Access sql Moving Average of Top N With 2 criterias - sql

I have been searching the forum and found a single post that is a little smilair to my problem here: Calculate average for Top n combined with SQL Group By.
My situation is:
I have a table tblWEIGHT that contains: ID, Date, idPONR, Weight
I have a second table tblSALES that contains: ID, Date, Sales, idPONR
I have a third table tblPONR that contains: ID, PONR, idProduct
And a fouth table tblPRODUCT that contais: ID, Product
The linking:
tblPONR.idProduct = tblPRODUCT.ID
The maintable of my query is tblSALES. I want to all my sales listed, with the moving average of the top5
weights of the PRODUCT where the date of the weight is less than the sales date, and the product is the same as the sold product. Its IMPORTANT that the result isn't grouped by the date. I need all the records of tblSALES.
i have gotten as far as to get the top 1 weight, but im not able to get the moving average instread.
The query that gest the top 1 is the following, and i am guessing that the query i need is going to look a lot like it.
SELECT top 1 Weight FROM tblWEIGHT INNER JOIN tblPONR ON tblWeight.idPONR = tblPONR.ID
SALES.Date > tblWEIGHT.Date
ORDER BY tblWEIGHT.Date desc
) AS LatestWeight
this is not my exact query since im danish and i wouldnt make sense. I know im not supposed to use Date as a fieldname.
i imagine the filan query would be something like:
SELECT tblSALES.ID..... avg(SELECT TOP 5 weight .........)
but doing this i keep getting error at max 1 record can be returned by this subquery
Final Question.
How do i make a query that creates a moving average of the top 5 weights of my sold product, where the date of the weight is earlier than the date i sold the product?
EDIT Sampledata:
DATEFORMAT: dd/mm/yyyy
ID Date idPONR Weight
1 01-01-2020 1 100
2 02-01-2020 2 200
3 03-01-2020 3 200
4 04-01-2020 3 400
5 05-01-2020 2 250
6 06-01-2020 1 150
7 07-01-2020 2 200
ID Date Sales(amt) idPONR
1 05-01-2020 30 1
2 06-01-2020 15 2
3 10-01-2020 20 3
ID PONR(production Number) idProduct
1 2521 1
2 1548 1
3 5484 2
ID Product
1 Bricks
2 Tiles
Desired outcome read comments for AvgWeight
tblSALES.ID tblSALES.Date tblSales.Sales(amt) AvgWeigt
1 05-01-2020 30 123 -->avg(top 5 newest weight of both idPONR 1 And 2 because they are the same product, and where tblWeight.Date<05-01-2020)
2 06-01-2020 15 123 -->avg(top 5 newest weight of both idPONR 1 And 2 because they are the same product, and where tblWeight.Date<06-01-2020)
3 10-01-2020 20 123 -->avg(top 5 newest weight of idPONR 3 since thats the only idPONR with that product, and where tblWeight.Date<10-01-2020)

SELECT tblWeight.ID AS WeightID, tblWeight.Date AS WtDate,
tblWeight.idPONR, tblPONR.PONR, tblPONR.idProduct, tblWeight.Weight, tblSales.SalesAmt,
tblSales.ID AS SalesID, tblSales.Date AS SalesDate
FROM (tblPONR INNER JOIN tblWeight ON tblPONR.ID = tblWeight.idPONR)
INNER JOIN tblSales ON tblPONR.ID = tblSales.idPONR;
SELECT TOP 5 WeightID FROM Query1 AS Dupe WHERE Dupe.idProduct = Query1.idProduct
AND Dupe.WtDate<Query1.SalesDate ORDER BY Dupe.WtDate);
SELECT Query2.SalesID, Query2.SalesDate, Query2.SalesAmt,
First(DAvg("Weight","Query2","idProduct=" & [idProduct] & " AND WtDate<#" & [SalesDate] & "#")) AS AvgWt
FROM Query2
GROUP BY Query2.SalesID, Query2.SalesDate, Query2.SalesAmt;


How to Select ID's in SQL (Databricks) in which at least 2 items from a list are present

I'm working with patient-level data in Azure Databricks and I'm trying to build out a cohort of patients that have at least 2 diagnoses from a list of specific diagnosis codes. This is essentially what the table looks like:
1 101 2500 01_25_2020
2 101 3850 03_13_2018
3 222 2500 10_26_2018
4 222 8888 11_30_2018
5 222 9155 04_01_2019
6 871 2500 02_17_2020
7 871 3200 09_09_2019
The list of ICD_CD codes of interest is something like [2500, 3850, 8888]. In this case, I would want to return TOTAL UNIQUE PTNT_ID = 2. These would be PTNT_ID = (101, 222) as these are the only two patients that have at least 2 ICD_CD codes of interest.
When I use something like this, I'm able to return all of the relevant PTNT_ID values, but I'm not able to get the total count of these PTNT_ID:
select mc.PTNT_ID
where mc.PTNT_ID in ( # list of ICD_CD of interest
group by mc.PTNT_ID
having count(distinct mc.PTNT) >= 2
When I try to add a COUNT statement in, it returns an error
Just select from the query:
select count(*)
select mc.PTNT_ID
where mc.PTNT_ID in ( # list of ICD_CD of interest )
group by mc.PTNT_ID
having count(distinct mc.PTNT) >= 2
) ptnts;

