react native passing data to other screen - react-native

I am new to react native .what I want is that in my app there is many images in each menu .when I click on the image I want to view the image in the screen size .the thing is when I click on every image I want it to Direct to a single page and call the image from there is it possible to pass image variable from different pages to a single page..the so far did image view single page render is like below:,when the image component is did so it only views the first image not the other .what is the solution?
render() {
this.state.incident = this.props.navigation.getParam('incidents','hi!!');
this.state.tenantattachedagreement = this.props.navigation.getParam('tenantattach','hi!!!')
// this.state.residents = this.props.navigation.getParam('residents','');
// this.state.tenantattachedagreement = this.props.navigation.getParam('attachedagreement','');
// console.log("attached agreement",this.state.tenantattachedagreement);
// incidents = this.props.navigation.getParam('incidents,'');
// console.log("hello",attached);
// console.log("l&f pic",this.state.lostfound);
// console.log("residents",this.state.residents);
return (
<View style={{flex:1}}>
barStyle = "light-content"
hidden = {false}
backgroundColor = "#32ACFD"
translucent = {false}
networkActivityIndicatorVisible = {true}
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',height:50,width:'100%',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center',backgroundColor:'#32ACFD',elevation:5,borderBottomWidth:1,borderColor:'#5b9bd5'}}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{this.props.navigation.goBack()}} style={{height:'100%',width:'12%',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
<Icon name="angle-left" style={{fontSize:25,color:'white'}}/>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{this.props.navigation.navigate('DashBoard')}} style={{width:'33%',height:'100%',justifyContent:'center'}}>
<Text style={{color:'white',fontSize:18,textShadowColor: 'grey',paddingLeft:'5%',fontWeight:'500',fontStyle:'normal',textShadowRadius:5,textShadowOffset: {width: -1, height: 1}}}>Smart Vitae</Text>
<View style={{width:'35%',height:'100%',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
<Text style={{color:'white'}}>Unit: {this.state.unitname}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{this.props.navigation.navigate('Notification')}} style={{width:'10%',height:'100%',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
<Icon name="bell-o" style={{color:'white',fontSize:22}}/>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{this.props.navigation.navigate('Settings')}} style={{width:'10%',height:'100%',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center'}}>
<Icon name="cog" style={{color:'white',fontSize:24}}/>
<View style={{height:'100%',width:'100%',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center',borderColor:'#2E4053'}}>
<Image source={{uri:this.state.residents}} style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}}></Image>
<Image source={{uri:this.state.lostfound}} style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}}></Image>
<Image source={{uri:this.state.tenantattachedagreement}} style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}}></Image>
<Image source={{uri:this.state.incident}} style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}}></Image>

I believe this is a styling issue, you have multiple images all trying to fill 100%
<Image source={{uri:this.state.residents}} style={{height:'100%',width:'100%'}}></Image>
Try using flex or updating your height, like this:
<Image source={{uri:this.state.residents}} style={{height:'25%',width:'100%'}}></Image>


How do I move text and images around in react native without using left,button,top,and bottom?

I want to move text and images around in react native to custom positions on the webpage. I don't want to use bottom, left, and top etc. because it doesn't land in the same place for different devices.
My code is:
const HomeScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
style={{width: '100%', height: '100%',}}
<Text style={{fontWeight:'600', fontSize: 30}}>
Connect With All Websites On The Internet
<Text style={{fontSize: 18}}>Reach 800M Daily Active Users To Whatever Business You Own!</Text>
<Text>Log In</Text>
<Text>Create An Ad</Text>
onPress={() => navigation.navigate('login')}
title="Next Screen"
<StatusBar style="auto" />
I haven't moved any of these components around yet they are just sitting in the automatic positions on the webpage. I want to add other images and move it under the image background I already set.

React-Native Image Not Showing

Okay, so I have a react-native screen looking like
const SentimentScreen = ({ navigation, route }) => {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>Sentiment: {route.params.sent}</Text>
style={{width: '100%', height: '50%'}}
<StatusBar style="auto" />
And the url param is a string like ''
But the image doesn't show. What am I doing wrong? (I'm still kind of a noob in terms of react-native)
Take out the image from path first give it specific, height , width and size .Then you can pass in uri.

image passed as props react native not showing

i get image url correct and passed as props but image not showing in my app
main screen
here main screen that render FlatList data = products that include image url and i log that and getting correct but image not showing
const products = useSelector(state => state.products.availableProducts);
<FlatList numColumns ={2}
keyExtractor={item =>}
renderItem={itemData => (
props.navigation.navigate('detail', {
ProductItem component
<View style={style.product}>
<View style={style.touchable}>
<TouchableCmp onPress={props.onSelect} useForeground>
<View style={style.imageContainer}>
<Image style={style.image} source={{uri: props.image}} />
<View style={style.detail}>
<Text style={style.title}>{props.title}</Text>
<Text style={style.price}>{props.price}SDG</Text>
<View style={{marginTop:1}}>{props.delete}</View>
¿What properties does the style tag "style.image" have?
There may be a problem with the height or width of the image.
i find the should add http:// to image url because i am not adding when saving data
code will be like
<Image style={styles.image} source=
{{uri:`http://${singleproduct.imageUrl}`}} />

