Kotlin flow and collect synchroniously - kotlin

I have such code and i want to collect results of api call inside coroutine and then join this job and return it from function
private suspend fun loadRangeInternal(offset: Int, limit: Int): List<Activity> {
// load data from Room database
// calling Retrofit request
// and caching them if there is no data available
var activities: List<Activity> = listOf()
val job = GlobalScope.launch {
repo.loadActivitiesOf(settings.companyId, offset, limit)
.collect {
when (it.status) {
Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> {
activities = it.data ?: listOf()
Resource.Status.LOADING -> {
Resource.Status.ERROR -> {
Timber.d("Activities loaded: $activities")
return activities
I've also tried async instead of launch, and await instead of join

Calculation execution time by using measureTimeMillis{} and delay your function at that time.
private suspend fun loadRangeInternal(offset: Int, limit: Int): List<Activity> {
// load data from Room database
// calling Retrofit request
// and caching them if there is no data available
var activities: List<Activity> = listOf()
val executionTime = measureTimeMillis {
async {
repo.loadActivitiesOf(settings.companyId, offset, limit)
.collect {
when (it.status) {
Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> {
activities = it.data ?: listOf()
Resource.Status.LOADING -> {
Resource.Status.ERROR -> {
Timber.d("Activities loaded: $activities")
return activities


How to ignore empty database result for the first time and wait for server result in application?

My app using room as a database and retrofit as a network calling api.
i am observing database only as a single source of truth. every thing is working fine. But i am not finding solution of one scenario.
Like for the first time when user open app it do following operations
fetch data from db
fetch data from server
because currently database is empty so it sends empty result to observer which hide progress bar . i want to discard that event and send result to observer when server dump data to database. even server result is empty. so progress bar should always hide once their is confirmation no data exists.
in other words application should always rely on database but if it empty then it should wait until server response and then notify observer.
this is my code
viewModel.characters.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
Log.e("status is ", "${it.message} at ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
when (it.status) {
Resource.Status.SUCCESS -> {
binding.progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
if (!it.data.isNullOrEmpty()) adapter.setItems(ArrayList(it.data))
Resource.Status.ERROR -> {
Toast.makeText(requireContext(), it.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
binding.progressBar.visibility = View.GONE
Resource.Status.LOADING ->
binding.progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
class CharactersViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val repository: CharacterRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val characters = repository.getCharacters()
class CharacterRepository #Inject constructor(
private val remoteDataSource: CharacterRemoteDataSource,
private val localDataSource: CharacterDao
) {
fun getCharacters() : LiveData<Resource<List<Character>>> {
return performGetOperation(
databaseQuery = { localDataSource.getAllCharacters() },
networkCall = { remoteDataSource.getCharacters() },
saveCallResult = { localDataSource.insertAll(it.results) }
Utility function for all api and database handling
fun <T, A> performGetOperation(databaseQuery: () -> LiveData<T>,
countQuery: () -> Int,
networkCall: suspend () -> Resource<A>,
saveCallResult: suspend (A) -> Unit): LiveData<Resource<T>> =
liveData(Dispatchers.IO) {
val source = databaseQuery().map { Resource.success(it,"database") }.distinctUntilChanged()
val responseStatus = networkCall()
if (responseStatus.status == SUCCESS) {
} else if (responseStatus.status == ERROR) {
interface CharacterDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM characters")
fun getAllCharacters() : LiveData<List<Character>>
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insertAll(characters: List<Character>)
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun insert(character: Character)
class CharacterRemoteDataSource #Inject constructor(
private val characterService: CharacterService
): BaseDataSource() {
suspend fun getCharacters() = getResult { characterService.getAllCharacters() }}
Base Data Source
abstract class BaseDataSource {
protected suspend fun <T> getResult(call: suspend () -> Response<T>): Resource<T> {
try {
Log.e("status is", "started")
val response = call()
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val body = response.body()
if (body != null) return Resource.success(body,"server")
return error(" ${response.code()} ${response.message()}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
return error(e.message ?: e.toString())
private fun <T> error(message: String): Resource<T> {
return Resource.error("Network call has failed for a following reason: $message")
Character Service
interface CharacterService {
suspend fun getAllCharacters() : Response<CharacterList>
data class Resource<out T>(val status: Status, val data: T?, val message: String?) {
enum class Status {
companion object {
fun <T> success(data: T,message : String): Resource<T> {
return Resource(Status.SUCCESS, data, message)
fun <T> error(message: String, data: T? = null): Resource<T> {
return Resource(Status.ERROR, data, message)
fun <T> loading(data: T? = null): Resource<T> {
return Resource(Status.LOADING, data, "loading")
data class CharacterList(
val info: Info,
val results: List<Character>
What is the best way by that i ignore database if it is empty and wait for server response and then notify observer

