You attempted to use a firebase module that's not installed on your Android project by calling - Jest testing - react-native

I'm trying to test my app using jest but encountered an error "You attempted to use a firebase module that's not installed on your Android project by calling". Below is my code
import firebase from '#react-native-firebase/app';
test('renders correctly', () => {
Platform.OS = 'android';
firebase.initializeApp({//credentials hidden
const _firestore = firebase.firestore();
const personStore = new PersonStore(_firestore);
const app = renderer
<Provider {...personStore}>
<PersonInfo />
What am I missing?
I've tried this solution but to no avail
And #react-native-firebase/app is working if I'm not in test mode

Try the getting started steps: Getting Started
The solution you tried is a secondary step.
Also firebase is segmented in modules, so you should install the required modules separated. if you are going to use the firestore you have to install the module.
Firestore Module

for me the problem was with mismatch in the package name of the app throughout the project (I started out with a MyApp project and then changed the name but not in all the necessary places).
I then followed these steps to rename everything and it started working


Expo web build fails because of JSX in .js files

I have a Expo project to which I added victory-native library. When building for the web, Webpack complains about missing loader. The errors are of this pattern below and appear for all the files from this particular library
./node_modules/victory-native/src/components/victory-clip-container.js 10:22
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (10:22)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
| export default class extends VictoryClipContainer {
> static defaultProps = Object.assign({}, VictoryClipContainer.defaultProps, {
| groupComponent: <G />,
| rectComponent: <Rect />,
How do I add the correct loader? Do I add something to the babel config? Or should I override the webpack configuration?
Babel is currently using only babel-preset-expo
As stated by Michael, native and web code can be differentiated using the naming in the files.
A simple complete solution is:
import * as Victory from 'victory';
export default Victory;
import * as Victory from 'victory-native';
export default Victory;
And when you want to use the victory:
import Victory from "./victory"; // this will default to victory.js or victory.native.js
// depending on the compilation target platform.
const VictoryBar = Victory.VictoryBar;
const VictoryChart = Victory.VictoryChart;
const VictoryTheme = Victory.VictoryTheme;
return <View style={styles.container}>
<VictoryChart width={350} theme={VictoryTheme.material}>
<VictoryBar data={data} x="quarter" y="earnings" />
Whilst using victory-native in Expo apps that target iOS & Android is fully supported, we do not support building for the web with victory-native.
However, as both victory-native and victory share the same public API, it's possible to configure your Expo project to automatically use victory-native when building your native apps for iOS & Android, and victory when building your web app.
yarn add -D #expo/webpack-config
Then, create a webpack.config.js file at the root of your Expo project
const createExpoWebpackConfigAsync = require('#expo/webpack-config');
module.exports = async function(env, argv) {
const config = await createExpoWebpackConfigAsync(env, argv);
// resolve victory-native as victory for the Web app
config.resolve.alias['victory-native'] = 'victory';
return config;
Refered from the official documentation .
You cannot use victory-native imports for web and you cannot use victory import for react native.
I solved the issue by creating an file named victory.native.ts and victory.ts which containing all necessary imports.
import * as Victory from 'victory-native'
import * as Victory from 'victory'
Now you can import victory.ts in web and app.

"next-auth/react" module not found when making custom email sign in page in next-auth

I'm making a NextJs application with next-auth for the authentication part.
Email Sign In is successfully implemented using next-auth's own default pages.
But now I would like to have a custom sign in page. I followed the documentation for this, and added
pages: { signIn: '/auth/signin' } in my [...nextauth].js file. Then, I added the given Email Sign In code in pages/auth/signin.js.
But upon running yarn dev, I get this module not found error:
error - ./pages/api/auth/signin.js:1:0
Module not found: Package path ./react is not exported from package C:\...\node_modules\next-auth (see exports field in C:\...\node_modules\next-auth\package.json)
> 1 | import { getCsrfToken } from "next-auth/react"
2 |
3 | export default function SignIn({ csrfToken }) {
4 | return (
Import trace for requested module:
And I couldn't find any module named 'next-auth/react' in npm or yarn websites.
Even in next-auth folder in node_modules, there is no 'react' named file...
How can I solve this? And am I doing anything wrong here?
I faced the same issue and realised the docs are for v4 where next-auth/react is used.
You are probably on v3 where next-auth/client is used instead.
To use the beta version, do:
➜ npm i next-auth#beta
You can now run npm install next-auth or yarn add next-auth. This will update the version of next-auth to version 4 in which you import SessionProvider as follows (within _app.tsx) :
import { SessionProvider } from "next-auth/react"
I think it should be imported from client and not react
try this : import { getCsrfToken } from "next-auth/client"
(just sharing an alternate solution), you need not define the custom pages in next auth. you can have your own login page and there just call next-auth's signin method, by passing the type like email or google.
and if email, then pass the email as well. eg:
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
signIn("email", { email, callbackUrl: `${process.env.VERCEL_URL}/` });
I was facing this issue. I was using the "next-auth": "^4.18.7" version. my node version was 14.0.0. when I update this version to 18.12.1 then the issue is resolved.

