I'm using Vuetify in my project, and I want to use a variable file to override the styles generated by Vuetify.
I'm loading the components and their corresponding styles using the a-la-carte method, so I'm NOT importing the Vuetify SASS file using this:
#import '~vuetify/src/styles/styles.sass'
// Not using this method because I don't want to generate styles that are not being used by
// vuetify components I'm not using
Also, my project is using *.scss, not *.sass.
I'm also injecting a global SCSS file containing mixins and other variables in my vue.config.js:
css: {
sourceMap: productionSourceMap,
loaderOptions: {
scss: {
prependData: `#import '#/scss/_common.scss';`
I included a Vuetify variable, $border-radius-root, in that common.scss file, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Any idea how to do what I want without having to write entirely new CSS rules to override Vuetify's generated stylesheet? Basically I want to change the units that Vuetify uses using their own stylesheet generator.
Actually the solution is, and I'm dumb for not thinking of this before, to add another loader to vue.config.js:
css: {
sourceMap: productionSourceMap,
loaderOptions: {
scss: {
prependData: `#import '#/scss/_common.scss';`
sass: {
prependData: `#import '#/sass/_vuetify-variables.sass';`
Since vuetify is using sass as the css pre-processor, it needs sass-loader to handle the variable overrides and apply it to the framework.
If you are using Nuxt:
you can add customVariable path in your nuxt.config.js file, in vuetify object
Note you have to enable treeShake. This option is required for custom SASS variables to work
vuetify: {
// usually file should be in assets folder
customVariables: ['~/path/to/variables.scss'],
treeShake: true,
If you are using Vue CLI:
Create a folder with name: sass, scss, or styles
Create new file inside this folder and name it: variables.scss or variables.sass
vuetify-loader will automatically bootstrap your variables into Vue CLI’s compilation process, overwriting the framework defaults.
From Vuetify docs:
If you have not installed Vuetify, check out the quick-start guide. Once installed, create a folder called sass, scss or styles in your src directory with a file named variables.scss or variables.sass. The vuetify-loader will automatically bootstrap your variables into Vue CLI's compilation process, overwriting the framework defaults.
So, the vuetify-loader automatically loads #/scss/variables.scss in a Vue CLI project, so you could set $border-radius-root in that file, and it will overrride the framework default.
I have global sass being included in my project and i cant find an efficient way to add it to the project.
there seems to be 2 popular ways to add css in your project.
vite: {
plugins: [svgLoader()],
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: `
#import "~/assets/styles/main.scss";
using vite seems to work but it also seems to inject itself into every component i use, so when i generate my project, i can see my css is repeated multiple times, some files as much as 300 times. the issue is found here on vites side https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/4448
css: ["#/assets/styles/main.scss"],
the above option seems to not do it for every component, but normal scoped sass in .vue files doesnt pick up sass variables and mixins on compilation using this method
using additionalData adds it to every page. this item is only meant for mixns and vars, which dont translate into permanent css when built.
basically use only vars in mixins in additionalData then use your global.scss in in css
We have a pretty standard Vue CLI environment. It currently ingests a vue plugin we created via the install method. The plugin is also a Vue CLI environment and lives as a git submodule in the repo.
Currently the parent uses sass and sass-loader packages to transpile. It's configured in the vue.config.js settings, like so:
module.exports = {
// Other properties and settings removed to simplify
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
data: `
#import "#/styles/global.scss";
The global.scss just houses all our style includes.
The plugin is set up in a similar way, but none of the code is getting ingested into the parent. Which totally makes sense, as there is nothing importing/building the plugins style files. Anyone know how to import and transpile plugin sass style sheets? Thank you!
when importing a global scss file into my project via:
import into main.js, didn't let me use the variables i defined but classes and ids work.
import into App.vue, didn't load any styles at all. and i removed the scoped of course
import into vue.config.js as following
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: [
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
prependData: '#import "#/scss/_variables.scss";'
breaks my whole application and gives me tons of errors in cmd rel. to Vuetify.
can anybody tell me how i can import a global scss into a SPA made with latest Vue CLI and Vuetify?
You don't need to import the variables explicitly. According to the official documentation https://vuetifyjs.com/en/customization/sass-variables vue-cli-plugin-vuetify do this itself. To use global variables just follow these simple steps.
Add Vuetify using command vue add vuetify This will automatically add all the required dependency like vuetify-loader, vue-cli-plugin-vuetify, etc.
Make a variables.scss file in src/{scss, sass or styles} directory. As these are the default directories for global variables Example variable file.
Run the server, you are ready to go.
In general, this seems to work now:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
additionalData: '#import "~#/assets/scss/_variables.scss";'
I am working on a Vue.js project that heavily uses single file components. These components have scss styles associated with them.
In production mode the duplicate css that occurs from importing the same component multiple times is filtered out. But in development mode the same scss is imported multiple times.
This leads to slow downs with the chrome debugger when inspecting and modifying the css.
Does anone know a way to dedupe the css/scss attatched to single file components in developlment mode?
Here is my current vue config:
module.exports = {
lintOnSave: false,
configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
alias: require("./aliases.config").webpack
plugins: [
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
_: "lodash"
new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/locale$/, /moment$/)
Here's how we ended up solving it.
Import only pure SCSS in components (ie. mixins, variables, functions). If a file with CSS is imported in each component the sass loader will NOT dedupe the CSS in development mode.
In your vue config add the following to include you scss variables in every single file component:
module.exports = {
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
data: `
#import "#src/_variables.scss";
Import your global scss in your app entry (main.js or equivalent)
import "bootstrap";
import "#src/global.scss";
In your global.scss file you can import your variables file so that it can also access your scss variables.
Im my webpack config I add a path
"mixins": path.resolve(
Which means in all my single file components I use
<style lang='scss' scoped>
#import '~variables';
This works fine but what I am finding is this file is used in 95% of components so the import really is unnecessary. I want these vars available everywhere.
How can I globally add my SASS to my single file components without the need for the import in every file?
Well, Load your common CSS from Webpack and make it available globally for all the component. Webpack configurations are as below.
sass-loader also supports a data option which allows you to share common variables among all processed files without having to explicit import them
module.exports = {
css: {
loaderOptions: {
sass: {
data: `
#import "#/scss/_variables.scss";
#import "#/scss/_mixins.scss";
In here, specifing the sass loader under the loaderOptions option. Just like that, all the code in those files will be available in the global scope. So from any component we can use it out of the box:
And now you can able to access the variable in your Vue SFC without importing it.
<style lang="scss">
.classroom {
/* No need to import, it just works \o/ */
background: $bg-classroom;
Reference Official Docs here
Hope this helps!