Getting latest price of different products from control table

I have a control table, where Prices with Item number are tracked date wise.
id ItemNo Price Date
1 a001 100 1/1/2003
2 a001 105 1/2/2003
3 a001 110 1/3/2003
4 b100 50 1/1/2003
5 b100 55 1/2/2003
6 b100 60 1/3/2003
7 c501 35 1/1/2003
8 c501 38 1/2/2003
9 c501 42 1/3/2003
10 a001 95 1/1/2004
This is the query I am running.
FROM prices pr
SELECT ItemNo, max(date) max_date
FROM prices
) p ON pr.ItemNo = p.ItemNo AND = p.max_date
order by ItemNo ASC
I am getting below values
id ItemNo Price Date
10 a001 95 2004-01-01
6 b100 60 2003-01-03
9 c501 42 2003-01-03
Question is, is my query right or wrong? though I am getting my desired result.
Your query does what you want, and is a valid approach to solve your problem.
An alternative option would be to use a correlated subquery for filtering:
select p.*
from prices p
where = (select max( from prices where p1.itemno = p.itemno)
The upside of this query is that it can take advantage of an index on (itemno, date).
You can also use window functions:
select *
from (
select p.*, rank() over(partition by itemno order by date desc) rn
from prices p
) p
where rn = 1
I would recommend benchmarking the three options against your real data to assess which one performs better.

Aggregate payments per year per customer per type

Please consider the following payment data:
customerID paymentID pamentType paymentDate paymentAmount
1 1 A 2015-11-28 500
1 2 A 2015-11-29 -150
1 3 B 2016-03-07 300
2 4 A 2015-03-03 200
2 5 B 2016-05-25 -100
2 6 C 2016-06-24 700
1 7 B 2015-09-22 110
2 8 B 2016-01-03 400
I need to tally per year, per customer, the sum of the diverse payment types (A = invoice, B = credit note, etc), as follows:
year customerID paymentType paymentSum
2015 1 A 350 : paymentID 1 + 2
2015 1 B 110 : paymentID 7
2015 1 C 0
2015 2 A 200 : paymentID 4
2015 2 B 0
2015 2 C 0
2016 1 A 0
2016 1 B 300 : paymentID 3
2016 1 C 0
2016 2 A 0
2016 2 B 300 : paymentID 5 + 8
2016 2 C 700 : paymentId 6
It is important that there are values for every category (so for 2015, customer 1 has 0 payment value for type C, but still it is good to see this).
In reality, there are over 10 payment types and about 30 customers. The total date range is 10 years.
Is this possible to do in only SQL, and if so could somebody show me how? If possible by using relatively easy queries so that I can learn from it, for instance by storing intermediary result into a #temptable.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
a simple GROUP BY with SUM() on the paymentAmount will gives you what you wanted
select year = datepart(year, paymentDate),
paymentSum = sum(paymentAmount)
from payment_data
group by datepart(year, paymentDate), customerID, paymentType
This is a simple query that generates the required 0s. Note that it may not be the most efficient way to generate this result set. If you already have lookup tables for customers or payment types, it would be preferable to use those rather than the CTEs1 I use here:
declare #t table (customerID int,paymentID int,paymentType char(1),paymentDate date,
paymentAmount int)
insert into #t(customerID,paymentID,paymentType,paymentDate,paymentAmount) values
(1,1,'A','20151128', 500),
(1,3,'B','20160307', 300),
(2,4,'A','20150303', 200),
(2,6,'C','20160624', 700),
(1,7,'B','20150922', 110),
(2,8,'B','20160103', 400)
;With Customers as (
select DISTINCT customerID from #t
), PaymentTypes as (
select DISTINCT paymentType from #t
), Years as (
select DISTINCT DATEPART(year,paymentDate) as Yr from #t
), Matrix as (
cross join
cross join
COALESCE(SUM(paymentAmount),0) as Total
Matrix m
left join
#t t
m.customerID = t.customerID and
m.paymentType = t.paymentType and
m.Yr = DATEPART(year,t.paymentDate)
group by
customerID paymentType Yr Total
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 A 2015 350
1 A 2016 0
1 B 2015 110
1 B 2016 300
1 C 2015 0
1 C 2016 0
2 A 2015 200
2 A 2016 0
2 B 2015 0
2 B 2016 300
2 C 2015 0
2 C 2016 700
(We may also want to play games with a numbers table and/or generate actual start and end dates for years if the date processing above needs to be able to use an index)
Note also how similar the top of my script is to the sample data in your question - except it's actual code that generates the sample data. You may wish to consider presenting sample code in such a way in the future since it simplifies the process of actually being able to test scripts in answers.
1CTEs - Common Table Expressions. They may be thought of as conceptually similar to temp tables - except we don't actually (necessarily) materialize the results. They also are incorporated into the single query that follows them and the whole query is optimized as a whole.
Your suggestion to use temp tables means that you'd be breaking this into multiple separate queries that then necessarily force SQL to perform the task in an order that we have selected rather than letting the optimizer choose the best approach for the above single query.

