How to set the origin of a cube to its apex in blender? - blender

For a cube with location (0, 0, 0) I wont it's apex to be at the origin of the coordinate system.
(apex = left bottom front point of the cube)
I tried Tools > Edit > Set Origin.
But it's not possible to achieve what I described.
So how to do this?

If it is blender 2.8+, then:
Press TAB, then select vertex you want to be an origin point.
SHIFT + S, then Cursor to Selected.
Again TAB, Right mouse click, then Origin to 3D Cursor
If not:
Press TAB, then select vertex you want to be an origin point.
SHIFT + S, then Cursor to Selected.
Again TAB, then SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+C, then Origin to 3D Cursor


Set Origin to Geometry moves objekt

I wanted to set the origin in the middle of the objekt so i used the function "set origin to geometry" I thought this function moved the Origin not the Objekt
Before Set Origin to Geometry
After Set Origin to Geometry
You are correct that the 'Set Origin to Geometry' function will move the origin point to the 'center' of the object.
Judging by your model, I would guess this would put the origin in the center of the ring.
Using 'Set Origin to Geometry' should not move your object - are you certain that you did not select 'Object to Cursor' or something similar?
Also - are you certain that the 'SimpleDeform' modifier that you have applied to the object is not causing the problem? Try selecting the little monitor icon on the modifier to disable it in the viewport.
You could also try this is an alternative to set the origin to the center of the object:
Select your object (Left click)
Enter Edit mode (Tab key)
Select all vertices (A key)
Press Shift-S, select 'Cursor to selected'
Enter Object mode (Tab key)
Right-click, select 'Set origin > Origin to cursor'

EaselJS way to change default pivot?

Pivot of stage is set to Left Top corner of canvas but I want Left Bottom corner.
So then up is +y and right is +x
Is this possible?
It is not advisable to transform the stage -- there are some issues with how mouse coordinates are transformed.
Put your contents in a Container instead
Set the coordinates of the container to the stage width/height
Move your contents into negative x/y
If you absolutely must transform your stage, you can set the regX and regY to the stage width/height. It will move the contents, so you will have to counter-position the contents so they display properly.
Hope that helps!

autohotkey not working for CarbonPoker application

I've tested my script on other windows, such as the Calculator (so it's not simply a problem with my script), but when I'm running the CarbonPoker application, the table window won't move. I can activate the window, and I can get the title and display it with MsgBox, but I can't get it to move.
I've tried
and I've tried
WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinMove,ahk_id %Title%,, %xval%,%yval%,%width%,%height%
and I've tried
WinMove,%Title%,, %xval%,%yval%,%width%,%height%
Are there some applications which can't have their windows moved? Or is there a way to still do it for such applications? Thanks.
Code Updated. Now you can move window if it is overlapped by other window. Also added variable for WinTitle.
You can also try to move window other way:
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen ;sets coordinate mode relative to screen.
DestX:=200 ; the x coordinate of the point where you want to see left upper point of window.
DestY:=10 ; the y coordinate of the point where you want to see left upper point of window.
WinTitleVar:="Notepad" ; The part of WinTitle of window that we need to move.
;Here are shift variables. What they meen? You cant just drug by left upper corner of window. You need to shift slightly right and down to be able to drag window. That variables are giving that shift to your coordinates.
ShiftX:= 30 ; shift for x coordinate.
ShiftY:= 10 ; shift for y coordinate.
DestX:= DestX + ShiftX ; apply shift to DestX .
DestY:= DestY + ShiftY ; apply shift to DestY .
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Whith that command a window's title can contain WinTitle anywhere inside it to be a match. It is for WinGetPos command. You can remove this command, but then you need to use exact title in WinGetPos command.
WinGetPos, InitX, InitY,,, %WinTitleVar% ; get current upper left position of notepad window.
InitX:= InitX + ShiftX ; apply shift to InitX .
InitY:= InitY + ShiftY ; apply shift to InitY .
WinActivate, %WinTitleVar% ; Activates Window. This command is here in cases if other window overlaps the window that we need to move.
Click, Left, Down, %InitX%, %InitY% ; Click the left button but dont release it at the shifted coordinates of current window location.
MouseMove, %DestX%, %DestY% ; Move mouse to the shifted destination coordinates.
Click, Left, Up ; Release Left mouse button.
I commented code as much as possible but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
First, if your other application is being run as administrator, then your script also needs to be run with the same administrator permissions. I would check this first.
Next, you can try using the hwnd instead of the title:
; hover mouse over the window, and press f3 to move window
MouseGetPos,,, hwnd
WinMove, ahk_id %hwnd%,, 0, 0

blender 2.60: precision modelling: how to see effect of grid subdivisions?

I am using blender 2.60. In the 3D view I press B to bring up
the Properties window (View -> Properties) and look at the
Display section, where under Grid Floor I find the
"Subdivisions" option. When I change this value
nothing happen (the subdivisions are not visible).
When I try to move an object (in Object mode right
click a cube for example and press G, then click
CTRL + SHIFT, it still moves the cube in increments
of 0.10 if the "Scale" is set to 1.000.
My question is, how do I see the effect of setting
the subdivisions option under 3D Window -> View ->
Properties -> Display -> Subdivisions in blender 2.60?
John Goche

Dynamically set maximum scale of horizontal pointer slide in labview?

I want to make a primitive movie player in Labview. I want the user to be able to load in a movie and have a slider to select frames. As such, I want the range of the slider to go from zero to N where N is the number of frames in the movie.
How do I set the scale of the slider programmatically?
I don't see any inputs to the slider, only one output.
Here is an example of a "Horizontal Pointer Slide" bar taken from the NI Website. The slide bar is in the upper right hand corner of the image.
Right click on the slider:
Create -> Property Node-> Data Entry Limits -> Maximum
Create -> Property Node-> Scale -> Range -> Maximum
This creates property nodes you can wire up to set the maximum limit of the slider.