Channels have two functions that allow us to send events into it.
Send and offer.
I would like to understand better the difference between both.
I have some statements I wanna check are true.
Send is a suspend function. What will make my code(not the thread) wait for it to finish. So it keep running after the event inside send was complete/cancelled. OR it will be suspend only until I can queue the event/receive it?
This means that, if I use send from one channel to another, the first channel will be block until the second can receive/queue?
If I have a Rendezvous Channel and it is already running something (on suspend for example, waiting API) and I offer a new even. This will make offer throws exception? Cause the channel is not receiving?
If you know any other main difference I would be glad to know.
Thanks in advance
send suspends the coroutine it is invoked from while the channel being sent to is full.
send does not send from one channel to another one. When you invoke send you are sending an element to the channel. The channel then expects another block of code to invoke receive from a different coroutine.
In a RendezvousChannel the capacity is 0. This means that send always suspends waiting for a receive invocation from another coroutine. If you have invoked send on a RendezvousChannel and then use offer, offer will not throw an exception (it only does if the channel is closed), but rather it will return false if no balancing receive has been invoked on the RendezvousChannel after your initial send. This is because offer tries to immediately add the element to the channel if it doesn't violate its capacity restrictions.
Setting up a CMS consumer with a listener involves two separate calls: first, acquiring a consumer:
cms::MessageConsumer* cms::Session::createConsumer( const cms::Destination* );
and then, setting a listener on the consumer:
void cms::MessageConsumer::setMessageListener( cms::MessageListener* );
Could messages be lost if the implementation subscribes to the destination (and receives messages from the broker/router) before the listener is activated? Or are such messages queued internally and delivered to the listener upon activation?
Why isn't there an API call to create the consumer with a listener as a construction argument? (Is it because the JMS spec doesn't have it?)
(Addendum: this is probably a flaw in the API itself. A more logical order would be to instantiate a consumer from a session, and have a cms::Consumer::subscribe( cms::Destination*, cms::MessageListener* ) method in the API.)
I don't think the API is flawed necessarily. Obviously it could have been designed a different way, but I believe the solution to your alleged problem comes from the start method on the Connection object (inherited via Startable). The documentation for Connection states:
A CMS client typically creates a connection, one or more sessions, and a number of message producers and consumers. When a connection is created, it is in stopped mode. That means that no messages are being delivered.
It is typical to leave the connection in stopped mode until setup is complete (that is, until all message consumers have been created). At that point, the client calls the connection's start method, and messages begin arriving at the connection's consumers. This setup convention minimizes any client confusion that may result from asynchronous message delivery while the client is still in the process of setting itself up.
A connection can be started immediately, and the setup can be done afterwards. Clients that do this must be prepared to handle asynchronous message delivery while they are still in the process of setting up.
This is the same pattern that JMS follows.
In any case I don't think there's any risk of message loss regardless of when you invoke start(). If the consumer is using an auto-acknowledge mode then messages should only be automatically acknowledged once they are delivered synchronously via one of the receive methods or asynchronously through the listener's onMessage. To do otherwise would be a bug in my estimation. I've worked with JMS for the last 10 years on various implementations and I've never seen any kind of condition where messages were lost related to this.
If you want to add consumers after you've already invoked start() you could certainly call stop() first, but I don't see any problem with simply adding them on the fly.
I have written a program which requires multiple queues interaction - means consumer of one queue writes message to another queue and same program has consumer to take action on that queue.
Problem: How to handle network time-out issues with queue while sending messages asynchronously using spring rabbit ampq library?or RabbitTemplate.send() function must throw an exception if there are network issues.
Currently, I have implemented RabbitTemplate.send() that returns immediately and working fine. But, If network is down, send function returns immediately, doesn't throw any exception and client code assumes success. As a result, i have in-consistent state in DB that message is successfully processed. Please note that call to send function is wrapped inside transactional block and goal is if queue writing fails, DB commit must also rollback. I am exploring following solutions but no success:
Can we configure rabbitTemplate to throw run-time exception if any network connectivity issue so that client call is notified? Please suggest how to do this.
Shall we use synchronous SendAndReceive function call but it leads to delay in processing? Another problem, observed with this function, my consumer code gets notification while sendAndReceive function is still blocked for writing message to queue. Please advise if we can delay notification to queue unless sendAndReceive function is returned. But call to SendAndReceive() was throwing an amqp exception if network was down which we were able to capture, but it has cost associated related to performance.
