IN with Varchar is not working sql server - sql

Below code is throwing error
declare #test varchar(100)='20,201,202,288'
SELECT * from Business where Businessid in (#test)
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '20,201,202,288' to data type int.
how can i make it working, i'm not getting, might be my mind is not able think any more..

You can use string_split():
select *
from Business
where Businessid in (select value from string_split(#test, ','));
You are confusing a string with a list of values in an in list. They are not the same thing.

We can use string_split in SQL Server 2016 and later versions only so I choose dynamic query for any version with more flexibility
DECLARE #test VARCHAR(100) = '20,201,202,288', #sql VARCHAR(250)
SET #sql = '
FROM Business
WHERE Businessid IN (' + #test + ')'


Convert int in string to integers in T-SQL

I need to convert string to integers, but I'm getting a type error.
declare #stringinteger nvarchar(255) null;
set #stringinteger='1,2,3,4'
select *
from user
where id in (#stringinteger)
The error I get:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1,2,3,4' to data type int
You have two methods to handle this, dynamic SQL and splitting the string.
For the latter, you can use string_split() (introduced in SQL Server 2016) or a similar function (they are all over the web, google "string split sql server"):
select *
from user
where id in (select cast(value as int) from string_split(#stringinteger, ',')) ;
The dynamic SQL looks like:
declare #stringinteger nvarchar(255) null;
set #stringinteger = '1,2,3,4';
declare #sql nvarchar(max);
set 'select *
from user
where id in (#stringinteger)';
set #sql = replace(#sql, '#stringinteger', #stringinteger);
exec sp_executesql #sql;
Note that in SQL Server, you should always provide a length for character types. If you leave it out, then the default varies by context -- and your code may not do what you expect.

sql how to write this as a script

I have the following sql query
Select * from Name
where surname in ('test1', 'test2')
which works
But I wanted to do the following
DECLARE #Surname as VARCHAR(100)
set #Surname = 'test1' + ',' + 'test2'
Select * from Name
where surname in #Surname
this is the actual query used
set #COESNo = '121108883' + ',' + '121108890'
declare #sql varchar(max)
set #sql = 'select [LEI_ACCEPT] , [PREFERED_LEI] , [INSPECTION_COMPANY], [INSP_ACCEPT] from [CERTIFICATE_DETAILS] where [Certificate_no] in ('
set #sql = #sql + #COESNo + ')'
exec #sql
get the error
The name 'select [LEI_ACCEPT] , [PREFERED_LEI] , [INSPECTION_COMPANY], [INSP_ACCEPT] from [CERTIFICATE_DETAILS] where [Certificate_no] in (121108883,121108890)' is not a valid identifier.
doesn't seem to work
any ideas
There are two popular solutions.
First one is to build string with query and use sp_executesql to run it.
Second one is to write (or find) function (something like SplitText2Table()) which converts comma separated string to table and write query which use this function -- something like:
select *
from name
where surname in (select item from SplitText2Table(#surnames))
This is not a solution for the exact problem in the question. But maybe (?) you could instead use this workaround:
declare #SurName1 nvarchar(20)
declare #SurName2 nvarchar(20)
set #SurName1='test1'
set #SurName2='test2'
select * from [Name] where [surname] in (#SurName1, #SurName2)
you will need to create your statement and execute - like
declare #sql varchar(max)
set #sql = 'Select * from [Name] where surname in ('
set #sql = #sql + #surname + ')'
After creating the statement just say
exec #sql
You can also check the formed query is correct or not using print
print #sql
Please use print before execution of the command (this will help you in correcting the query is there is any error.).
As per the comment - Since Name is a keyword for SQL - we will need to use square bracket against it. I have modified the statement in my answer.
Edit 2: Based on further comments -
Firstly I would like to know the datatype of Certificate_no column in your database.
If it is a varchar field you will need to have single quotes around each value.
You will need to create -
set #COESNo = '''121108883''' + ',' + '''121108890'''
Since Certificate number is varchar the string build will need a single quote in formed query which will appear with three single quotes.
I have created Working DEMO for you on SQL FIDDLE - CLICK HERE

Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value ... to data type int

I created the procedure listed below:
CREATE procedure getdata
#ID int,
#frm varchar(250),
#to varchar(250)
DECLARE #SQL nvarchar(500)
set #SQL = 'select'
set #SQL = #SQL + ' EmpName, Address, Salary from Emp_Tb where 1=1 '
IF (#ID <> '' and #ID is not null)
SET #sql=#sql+' AND Emp_Id_Pk=' +#ID
print #sql
--execute (#sql)
I try to execute it using:
**execute getdata 3,'','';**
But I'm getting the following error:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'select EmpName,
Address, Salary from Emp_Tb where 1=1 AND Emp_Id_Pk=' to data type int
Please help.
You are trying to concatenate a string and an integer.
You need to cast #ID as a string.
SET #sql=#sql+' AND Emp_Id_Pk=' + CAST(#ID AS NVARCHAR(10))
Try Using
This is similar to cast but is less expensive(in terms of time consumed)
I was using a KEY word for one of my columns and I solved it with brackets []
I use the latest version of SSMS or sql server management studio. I have a SQL script (in query editor) which has about 100 lines of code. This is error I got in the query:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'abcd' to data type int.
Solution - I had seen this kind of error before when I forgot to enclose a number (in varchar column) in single quotes.
As an aside, the error message is misleading. The actual error on line number 70 in the query editor and not line 2 as the error says!
don't use string concatenation to produce sql, you can use sp_executesql system stored prcedure to execute sql statement with parameters
create procedure getdata #ID int, #frm varchar(250), #to varchar(250) as
declare #sql nvarchar(max), #paramDefs nvarchar(max);
set nocount on;
set #sql = N'select EmpName, Address, Salary from Emp_Tb where #id is null or Emp_Id_Pk = #id';
set #paramDefs = N'#id int';
execute sp_executesql #sql, #paramDefs, #id = #ID;
see sp_executesql
I got this error when I used a where clause which looked at a nvarchar field but didn't use single quotes.
My invalid SQL query looked like this:
SELECT * FROM RandomTable WHERE Id IN (SELECT Id FROM RandomTable WHERE [Number] = 13028533)
This didn't work since the Number column had the data type nvarchar. It wasn't an int as I first thought.
I changed it to:
SELECT * FROM RandomTable WHERE Id IN (SELECT Id FROM RandomTable WHERE [Number] = '13028533')
And it worked.
You got this Error because you tried to convert column DataType from String to int which is
leagal if and only if
you dont have row in that table with string content inside that column
so just make sure your previously inserted Rows is compatible with the new changes
I have faced to the same problem, i deleted the constraint for the column in question and it worked for me. You can check the folder Constraints.
Capture :
You must use CONCAT and not the +
SET #sql = CONCAT(#sql,' AND Emp_Id_Pk=' ,#ID )

TSQL Statement IN

I am having a small problem with the IN SQL statement. I was just wondering if anyone could help me?
#Ids = "1,2,3,4,5"
This is coming back with the error below, I am sure this is pretty simple!
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1,' to data type int.
The SQL IN clause does not accept a single variable to represent a list of values -- no database does, without using dynamic SQL. Otherwise, you could use a Table Valued Function (SQL Server 2000+) to pull the values out of the list & return them as a table that you can join against.
Dynamic SQL example:
WHERE NavigationID IN ('+ #Ids +')')
I recommend reading The curse and blessings of dynamic SQL before using dynamic SQL on SQL Server.
First create a function like this
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[ftDelimitedAsTable](#dlm char, #string varchar(8000))
declare #dlm char, #string varchar(1000)
set #dlm=','; set #string='t1,t2,t3';
-- 19TH Apr 06
#table_var TABLE
(id int identity(1,1),
r varchar(1000)
declare #n int,#i int
set #n=dbo.fnCountChars(#dlm,#string)+1
SET #I =1
while #I <= #N
insert #table_var
select dbo.fsDelimitedString(#dlm,#string,#i)
set #I= #I+1
if #n =1 insert #TABLE_VAR VALUES(#STRING)
delete from #table_var where r=''
And then
set quoted_identifier off
declare #ids varchar(max)
select #Ids = "1,2,3,4,5"
declare #nav table ( navigationid int identity(1,1),theother bigint)
insert #nav(theother) select 10 union select 11 union select 15
SELECT * FROM #Nav WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,NavigationID) IN (select id from dbo.ftDelimitedAsTable(',',#Ids))
select * from dbo.ftDelimitedAsTable(',',#Ids)
What you're doing is not possible with the SQL IN statement. You cannot pass a string to it and expect that string to be parsed. IN is for specific, hard-coded values.
There are two ways to do what you want to do here.
One is to create a 'dynamic sql' query and execute it, after substituting in your IN list.
DECLARE #query varchar(max);
SET #query = 'SELECT * FROM Nav WHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR,NavigationID) IN (' + #Ids + ')'
exec (#query)
This can have performance impacts and other complications. Generally I'd try to avoid it.
The other method is to use a User Defined Function (UDF) to split the string into its component parts and then query against that.
There's a post detailing how to create that function here
Once the function exists, it's trivial to join onto it
CROSS APPLY dbo.StringSplit(#Ids) a
WHERE a.s = CONVERT(varchar, Nav.NavigationId)
NB- the 'a.s' field reference is based on the linked function, which stores the split value in a column named 's'. This may differ based on the implementation of your string split function
This is nice because it uses a set based approach to the query rather than an IN subquery, but a CROSS JOIN may be a little complex for the moment, so if you want to maintain the IN syntax then the following should work:
WHERE Nav.NavigationId IN
(SELECT CONVERT(int, a.s) AS Value
FROM dbo.StringSplit(#Ids) a

