Date is not displaying correct with substr & like query - sql

I am trying to get this out out,
but i am experiencing that the substr i am using is incorrect ,
For an example , all my columns are displaying
some of which has more character so in order for me to get the exact date in the column is inconsistent if i am using subsring
some will return 20191230
but some will return _2020123
How do we tackle this problem ?
i am trying to display only data , this is using sql language or hue ,
when i input my script in ,
select SUBSTR(input_file_name, LENGTH(input_file_name) - 44, 9) from th_ingestion_status limit 100
i feel my script for Like and substr statement is incorrect

I you want the first sequence of 8 digits surrounded by underscores, use regexp_extract():
select regexp_extract(filename, '_([0-9]{8})_', 1)
If you need this after the last /, then:
select regexp_extract(filename, '_([0-9]{8})_[^/]*$', 1)

Please use below query, also please mention the database you are using, so that can provide relevant query
substr(column_name, instr(column_name, '_', 1, 2) +1, 6)
Oracle Test Case:
select 'hdfs://asdasda/asdas/fdsfdsfd/received_files/asdasd_20191231_11122333_123456789_CO.dat', substr('hdfs://asdasda/asdas/fdsfdsfd/received_files/asdasd_20191231_11122333_123456789_CO.dat', instr('hdfs://asdasda/asdas/fdsfdsfd/received_files/asdasd_20191231_11122333_123456789_CO.dat', '_', 1, 2) +1, 6)
from dual;


Select substring with dashes in SQL

I have this column called package_type and it contains strings like this:
I need to count the package_type but grouped by the package_no which is CYS01-01, CYS01-02.
What I have done is this:
substring(substring(package_type, '-', 3), '-', -2) as package_no,
count(distinct package_type)
progress = bill_of_quantity and event_date = '2020-06-12'
group by
substring(substring(package_type, '-', 3), '-', -2) as package_no
I get this error:
Invalid input syntax for integer: "-"
I expect the result would be like:
package_no count
CYS01-01 2
CYS01-02 2
How am I suppose to write this query?
Thank you.
The error message indicates that you are running Postgres. That database has powerful string functions - you can just use split_part():
select split_part(package_no, '-', 2) as package_no, count(distinct package_type) as cnt
from project_june
where progress = bill_of_quantity and event_date = date '2020-06-12'
group by split_part(package_no, '-', 2)
Presumably, event_date is of a date-like datatype, so it should be compared against a literal date rather than a string.
I am suspicious about condition progress = bill_of_quantity; is bill_of_quantity an actual column in your table? If it is meant to be a literal string instead, then it should be surrounded with single quotes
Your strings seem to have a fixed format -- and you want 8 characters starting at the 4th position. That suggests that you can use:
select substring(package_type, 4, 8), as package_no,
count(distinct package_type)
from project_june
where progress = bill_of_quantity and
event_date = '2020-06-12'
group by substring(package_type, 4, 8);
There are no doubt other ways to write such a query. However, string functions are often database-specific and your question doesn't specify what database you are using.

SQL QUERY to bring last letter in a string to first letter position using SQL Server

I have a column called Supervisor from a table JobData in a SQL Server database. In this Supervisor column the records are of the format below.
I want to convert these records to lower case and bring the last letter to first letter. For example, DANNYL should be changed to the format ldanny and this format should be applied to all the remaining records.
Can anyone help me out with a SQL query for this?
You can use the following solution using LEFT and RIGHT to get the parts of the name. By using LOWER you can convert the upper case characters to lower case:
SELECT LOWER(RIGHT(Supervisor, 1) + LEFT(Supervisor, LEN(Supervisor) - 1))
FROM JobData
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(Supervisor)) <> ''
-- or using ABS on the length - 1 so the WHERE isn't needed.
SELECT LOWER(RIGHT(Supervisor, 1) + LEFT(Supervisor, ABS(LEN(Supervisor) - 1)))
FROM JobData
Since it looks like the column Supervisor contains empty values you can also use the following solution without calculation and not failing on the empty values:
SELECT LOWER(RIGHT(Supervisor, 1) + REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(Supervisor), 2, LEN(Supervisor))))
FROM JobData
... and another possibility using STUFF:
SELECT LOWER(LEFT(STUFF(Supervisor, 1, 0, RIGHT(Supervisor, 1)), LEN(Supervisor)))
FROM JobData
demo on
there is probably a better way do to that , but here is my proposition.
SELECT lower(left(right('DANYL',1)+'DANYL',len('DANYL')))
Using SUBSTRING you can get the expected result:
SELECT LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(Supervisor, LEN(Supervisor), 1), SUBSTRING(Supervisor, 0, LEN(Supervisor))))
FROM JobData
Demo with the given sample data:
DECLARE #JobData TABLE (Supervisor VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO #JobData (Supervisor) VALUES
SELECT LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTRING(Supervisor, LEN(Supervisor), 1), SUBSTRING(Supervisor, 0, LEN(Supervisor)))) AS Supervisor
FROM #JobData
Like this? :
LOWER(CONCAT(SUBSTRING([Supervisor], LEN([Supervisor]), 1),SUBSTRING([Supervisor], 1, ABS(LEN([Supervisor])-1))))