My application is multi-threaded, if multiple threads are sending message using sendAndReceive(), how spring-amqp library manages queue communication? Does it internally creates channel per request? If messages are delivered via same channel, it would impact performance a lot for multi-threaded application.
Can some-one share sample code for using SendAndReceive function with best-practices?
Do we have any function in spring-amqp library to check health of RabbitMQ server before submitting send function call? I explored rabbitTemplate.isRunning() but not getting proper result. If any specific configuration required, please suggest.
Any other solution to consider for guaranteed message delivery or handle network time-out issues to throw runtime exceptions to client..
As per Gary comment below, I have set: rabbitTemplate.setChannelTransacted(true); and it makes call sync. Next part of problem is that if I have transaction block on outer block, call to RabbitTemplate.send() returns immediately. I expect transaction block of outer function must wait for inner function to return, otherwise, ii don't get expected result as my DB changes are persisted though we enabled setChannelTransacted to true. I tried various Transaction propagation level but no success. Please advise if I am doing anything wrong and review transactional propagation settings as below
public void notifyQueueAndDB(DBRequest dbRequest) {"Updating Request in DB");
//Below is call to RabbitMQ library
mqService.sendmessage(dbRequest); //If sendMessage fails because of network outage, I want DB commit also to be rolled-back.
MQService defined in another library of project, snippet below.
#Transactional( propagation = Propagation.NESTED)
private void sendMessage(......) {
rabbitTemplate.send(this.queueExchange, queueName, amqpMessage);
}catch (Exception exception) {
throw exception
Enable transactions so that the send is synchronous.
Use Publisher confirms and wait for the confirmation to be received.
Either one will be quite a bit slower.
I would like to use Pika / RabbitMQ in a pattern similar to a standard socket: that is, set up the connection, then make blocking synchronous calls to receive a single message each time I'm ready to do more work.
Option A: basic_get
The basic_get method of the BlockingConnection offers the ability to receive a message, but it returns immediately if there is no message available to receive. This is like a socket recv call with blocking disabled. I could use this approach with a timeout to poll continuously, but that's not efficient.
Option B: basic_consume
The basic_consume method of BlockingConnection could do the job, but it has the strange requirement that I have start_consuming() somewhere else, in a thread by itself. Since my callers of my receive method are already expecting to block, waiting for a message, this seems like a waste of a thread.
Is it possible with Pika to do the equivalent of socket.recv(blocking=True)?
Run Pika on its own thread and basic_consume with a prefetch value of 1 (if you really want a single message at a time). Insert messages into some sort of synchronized data structure on which your callers can block.
Be sure to acknowledge your messages correctly from other threads (example)
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.
Use the channel's basic_get method like in this example:
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('username', 'password')
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost', credentials=credentials))
channel =
inmessage = channel.basic_get("your_queue_name", auto_ack=True)
inmessage is a tuple of 3 elements, element with index of 2 is your message's body.
I am working on my first real Go project, a messaging API. I use channels to pass messages and other data between user goroutines and library goroutines that use a thread-unsafe, event-based C protocol library. For details
My question is in 2 related parts:
1. What are common idioms for handling errors across channels?
The goroutine at one end blows up, how do I ensure the other end unblocks, gets an error value and doesn't get blocked again later?
For readers:
I can close the channel, but no error info.
I could pass a struct { data, error }
or use a second channel.
Pros & cons? Other ideas?
For writers: I can't close without a panic so I guess I need a second channel. Is this idiomatic?
select {
case sendChan <- data: sentOk()
case err := <- errChan: oops(err)
I also can't write after close so I need to store the error somewhere and check before trying to write. Any other approaches?
2. Exposing channels in APIs.
I need channels to pass error info: should I make those channels public fields or hide them in methods?
There is a tradeoff, and I don't have the experience to evaluate it:
Exposing channels lets users select directly, but it requires them to correctly impement the error handling patterns (check for errors before write, select for error as well as write). This seems complex and error-prone but maybe that because I'm not seasoned in go.
Hiding channels in a method simplifies and enforces correct use of the library. But now an async user must create their own goroutine and channel(s). They may just duplicate what the library does already, which is silly. Also there is an extra goroutine and channel on the path. Maybe that's not a big deal, but the data channel is the critical path for my library and I think it has to be hidden along with the error channel.
I could do both: expose the channels for power users and provide a simple method wrapper for people with simple needs. That's more to support but worth it if neither alone can fit all cases.
