Kotlin Cinterops native library name - kotlin

I'm using cinterops to link a dynamic library in a mingw binary executable. Everything is working fine, except that the .dll name that the executable asks is different from the one declared at the .def file.
I don't know where this different name is coming from!
This is from my gradle.build.kts:
val scape2 by creating {
val cafmSrc = "C:/Software/SCAP E2/CAFM_src"
val scapSrc = "C:/Software/SCAP E2/TO/ETME2"
val modifiedSrc = "C:/Software/SCAP E2/Modified CAFM files"
includeDirs.headerFilterOnly(cafmSrc, scapSrc, modifiedSrc)
binaries {
This is my scape2.def file:
headers = scape2.h
headerFilter = scape2.h \ GEO_API_SCAPTO.h
linkerOpts.mingw = -LC:/Users/lscarmin/git/calculation-module4 -lscape2
I was expecting that the dll name to be scape2.dll.
But when I run the executable, it asks for ETME2.dll!
If I rename scape2.dll to ETME2.dll, the code works. (editado)

Well, it seems that the file name used is the one defined inside the dll. I have renamed the dll file, but the name used will be the original one.
I didn't know that this info was kept inside the dll


How to create a file in the resources folder in Kotlin, Gradle

In a completely fresh project, I want to create a single file myFile.json inside the src/main/resources/ folder at run time.
For reading a file, I need to do some config in the build.gradle.kts file, but I can't find anything on what to do for creating a file.
Assuming the directory src/main/resources/ exists:
val f = File("src/main/resources/myFile.json")
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
f.createNewFile() // This is the answer to the question
f.printWriter().use { out ->
#Endzeit has asked what have you tried so far. Please share the code.
Like #cyberbrain says - are you sure you want to write to resources folder?
Here is code that writes back to where the source resources folder is:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Let's assume you want your project to be portable, so you don't
// want to use absolute file paths.
// Find out where your IDE will launch the project from. Normally this is
// the root folder of the whole project. Find out with this: the `canonicalPath` will help:
val workingFolder = File(".")
// Define the folder you want to write in to
// this will vary especially if you have a nested project structure
// IntelliJ under the Edit > Copy Path menu option will help you find the resources
// relative location
val parentFolder = File("src/main/resources")
val outFile = File(parentFolder, "test.txt")
outFile.printWriter(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).use {
it.println("Hello world")
println("Wrote to ${outFile.canonicalPath}")

Dokka uses fully qualified class names

I'm using dokka to auto generate javadoc for me. Though when it encounters any class not from my project it uses fully qualified names.
Is it possible to use only class names and make dokka provide a link for it? For example:
java.lang.String getName()
I'd want instead of java.lang.String to have String with link to Java doc
My gradle config:
ext.simpleName = project.name.substring(project.name.indexOf('-') + 1, project.name.size())
dokka {
outputFormat = 'javadoc'
outputDirectory = "${rootProject.buildDir}/javadoc/$project.ext.simpleName"
linkMapping {
dir = 'src/main/java'
url = "https://github.com/mibac138/ArgParser/blob/master/$project.ext.simpleName/src/main/java"
linkMapping {
dir = 'src/main/kotlin'
url = "https://github.com/mibac138/ArgParser/blob/master/$project.ext.simpleName/src/main/kotlin"
Also, what exactly is linkMapping? I'm not sure what it does.
For linking to 3rd party libraries you should use externalDocumentationLink pointing to Oracle Java documentation:
externalDocumentationLink {
url = new URL("https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/")
If you use Kotlin and Java in the same project fully qualified names for Java classes may be necessary

Reference a class' static field of the same internal module but in a different file?

