Reposition widgets at runtime using drag and drop - gtkmm

Is it possible to move widgets around in its container such as Gtk::Box or Gtk::Grid using drag and drop? I believe Gtk::List allows reordering of rows by click-drag-drop. However I could not find any documentation related to the implementation. The concept of drag and drop appears to be for exchanging data between widgets rather than modifying layout. Is this even supported natively?
I am using gtkmm-3.0.


Create new custom QtQuick view to use with model

I created a custom view to arrange photos in a seamless grid, like Google Photos does (see below). My view is based on QAbstractItemView (Qt Widgets based). I would like to port this to QtQuick, in order to take advantage of hardware acceleration, animations, and touch.
QtQuick has some views inheriting from Flickable that it you can use with models, like ListView and GridView. Is there a way to create my own custom view? Things I thought about:
Create a proxy model that knows the width of the view, and lays out the images in rows. Then just use a Flickable with Repeaters to read from that model, and lay out the images. Downsides: Adding thousands of photos like this, without dynamically loading and recycling, is going to take too many resources.
Similar, but use a ListView on each "row" I put together above. Use the recycling capability of the ListView to not load too many rows. I would have to disable the selection function and roll my own on top. Could work, but seems very hacky.
Go to the source of the ListView, and implement something similar: . QQuickListView inherits from (internal) QQuickItemView which does a lot of heavy lifting, and probably some things I don't need. This seems like the most correct way, but is a huge amount of work.
What's my best option here?

How to display multiple keys or 'chords' for a MenuItem on Cocoa

I am trying to display multiple key combinations to a MenuItem in cocoa. This is most commonly known as "chords".
For example I want to add a menu item that looks like:
"Action1 Control K, F" or "MenuItem2 K,L"
Would this be possible in Objective-C through the standard API? I've looked around and the closest thing to this on MacOS would be using custom views. Would it be the way to go for allowing this functionality?
The standard API does not support handling chords, thus it does not allow setting chords as key equivalent and thus it also cannot display a chord as a key equivalent.
If you need that functionality, you need to implement entirely yourself. Just make your own NSView object and assign it to the view property of NSMenuItem. As documented, you will then have to draw everything yourself:
A menu item with a view does not draw its title, state, font, or other
standard drawing attributes, and assigns drawing responsibility entirely
to the view. Keyboard equivalents and type-select continue to use the key
equivalent and title as normal.
Whether this is a normal NSView filled with subviews, created either programmatically or even loaded from a NIB file, or whether this is a subclass of NSView drawing everything itself is up to you, all these variations will actually work. Usually it's easiest to use a NIB file and build you menu look in interface builder and using autolayout.
Yet keep in mind that this breaks Apple Human Interface guidelines. It violates the users expectation as all his other apps don't offer anything comparable since in macOS a menu item has one key equivalent or it has none. It also breaks the ability of users to customize the key equivalent the way he is used to do this for all other applications (System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts).
Generally you should not replace system standard UI with your own UI unless you really have a very good reason for doing so, as that always breaks users expectations, certain system functionality won't work as expected (e.g. accessibility features) and it destroys the uniform look and feel of the system. Also it breaks system automatic, as you can see in macOS 10.14 (Mojave) where all system standard UI automatically supports dark mode, so if you used only standard UI, your app supports dark mode without any modification, yet all custom UI needs to be customized again for dark mode.
Yes, you'll need to use a custom view. NSMenuItem only displays the first character of its keyEquivalent.

How to create a swanky SurfaceSlider

I am new to surface programming and stumbled upon this Image which I understand is a slider control on a tag visualization (in this case a card). This slider is
curved as opposed to conventional straight track
has a bigger thumb which displays the current position (thus eliminating the need of a separate label)
has a glowing feel (I understand this is due to overlapping controls with different blur radius)
Can anyone help with how to make such control.
This is a custom-built control rather than a standard SurfaceSlider. It's not build using TagVisualizer either but that's only because the app that this picture shows was built ~2 years prior to TagVisualizer existing.
Now you should certainly use TagVisualizer to streamline an implementation of this but you'll still have to create a custom slider control - SurfaceSlider will not be a good fit because it assumes that the user is moving their finger linearly.
Within your custom arching slider control, you can use SurfaceThumb (which SurfaceSlider itself uses) to get the big glowing thumb... then just needs to listen to the Delta events on the thumb and move it along the constrained path as appropriate.

