I have this car project of 3 Gauges ( RPM, temperatue, and fuel) , RPM and fuel are working together , and fuel code is working alone , i just need some help to combine the all together, any help appreciated.
Unfortunately, merging VIs is difficult to impossible through automatic means. You will have to copy the code manually if you want it all in the same VI.
However, there are ways to view VIs in a subpanel. You would want to move to a more advanced architecture to really get the benefit. Here are a few links to help get you started. I hope this helps!
Programming Elements
Insert VI into SubPanel
Run VI
I am trying to pull data from a measurement device with an RS232 output. I am unable to use MSCOMM due to restrictions.
I have read multiple forums referencing the following two posts:
1. http://www.thescarms.com/vbasic/commio.aspx
2. http://dev.emcelettronica.com/serial-port-communication-in-excel-vba
The first link is a little over my head and I am getting errors during the try catch portion when receiving data.
The second link does not seem to work anymore.
Does anyone have a good recommendation?
Thank you.
The longstanding classic solution for such applications is TalTech's WinWedge I believe.
(We are not affiliated, rather the opposite. But I believe our own Docklight DLL would be oversized for this. Still, if you want, you can add an example RS232 data sequence from your device to this post here, and I can maybe put together a free example script for a MSExcel table import or at least a .csv file generator).
I want to run my Robot in 3 -axes(X,Y,Z) continuously with different values of
x, y, z. Suppose i want the machine to run 100 times. Each time the values of the x, y, z will be different and each time it will take the values from a table automatically so that while running the machine i don't need to change the values each time. How is it possible in Lab VIEW? I am using Lab VIEW 2011.
If you save your spreadsheet in CSV format, you can then read it into a LabVIEW array using Read from Spreadsheet File in the Programming > File I/O palette. You can then use the array functions in the Programming > Array palette to get the subarrays you need out of the first array. If you want to run the same code multiple times using different values from the spreadsheet then you will probably want to use a For or While loop.
If you carefully read the online help for these functions and try experimenting with them you should be able to work out how to do what you need. If you can't get it to work properly, post a screenshot or (better) VI snippet showing what you have tried and people will be able to offer more specific help.
LabVIEW doesn't have functions to read directly from Excel spreadsheet files, but there are third-party add-ons to do this if you want.
The best way for you would be to start learning LabVIEW little bit dipper before writing the code.
Anyway, you can use read from spreadsheet file.vi. Hope the links below will be helpful:
Well my problem stated when i had my vhdl code up and running on my Spartan-3a but needed to send and receive data from it to the pc,
I need my vhdl code , so i went for a microplaze structure , problem is I cant understand how will my vhdl code and microblaze co-exist at the same time because every time i program fpga with SDK it deletes my vhdl off the fpga and vise versa with ISE, I dont want to use custom peripherals except if this is the only solution.
Some people just tell me to just use microblaze hdl files produced by EDK, OK but theny aren't I using an unprogrrammed MicroBlaze???
And do i need to go through all of this just to be able to communicate with my vhdl code through pc(NO I CANT USE R232 since i need a speed of 56Mbit/sec)
So here is what i don't understand:
1-IF you implemented microblaze through hardware(HDL from edk to ISE) , isnt it then an un-proggrammed processor?
2-PEOPLE TELL ME i can let microblaze and my vhdl code see each other through GPIO , again how will i implement GPIO and how to connect it to both microblaze and my vhdl code , and how to program microblaze while it in hardware in this situation.
Please any help , its kinda a mess.
It is not that difficult, but unfortunately Xilinx documentation is not that clear.
What you need to do after you are done with your Microblaze code and you feel comfortable with it, is to create a new project in ISE or the one you already had, then add a new file to the project, but instead of adding a VHDL or Verilog file, you must add the system file from EDK.
After you added your XPS project into ISE, you need to do some manual work in order to make things work for you.
Here are a list of things that needs to be done:
You have to create a UCF file that includes all the constraints from EDK
You have to make sure that you have enough space inside your FPGA for both the EDK and
your own code
Synthesize and implement your design using the project in ISE.
Program your FPGA from the bit file generated by ISE
In order to communicate between the MB and your own code, you can do it in many different ways, the easiest way is to use the GPIO block from your MB, then connect those signals to your own code on your top level wrapper.
You maybe able to find some useful information on the lab document and lab material from the following Xilinx page:
enter linkXilinx EDK interface class description here
Accessing the GPIO is pretty simple, you can use the information on this page to get you started:
Reading DIP Switch with MicroBlaze
You may also find this document and related files very useful, it is not for your board, but it covers the exact same thing you are asking for:
Avnet MB tutorial document
I hope this is clear enough.
I have a question that pertains to scripting. For the sake of clarity I'll just start off with a bit of what I'm trying to do. We have a number of testing environments and projects going on in each environment that trying to keep track of what is where is becoming increasingly difficult.
In order to try and straighten this out I was going to create a script that would pull the comments/description (that is where our developers put the code branch,project name,and date of the build into. This is what we use for versioning) of the dll. Then I would dump this information into a simple table on an html page which would be pulled as a web part.
I was using VBS to perform this and I was able to successfully pull a version number and dump it into an HTML page. However, I have not been able to find any information on how to do this for the comments or description (using Server 2k3 and 2k8) fields.
So my question is if there is a way to pull this information using VBS, or would there be a better scripting language that would allow this to be done.
Thanks very much in advance.
I don't think exactly what you're asking for is possible, however this may be helpful:
I was trying out TestCocoon the other day, and everything seemed great. I compiled my code using cscl,cslib and cslink and I was expecting this to take care of all the instrumentation. I get some .csmes files and .exe.csmes files, but when I load them into the CoverageBrowser I cannot see anything relevant. No covered/uncovered lines. All the lines are grey.
Is anything else needed in order for TestCocoon to report coverage? Do I need to modify my source files? I also posted on their forums here, but no result:
I tried this tool with few projects using Visual Studio 2008, and I found:
- it can collect results from multiple runs, you can run your software at different machines and collect results together
- it has useful GUI for browsing results
- you can merge coverage from many modules and anlyse it as whole application
- forum works, I submited two problems and got implemented fixtures in few days
- it works almost without any problems (I found two minor compilation problems) with quite complicated sources, with tons of templates, boost::spirit parsers, other boost stuff (including meta-programming modules etc.), STL, Qt (everything together)
- well documented
- it's free
- instrumentation is definitely slow
- multi-process single project compilation using Visual Studio 2008 doesn't work, only one file at a time is compiled which makes building slower (you will get better performance building whole solution with many projects)
At this moment I didn't try to use this tool for continuous coverage measurement.
Either way, in my opinion it's worth to try.
BTW, Tony, PC-Lint is static-analysis tool, isn't it? interesting idea to compare it with dynamic-analysis tool...
TestCocoon (now at 1.6.7) works well with the small C code bases we tend to unit test. The performance impact seems about normal for other instrumentation methods we've used.
We are able to extract coverage information in our makefiles and the coverage browser is very useful.
Dont use testcocoon, I am currently using it, and its shoddy as hell. Pay for something better (it will cost alot). It is the ultimate death sentence, seriously, don't do it. Whatever you do, stay away from testcocoon at all costs. Worst move ever. You might as well sell your kids for drug money.