Dynamic SQL Comma-Delimited Value Query

[Update: Using SQL Server 2005]
Hi, what I want to do is query my stored procedure with a comma-delimited list of values (ids) to retrieve rows of data.
The problem I am receiving is a conversion error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ' +
#PassedInIDs + ' to data type int.
The statement in my where-clause and error is:
AND (database.ID IN (' + #PassedInIDs + '))
Note: database.ID is of int type.
I was following the article at:
but did not complete because of the error.
In my execution script I have:
#PassedInIDs= '1,5'
Am I doing something wrong here?
Thank you for your help.
I would strongly suggest that you use the second method from that link. Create a user-defined function that turns your comma-delimited string into a table, which you can then select from easily.
If you do a Google on Erland and "Dynamic SQL" he has a good writeup of the pitfalls that it entails.
For one, you are passing a string to the IN function in SQL. If you look back at the original article, you'll see that instead of issuing a direct SQL statement, it instead is building a string which is the SQL statement to execute.
There is no string evaluation in SQL. This:
database.ID IN (' + #PassedInIDs + ')
will not be turned to:
database.ID IN (1,2,3)
just because the #PassedInIDs parameter happens to contain '1,2,3'. The parameter is not even looked at, because all you have is a string containing " + #PassedInIDs + ". Syntactically, this is equivalent to:
database.ID IN ('Bob')
To make it short, you can't do what you attempt here in SQL. But there are four other possibilities:
you construct the SQL string in the calling language and abandon the stored procedure altogether
you use a dynamic prepared statement with as many parameters in the IN clause as you pan to use
you use a fixed prepared statement with, say, 10 parameters: IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), filling only as many as you need, setting the others to NULL
you create a stored procedure with, say, 10 parameters and pass in as many as you need, setting the others to NULL: IN (#p1, #p2, ..., #p10).
I would create a CLR table-valued function:
In it, you would parse the string apart and perform a conversion to a set of rows. You can then join on the results of that table, or use IN to see if an id is in the list.
You need to treat ufn_CSVToTable like it's a table. So you can join the function:
JOIN ufn_CSVToTable(#PassedInIDs) uf ON database.ID = uf.[String]
I suggest using XML for this in SQL 2005. Somewhat bulkier, but it can be easier. It allows you to select the XML into a table which can then be joined or inserted etc.
Look at Sql Server's OPENXML() if you haven't already.
For example, you could pass in something like:
and then use:
exec sp_xml_preparedocument #doc OUTPUT, #xmlParam
SELECT element
FROM OPENXML (#doc, 'Array/Value', 2) WITH (element varchar(max) 'text()')
That should be a start
this may be solved by 6 ways as mentioned in Narayana's article Passing a list/array to an SQL Server stored procedure
And my most strait forward implementation is
declare #statement nvarchar(256)
set #statement = 'select * from Persons where in ('+ #PassedInIDs +')'
exec sp_executesql #statement
Here is what I have found and tested:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitStrings] ( #IDsList VARCHAR(MAX) )
SET #IDsList = LTRIM(RTRIM(#IDsList)) + ','
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX(',', #IDsList, 1)
IF REPLACE(#IDsList, ',', '') <> ''
WHILE #Pos > 0
SET #ID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(#IDsList, #Pos - 1)))
IF #ID <> ''
( [ID] )
SET #IDsList = RIGHT(#IDsList, LEN(#IDsList) - #Pos)
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX(',', #IDsList, 1)
Here is how function Call:
SELECT * FROM dbo.SplitStrings('123,548,198,547,965')
Try this:
DECLARE #Ids varchar(50);
SET #Ids = '1,2,3,5,4,6,7,98,234';
FROM sometable
WHERE ','+#Ids+',' LIKE '%,'+CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),tableid)+',%';