Valueurl Binding On Large Arrays Causes Sluggish User Interface

I have a large data set (some 3500 objects) that returns from a remote server via HTTP. Currently the data is being presented in an NSCollectionView. One aspect of the data is a path pack to the server for a small image that represents the data (think thumbnail for simplicity).
Bindings works fantastically for the data that is already returned, and binding the image via a valueurl binding is easy to do. However, the user interface is very sluggish when scrolling through the data set - which makes me think that the NSCollectionView is retrieving all the image data instead of just the image data used to display the currently viewable images.
I was under the impression that Cocoa controls were smart enough to only retrieve data for the information that is actually being output to the user interface through lazy loading. This certainly seems to be the case with NSTableView - but I could be misguided on this thought.
Should valueurl binding act lazily and, moreover, should it act lazily in an NSCollectionView?
I could create a caching mechanism (in fact I already have such a thing in place for another application - see my post here if you are interested Populating NSImage with data from an asynchronous NSURLConnection) but I really don't want to go this route if I don't have to for this specific implementation as the user could potentially change data sets often and may only want small sub-sets of the data.
Any suggested approaches?
After some more testing it seems that the problem arises because a scroll action through the data set causes each image to be requested from the server. Once all the images have been passed over in the data set the response is very fast.
So question... is there any way of turning off the valueurl fetch while scrolling and turning it back on when scrolling has finished?
My solution is to use a custom caching mechanism like the one I already use for another application. The problem manifests itself because as you scroll past images that have not yet been downloaded, the control triggers itself to go and fetch the as yet non-downloaded files.
Once downloaded the images are available locally and therefore scrolling speed normalizes. The solution is to check to see if the image is available locally and present an alternate app-bundle graphic while the image is being downloaded in the background. Once the image has been downloaded, update the model with the image replacing the stub image that came from the bundle.
This leaves the UI in a very responsive state throughout, leaves the user with the ability to interact and allows for a custom background management of the images.
Of course it would have been nice if Cocoa id all this for me, but then what would I be left to do? :-)

Cocoa: How to morph a drag image while dragging

In Interface (and some other cocoa apps), image dragging has a very nice/sexy effect of morphing the drag image while you drag a draggable item out of its window.
For example in Interface
Show the Library Palette (⇧⌘L, or Tools Menu -> Library)
Drag an item out of the Library palette
NOTE: as you drag the item out of the Library Palette window, it morphs from an image of the original list item to an image of the icon of the dragged item.
I have fully implemented drag and drop in my Application using the normal Cocoa NSDragSource/NSDragDestination facilities.
However, I can't find a hook for doing this image morph while dragging. I'm returning the initial drag image by overriding
-[NSView dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:]
But this is only called at the beginning of the drag.
How do you signal that you would like to replace the current drag image (ideally using the sexy morph effect).
You guys beat me to it. :-)
Yes, JLNDragEffectManager is open source (with attribution in your apps, please) and available on my blog. It should work fine as-is with no modification back to 10.5, but I'm not sure back any further. Others linked to it (and it's easily googleable), so to avoid self-congratulatory blog linking, I'll leave it at that.
Issues: One developer commented on (and submitted code to fix) the lack of dragging offset support. I've just not gotten around to posting the update. That's the only outstanding issue I'm aware of.
Improvements: I'd like to add multiple "zones" (say, one per document, so dragging from doc to doc keeps table rows looking like table rows, but anywhere outside doc windows turns them into a file icon a la HFS Promise Drag). Some day ...
Design: The post itself details the reasoning behind the design and the relatively simple morphing effect (cross-fade plus size are animated using basic NSAnimation, etc.). The code (the class as well as the demo app) is thoroughly blocked out and commented.
Won't link to my own post but would love the karma of upvotes for my effort. ;-)
UPDATE: Similar (but better-integrated) functionality is available as of 10.7. If you are targeting 10.7 or higher, it's best to use the new API. JLNDragEffectManager works fine on 10.7, so it can be used for earlier-targeted versions.
JNLDragEffectManager does exactly that. :)
The API does not support this well. Joshua Nozzi gives a method that looks reasonable in this weblog post.
IB's effect isn't that fancy. It's a crossfade and scale. Hold down shift to see it more clearly.
As of 10.7+ the current approach is to use the
API on NSDraggingInfo. The documentation is really poor but the ADC samples like MultiPhotoFrame or TableViewPlayground can give a good idea on how to use the new mechanism.