Return rows where specific number is reached for the first time (postgres)

Have hit a roadblock.
Context: am using PostgreSQL 9.5.8
I have a table, as follows, with customers' points accrued. The table has multiple rows per customer as it records every change in points (like an event table). i.e. customer 1 may buy 1 item and accrue 10 points which is one row, then on another day spend some of these points and be left with 5 points which is another row, and then purchase another item and accrue a further 10 bringing them back up to 15 which displays as another row. Each of these rows with point amounts has a created_at column.
Example table:
Customer ID created_at no_points row
123 17/09/2017 5 1
123 09/10/2017 8 2
124 10/10/2017 12 3
123 10/10/2017 15 4
125 12/10/2017 12 5
126 17/09/2017 6 6
123 11/10/2017 11 7
123 12/10/2017 9 8
127 17/09/2017 5 9
124 11/10/2017 5 10
125 13/10/2017 5 11
123 13/10/2017 12 12
I want to track the first time a customer reaches a certain threshold i.e. >= 10 points. It doesn't matter how much they go over 10 points, the only criteria is that I select the first time the customer reaches this threshold. I would also like this query to fetch only rows where the customer has reached the threshold of 10 for the first time in the last week.
Following these rules, in the above example, I would like my query to select rows 3, 4 and 5.
I have tried the following query:
SELECT as id,
p.created_at as created_at,
p.amount as amount
FROM "points" p
WHERE p.amount >= 10 ) x
WHERE x.created_at >= (now()::date - 7)
AND x.created_at < now()::date
I'm unsure that I'm retrieving the right thing however from the result set I am seeing & the results set is huge so it's not evident. Could someone sense check?
Thanks in advance.
Use cumulative functions:
select p.*
from (select p.*,
sum(num_points) over (partition by p.customer_id order by p.created_at) as cume_num_points
from points p
) p
where cume_num_points >= 10 and
(cume_num_points - num_points) < 10;
I may have misunderstood the question. If you just want the first break, one method uses window functions:
select p.*
from (select p.*,
lag(num_points) over (partition by p.customer_id order by p.created_at) as prev_num_points
from points p
) p
where num_points >= 10 and
prev_num_points < 10;
Or, without a subquery:
select distinct on (p.customer_id) p.*
from customers p
where num_points >= 10
order by p.customer_id, p.created_at;

SQL: How do I count the number of clients that have already bought the same product?

I have a table like the one below. It is a record of daily featured products and the customers that purchased them (similar to a daily deal site). A given client can only purchase a product one time per feature, but they may purchase the same product if it is featured multiple times.
FeatureID | ClientID | FeatureDate | ProductID
1 1002 2011-05-01 500
1 2333 2011-05-01 500
1 4458 2011-05-01 500
2 8888 2011-05-10 700
2 2333 2011-05-10 700
2 1111 2011-05-10 700
3 1002 2011-05-20 500
3 4444 2011-05-20 500
4 4444 2011-05-30 500
4 2333 2011-05-30 500
4 1002 2011-05-30 500
I want to count by FeatureID the number of clients that purchased FeatureID X AND who purchased the same productID during a previous feature.
For the table above the expected result would be:
FeatureID | CountofReturningClients
1 0
2 0
3 1
4 3
Ideally I would like to do this with SQL, but am also open to doing some manipulation in Excel/PowerPivot. Thanks!!
If you join your table to itself, you can find the data you're looking for. Be careful, because this query can take a long time if the table has a lot of data and is not indexed well.
FROM table_name t_current
LEFT JOIN table_name t_prior
AND t_current.CLIENTID = t_prior.CLIENTID
AND t_current.PRODUCTID = t_prior.PRODUCTID
"Per feature, count the clients who match for any earlier Features with the same product"
COUNT(DISTINCT Prev.ClientID) AS CountofReturningClients --edit thanks to feedback
MyTable Curr
MyTable Prev WHERE Curr.FeatureID > Prev.FeatureID
AND Curr.ClientID = Prev.ClientID
AND Curr.ProductID = Prev.ProductID
Assumptions: You have a table called Features that is:
FeatureID, FeatureDate, ProductID
If not then you could always create one on the fly with a temporary table, cte or view.
, (
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ClientID) FROM Purchases WHERE Purchases.FeatureDate < Feature.FeatureDate AND Feature.ProductID = Purchases.ProductID
) as CountOfReturningClients
FROM Features
New to this, but wouldn't the following work?
SELECT FeatureID, (CASE WHEN COUNT(clientid) > 1 THEN COUNT(clientid) ELSE 0 END)
FROM table
GROUP BY featureID