Expo React Native: Code Splitting Incompatible Web Packages

I have a component that uses #stripe/stripe-react-native named NativeCheckout.
This package does not work on web (Chrome), and when I import it I get an error:
Failed to compile
Module not found: Can't resolve '../../package.json' in '/home/joey/Projects/project/project_frontend/node_modules/#stripe/stripe-react-native/lib/module/components'
So if I run it in my browser, I do not want this component. This component is only rendered on native apps. I have found three alternative ways to import the Component. If my code is working fine then I add any of the follow lines, the above error is happening. I thought this would not load in the problem code.
const loadNative = async () => {
await import("./NativeCheckout")
const NativeCheckout = lazy(() => import("./NativeCheckout"));
const NativeCheckout = lazy(() => import("./NativeCheckout"));
Does anyone know a way to make this work?

How do I use require('electron') in a quasar vue component environment?

How do I access the main electron process fs module from within a renderer side module like a vue component running within the Quasar framework.
I've tried a few variations in a component with the following error:
const { app } = require('electron')
vue-router.esm.js?8c4f:1897 TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function
const { app } = window.require('electron')
TypeError: window.require is not a function
After looking at what I could find through my friend Google, I am still searching for an answer on how to access the electron main process functions from within a vue component running under the quasar framework. Anyone... anyone? I've seen some github examples of file explorers, but based on the electron documentation it seems the implementation of just simply calling something like fs.readdirSync() should be a lot simpler than what I'm seeing in those implementations.
Your problem is explained in the Quasar docs
Quasar's suggestion is to use a preload script to attach the node APIs that you want in your renderer processes (ie: BrowserWindows) to the global window object.
Attach preload script to BrowserWindow (Main Process)
import path from 'path'
win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
preload: path.resolve(__dirname, 'electron-preload.js')
Attach Node APIs to window global (Preload Script)
window.electron = require('electron')
Use Node API through the window global (Renderer Process)
The answer was just beyond my understanding of how all these components are working together. Hopefully this will help someone else just coming up to speed on developing a Quasar/Vue/Electron app. If you launch your app/website using
quasar dev
you get a browser (renderer) that communicates with main electron process that cannot handle node main process stuff like:
const electron = require('electron')
const fs = require('fs')
const files = fs.readdirSync('/')
I couldn't find a clear, concise and simple way. It appears there is a webpack config that can provide the same 'deep' integration, but I was looking for a more out of the box solution.
If you launch your app
quasar dev -m electron
You get deep integration and now can 'require()' or import the above modules within Vue components in your Quasar app.
const electron = require('electron')

How can i check app installed in react native code

i tried to check other app install in my react native project, I'm used module like:
But always got this error:
Cannot read property 'pkgName' of undefined
Here is my code:
.then((isInstalled) => {
// isInstalled is true if the app is installed or false if not
console.log('App Skype status: ', isInstalled);
Anyone can suggest me one way so check app install in react native (both: iOS/android)
install this
async check() {
try {
await SharedGroupPreferences.isAppInstalledAndroid("com.farsitel.bazaar")
} catch (e) {
Google Play considers the list of installed apps to be personal and sensitive user data.
As we are using
method for checking app installed check, for that we have to white-list the queries in manifest.xml
Reference :
<package android:name=""/>
For adding Queries need to upgrade build gradle version:
new default settings and features for package visibility in Android 11 that need to add  you must update your android gradle plugin version
Reference: How to fix "unexpected element <queries> found in <manifest>" error?
I have updated from 3.5.2 to 4.0.2
Now react-native-check-app-install module working as expected
Hope this is resolved!
I. For app's which has deep links like 'waze://', 'mapsme://' you can use:
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
II. You can use for absolutely all apps (for example with deep links like "https://...")
import { Linking } from 'react-native'
where iOS_app_URL_Scheme you can find via Google for each separate app. Like "waze://", "comgooglemaps://", "osmandmaps://" etc