Oracle - REGEXP_SUBSTR leading zeroes ignored issue

While execution below query I'm getting "235" instead of expected results "0"
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(000.235||'', '[^.]+', 1, 1) from dual;
Do this instead, and you'll see where the problem comes:
select 000.235||'' from dual
The regexp picks up the first longest occurrence of non-period, which in this string is "235", so it's working correctly; it's the input value that is broken
Now, if you'd written it like this, it would be fine:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR('000.235', '[^.]+', 1, 1) from dual
So why the odd presentation of the numeric? What does your data in your table look like? This is unlikely to be the actual query you're running - if you need help with the true query, post it up
Oracle trim numeric values, you can fix it by adding ltrim to number:
select REGEXP_SUBSTR(ltrim(' 000.235')||'', '[^.]+', 1, 1) from dual;
result: 000 as expected

SQL Plus show first four and last 4 numbers in the output

How can I select a columns first 4 digits and last 4 digits and use an "X" placement for all the numbers in between?
SELECT id from users where user_name ='Tom';
I am trying to get only the first and last 4 numbers with x's as placements to any number that is being masked:
Trying to get it to look like
Here is my query so far:
SELECT SUBSTR(id, 1, 4) from users
where user_name ='Tom'
Thank you for your time!
Have you considered simply use the LEFT() and RIGHT() functions? These will give you a specific number of characters from the left or right of a given string respectively.
You can also combine those to build your complete string using the CONCAT() function:
FROM users
WHERE user_name = 'Tom'
Additionally, if you don't always have a given number of characters within the string, you could calculate the middle section of your output as well via the REPLICATE() function and a bit of math:
SELECT CONCAT(LEFT(id, 4), REPLICATE('X', LEN(id) - 8), RIGHT(id, 4))
FROM users
WHERE user_name = 'Tom'
Oracle Version
I didn't realize that you were using Oracle specifically and assumed SQL Server, so I'll provide some similar code to handle this in that flavor:
SELECT LEFT(id, 4) || RPAD('X', LEN(id) - 8, 'X') || RIGHT(id, 4)
FROM users
WHERE user_name = 'Tom'

Max of a part of split string

I have, in my DB oracle 10g, a field that contains references.
It's stored as : name/yyyy/mm/number
The new number, is the max number found in the part mm/number.
So, for now, I have a split of my string that gives me a list of str_array like this :
str_array(name, yyyy, mm, number)
I'd like, with this, found max number, for the couple mm/number.
Is this possible to do this?
Can I have something like :
SELECT MAX(split(reference, '/').lastPartOfArray) into nb
FROM table
where lastPartOfArray-1 = sysdate.month;
Data samples :
Since we are in the month 12, a max on those data must give me 6 into nb.
The number part, has no limit, it can be 1000, 10000...
The part Jones/2013 doesn't really matter for the number. But I can't have the same number, for a month.
My apologies, I don't know if this is possible, so I tried to write what I want in the query.
Is this possible, or should I create more than one field in my table(name/yyyy, mm, number)?
edit : valex answer and some custom
select MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(num,INSTR(num,'/')+9,1000) as Int))
from T
where num like TO_CHAR(sysdate,'%/YYYY/MM/%')
So this, count searching first occurence.
select MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(num,INSTR(num,'/',1 ,n)+1,1000) as Int))
from T
where num like TO_CHAR(sysdate,'%/YYYY/MM/%')
This found the n occurence of the char.
This is a helpful solution in other cases.
To get a maximum you should convert this last part into INT values otherwise you can get not right results because of STRING comparing rules will be used.
As soon as /YYYY/MM/ has got a fixed length = 9 so we can find first \ position and add 9 to this position to find a last part number substring start.
Here is an example:
select MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(num,INSTR(num,'/')+9,1000) as Int))
from T
where num like TO_CHAR(sysdate,'%/YYYY/MM/%')
SQLFiddle demo
Also you can exclude wrong formatted values from this query to avoid conversion errors using the following way:
select MAX(CAST(SUBSTR(num,INSTR(num,'/')+9,1000) as Int))
from T
where num like TO_CHAR(sysdate,'%/YYYY/MM/%')
' 0123456789', ' '))) is null
SQLfiddle demo
Try this:
MAX(SUBSTR(num, INSTR(num, '/', 1, 3) + 1))
FROM ref
SUBSTR(num, INSTR(num, '/', 1, 2) + 1, INSTR(num, '/', 1, 3) - INSTR(num, '/', 1, 2) - 1) = TO_CHAR(sysdate, 'MM')