PyTorch - Superior Model Performance by Misusing Loss Function (Negative Log Likelihood)? - optimization

I misread PyTorch's NLLLoss() and accidentally passed my model's probabilities to the loss function instead of my model's log probabilities, which is what the function expects. However, when I train a model under this misused loss function, the model (a) learns faster, (b) learns more stably, (b) reaches a lower loss, and (d) performs better at the classification task.
I don't have a minimal working example, but I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this or knows why this is? Any possible hypotheses?
One hypothesis I have is that the gradient with respect to the misused loss function is more stable because the derivative isn't scaled by 1/model output probability.


Tensorflow loss converging but model fails to predict even on train data

Using ANN with Tensorflow to train a simple known equation Y=Sin(X) or Y=Cos(X). My loss function is converging properly.
Loss function convergence graph. If loss function converges it means model has fitted well to my training dataset.
However, when I predict passing in argument training set itself, model fails to predict even train data which is strange.
Here it can be seen that after 200th value there model shows no training at all
If the loss has converged then model should fit the train dataset perfectly but that is not happening here. What is wrong in my code?
X = np.linspace(0,10*np.pi,1000)
Y = np.sin(X)
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.01)
Yhat = model.predict(X.reshape(-1,1)).flatten()
It is the nature of your data.
It made me remember the old paper which showed that the ANN can't compute even the XOR
Anyway the reason here is that your model is shallow and shallow networks are much less efficient than deep networks. To put in perspective a model like below
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
Will likely perform better even though it has only 1/3 of the parameters of the original model and that is cause the deeper you go the more complex representations can the model create. The core thing to remember is
Also, the most important things is to know your data. In this case using the Probabilistic Models will give almost perfect results. You can easily implement those using TensorFlow probability.

Purpose of using one loss function and metric another one in Tensorflow/Keras?

I'm new to Deep Learning and I saw this for the first time. Having MAE as loss function and MSE to metric. What is the purpose of this and what is gained?
(loss=tf.metrics.MeanAbsoluteError(), metrics=[tf.losses.MeanSquaredError()])
In some cases it is useful to have a loss function different from the metric you are going to evaluate.
Consider the case in which you want to denoise an image, that is you design a network that takes as input a noise image and outputs its clean version. Here, your metric might be the Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) or some sort of structural similarity (SSIM) between your output and the ground truth clean image. However, during training, you might consider different loss function, such as L1 (MAE), L2 (MSE) or even a Perceptual Loss, such as the VGG loss, because these have been proved to lead to better results than directly optimizing for PSNR or SSIM.

How do I calculate subgradients in TensorFlow?

Does the automatic differentiation procedure in TensorFlow compute subgradient whenever needed? If there are many subgradients then which one will be chosen as output?
I am trying to implement the paper in the link which uses recursive neural networks to perform efficient language parsing. The objective function uses hinge loss function to pick the optimal output vectors, which makes the function not differentiable. I used TensorFlow (v1.12) in eager mode to program the model and used the automatic differentiation to compute the gradients. After every batch, I could see the gradient values changing and the accuracy is slightly improved. After a while, it decreases and this process continues. The model does not converge at all for all the hyper-parameter configurations.
Mini batch size : 256, 512, 1024; Regularization parameters - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001; Learning rate - 0.1, 0.01, 0.001; Optimization function - gradient descent, adagrad, adam;
In the paper, they have described how to find subgradient for the optimum function in a very abstract manner, which I have not understood yet. I was of the opinion at the beginning that automatic gradient computation calculates the subgradient. But at this moment, I am starting to doubt so because that seems to be the only variable missing.
Unfortunately, Tensorflow does not computes subgradients, only gradients.
As explained here How does tensorflow handle non differentiable nodes during gradient calculation? .
To summarize, when computing a partial derivative, if there is a problem of differentiability, Tensorflow simply puts this derivative to be zero.
As for you having trouble training your model, there are no general rules saying how to tune the hyperparameters, thus, I would suggest to do a grid search on the learning rates (on a few epochs) to find a good initial learning rate which provide good results for one of the optimization algorithms. Usually, ADAM or SGD with momentum provide satisfying results when choosing a right initial learning rate.

