issue with fitting data with TensorFlow Keras - tensorflow

I am attempting to create a model for deciphering hand written text. The issue I am encountering right now is feeding my data to the model.
I start out with a list of file names with each file as a picture. I also have a list of labels for each.
I then iterate through the file names and load those images.
for i in range(len(images)):
print(len(images) - i)
images[i] = np.array(cv2.imread(images[i]))
I then compile the model. And feed the lists to it as such., np.array(labels), epochs=10, validation_data=(np.array(test_images), np.array(test_labels)), callbacks=[checkpoint])
I get this error:
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_1_input to have 4 dimensions, but got array with shape (80, 1)
My np array of images is size (80, 1), which is what I thought I was supposed to be feeding to the model, but I am confused as to why it is complaining.

Conv2D expects input:
Input shape: 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size, channels, rows, cols)
if data_format='channels_first' or 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,
rows, cols, channels) if data_format='channels_last'.

What you should be feeding the model should have the shape (batch_size, h, w, c)
where h, w, c are height, width and number of channels in the image respectively.
The problem could be that cv2 cannot find the images in which case it will not through an error it will simply return none resulting in the shape that you got here (80, 1). You could add a check in the for loop for none values as a start and try to get the right path for your images


Strange output of Conv2D in tflite graph

I have a tflite graph fragment of which depicted on attached picture
I needed to debug it's behavior and already on the first step I got quite puzzling results.
When I feed zeros tensor as input after first Conv2D I expect to get a tensor which consists only of values from bias of Conv2D (since all kernel elements get multiplied by zeros), but instead I've got a tensor which consists of some random data, here is the code snippet:
def test_graph(path=PATH_DEFAULT):
interp = tf.lite.Interpreter(path)
input_details = interp.get_input_details()
in_idx = input_details[0]['index']
zeros = np.zeros(shape=(1, 256, 256, 3), dtype=np.float32)
interp.set_tensor(in_idx, zeros)
# index of output of first conv2d operator is 3 (see netron pic)
after_conv_2d = interp.get_tensor(3)
# shape of bias is just [count of output channels]
n, h, w, c = after_conv_2d.shape
# if we feed zeros as input, we can expect that the only values we get are the values of bias
# since all kernel elems in that case are multiplied by zeros
uniq_vals_cnt = len(np.unique(after_conv_2d))
assert uniq_vals_cnt <= c, f"There are {uniq_vals_cnt} in output, should be <= than {c}"
AssertionError: There are 287928 in output, should be <= than 24
Can someone help me with my misunderstanding?
Seems my assumption that I can get any intermediate tensor from interpreter is wrong, we can do it only for outputs, even though interpreter do not raise error and even gives tensors of the right shape for indices related to non-output tesnors.
One way to debug such graph would be to make all tensors outputs, but it seems easiest way to do it would be converting tflite file to pb with toco and then convert pb back to tflite with new outputs specified. This way is not ideal though because toco support for tflite -> pb conversion was removed after 1.9 and using versions before that can break (in my case it breaks) on some graphs.
More of it is here:
tflite: get_tensor on non-output tensors gives random values

The input dimension of the LSTM layer in Keras

I'm trying keras.layers.LSTM.
The following code works.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
data = np.array([1, 2, 3]).reshape((1, 3, 1))
x = keras.layers.Input(shape=(3, 1))
y = keras.layers.LSTM(10)(x)
model = keras.Model(inputs=x, outputs=y)
print (model.predict(data))
As shown above, the input data shape is (1, 3, 1), and the actual input shape in the Input layer is (3, 1). I'm a little bit confused about this inconsistency of the dimension.
If I use the following shape in the Input layer, it doesn't work:
x = keras.layers.Input(shape=(1, 3, 1))
The error message is as follows:
ValueError: Input 0 of layer lstm is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=3, found ndim=4. Full shape received: [None, 1, 3, 1]
It seems that the rank of the input must be 3, but why should we use a rank-2 shape in the Input layer?
Keras works with "batches" of "samples". Since most models use variable batch sizes that you define only when fitting, for convenience you don't need to care about the batch dimension, but only with the sample dimension.
That said, when you use shape = (3,1), this is the same as defining batch_shape = (None, 3, 1) or batch_input_shape = (None, 3, 1).
The three options mean:
A variable batch size: None
With samples of shape (3, 1).
It's important to know this distinction especially when you are going to create custom layers, losses or metrics. The actual tensors all have the batch dimension and you should take that into account when making operations with tensors.
Check out the documentation for tf.keras.Input. The syntax is as-
shape: defines the shape of a single sample, with variable batch size.
Notice, that it expects the first value as batch_size otherwise pass batch_size as a parameter explicitly

Simple ML Algo not working: ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)

