How to generate an invoice from a custom module in Odoo13? - odoo

I am developing a custom module.
I tried to add it through an object button with the following code but doesn't seem to work
def create_invoice(self):
rslt = self.env['account.invoice'].create({
'name': 'customer invoice',
'type': 'out_invoice',
'date_invoice': 'create_date'
return rslt
How can I add a button that generates an invoice?

From Odoo13 there is a change in invoice object, It is now account.move instead of account.invoice.You can take this reference demo example.
invoice = self.env['account.move'].create({
'type': 'out_invoice',
'invoice_date': date_invoice,
'date': date_invoice,
'invoice_line_ids': [(0, 0, {
'quantity': 40.0,
'name': 'product test 1',
'discount': 10.00,
'price_unit': 2.27,


Google Analytics data api dictionary to pandas data frame

I exported google analytics data in below dictionary format with 3 Dimensions and 2 metrics. How can I change this format to pandas data frame. I don't need the columns rowCount,minimums,maximums,nextPageToken. Thank you
{'reports': [{'columnHeader': {'dimensions': ['ga:date', 'ga:eventCategory',
'ga:eventAction'], 'metricHeader': {'metricHeaderEntries': [{'name': 'ga:totalEvents', 'type':
, {'name': 'ga:UniqueEvents', 'type': 'INTEGER'}, {'name': 'ga:eventvalue', 'type':
{'rows': [{'dimensions': ['20220820', 'accordion ', 'accordion'], 'metrics':
[{'values': ['547', '528', '0']}]},
{'dimensions': ['20220817', 'accordion click', 'benefits'], 'metrics': [{'values': ['26',
'26', '0']}]},
{'dimensions': ['20220818', 'accordion click', 'for-your-dog '], 'metrics': [{'values': ['1',
'1', '0']}]},
{'dimensions': ['20220819', 'account', 'register'], 'metrics': [{'values': ['1465', '1345',
{'dimensions': ['20220820', 'account', 'reminders'], 'metrics': [{'values': ['59', '54',
, 'rowCount': 17, 'minimums': [{'values': ['1', '1', '0']}], 'maximums': [{'values':
['40676', '37725', '5001337']}]}, 'nextPageToken': '1000'}]}
final dataframe format below

How to use Format for Julia DashTables

I am trying to format numbers in a Julia Dash DataTable so that they are comma separated. However, I cannot get it to work.
(name = id_name, id = id_name, format = (locale = (grouping = [3])))
I have an example below in python where they use this. Could someone show me a working example?
app.layout = html.Div([
'id': 'city',
'name': 'City',
'type': 'text'
}, {
'id': 'max',
'name': u'Max Temperature (˚F)',
'type': 'numeric',
'format': Format(
# equivalent manual configuration
# 'format': {
# 'locale': {
# 'symbol': ['', '˚F']
# },
# 'specifier': '$.0f'
# }
}, {
'id': 'max_date',
'name': 'Max Temperature (Date)',
'type': 'datetime'
}, {
'id': 'min',
'name': u'Min Temperature (˚F)',
'type': 'numeric',
'format': Format(
# equivalent manual configuration
# 'format': {
# 'locale': {
# 'symbol': ['', '˚F']
# },
# 'nully': 'N/A'
# 'specifier': '($.0f'
# }
'on_change': {
'action': 'coerce',
'failure': 'default'
'validation': {
'default': None
}, {
'id': 'min_date',
'name': 'Min Temperature (Date)',
'type': 'datetime',
'on_change': {
'action': 'none'