The standard net.Conn uses blocking methods, not channels, and I wrote goroutines to pump data to my C event-loop channel so I know it can be done, but I did not find it trivial. net.Conn is wrapping sytem calls not channels underneath so "exposing the channels" is not an option. Do any of the standard libraries export channels with error handling? (time.After doesn't count, there are no errors)
Thanks a lot!
Your question is a bit on the broad side but I'll try to give some guidance based on my experience writing highly concurrent code...
Personally I think making the channel a property of the object that gets initialized in a nice helpful NewMyObject() *MyObject method is good design pattern. It makes it so code using the object doesn't have to do boiler plate set up every time it wants to call some asynchronous method the type offers.
For readers: I can close the channel, but no error info. I could pass a struct { data, error } or use a second channel. Pros & cons? Other ideas?
Let the reader signal to return by closing the abort channel. The reader should simply use the temp, err := <-FromChannel paradigm and move on with execution if the data or error channel has closed. This should prevent the 'send on closed channel' panics error from the workers since they will close their channel and return. When err != nil the reader will know to move on.
For writers: I can't close without a panic so I guess I need a second channel. Is this idiomatic?
Yes. Sadly I was quite pissed of with the uni-directional behavior of channels and though it should be abstracted. Regardless, it's not. In my code I would not define this on the object that does work asynchronously. The paradigm I prefer is to use the closing signal (since sending a on a channel is not one-to-many, only one goroutine will read that). Instead, I allocate the abort channel in the calling code and if things need to shut down you close the abort channel and all the goroutines doing asynchronous work who are listening on that channel do their clean up and return. You should also use a WaitGroup so you can wait for the goroutines to return before moving on.
So my basic summary;
1) let the caller of asynchronous methods signal it's time to stop, not the other way around. A waitgroup is better used to coordinate their returns
2) use a sync.WaitGroup in the calling code to know when your goroutines are finished so you can move on
3) allocate your error channel in the calling code and take advantage of the one-to-many signal produced by closing the channel; if you send on a channel you allocate in the caller, only a single instance will read from it. If you put one on each instance you have to iterate a collection of instances to send the on each.
4) if you have a type that provide async methods that do work in the background, set up the channels to read off of in it's initializer, document the async methods saying where to listen for data, provide an example of a non-blocking select that passes an abort channel into the async method and listens on the methods data and error channels. If you need to kill a single routine you could accomplish this by closing one of the channels it owns rather than killing them all by closing the callers abort channel.
Hopefully that all makes sense.
I have a publish-subscribe use case where I would like to block on the publish side until each of the subscribers confirm that they have completed handling the message sent by the publisher.
I (incorrectly?) assumed that I could use RabbitMQ and its Java amqp-client's Channel.waitForConfirmsOrDie method as part of my solution. The issue is that I haven't found a case in which waitForConfirmsOrDie will actually block.
According to the javadocs, waitForConfirmsOrDie is supposed to:
Wait until all messages published since the last call have been either ack'd or nack'd by the broker. If any of the messages were nack'd, waitForConfirmsOrDie will throw an IOException. When called on a non-Confirm channel, it will return immediately.
In order to test that this method really works, I started with this example code from the RabbitMQ website.
The example code creates a publisher and a consumer, each on its own separate thread. Then the publisher sends messages to the exchange while the consumer consumes the messages. It seems that the publisher is supposed to block until all of the messages are ack'd via its call to waitForConfirmsOrDie().
This example code seemed like it matched up perfectly with what I was trying to do. But, it doesn't seem to work the way I thought it did. In fact, if, in the consumer thread, I turn off auto-acking messages, then waitForConfirmsOrDie() still returns immediately.
I turned off auto ack by just changing one false to true:
ch.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
ch.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, true, false, false, null); (2nd arg false instead of true). I believe this means that acks should no longer be sent by the consumer.
So what does waitForConfirmsOrDie() actually do? When would it block?
If waitForConfirmsOrDie doesn't do what I want, is there a way to make a publisher wait until all subscribers ack a message before proceeding?
As far as I understand those calls are not supposed to wait for confirmation from consumer. The purpose of waitForConfirms* methods is making sure your message was delivered to broker and to provide basic delivered/failed type of notification. In other words, message will not disappear without notifying produces in case if one of rmq nodes (or even all of nodes) failed/unavailable.
You can see this exception in action if you disconnect or turn off rmq before basicPublish call.