Flowable: Where is the claim button? - flowable

I started a process, and it resulted in a "Review" task.
The message says press the Claim button (blue top right) - there is none? How to do?

Looks like I need to assign and choose "Allow Process initiator to complete".


SAP GUI scripting - Button press fails

I am using a macro in an Excel file that runs the SAP GUI. There is a step where, when I click a button in SAP there will be another window that pops up.
For that I have written a code like this:
There is a button (btnXXX) in the window (wnd[1]). But when I execute this query, I am getting an error object not found for findbyid.
When I keep the break point and execute it, it is throwing error on 2nd line in the above code. I try to pick the activewindow.name and it shows wnd[0] still. Here the issue is wnd[1] is not getting opened.
Does somebody know why the 2nd "button press" doesn't work?
You should be able to replace all mouse clicks with keyboard strokes.
Where N is the linked hot-key ID.
To get the exact command, use SAP script recording and only use the keyboard to transition between views and windows. The easiest way to determine how is to hover your mouse over the buttons you would normally click to learn the hot-key then record the hot-key.
Note 1) So far I have found that btn[XX] always maps to sendVKey(XX), but I can't be certain this is always the case.
Note 2) sendVKey always appears to be referenced off the window (wnd[Y]) even if a button is another layer down (/tbar, /usr, etc.).

Clear old messages in Intellij/ pycharm status bar

New messages in the status bar are continually being overwritten by old status messages - in this case Header does not match expected text...
So if newer warnings/errors occur I can not see them after a short (one-two second?) period because that one shown above gets placed on top.
This affects compilation, debugging, and even using IdeaVim.
Is there any known solution to this?
You can clear and set up what events do you want to see with settings menu.
"Event Log" window you can enable by click on the status bar. I hope it will help you.
Settings menu
Useful link: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/event-log-tool-window.html

How to handle alerts in Robot Framework?

In my project, there is something called creating tasks.
Upon creation of tasks and I close the page, system prompts me an alert
"You are about to close this application and save all changes...."
followed by an OK and Cancel.
Using F12, am unable to detect neither the alert nor the OK/Cancel buttons. Please take a look in the image uploaded.
Personally I have never worked with alerts in tests so I might be wrong, but I think that keyword Handle Alert should be helpful for you.
Could you please try with Dismiss Alert or Confirm Action
For more details check the below link
Confirm Action
Try with the below keyword
Choose Cancel On Next Confirmation

How can I hide event log in IntellijIdea?

I was unable to find an option allowing to do this. Note that I know how can I hide event log window, I want to hide also its summary form (text on the status bar with icon allowing to bring event log window back).
Ability to filter messages also would solve this problem.
I marked parts of interface that I want to remove.
It is distracting and in my experience it never has an important information.
Even the official documentation has
shows the information about "important" events
(scare quotes are present in original).
You can toggle event log window from menu - View->Tool Windows->Event Log.
Or, you can also hide it by clicking on the icon on the top-right of the Event Log window. The icon looks like a bar (half black and half white) with an arrow facing downward.
If you don't want anything on the Event Log Window, go to Prefrences and disable Notifications. Event Log Window displays notifications so you can disable notification and nothing will be logged.

Share button disabled in Google Plus while sharing photos

I want to share many photos from an album. So, first I selected all and then, press the share button at top (as showed here https://support.google.com/plus/answer/1407859?hl=en), add a comment, the email of the receiver, but the share button is gray, it seems disabled. What can I do?
This is how it appears.
I encountered the same issue as well and tried putting the album name but still didn't seem to enable the Share button.
The Share button actually is not dependent on the album title, as what you suggested. The only mandatory field here is the To field, in order to share your photos properly to others.
So what I found out was that it had something to do with my slow Internet connection. After I reset my connection and refreshed my browser, it all seemed to work just fine automatically. Perhaps some things must be fully loaded first before the Share button can be enabled.
It seems working now. What I did was, added a name for the Album as shown below, and hit cancel. The next time I pressed the share button at the top it displays the window but now with the share button in green.
Thanks anyway.