fetch the data from array of objects sql BigQuery

I need to fetch key value pairs from the second object in array. Also, need to create new columns with the fetched data. I am only interested in the second object, some arrays have 3 objects, some have 4 etc. The data looks like this:
[{'adUnitCode': ca-pub, 'id': 35, 'name': ca-pub}, {'adUnitCode': hmies, 'id': 49, 'name': HMIES}, {'adUnitCode': moda, 'id': 50, 'name': moda}, {'adUnitCode': nova, 'id': 55, 'name': nova}, {'adUnitCode': listicle, 'id': 11, 'name': listicle}]
[{'adUnitCode': ca-pub, 'id': 35, 'name': ca-pub-73}, {'adUnitCode': hmiuk-jam, 'id': 23, 'name': HM}, {'adUnitCode': recipes, 'id': 26, 'name': recipes}]
[{'adUnitCode': ca-pub, 'id': 35, 'name': ca-pub-733450927}, {'adUnitCode': digital, 'id': 48, 'name': Digital}, {'adUnitCode': movies, 'id': 50, 'name': movies}, {'adUnitCode': cannes-film-festival, 'id': 57, 'name': cannes-film-festival}, {'adUnitCode': article, 'id': 57, 'name': article}]
The desired output:
adUnitCode id name
hmies 49 HMIES
hmiuk-jam 23 HM
digital 48 Digital
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
json_extract_scalar(second_object, "$.adUnitCode") as adUnitCode,
json_extract_scalar(second_object, "$.id") as id,
json_extract_scalar(second_object, "$.name") as name
from `project.dataset.table`, unnest(
[json_extract_array(regexp_replace(mapping, r"(: )([\w-]+)(,|})", "\\1'\\2'\\3"))[safe_offset(1)]]
) as second_object
if applied to sample data from your question - output is
as you can see, the "trick" here is to use proper regexp in regexp_replace function. I've included now any alphabetical chars and - . you can include more as you see needed
As an alternative yo can try regexp_replace(mapping, r"(: )([^,}]+)", "\\1'\\2'") as in below example - so you will cover potentially more cases without changes in code
json_extract_scalar(second_object, "$.adUnitCode") as adUnitCode,
json_extract_scalar(second_object, "$.id") as id,
json_extract_scalar(second_object, "$.name") as name
from `project.dataset.table`, unnest(
[json_extract_array(regexp_replace(mapping, r"(: )([^,}]+)", "\\1'\\2'"))[safe_offset(1)]]
) as second_object

Pandas extract value from a key-value pair

I have a Datafrmae with output as shown below, I am trying to extract specific text
101,*sample value as shown below*
I am trying to extract the value corresponding to key in this text
Expected output
id, key, id_new
101,Ticket-123, 1001
Given below is how the data looks like:
'fields': {
'status': {
'statusCategory': {
'colorName': 'yellow',
'name': 'In Progress',
'key': 'indeterminate',
'id': 4
'description': '',
'id': '11000',
'name': 'In Progress'
'summary': 'Sample Text'
'key': 'Ticket-123',
'id': '1001'
Use Series.str.get:
df['key'] = df['value'].str.get('key')
df['id_new'] = df['value'].str.get('id')
print (df)
id value key id_new
0 101 {'fields': {'status': {'statusCategory': {'col... Ticket-123 1001
Tested Dataframe:
v = {
'fields': {
'status': {
'statusCategory': {
'colorName': 'yellow',
'name': 'In Progress',
'key': 'indeterminate',
'id': 4
'description': '',
'id': '11000',
'name': 'In Progress'
'summary': 'Sample Text'
'key': 'Ticket-123',
'id': '1001'
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':101, 'value':[v]})

display one2many values of a model in a wizard

I have a class salesin which has a one2many field emidetails . Here i defined abutton that directs to a wizard saleswizard . What i need to acheive is when i click the button , the wizard that opens should contain the emidetails one2many field of salesin class .. How to
class Salesin(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
amount = fields.Integer(string="Total Amount")
product = fields.Char(string="Product")
paymenttype = fields.Selection([('Full Payment', 'Full Payment'), ('EMI', 'EMI'), ],
string=" Payment Type : ", default='Full Payment')
emidetails = fields.One2many(comodel_name="emidetails",inverse_name="saleorder",string="Emi Details",onchange="restrict")
def cnfirm(self):
result = {
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'confirmbox',
'name': 'Confirm the Quantities Currently Have',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
return result
class emidetails(models.Model):
_name = "emidetails"
saleorder = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="sale.order' ,string="SO")
installment = fields.Selection([('Level 1', '1st Installment'), ('Level 2', '2nd
Installment'), ('Level 3', '3rd Installment'), ],
string=" Installment : ",)
amount = fields.Char(string="Amount:",onchange="calculate_med")
date = fields.Date(string="Due Date")
cust = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="sale.order")
status = fields.Selection([('Pending', 'Pending'), ('Paid', 'Paid'), ],
string=" Status : ",)
class saleswizard(models.TransientMOdel) :
_name = saleswiz
emidetails = fields.One2many
Use a Many2many field:
emidetails = fields.Many2many("emidetails", string="EmiDetails")
And passe default values in context:
def cnfirm(self):
emidetails = [(4,, 0) for emit in self.emidetails]
result = {
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'saleswiz',
'name': 'Confirm the Quantities Currently Have',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',
'context': {'default_emidetails': emidetails}
return result