I'm using TypeScript and require.js to resolve dependencies in my files. I'm in a situation where I want to reference a static field of a class in an other file, but in the same internal module (same folder) and I am not able to access it, even if the Visual Studio pre-compiler does not show any error in my code.
I have the following situation :
class Game {
// ...
static width: number = 1920;
// ...
export = Game;
/// <reference path='lib/require.d.ts'/>
import Game = require("Game");
var width: number = Game.width;
console.log(width); // Hoping to see "1920"
And the TypeScript compiler is ok with all of this. However, I keep getting "undefined" at execution when running the compiled Launcher.ts.
It's the only reference problem I'm having in my project, so I guess the rest is configured correctly.
I hope I provided all necessary information, if you need more, please ask
Any help is appreciated, thanks !
Your code seems sound, so check the following...
You are referencing require.js in a script tag on your page, pointing at Launcher (assuming Launcher.ts is in the root directory - adjust as needed:
<script src="Scripts/require.js" data-main="Launcher"></script>
Remove the reference comment from Launcher.ts:
import Game = require("Game");
var width: number = Game.width;
console.log(width); // Hoping to see "1920"
Check that you are compiling using --module amd to ensure it generates the correct module-loading code (your JavaScript output will look like this...)
define(["require", "exports", "Game"], function (require, exports, Game) {
var width = Game.width;
console.log(width); // Hoping to see "1920"
If you are using Visual Studio, you can set this in Project > Properties > TypeScript Build > Module Kind (AMD)
If you are using require.js to load the (external) modules, the Game class must be exported:
export class Game {}
If you import Game in Launcher.ts like
import MyGame = require('Game')
the class can be referenced with MyGame.Game and the static variable with MyGame.Game.width
You should compile the ts files with tsc using option --module amd or the equivalent option in Visual Studio

Renaming a file in as3 AIR - how to do it if you have file's native path in a var?

The following code is great for renaming a file if you know the file is in applicationStorageDirectory
var sourceFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
sourceFile = sourceFile.resolvePath("Kalimba.snd");
var destination:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
destination = destination.resolvePath("test.snd");
sourceFile.moveTo(destination, true);
catch (error:Error)
trace("Error:" + error.message);
How do you set the sourceFile if all you have is the file's native path in a string? Like this:
This throws errors:
sourceFile = sourceFile.resolvePath("D:\Software\files\testList.db");
The idea is I want to rename a file I had previously loaded into a var. I figured I'd extract the native path to a String var, null the File var (so the OS doesn't tell me it can't be renamed while the file is opened in flash), resolve that nativePath as the sourceFile, and use moveTo to rename the file on the hard drive.
Cheers for taking a look.
I've set up a test AIR app with only the following in it:
import flash.events.*;
import flash.filesystem.*;
var original = File.documentsDirectory;
original = original.resolvePath("D:\\Software\\test\\October.db");
var destination:File = File.documentsDirectory;
destination = destination.resolvePath("copy.db");
original.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileMoveCompleteHandler);
original.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, fileMoveIOErrorEventHandler);
function fileMoveCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
trace(event.target); // [object File]
function fileMoveIOErrorEventHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
trace("I/O Error.");
This fails, as does using D:\Software\test\October.db
I guess what I want to know it - how do you do the resolvePath thing if you already know the full path?
I guess what I want to know it - how do you do the resolvePath thing if you already know the full path?
You don't AFAIK. If your path is actually d:\software\test\october.db you can set a File ref like:
var original:File = new File();
original.nativePath = "d:\software\test\october.db";

How to get the name of a temporary file created by File.tmpfile in D2?

I need to generate a temporary file, fill it with some data and feed it to an external program. Based on description of D available here I'm using File.tmpfile() method:
auto f = File.tmpfile();
which doesn't provide a way to get the generated file name. It's documented that name might be empty. In Python I would do that like this:
(o_fd, o_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp('.my.own.suffix')
Is there a simple, safe and cross-platform way to do that in D2?
Due to how tmpfile() works, if you need the name of the file you can't use it. However, I have already created a module to work with temporary files. It uses conditional compilation to decide on the method of finding the temporary directory. On windows, it uses the %TMP% environment variable. On Posix, it uses /tmp/.
This code is licensed under the WTFPL, so you can do whatever you want with it.
module TemporaryFiles;
import std.conv,
version(Windows) {
import std.process;
private static Random rand;
/// Returns a file with the specified filename and permissions
public File getTempFile(string filename, string permissions) {
string path;
version(Windows) {
path = getenv("TMP") ~ '\\';
} else version(Posix) {
path = "/tmp/";
// path = "/var/tmp/"; // Uncomment to survive reboots
return File(path~filename, permissions);
/// Returns a file opened for writing, which the specified filename
public File getTempFile(string filename) {
return getTempFile(filename, "w");
/// Returns a file opened for writing, with a randomly generated filename
public File getTempFile() {
string filename = to!string(uniform(1L, 1000000000L, rand)) ~ ".tmp";
return getTempFile(filename, "w");
To use this, simply call getTempFile() with whatever arguments you want. Defaults to write permission.
As a note, the "randomly generated filenames" aren't truely random, as the seed is set at compile time.