How to create custom tabs in the centre of the screen in React Native

I am doing react native application. In that, One screen have custom tabs in centre of the screen.
My screen is like,
top view around 200px height with some text lines showing.
After that, Custom tabs as picture attached.
After that, I am showing for first tab on tap flat list data.
I have checked online forums and tutorials, According to tab bar, We can show either top or bottom screen with tabs.
But, How to show tabs with customisation like my requirement.
I have 4 tabs, and each tab has same top view which I mentioned in above (some text lines), And if I tap on each tab, different data bottom page should show.
First tab with some flat list,
second tab with some text lines,
likewise all tabs has different layout in bottom screen.
As I am very new to react native. How to achieve this?
Due to privacy policy, I am unable to post complete screenshot.
Here is my code.
onClickTelugu = () => {
alert("you clicked onClickTelugu")
onClickTamil = () => {
alert("you clicked onClickTamil")
onClickHindi = () => {
alert("you clicked onClickHindi")
onClickEnglish = () => {
alert("you clicked onClickEnglish");
render(item) {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style ={styles.Container}>
<Text style={styles.textStyle}>
Some Text
<View style={styles.somestyles}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onClick}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onClick}>
<View style ={styles.somestyles}>
<View style={styles.somestyles}>
<Text style= {styles.somestyles}>
Some Text
<Text style= {styles.somestyles}>
Some Text
<Text style= {styles.somestyles} >
<Text style= {styles.somestyles}>
Some Text
<Text style ={styles.somestyles}>
Some Text
<View style={styles.somestyles}>
<Text style={styles.somestyles}>some text</Text>
<Text style={styles.somestyles} >some text</Text>
<Text style={styles.somestyles}>date</Text>
<Text style={styles.somestyles}>some other date</Text>
<View style = {styles.tabContainer}>
<View style ={styles.tabInnerContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.tabIcons} onPress={this.onClickTelugu}>
<Text style={styles.tabTextItems} onPress={this.onClickTelugu}>Telugu</Text>
<View style={styles.tabInnerContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.tabIcons} onPress={this.onClickTamil}>
<Text style={styles.tabTextItems} onPress={this.onClickTamil}>Tamil</Text>
<View style={styles.tabInnerContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.tabIcons} onPress={this.onClickHindi}>
<Text style={styles.tabTextItems} onPress={this.onClickHindi}>Hindi</Text>
<View style={styles.tabInnerContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.tabIcons} onPress={this.onClicEnglish}>
<Text style={styles.tabTextItems} onPress={this.onClicEnglish}>English</Text>
<View style = {styles.flatListContainer}>
<FlatList style = {styles.flatList}
showsVerticalScrollIndicator = {true}
data = {this.state.dataArray}
renderItem = {({item}) => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={ () => this.flatListItemHandler(item)}>
<View style={styles.flatListItemInsideSeparator}>
ItemSeparatorComponent = {() => (
<View style={{height:15, backgroundColor:'#F8F8F8'}}/>
And I have to show overlay tab images too. If 1st tab tapped, 2,3,4
tabs images should be like delighted images. Like
highlighted/delighted images.
Ok you need to give this component it's own state to keep track of what you want to show in the lower section. then you should replace all of your onClick events with just one onClick event that you pass different languages to. For Example this.onClickTelugu becomes () => this.onClick('telugu'), then your onClick event should be:
onClick = (language) => {
this.setState({selectedLanguage: language})
then in your renderBottomContent function, you can render different things depending on what this.state.selectedLanguage is.
something like...
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { selectedLanguage: null}
onClick = (language) => {
this.setState({selectedLanguage: language})
renderBottomContent = () => {
const {selectedLanguge} = this.state
switch(selectedLanguage) {
case "telugu":
return <View><Text>Telugu</Text></View>
case "tamil":
return <View><Text>Tamil</Text></View>
case "hindi":
return <View><Text>Hindi</Text></View>
case "english":
return <View><Text>English</Text></View>
return <View><Text>No Language Selected...</Text></View>
render() {
<View style ={styles.tabInnerContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.tabIcons} onPress={() => this.onClick('telugu')}>
<Image style={styles.tabItemsImages} source={image} />
<Text style={styles.tabTextItems}>
<View style ={styles.tabInnerContainer}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.tabIcons} onPress={() => this.onClick('tamil')}>
<Image style={styles.tabItemsImages} source={image} />
<Text style={styles.tabTextItems}>
// after all the other tab buttons, render bottom content depending on the component state

React Native - Scrollview vertical with scrollview horizontal in it?

I'm creating an APP to show points of interest of monuments. Right now I'm rendering the information on a ScrollView (vertical way). The output is like this:
I edited the image, it continues, but I think you get the point.
Here is my code:
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.contentContainer}>
{, index) => (
<View key={index} style={{marginBottom: 15}} >
imageSrc = {{uri:poi.image}}
contentContainerStyle = {{marginBottom: -30}}
<View style={}>
onPress={() => navigate('Mapa', {monumento: monumento})} />
<View style={styles.titleContainer}>
<Text style={styles.titleText}>{}</Text>
<View style={styles.bodyContent}>
<Text style={styles.bodyText}>{poi.description}</Text>
What I want is to scroll normally for one Point of Interest (PoI), but the next PoI I want him to appear by scrooling horizontal (swiping left) this:
How can I accomplish that? Thanks!