Cannot find the exact eror sometimes showing Adapter not attached sometimes cannot find memetrack [duplicate] - kotlin

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04. And on Android Studio when I try to run my application in the emulator I get the following error:
Process: project name here, PID: 2528
java.lang.RuntimeException: Canvas: trying to draw too large(216090000bytes) bitmap.
at android.view.DisplayListCanvas.throwIfCannotDraw(
at android.widget.ImageView.onDraw(
at android.view.View.draw(
at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(
at android.view.View.draw(
at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(
at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(
at android.view.View.draw(
at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw( at
I did have to run through some hoops to get my emulator working however, needed to create a sym-link so I can run the emulator on AMD. Not sure if this is part of the problem. And for the life of me I cannot figure why it continues to do this. In my group there are others who emulate the project just fine on the same emulated phone and SDK.

Move your image in the (hi-res) drawable to drawable-xxhdpi. But in app development, you do not need to use large image. It will increase your APK file size.

The solution is to move the image from drawable/ folder to drawable-xxhdpi/ folder, as also others have mentioned.
But it is important to also understand why this somewhat weird suggestion actually helps:
The reason is that the drawable/ folder exists from early versions of android and is equivalent to drawable-mdpi. When an image that is only in drawable/ folder is used on xxhdpi device, the potentially already big image is upscaled by a factor of 3, which can then in some cases cause the image's memory footprint to explode.

This solution worked for me.
Add these lines in your Manifest application tag

I had the same problem.
If you try to upload an image that is too large on some low resolution devices, the app will collapse.
You can make several images of different sizes (hdpi, xxdpi and more) or simply use an external library to load images that solve the problem quickly and efficiently.
I used Glide library (you can use another library like Picasso).
panel_IMG_back = (ImageView) findViewById(;

This issue can be resolved by 3 methods as follows:
Method 1:
By adding image into a res/drawable-nodpi folder (By doing this it will not pre-scale your image).
Method 2:
Generate all dpi(hdpi,ldpi,mdpi,xhdpi,xxhdpi,xxxhdpi) of image and add to drawable folder. (This process will increase APK size).
Method 3:
Add image to drawable/drawable-xxhdpi folder.
All these methods are verified.

Turns out the problem was the main image that we used on our app at the time. The actual size of the image was too large, so we compressed it. Then it worked like a charm, no loss in quality and the app ran fine on the emulator.

For this error was like others said a big image(1800px X 900px) which was in drawable directory, I edited the image and reduced the size proportionally using photoshop and it worked...!!

If you don't want your image to be pre-scaled you can move it to the res/drawable-nodpi/ folder.
More info:

if you use Picasso change to Glide like this.
Remove picasso
Change Glide
More efficient Glide than Picasso draw to large bitmap

I also had this issue when i was trying to add a splash screen to the android app through the launch_backgrgound.xml . the issue was the resolution. it was too high so the images memory footprint exploded and caused the app to crash hence the reason for this error. so just resize your image using a site called nativescript image builder so i got the ldpi,mdpi and all the rest and it worked fine for me.

I just created directory drawable-xhdpi(You can change it according to your need) and copy pasted all the images to that directory.

This can be an issue with Glide. Use this while you are trying to load to many images and some of them are very large:
Glide.load("your image path")
new MultiTransformation<>(
new CenterCrop(),
new RoundedCorners(

Try using an xml or a vector asset instead of a jpg or png.
The reason is quite obvious in the exception name itself i.e. the resolution of the resource is too large to render.
You can png to xml using online tools like OR add your image to drawable-xxhdpi folder.

Solution for Picasso is add Transformation for resize image.
class ResizeTransformation(private val maxSize: Int) : Transformation {
override fun transform(source: Bitmap?): Bitmap? {
var result:Bitmap? = null
if (source != null) {
var width = source.width
var height = source.height
val bitmapRatio = width.toFloat() / height.toFloat()
if (bitmapRatio > 1) {
width = maxSize;
height = (width / bitmapRatio).toInt()
} else {
height = maxSize;
width = (height * bitmapRatio).toInt()
result = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(source, width, height, true)
return result
override fun key() = "resize()"
.transform(ResizeTransformation(2400)) //FHD+ resolution

Convert your all png formats into webs format. You can do it by Android Studio.


Process Images and resize them on a Ktor server

I am trying to receive an image using a Ktor server, and process it, all the Android libraries aren't working as they use things like BitmapFactory, java.awt.* , Buffered images and etc.
Does Ktor have any set of tools to process images?
What I am trying to achieve is to receive an image and resize it.
Ktor doesn't have anything specific to process the images. Because it doesn't have to.
BufferedImage is not an Android library. It's part of java.awt, and you can use it in Ktor code. Same for javax.imageio.ImageIO. The only part you can't use is BitmapFactory, since it is part of Android SDK.
As of the part how to get the initial upload (since you're using Ktor, that's what you want, probably), you can look here:
This should work on Kotlin JVM:
import javax.imageio.*
fun main() {
val image =""))
1 - Receive an image file : Like Alexey Soshin pointed out, use whatever suits your needs to read/get the image
2 - Process (resize the image) : using a library such as thumbnailator
see example:

