Snakemake copy from several directories - snakemake

Snakemake is super-confusing to me. I have files of the form:
where type, name, and the numbers are variable. I would like to aggregate files such that all files with the same "name" end up in a single dir:
How do I write a snakemake rule to do this? I first tried the following
rule rename:
"cp {input} {output}"
# example command: snakemake --cores 1 outdir/type/name/name_1-1.out
This worked, but doing it this way doesn't save me any effort because I have to know what the output files are ahead of time, so basically I'd have to pass all the output files as a list of arguments to snakemake, requiring a bit of shell trickery to get the variables.
So then I tried to use directory (as well as give up on preserving runno).
rule rename2:
for d in {input}/run_*; do
for f in ${{d}}/*processed.out; do
cp ${{f}} {output}/{}_{wildcards.nameno}-${{i}}.out
let ++i
This gave me the error, Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files: 'nameno'. I get it; {nameno} doesn't exist in output. But I don't want it there in the directory name, only in the filename that gets copied.
Also, if I delete {nameno}, then it complains because it can't find the right input file.
What are the best practices here for what I'm trying to do? Also, how does one wrap their head around the fact that in snakemake, you specify outputs, not inputs? I think this latter fact is what is so confusing.

I guess what you need is the expand function:
rule all:
input: expand("outdir/{type}/{name}/{name}_{nameno}-{runno}.out",
The TYPES, NAMES, NAME_NUMBERS and RUN_NUMBERS are the lists of all possible values for these parameters. You either need to hardcode or use the glob_wildcards function to collects these data:
TYPES, NAMES, NAME_NUMBERS, RUN_NUMBERS, = glob_wildcards("indir/{type}/{name}_{nameno}/run_{runno}/{name}_{nameno}_processed.out")
This however would give you duplicates. If that is not desireble, remove the duplicates:
TYPES, NAMES, NAME_NUMBERS, RUN_NUMBERS, = map(set, glob_wildcards("indir/{type}/{name}_{nameno}/run_{runno}/{name}_{nameno}_processed.out"))


How to parallelize jobs for a list of files using snakemake (beginner question)

I am struggling with a very simple thing. On input of my snakemake pipeline I would like to have a directory, list its content, and process each file from that directory in parallel. Naively I thought something like this should work:
rule all:
"echo {input} >> {output}"
This ends with the error
Target rules may not contain wildcards. Please specify concrete files or a rule without wildcards.
All the resources I could find start with hard-coding the list of jobs in the script, which is something I want to avoid to keep the pipeline generic. The idea is to just point the pipeline to a directory with a list of files and let it do its job. Is this possible? Seems fairly simple and intuitive, but couldn't find an example showing that.
I don't know what command you used for this rule, but the following workflow should suffice your purpose
rule all:
expand("out/{prefix}.txt", prefix=glob_wildcards("in/{test}.txt").test)
rule test:
"echo {input} >> {output}"
glob_wildcards is a function by snakemake to find out all the files that match the specified pattern (in/{test}.txt in this case), then .text is to get the list of strings that match {test} in filenames (example: "ab" in "in/ab.txt").
Then expand can fill the string to the placeholder variable that wrapped by curly bracket, then generate a list of input file names.
So rule all wants a list of input files correspond to all txt files in in folder, then it would let snakemake execute rule test for every file

Discard part of filename in Snakemake: "Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files"

I am running into a WildcardError: Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files problem with Snakemake. The issue is that I don't want to keep a variable part of my input file name. For instance, suppose I have these files.
$ mkdir input
$ touch input/a-foo.txt
$ touch input/b-wsdfg.txt
$ touch input/c-3523.txt
And I have a Snakemake file like this:
subjects = ['a', 'b', 'c']
result_pattern = "output/{kind}.txt"
rule all:
expand(result_pattern, kind=subjects)
rule step1:
cp {input} {output}
I want the output file names to just have the part I'm interested in. I understand the principle that every wildcard in input needs a corresponding wildcard in output. So is what I'm trying to do a sort of anti-pattern? For instance, I suppose there could be two files input/a-foo.txt and input/a-bar.txt, and they would overwrite each other. Should I be renaming my input files prior to feeding into snakemake?
I want the output file names to just have the part I'm interested in [...]. I suppose there could be two files input/a-foo.txt and input/a-bar.txt, and they would overwrite each other.
It seems to me you need to decide how to resolve such conflicts. If the input files are:
input/a-foo.txt <- Note duplicate {a}
How do you want the output files to be named and according to what criteria? The answer is independent of snakemake but depending on your circumstances you could include python code within the Snakefile to do handle such conflicts automatically.
Basically, once you make such decisions you can work on the solution.
But suppose there are no file name conflicts, it seems like the wildcard system doesn't handle cases where you want to remove some variable fluff from a filename
The variable part can be handled using python's glob patterns:
import glob
rule step1:
cp {input} {output}
You could even be more elaborate and use a dedicated function to match files given the {kind} wildcard:
def get_kind_files(wc):
ff = glob.glob("input/%s-*.txt" % wc.kind)
if len(ff) != 1:
raise Exception('Exepected exactly 1 file for kind "%s"' % wc.kind)
# Possibly more checks tha you got the right file
return ff
rule step1:
cp {input} {output}