I have an incredible simple algorithm that is erroring with, "ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)"....
Here is the code I am running.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
x = np.array([[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]])
y = np.array([[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]])
x_val = np.array([[6],[7]])
x_val = np.array([[6],[7]])
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(1, input_dim=5))
model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='mse'), y, epochs=2, validation_data=(x_val, y_val))
There are two problems:
First: As the output already says: "ValueError: Error when checking input: expected dense_4_input to have shape (None, 5) but got array with shape (5, 1)" This means, that the Neural Network expects an array of shape (*, 5). With the asterisk I want to indicate that the dimensions is free to choose by the user. Say if you have tons of data and every example is a vector of shape (1, 5) you can stack them all underneath and pass one big chunk of data to the neural net, it will know how to handle it. Therefore you have to make x a row vector as follows:
x = np.array([[1,2,3,4,5]])
See also in the Keras docs- Specifying the input shape.
Second: You specify the output of the first Layer to be one. This means, the 5 dimensional input will be connected to only one neuron. Your output vector y however has 5 values. So your output vector dimension and your neural net output don't fit together.
So you have to go with a scalar y:
y = np.array([1])
Furthermore, your validation data and training data should have the same dimensions. Additionaly there is a typo in your code: y_val is never defined.

Organizing tensor into batches of dynamically shaped tensors

I have the following situation:
I want to deploy a face detector model using Tensorflow Serving:
In Tensorflow Serving, there is a command line option called --enable_batching. This causes the model server to automatically batch the requests to maximize throughput. I want this to be enabled.
My model takes in a set of images (called images), which is a tensor of shape (batch_size, 640, 480, 3).
The model has two outputs: (number_of_faces, 4) and (number_of_faces,). The first output will be called faces. The last output, which we can call partitions is the index in the original batch for the corresponding face. For example, if I pass in a batch of 4 images and get 7 faces, then I might have this tensor as [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3]. The first two faces correspond to the first image, the third face for the second image, the 3rd image has 3 faces, etc.
My issue is this:
In order for the --enable_batching flag to work, the output from my model needs to have the 0th dimension the same as the input. That is, I need a tensor with the following shape: (batch_size, ...). I suppose this is so that the model server can know which grpc connection to send each output in the batch towards.
What I want to do is to convert my output tensor from the face detector from this shape (number_of_faces, 4) to this shape (batch_size, None, 4). That is, an array of batches, where each batch can have a variable number of faces (e.g. one image in the batch may have no faces, and another might have 3).
What I tried:
tf.dynamic_partition. On the surface, this function looks perfect. However, I ran into difficulties after realizing that the num_partitions parameter cannot be a tensor, only an integer:
tensorflow_serving_output = tf.dynamic_partition(faces, partitions, batch_size)
If the tf.dynamic_partition function were to accept tensor values for num_partition, then it seems that my problem would be solved. However, I am back to square one since this is not the case.
Thank you all for your help! Let me know if anything is unclear
P.S. Here is a visual representation of the intended process:
I ended up finding a solution to this using TensorArray and tf.while_loop:
def batch_reconstructor(tensor, partitions, batch_size):
Take a tensor of shape (batch_size, 4) and a 1-D partitions tensor as well as the scalar batch_size
And reconstruct a TensorArray that preserves the original batching
From the partitions, we can get the maximum amount of tensors within a batch. This will inform the padding we need to use.
- tensor: The tensor to convert to a batch
- partitions: A list of batch indices. The tensor at position i corresponds to batch # partitions[i]
tfarr = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=batch_size, infer_shape=False)
_, _, count = tf.unique_with_counts(partitions)
maximum_tensor_size = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(count), tf.int32)
padding_tensor_index = tf.cast(tf.gather(tf.shape(tensor), 0), tf.int32)
padding_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(tf.fill([4], -1), tf.float32), axis=0) # fill with [-1, -1, -1, -1]
tensor = tf.concat([tensor, padding_tensor], axis=0)
def cond(i, acc):
return tf.less(i, batch_size)
def body(i, acc):
partition_indices = tf.reshape(tf.cast(tf.where(tf.equal(partitions, i)), tf.int32), [-1])
partition_size = tf.gather(tf.shape(partition_indices), 0)
# concat the partition_indices with padding_size * padding_tensor_index
padding_size = tf.subtract(maximum_tensor_size, partition_size)
padding_indices = tf.reshape(tf.fill([padding_size], padding_tensor_index), [-1])
partition_indices = tf.concat([partition_indices, padding_indices], axis=0)
return (tf.add(i, 1), acc.write(i, tf.gather(tensor, partition_indices)))
_, reconstructed = tf.while_loop(
(tf.constant(0), tfarr),
reconstructed = reconstructed.stack()
return reconstructed

Why are my TRAINABLE_VARIABLES in Tensorflow so weird?

I've just started my first TF project.
I trained a 4 layer vanilla NN on MNIST.
Then I wanted to display the learned weights,
but weirdly I got way more output than I expected.
I used, "my_w1"))
where I had previously defined
tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([layer_sizes[i-1], layer_sizes[i]]), name = "my_w1").
The problem is, that I expected a 2d array of the shape (784, 500),
but I got a 3d one of the shape (15, 784, 500).
What does the first dimension mean?
This is your batch size: the number of images you use in each iteration. It comes from this part of the code: epoch_x, epoch_y = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)