are defined before calling the method.
Of course, if you can use computed variables it is better than using watchers in most cases, but in some cases, it can help (mostly when the variable is calculated by an async function, for example, the use of apollo request).

Enzyme integration testing: axios.get call not being executed in redux-saga

I am trying to setup tests for some an action creator that is triggering a redux saga.
My saga retrieves a word from a local flask server (will always return the same word) and then displays that word. This is not my real-life case but I tried to start with something easy...
My action creator and saga work as expected when I trigger them with a button in my react app (the word is retrieved from the server, stored in my redux store and the displayed with a selector in my react component), but I cannot get the test to succeed.
I would like to test only the redux part, not the actual rendered react component (not sure if that is part of my problem or not)
I use Enzyme for tests, my store is created correctly and can dispatch the action. I can also see that my saga is being called with the console logs:
My test code:
import { Store } from 'redux';
import { RootState } from '../root.reducer';
import { storeFactory } from '../../../test/testUtils';
import { getSecretWord } from './secret-word.actions';
describe('getSecretWord action creator', () => {
let store: Store<RootState>;
beforeEach(() => {
store = storeFactory();
test('add response word to state', () => {
const secretWord = 'party';
const newState = store.getState();
console.log('new state: ' + newState.secretWord);
and my saga function:
export function* getSecretWordSaga(action: getSecretWordAction): Generator<ForkEffect | CallEffect | PutEffect, void, unknown>
try {
console.log('getSecretWordSaga() saga started');
console.log('before axios query call:');
const response:any = yield call(api.get, '/api/word');
// const response = {data: { word: 'party'}, status:200}
console.log('axios query returned: ');
yield put(setSecretWord(;
console.log('getSecretWordSaga() saga finsshed');
} catch (err) {
console.log('error occured:');
console.log('getSecretWordSaga() saga finsshed with errors');
export function* getSecretWordSagaStart(): Generator<
> {
yield takeLatest(SecretWordActionTypes.GET_SECRET_WORD, getSecretWordSaga);
The axios api is very basic and it includes two interceptors for logging purposes:
import axios from 'axios';
export const api = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:5000',
responseType: 'json',
api.interceptors.request.use(request => {
console.log('Starting Request', JSON.stringify(request, null, 2))
return request
api.interceptors.response.use(response => {
console.log('Response:', JSON.stringify(response, null, 2))
return response
I can see in the logs (in "npm test") that I get log for the line "before axios query call:' and one console.log for the request interceptor (everything looks fine there), but no more logs afterwards (neither success nor error)
If I comment out the "yield call.." and hardcode the response (like in the commented out line below), my saga runs through the end and my test succeeds.
Why is the yield Call(api.get, '/api/word') not being executed (and I don't get any error message)?
The code is my opinion correct as it is running fine when executed in react. My flask server is obviously also running and I can see in the flask app than no call to the api are being made by the running tests.
I obviously plan to mock that api call but was also running into some problems there, that's why I first wanted to get the real api call working.
After trying many different ways for adding a timeout, setting the testing function to async and adding a setTimeout in a promise did work.
It's not ideal as I have to set the timeout to a specific value, but I could not figure out a better way to get it working.
test("add response word to state", async () => {
const secretWord = 'party';
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 1000));
const newState = store.getState();
console.log('new state: ' + newState.secretWord);