Specify input and output files in Snakefile

I'm new to Snakemake and I want to make a pipeline that takes a given input text file and concatenates its content to a given output file. However I want to be able to specify the names of both the input and output files at run time, so neither file names are hardcoded in the Snakefile. Right now all I can come up with is:
rule all:
rule output_files:
"cat {input}.txt > {output}.txt"
I tried running this with "snakemake input1.txt output.txt" but I got the error:
Building DAG of jobs...
WildcardError in line 6 of Snakefile:
Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files:
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
In your example you actually copy a single input file into an output file using a cat shell command. That could be understood as an intention to concatenate several inputs into one output:
rule concatenate:
"cat {input} > {output}"
takes a given input text file and concatenates its content to a given output file
Another way to understand the question is that you are trying to append an input file to the end of the output. That is more challenging: Snakemake "thinks" in terms of goals where each goal is a distinct file. How would Snakemake know if the output file is a raw one or if it is a concatenated version? One way to do that is to have "flag" files: the presence of such file would mean that the goal is achieved and no concatenation is needed. One more problem: Snakemake clears the output file before running the rule. Than means that you need to specify it as a input:
rule append:
in = "input.txt",
out = "output.txt"
flag = "flag"
"cat {} >> {input.out} && touch {output.flag}"
Now back to your question regarding the error and the way to specify the filenames in runtime. You get this error because the wildcards should be fully inferred from the output section, and both your rules are ill-formed. Let's start with the rule all.
You need to say Snakemake what goal you are building. No wildcards in the input, everything should be disambigued:
def getInput():
# form the actual goal (you may query the database, service, hardcode, etc.)
rule all:
input: getInput
Let's say you decided that the goal should be 3 files: ["output1.txt", "output3.txt", "output3.txt"]:
def getInput():
magic_numbers_from_oracle = ["1", "2", "3"]
return magic_numbers_from_oracle
rule all:
input: expand("output{number}.txt", number=getInput())
Ok, now Snakemake knows the goal. The next step is to write a rule that says how to create a single output{number}.txt file. For simplicity I'm taking your initial approach with cat/copying:
rule cat_copy:
"cat {input} > {output}"
That's it. As long as you have files input1.txt, input2.txt, input3.txt you would get the corresponding outputs.

How to gather files from subdirectories to run jobs in Snakemake?