Cannot read image file in appcelerator titanium

I have an image stored at /assets in my project folder and I am trying to read it using Ti.Filesystem.getFile(). The code prints the blob data in android but it prints undefined in iOS.
Following function is called on Button click event
function readImg(e) {
var localPath = '/butterfly.jpg';
var cachedFilename = Ti.Utils.sha1(localPath) + localPath.substr(localPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
var cachedFile = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.applicationCacheDirectory, cachedFilename);
var blob = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, localPath).read();
console.log("-----------blob in not exists:"+JSON.stringify(blob));
When the same image path is set in ImageView it gets displayed so the issue is not with path . What am I missing here ? pls help. Thank you.
The best option so you don't have to do anything specific to the images at all (keep in mind, image manipulation is pretty heavy to do on runtime), is to use a module that was made for this purpose, av.imageview. This allows you to configure all kinds of content modes.
An option to get your code to work is to get the blob using the the getAsset method.
var blob = Ti.Filesystem.getAsset('/images/butterfly.jpg');
and then resize where you see fit. But I would advise you, if you do need to do this every time the app runs, then just resize once and store that resized image to be used after that. That way there will only be a single time the image needs resizing.

mPDF missing non-local images

I am generating PDF from HTML using mPDF 5.7. The generated PDF is fine when generated locally, but on server, the images are not getting rendered completely soon enough, and hence PDF is missing all images.
Has anybody encountered this issue?
Whats the solution for this?
Yes, if the images are PNG, you need to install the php-gd extension, because mPDF needs it to render alpha maps (transparencies of the images).
The issue can be debugged by setting up a debug flag/option for your script, and adding code like
if ($debug) {
$mpdf->debug = true;
$mpdf->showImageErrors = true;
then you'll be able to see the actual error that caused the missing images
which is
mPDF error: IMAGE Error ( GD library required for PNG image (alpha channel)
(actually, there will be square icons with an X, like in old InternetExplorer "missing image" style).
You can add GD extension to composer.json, see this answer

ArcGIS for Java: Event when layer is completely loaded

I'm new to the development of ArcGIS for Java. Currently, I've got an application which creates a JMap and loads 3 layers:
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer (World_Imagery)
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer (World_Transportation)
GraphicsLayer to display some GPS-Points as Polylines
When all the map content is fully loaded, I want to save the map as an image. At the moment this is done by writing a bufferedImage to a file. Because in future the application should run automatically in backgorund, without showing the JFrame, I need some sort of event, signalizing when all content is loaded.
I searched the API-Reference, but couldn't find anything.
Is there any chance to get the correct moment, when all the work is done? Is there a more elegant way to save the map as an image?
Thanks in advance!
for all people encountering the same problem, there is the ProgressEvent, "which is fired by the map and indicates the draw progress of the Map's layer collection"
Therefore, saving the fully loaded map as an image is possible, when the progress has reached 100 %:
jMap.addProgressEventListener(new ProgressEventListener()
public void progress(ProgressEvent event)
if(event.getProgress() == 100)
SaveMap((JComponent) appWindow.getComponent(0));

Is it possible to tell a Windows 8.1 app not to scale up specific elements?

I am referencing external image urls for the source property of an image element in my app.
I have 3 versions of the image at 100, 140 and 180 scales e.g.
If the images lived in the app you would normally put the source like the following and Windows works out which image to load based on the resolution scale of the device:
However as my 3 images live externally I am having to work out the resolution scale and then build up the correct source string so that the correct image is loaded e.g:
This works, however, windows is taking my image e.g. the 180 scale one myimage.scale-180.jpg, and then scaling it up by a further 180%, it doesn't know that I have loaded an image at the correct 180% scale already and that it doesn't need to scale it up!
Is there a way of telling it not to scale up specific image elements?
Update (added code):
The xaml image element:
<Image Source="{Binding Image, Converter={StaticResource ImageToExternalImagePathConverter}}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Stretch="None" />
The converter used on the image element to determine the external image path (it works out the scale and uses the binding to build up the correct string).
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, string language)
ResolutionScale resolutionScale = Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView().ResolutionScale;
string ImageScale = ".scale-100";
switch (resolutionScale)
case ResolutionScale.Scale140Percent:
ImageScale = ".scale-140";
case ResolutionScale.Scale180Percent:
ImageScale = ".scale-180";
//builds up the correct string e.g.
string externalPath = "" + (string)value + ImageScale + ".jpg";
return externalPath;
Update(added reference):
To further explain what I am currently doing see this link:
Manually load images based upon scale percentage at runtime If your
app is loading images at runtime using code, for example if you use
DirectX directly, not XAML or HTML to create your UI, use the
DisplayProperties.ResolutionScale property to determine the scale and
manually load images based upon scale percentage.
So that's what I am doing, but the problem is that Windows is scaling up the UI as it should to 140% or 180%, and that includes my manually loaded image. So if I manually load in an image that is already sized at 140%, it gets scaled up by Windows anyway and it DOES get physically bigger. If the images lived in the app package this problem wouldnt exist because Windows recognises the filename identifiers and doesnt scale them up (see below)
Use resource loading for bitmap images in the app package For bitmap
images stored in the app package, provide a separate image for each
scaling factor(100%, 140%, and 180%), and name your image files using
the "scale" naming convention described below. Windows loads the right
image for the current scale automatically.
How can I replicate the same behavior from Windows for images that live in the app package but for images that are external to the app and are loaded manually? Logically at the point at which I load the image in (code), I want to say to Windows, this image is already scaled correctly, don't upscale it by the resolution factor.
Try sizing grip property to false