Different between fit and evaluate in keras

I have used 100000 samples to train a general model in Keras and achieve good performance. Then, for a particular sample, I want to use the trained weights as initialization and continue to optimize the weights to further optimize the loss of the particular sample.
However, the problem occurred. First, I load the trained weight by the keras API easily, then, I evaluate the loss of the one particular sample, and the loss is close to the loss of the validation loss during the training of the model. I think it is normal. However, when I use the trained weight as the inital and further optimize the weight over the one sample by, the loss is really strange. It is much higher than the evaluate result and gradually became normal after several epochs.
I think it is strange that, for the same one simple and loading the same model weight, why the and model.evaluate() return different results. I used batch normalization layers in my model and I wonder that it may be the reason. The result of model.evaluate() seems normal, as it is close to what I seen in the validation set before.
So what cause the different between fit and evaluation? How can I solve it?
I think your core issue is that you are observing two different loss values during fit and evaluate. This has been extensively discussed here, here, here and here.
The fit() function loss includes contributions from:
Regularizers: L1/L2 regularization loss will be added during training, increasing the loss value
Batch norm variations: during batch norm, running mean and variance of the batch will be collected and then those statistics will be used to perform normalization irrespective of whether batch norm is set to trainable or not. See here for more discussion on that.
Multiple batches: Of course, the training loss will be averaged over multiple batches. So if you take average of first 100 batches and evaluate on the 100th batch only, the results will be different.
Whereas for evaluate, just do forward propagation and you get the loss value, nothing random here.
Bottomline is, you should not compare train and validation loss (or fit and evaluate loss). Those functions do different things. Look for other metrics to check if your model is training fine.

When we do supervised classification with NN, why do we train for cross-entropy and not for classification error?

The standard supervised classification setup: we have a bunch of samples, each with the correct label out of N labels. We build a NN with N outputs, transform those to probabilities with softmax, and the loss is the mean cross-entropy between each NN output and the corresponding true label, represented as a 1-hot vector with 1 in the true label and 0 elsewhere. We then optimize this loss by following its gradient. The classification error is used just to measure our model quality.
HOWEVER, I know that when doing policy gradient we can use the likelihood ratio trick, and we no longer need to use cross-entropy! our loss simply tf.gather the NN output corresponding to the correct label. E.g. this solution of OpenAI gym CartPole.
WHY can't we use the same trick when doing supervised learning? I was thinking that the reason we used cross-entropy is because it is differentiable, but apparently tf.gather is differentiable as well.
I mean - IF we measure ourselves on classification error, and we CAN optimize for classification error as it's differentiable, isn't it BETTER to also optimize for classification error instead of this weird cross-entropy proxy?
Policy gradient is using cross entropy (or KL divergence, as Ishant pointed out). For supervised learning tf.gather is really just implementational trick, nothing else. For RL on the other hand it is a must because you do not know "what would happen" if you would execute other action. Consequently you end up with high variance estimator of your gradients, something that you would like to avoid for all costs, if possible.
Going back to supervised learning though
CE(p||q) = - SUM_i q_i log p_i
Lets assume that q_i is one hot encoded, with 1 at k'th position, then
CE(p||q) = - q_k log p_k = - log p_k
So if you want, you can implement this as tf.gather, it simply does not matter. The cross-entropy is simply more generic because it handles more complex targets. In particular, in TF you have sparse cross entropy which does exactly what you describe - exploits one hot encoding, that's it. Mathematically there is no difference, there is small difference computation-wise, and there are functions doing exactly what you want.
Minimization of cross-entropy loss minimizes the KL divergence between the predicted distribution and the target distribution. Which is indeed the same as maximizing the likelihood of the predicted distribution.