Vuex populate data from API call at the start

apologies for the simple question, I'm really new to Vue/Nuxt/Vuex.
I am currently having a vuex store, I wish to be able to populate the list with an API call at the beginning (so that I would be able to access it on all pages of my app directly from the store vs instantiating it within a component).
export const state = () => ({
list: [],
export const mutations = {
set(state, testArray) {
state.list = testArray
export const getters = {
getArray: state => {
return state.list
I essentially want to pre-populate state.list so that my components can call the data directly from vuex store. This would look something like that
db.collection("test").doc("test").get().then(doc=> {
let data =;
let array = data.array; // get array from API call
setListAsArray(); // put the array result into the list
I am looking for where to put this code (I assume inside store.js) and how to go about chaining this with the export. Thanks a lot in advance and sorry if it's a simple question.
(Edit) Context:
So why I am looking for this solution was because I used to commit the data (from the API call) to the store inside one of my Vue components - index.vue from my main page. This means that my data was initialized on this component, and if i go straight to another route, my data will not be available there.
This means: http://localhost:3000/ will have the data, if I routed to http://localhost:3000/test it will also have the data, BUT if i directly went straight to http://localhost:3000/test from a new window it will NOT have the data.
Tried the suggestion with nuxtServerInit
Updated store.js
export const state = () => ({
list: [],
export const mutations = {
set(state, dealArray) {
state.list = dealArray
export const getters = {
allDeals: state => {
return state.list
export const actions = {
async nuxtServerInit({ commit }, { req }) {
// fetch your backend
const db = require("~/plugins/firebase.js").db;
let doc = await db.collection("test").doc("test").get();
let data =;
console.log("deals_array: ", data.deals_array); // nothing logged
commit('set', data.deals_array); // doesn't work
commit('deals/set', data.deals_array); // doesn't work
Tried actions with nuxtServerInit, but when logging store in another component it is an empty array. I tried to log the store in another component (while trying to access it), I got the following:
store.state: {
deals: {
list: []
I would suggest to either:
calling the fetch method in the default.vue layout or any page
use the nuxtServerInit action inside the store directly
fetch method
You can use the fetch method either in the default.vue layout where it is called every time for each page that is using the layout. Or define the fetch method on separate pages if you want to load specific data for individual pages.
export default {
data () {
return {}
async fetch ({store}) {
// fetch your backend
var list = await $axios.get("http://localhost:8000/list");
store.commit("set", list);
You can read more regarding the fetch method in the nuxtjs docs here
use the nuxtServerInit action inside the store directly
In your store.js add a new action:
import axios from 'axios';
actions: {
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
// fetch your backend
var list = await axios.get("http://localhost:8000/list");
commit('set', list);
You can read more regarding the fetch method in the nuxtjs docs here
Hope this helps :)

a state mutation was detected inside a dispatch (NOT "in between" dispatch)

...inside a dispatch, in the path: "chat.messages.0' Take a look at the reducer(s) handling the action {'type': 'chat', 'payload': {'sender': 'you', 'body': 'foo'}}`
My reducer:
export default (state, action) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
messages: [...state.messages, action.payload]
Interestingly, if I use messages=[] in my Chat component, I don't get this error.
export default class Chat extends React.Component {
state = {, input: "", toggle: false}
_renderItem = ({item}) => {
return <ChatMessageRow data={item} />
render() {
// var {messages} = this.state
var messages = []
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
from my main view, which is bound to Redux:
return (...other views... check if tabIndex == 1, show <Chat data={} ... />
I ran into an issue earlier with the FlatList rendering in Chat not updating and I had to do a
this.setState({messages: messages.push(newMessage), toggle: !this.state.toggle})
to update the state so the Flat List would recognize it's changed.
Now I am loading my data from a Chat store using connect and redux, then passing that data into the component.
I get the error when I try to reload the Chat component after adding chat messages. Weirdly I can get one to update but after adding one it will not show others.
At first I think this is a problem in my reducer so I rewrite the reducer to use the Object assign and array spread operator.
Now I think it is related to the rendering which is unexpected.
How do I debug this?
It's not "it works with adding 1 message". It's - I can bring the view out of focus and back into focus one time. So..
Open Chat Tab
Observer 1 message
Add N messages to store using redux actions
Change tabs, revert back to Chat
Observer N messages added
Add M messages
Change tabs, click back to Chat tab
Error shows
I tried
using ...spread, but redux still throws warning about state mutation 's suggestion doing
export default (state, action) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
messages: => Object.assign({}, value)).concat(action.payload)
in my reducer, same error.
My reducer is update to chatMessage.js
I think the issue is in how I'm calling this.
I am writing a websocket controller. I don't need to wait for a response when I send a message like I would with an HTTP response.
My websocket controller:
onMessage = ({data}) => {
const json = JSON.parse(data)
if (json) {
if (json.status) {
const reducer = this.stateFilters[json.status]
if (reducer) {
} else {
console.log("No reducer")
the websocket controller is created in my View component:
my main view
import {ChatStateFilters} from '../../reducers/chat'
const mapDispatch = { chatMessage }
this.wsController = new WebSocketController({
stateFilters: {chatMessage: this.props.chatMessage},
from the chat reducer file (that contains the chatMessage reducer)
Those state filters get created when I create my slice.
The value of stateFilter['chatMessage'] -- which is the value of what gets bound to my View's prop in mapDispatchToProp
is this function:
let fn = (payload) => {
return dispatch => {
exportedStateFilters[actionName] = fn
I think the problem is somewhere in here^... somehow the dispatch is firing, updating state but redux doesn't know the dispatch is finished
I thought the lack of async may have been an issue. So I changed the stateFilter (the fn that gets bound to my prop in the view) to this:
let fn = (payload) => {
return dispatch => {
post("", {}, true)
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
and now it works a few more times.. then gives me the error "A state mutation was detected between dispatches".
My chat message reducer is still
export default (state, action) => {
let messages2 = Object.assign([], [...state.messages, action.payload])
return Object.assign({}, {...state, messages: messages2 })
so why is this error happening?