QT designer layout inside layout - pyqt5

I am not able to design below layout in qt -designer
So under main window , we have one horizontal Layout that have two vertical Layout and each vertical Layout have.
one horizontal Layout that contains combo box and push button
And another Listview widget

Since you didn't include any information about what steps you followed in trying to create this layout and what the final result was, it's impossible to tell where things go wrong. However, to create the layout as described in the post, you could do the following.
Step 1: Add widgets to form
In a new form in Qt Designer, roughly place the widgets where you want them to be in the final layout.
Step 2: Add widgets to layouts
Add widgets to layouts starting with the deepest nested widgets. In this case that would be the comboboxes and push buttons. To add a push-button and combobox to a layout, select both push-button and combobox, either in the layout itself or in the object inspector, right-click on the selection and select lay out > lay out horizontally in the context menu.
Repeat these steps for the other widgets and layouts. When adding the horizontal layout and the list view to a vertical layout, make sure you select the layout and not one of the widgets in the layout:
Step 3: Set layout of main window
To set the layout of the main window, right-click either anywhere in the main area of the form outside of any child widget or on the MainWindow node in the object inspector and select layout > lay out horizontally. This should result in something like this
And the object tree in the object inspector will look something like this


Devexpress Form With Header Panel (Title) and Menu Below Panel

Can someone give me insight how can I achieve the form with panel title first and then menu bar below panel (barmanager). Because devexpress always put barmanager on top
Thank you
After I add standalonebardock, the result as picture shown below: the red bar is standalonebardock
After I drag the barmanager menu into standalonedock, now it is already inside the dock. But the menu still on top docking, what I need how to make space above menu so I can write title/image/etc
The StandaloneBarDockControl control allows bars to be displayed at any position within the form, not simply docked to the form’s edge. To do this, create a StandaloneBarDockControl object and add bars to it. Bars can be added to the control at design time or runtime.

Xamarin Forms changing the size of a viewcell dynamically

Using a Xamarin Forms ListView with a custom ViewCell, is it possible to have a list item expand based on an event? Please ignore the orange lines, but reference the below picture...
Regular cell not expanded
User has tapped the triple dots causing the ViewCell to expand to show additional content
Is this possible? What is the technique to make that work?
You can have containers or elements inside your viewcell whose Visibility can be controlled based on the click. You will have to re render the elements once its expanded or collapsed for the viewcell to resize. Or else you will have the Viewcell being the size it was initially rendered, but the contents inside it overflowing.
Check out the following links :
How to implement Expandable/Collapsible ListView in xamarin forms?

dijit toolbar on the left side instead on top

so I didn't find something in the dijit Toolbar API I'll try it here.
Is it possible to place a dijit toolbar to another place than on top?
I'd like to create a Toolbar declarativly on the left side inside a contentpane so the toolbar is from top left, to bottom left.
Is there a way to do it?
Well if you go with declarative approach for widget creation, you can write custom css for each of them .
So getting a custom layout doesnt seem to be a tough task. You can write some div container's with a fix width , break line after each menu item and get the required layout.
check this for example:

How to create the NSMenuItem view for a menu item with an embedded NSProgressIndicator?

I would like to create a menu item with an embedded NSProgressIndicator, similar to the "Wi-Fi: Looking for Networks…" menu item of the Wi-Fi status menu:
I think that I will need to use the setView: method as discussed at: Views in Menu Items. However, when I call setView: and pass an NSProgressIndicator, only the NSProgressIndicator is displayed.
How can the custom menu item view be created to get a similar result as the "Wi-Fi: Looking for Networks…" menu item of the Wi-Fi status menu?
As noted in the document to which you linked:
A menu item with a view does not draw its title, state, font, or other standard drawing attributes, and assigns drawing responsibility entirely to the view.
So, if you want your menu item to look like a normal menu item plus some other stuff, your view has to draw the normal menu item features in addition to the other stuff. So, you could set the menu item's view to a custom view. The progress indicator would be one subview of that custom view, but you would need other subviews for the other features. For example, a text field for the text of the menu item and an image view for a state indicator (if your item shows state).
You'll have to draw highlighting as the item is selected or tracked. You'll also have to do mouse tracking. Apple has some sample code which demonstrates various parts of this:

XAML Design view stuck in 'snap to grid' view

Silly question, but I somehow switched the XAML/Design view to 'snap to grid' view and can't seem to get it back to the standard design view, even by resetting VS to default settings. What's the hot-key to get my XAML/design view back to the normal view instead of the grids? Visual Studio 2012.
There are a series of three toggle buttons in VS2012, at the bottom of the XAML Designer (also called the 'Artboard'), and to the left of the scrollbar below it. These three toggle buttons will do the following (in order from left to right):
Show/hide gridlines
Enable/disable snapping to gridlines
Enable/disable snapping to snaplines (baselines, alignment margins, and the like)
These are also described a bit further here. They're settable via Tools -> Options as well.