Kotlin coroutines, how to async alist of calls and return the result as a map

var responseMap = mutableMapOf<VendorType, ChargeResponse>()
requests.forEach {
val response = when (it.vendorType) {
VendorType.Type1 -> service.chargeForType1()
VendorType.Type2 -> service.chargeForType2()
else -> {
throw NotImplementedError("${it.vendorType} does not support yet")
responseMap[it.vendorType] = response
So I want all the service.charge function run in separate thread. Return the map when all is done
Hope to solve your problem:
Assume your service and request like this:
interface Service {
suspend fun chargeForType1(): ChargeResponse
suspend fun chargeForType2(): ChargeResponse
data class Request(val vendorType: VendorType)
suspend fun requestAll(requests: List<Request>): Map<VendorType, ChargeResponse> {
return coroutineScope {
.map { request ->
async {
request.vendorType to when (request.vendorType) {
VendorType.Type1 -> service.chargeForType1()
VendorType.Type2 -> service.chargeForType2()
else -> throw NotImplementedError("${request.vendorType} does not support yet")

Single with flowable?

Try in rxJava2 Kotlin combine Single with Flowable but nothing not happening:
Does not undrstand what wrong
Flowable.create<Int>({ emmit ->
loadNewListener = object :Listener {
override fun onEmit(id: Int) {
}, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMapSingle {
loadNew(id = it.id)
.subscribe({ (data:Data) ->
}, {
Timber.e("Failed load data ${it.message}")
my method is returning Single:
private fun loadNew(id: Int): Single<Data> {
return when (pdfType) {
CASE_0 -> {
Single.create<Data> { emmit ->
object : Callback<Void> {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<Void>?, t: Throwable?) {
// failure
override fun onResponse(call: Call<Void>?, response: Response<Void>?) {
CASE_1 -> 1Repository.loadsome1Rx(id = id).map { it.getData() }
CASE_2 -> 2Repository.loadsom2LocalRx(id = id).map { it.getData() }
else -> {
throw java.lang.RuntimeException("$this is not available type!")
What is wrong im my code?
Need Maby call Single in Flowable subscribe() seppurate
like this?
Flowable.create<Int>({ emmit ->
loadNewListener = object :Listener {
override fun onEmit(id: Int) {
}, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
loadNew(id = it.id)
}, {
This code is workin but looks not simple as via combine try.
This simple example based on your code is working
var i = 0
fun foo() {
Flowable.create<Int>({ emmit ->
}, BackpressureStrategy.LATEST)
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.flatMapSingle {
Single.create<String> { emmit ->
emmit.onSuccess("onSuccess: $it")
Log.i("RX", "Subscribe: $it")
}, {
Check SingleEmitter.onSuccess() and SingleEmitter.onError() is called in all cases in when (pdfType)...
As #Stas Bondar said in answer below This simple example based on your code is working!!
Problem was in loadNewListener .
It does not init in time and has null value when need. Call create Flowable on init ViewModel but loadNewListener did not have time to create when i call him from fragment.
loadNewListener = object :Listener{...}
Becuse need some time mutch for init rxJava expression!
And combine flowable with single via flatMapSingle spent more time than just call single on flowable dubscrinbe!
So use temp field:
private var temp: Temp? = null
fun load(id: Int) {
loadNewListener.apply {
when {
this != null -> load(id = id)
else -> userEmitPdfTemp = Temp(id = id)
Flowable.create<Data>({ emmit ->
userEmitPdfTemp?.let {id->
userEmitPdfTemp =null
loadNewListener = object :Listener {
override fun load(id: Int) {