I am currently working on this project where iam struggling with this issue.
My current directory structure is
I want to convert various .bam files to fastq in the results directory
I have the following code:
(dirs, files) = glob_wildcards("/shared/{dir}/{file}.bam")
rule all:
input: expand( "/results/{sample}_{end}.fastq.gz",sample=files, end=END)
rule bam_to_fq:
input: {dir}/{sample}.bam"
output: left="/results/{sample}_1.fastq", right="/results/{sample}_2.fastq"
shell: "/shared/packages/bam2fastq/bam2fastq --force -o /results/{sample}.fastq {input}"
This outputs the following error:
Wildcards in input files cannot be determined from output files:
Any help would be appreciated
You're just missing an assignment for "dir" in your input directive of the rule bam_to_fq. In your code, you are trying to get Snakemake to determine "{dir}" from the output of the same rule, because you have it setup as a wildcard. Since it didn't exist, as a variable in your output directive, you received an error.
Rule of thumb: input and output wildcards must match
rule all:
expand("/results/{sample}_{end}.fastq.gz", sample=files, end=END)
rule bam_to_fq:
expand("{dir}/{{sample}}.bam", dir=dirs)
"/shared/packages/bam2fastq/bam2fastq --force -o /results/{sample}.fastq {input}
the sample variable in the input directive now requires double {}, because that is how one identifies wildcards in an expand.
dir is no longer a wildcard, it is explicitly set to point to the list of directories determined by the glob_wildcard call and assigned to the variable "dirs" which I am assuming you make earlier in your script, since the assignment of one of the variables is successful already, in your rule all input "sample=files".
I like and recommend easily differentiable variable names. I'm not a huge fan of the usage of variable names "dir", and "dirs". This makes you prone to pedantic spelling errors. Consider changing it to "dirLIST" and "dir"... or anything really. I just fear one day someone will miss an 's' somewhere and it's going to be frustrating to debug. I'm personally guilty, an thus a slight hypocrite, as I do use "sample=samples" in my core Snakefile. It has caused me minor stress, thus why I make this recommendation. Also makes it easier for others to read your code as well.
EDIT 1; Adding to response as I had initially missed the requirement for key-value matching of the dir and sample
I recommend keeping separate the path and the sample name in different variables. Two approaches I can think of:
Keep using glob_wildcards to make a blanket search for all possible variables, and then use a python function to validate which path+file combinations are legit.
Drop the usage of glob_wildcards. Propagate the directory name as a wildcard variable, {dir}, throughout your rules. Just set it as a sub-directory of "results". Use pandas to pass known, key-value pairs listed in a file to the rule all. Initially I suggest generating the key-value pairs file manually, but eventually, it's generation could just be a rule upstream of others.
Generalizing bam_to_fq a little bit... utilizing an external config, something like....
from pandas import read_table
rule all:
expand("/results/{{sample[1][dir]}}/{sample[1][file]}_{end}.fastq.gz", sample=read_table(config["sampleFILE"], " ").iterrows(), end=['1','2'])
rule bam_to_fq:
"/shared/packages/bam2fastq/bam2fastq --force -o /results/{sample}.fastq {input}
dir file
dir1 file1
dir2 file2
dir3 file3

how can I pass a string in config file into the output section?

New to snakemake and I've been trying to transform my shell script based pipeline into snakemake based today and run into a lot of syntax issues.. I think most of the trouble I have is around getting all the files in a particular directories and infer output names from input names since that's how I use shell script (for loop), in particular, I tried to use expand function in the output section and it always gave me an error.
After checking some example Snakefile, I realized people never use expand in the output section. So my first question is: is output the only section where expand can't be used and if so, why? What if I want to pass a prefix defined in config.yaml file as part of the output file and that prefix can not be inferred from input file names, how can I achieve that, just like what I did below for the log section where {runid} is my prefix?
Second question about syntax: I tried to pass a user defined id in the configuration file (config.yaml) into the log section and it seems to me that here I have to use expand in the following form, is there a better way of passing strings defined in config.yaml file?
where in the config.yaml
Third question: I initially tried the following 2 methods but they gave me errors so does it mean that inside log (probably input and output) section, Python syntax is not followed?
Here is an example of small workflow:
# Sample IDs
SAMPLES = ["sample1", "sample2"]
CONTROL = ["sample1"]
TREATMENT = ["sample2"]
rule all:
input: expand("{treatment}_vs_{control}.bed", treatment=TREATMENT, control=CONTROL)
rule peak_calling:
input: control="{control}.sam", treatment="{treatment}.sam"
output: "{treatment}_vs_{control}.bed"
shell: "touch {output}"
rule mapping:
input: "{samples}.fastq"
output: "{samples}.sam"
shell: "cp {input} {output}"
I used the expand function only in my final target. From there, snakemake can deduce the different values of the wildcards used in the rules "mapping" and "peak_calling".
As for the last part, the right way to put it would be the first one:
"fastq/fastqc/" + config["run"] + "_fastqc_log.txt"
But again, snakemake can deduce it from your target (the rule all, in my example).
rule mapping:
input: "{samples}.fastq"
output: "{samples}.sam"
log: "{samples}.log"
shell: "cp {input} {output}"
Hope this helps!
You can use f-strings:
If this is you folder_with_configs/some_config.yaml:
var: value
Then simply
rule one_to_rule_all:
"touch {output[0]}"
Do remember about python rules related to nesting different types of apostrophes.
config in the smake rule is a simple python dictionary.
If you need to use additional variables in a path, e.g. some_param, use more curly brackets.
rule one_to_rule_all:
"touch {output[0]}"