How to make a sync call using RxJava

I need to make a sync call to reauthenticate the user and get a new token, but I haven't found a way that works. The code below blocks the thread and it is never unblocked, ie. I have an infinite loop
class ApolloAuthenticator(private val authenticated: Boolean) : Authenticator {
override fun authenticate(route: Route, response: Response): Request? {
// Refresh your access_token using a synchronous api request
if (response.request().header(HEADER_KEY_APOLLO_AUTHORIZATION) != null) {
return null //if you've tried to authorize and failed, give up
synchronized(this) {
refreshTokenSync() // This is blocked and never unblocked
val newToken = getApolloTokenFromSharedPreference()
return response.request().newBuilder()
private fun refreshTokenSync(): EmptyResult {
//Refresh token, synchronously
val repository = Injection.provideSignInRepository()
return repository
fun signInGraphQL() : Observable<EmptyResult> =
.flatMap { result -> graphqlAuthenticationDataSource.getAuth(result) }
.flatMap { result -> sharedPreferencesDataSource.saveApolloToken(result) }
.onErrorReturn { EmptyResult() }
---------- Use of it
val apollAuthenticator = ApolloAuthenticator(authenticated)
val okHttpBuilder =
I haven't found a way to make a sync call using RxJava, but I can make it by using kotlin coutorine runBlocking, which will block the thread until the request is finished:
synchronized(this) {
runBlocking {
val subscription = ApolloReauthenticator.signInGraphQl() // await until it's finished
fun signInGraphQl(): Subscription {
return repository.refreshToken()
{ Observable.just(EmptyResult()) },
{ Observable.just(EmptyResult()) }

How to write rx concatArrayEager equivalent in Kotlin CoRoutine?

I would like to convert my rxJava Code to Kotlin CoRoutine.
Below is the code makes both the api and db call and returns the data to UI whatever comes first. Let us say if DB response happens to be quicker than the api. In that case still, the api response would continue until it receives the data to sync with db though it could have done the UI update earlier.
How Would I do it?
class MoviesRepository #Inject constructor(val apiInterface: ApiInterface,
val MoviesDao: MoviesDao) {
fun getMovies(): Observable<List<Movie>> {
val observableFromApi = getMoviesFromApi()
val observableFromDb = getMoviesFromDb()
return Observable.concatArrayEager(observableFromApi, observableFromDb)
fun getMoviesFromApi(): Observable<List<Movie>> {
return apiInterface.getMovies()
.doOnNext { it ->
it.data?.let { it1 -> MoviesDao.insertAllMovies(it1) }
println("Size of Movies from API %d", it.data?.size)
.map({ r -> r.data })
fun getMoviesFromDb(): Observable<List<Movie>> {
return MoviesDao.queryMovies()
.doOnNext {
//Print log it.size :)
As the first step you should create suspend funs for your ApiInterface and MovieDao calls. If they have some callback-based API, you can follow these official instructions.
You should now have
suspend fun ApiInterface.suspendGetMovies(): List<Movie>
suspend fun MoviesDao.suspendQueryMovies(): List<Movie>
Now you can write this code:
launch(UI) {
val fromNetwork = async(UI) { apiInterface.suspendGetMovies() }
val fromDb = async(UI) { MoviesDao.suspendQueryMovies() }
select<List<Movie>> {
fromNetwork.onAwait { it }
fromDb.onAwait { it }
}.also { movies ->
// act on the movies
The highlight is the select call which will simultaneously await on both Deferreds and act upon the one that gets completed first.
If you want to ensure you act upon the result from the network, you'll need some more code, for example:
val action = { movies: List<Movie> ->
// act on the returned movie list
var gotNetworkResult = false
select<List<Movie>> {
fromNetwork.onAwait { gotNetworkResult = true; it }
fromDb.onAwait { it }
if (!gotNetworkResult) {
This code will act upon the DB results only if they come in before the network results, which it will process in all cases.
Something along those lines should work:
data class Result(val fromApi: ???, val fromDB: ???)
fun getMovies(): Result {
val apiRes = getMoviesFromApiAsync()
val dbRes = getMoviesFromDbAsync()
return Result(apiRes.await(), dbRes.await())
fun getMoviesFromApiAsync() = async {
return apiInterface.getMovies()
.doOnNext { it ->
it.data?.let { it1 -> MoviesDao.insertAllMovies(it1) }
println("Size of Movies from API %d", it.data?.size)
.map({ r -> r.data })
fun getMoviesFromDbAsync() = async {
return MoviesDao.queryMovies()
I don't know what you're returning, so I just put ??? instead.